President Aquino ( Reproductive Health Bill ) vs. CBCP

October 1, 2010 1:41am CST
CIA Factbook estimates our countries population about 99,900,177 as of July 10, 2010. Small country but Very big population, less jobs, less opportunity, slow progressive.. President cant handle this and make all things good and best country in just one click of his fingers. Thats why he try to pass a Reproductive Health Bill or using of artificial contraceptive. Im agree for Pres. Aquino wants using of contraceptives even our CBCP against in this Bill. Do you remember Carlos Celdran a police officer wore a Jose Rizal costume and entered to Manila cathedral to protest the CBCP about this population controlling... I support that man.
5 responses
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
I know that most of the people that live in the Philippines are catholic. I saw a documentary about the population of Manila. It is a city that is getting very overcrowded due to a very high population. Poor people are living in tiny little homes and yet they have as many as eight children. I noticed in the hospital four ladies and four babies share a bed due to over crowding. I suggest that birth control especially a barrier form is helpful to the people of the Philippines. I think that is would be great if ladies could have as many children as they choose. It would make the population get lower and then people would have a better life in the Philippines. Maybe some people living in the Philippines could choose to use birth control even if some don't choose to do then it would be worth it.
@sweet_pea (3322)
• Philippines
4 Oct 10
Supposedly, there should be separation of the state and the church. I really don't understand why the Church should meddle with the affairs of the State. I'm for this Reproductive Health Bill. The population is bulging and it does not equate alleviation of the life of a Filipino commoner. No increase in jobs, more homeless, more poverty. Does the Church offer any concrete solution to help improve the lives of the many impoverish Filipinos? - Nothing!
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
3 Oct 10
You know my friend I support him also. Because I don't see anything wrong with the bills controlling our population because it is the government responsibility to provide good service to the public... Since they see that the growing of population will be making worse in the future because of lack of necessities and service being given by the government. The bill did not encourage parents or any person to abort. But the bills as far as I know will educate responsible parents hood. But the stand of the CBCP, as one of his spokes person, says; using contraceptive means abortion... Ouch! how it can be an abortion, where there is no life yet inside the womb of the woman... There is verse in the bible, that even do God..said go and multiply. God also said; "go and multiply and control"... Before they complain they should first read the bible on what God, plan in creating human... Have a nice day!
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
I just remember when I'm walking one of the street in manila at late night, I cant believe in what I see, i can say OMG. a lot of family is home less,they sleep in the street at night and look for food anywhere else at, train station. I don't want to think about them but it effect on our country status, VERY BIG POPULATION & LESS JOB'S sound irritate my ear's. hate seeing beggar on the road, Our President Aquino trying to solve this problem but what the CBCP doing, just let it be, We must support Reproductive health Bill.
@ree_yah (462)
• Philippines
1 Oct 10
i agree to ur belief... CBCP does not understand the country and its people. a lot pf them are uneducated.. and a lot doesnt want to be taught. most of them are hard headed and they just want to do a lot of things by themselves.just look at the dengue situation... it was getting worse because many of the people just wont listen. then whose to blame??? the health people.. welll.... i just hope Pnoy sticks to his plan