The Goldilocks Planet: A zone for Life

October 1, 2010 1:16am CST
Astronomers have spotted a planet which they called the Goldilocks zone for life: A galactic neighboring planet of the earth, not too hot, not too cold. It's just right. Just like Earth. The planet has been referred as a habitable zone by the astronomers. According to AP Science Writer, the so called Goldilocks planet is not too far from its star, not too close. So it could contain liquid water. The planet itself is neither too big nor too small for the proper surface, gravity and atmosphere. Wow, this must be remarkable findings for the astronomers as they continue searching for a habitable planet just like earth. But astronomers say, there are still a lot of unanswered question regarding this strange planet, it is still unknown whether water exists in this planet. Meaning we still have to wait for their final findings. Is it still possible to have another habitable planet aside from earth? If so, can we migrate there? It’s just my thought.
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4 responses
@jordq7 (576)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
I hope it is an habitable planet just like earth!! But if ever it will be like that and people in planet earth were to live there I hope they will not abuse that planet just like what they're doing now on earth..We actually don't need another planet to live on,what we need is to take care of earth!!!
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• Philippines
1 Oct 10
I read about this one too... Maybe we are not alone in this universe... Cool thing if we would discover other life in other planets...
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@AD11RGUY (1265)
• United States
1 Oct 10
I am positive that within all the trillions upon trillions of parsecs available throughout the multiple universes, that there are thousands of habitable planets, as well as some meteors and/or asteroids. We "Earthlings" have such a self-centric view of everything! "The world is flat! The Earth is the center of the Solar System! We have discovered all there is to know in physics!", to name but a few of our misnomers. There is no way with all of the atoms that comprise this entire series of systems, that we are the only inhabitable planet, the only intelligent life form, the only current living species around. Probability statistics alone defeat the singularity theory. As far as inhabiting another planet, well that's a time will tell thing. If our species isn't wiped out before we develop the technology to travel to such a place, then yes, we will bring taxation without representation and war there too.
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
bringing taxation without representation as well as war would mean inflecting the new planet. Better not to bring the people from the earth to the goldilocks planet. If there would be a new creation, let them be the one to be there. The one whose mind is not yet inflected with any deception that the present world has today.
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@chhetp1 (467)
• India
1 Oct 10
This would be a great news if it turns out that Goldilocks zone has all the evidences of life supporting particles in it. Water of-course if found would mean that it will have others elements. I have firm faith that there is life somewhere in the Universe. The only question to ask would be whether the life form is still in the primary evolution phase or is it more advanced than us human being?