He Feels he Knows Everything

United States
October 1, 2010 12:21pm CST
Have you ever encounter a person who feels that he knows everything? That whatever you tell him he does not believe it? He will only believe it if there is a proof? Who does not listen to any opinion?and even if he is wrong he will not admit it? And when you tell him a something He can not understand it because he already have his assumption. I always encounter that because he is the father of my husband! I got bored when he tell a story because he is always the center of the story. That everything turn out well because of him.
13 responses
@NoWayRo (1061)
• Romania
1 Oct 10
I'm exactly that type of person. I have strong opinions about everything, even stuff I've only heard about 10 minutes ago. I stop listening to other people's arguments as soon as I find the slightest flaw with their logic, and I have harsh replies what I think I make a clear point, but it doesn't seem to get across. If your father in law is anything like me, just give him a bit of time, and resume the discussion later on. I always feel bad after cooling off. About half an hour after the discussion is over I realize I've been dumb again, and I apologize and honestly admit if I made a mistake. Took me a long time to learn to apologize, too, but I'm glad I did, I've managed to avoid conflicts since.
• United States
1 Oct 10
GOOd thing you apologize, it will not work with him. His wife try to do that to him approach him after, but he never listen he will still insists. For instance: he is driving and wants to make a U-turn he should stay on the most left lane but he stays on the second line which is for left turn only then his wife told him to change line he argue that he is on the correct lane and then the traffic starts to move and he is squeezing to have U-turn then cars started honking when we reached home his wife try to explain but he did not listen. Even if i tell him the DVM and road rules he did not believe. He says that we don't know anything because we don't drive!!!
@NoWayRo (1061)
• Romania
1 Oct 10
Sorry if the question is out of line - please don't respond if you don't feel comfortable, but, since you brought up the subject, I'll ask anyway. Is he old? Retired, maybe? Because this problem tends to get worse with age, especially after a very active person retires, because then he doesn't feel involved in the community anymore, and thinks he's losing the respect he deserves. I have the same problem with my grandfather, who's very much like me in this respect, we both share this annoying personality feature. When talking to him, I just focus on things I know we agree on, and avoid any controversy. When he starts an argument, I just say "You're right, I'll do it your way next time", and still do what I think it's best. I don't mean any disrespect for him in doing so, I love him very much, just that I don't want to argue pointlessly anymore.
• United States
2 Oct 10
He is old but not retired. Eben when he is not that old he has that habit.His wife said that he changed a lot. Hope he changed more and start listening to others.
• China
2 Oct 10
Hi ,agelic123. I totally know how you feel because my father is the same as your father-in-law.Althoug in my eye my father is tough and versatile ,somethimes i can't stand his arrogance.He never ever admits his false ,which i even look down upon .But he is one of those who i love the most in the world .I have to forgive and accept his shortcomings .That's why we are a family .
• United States
4 Oct 10
Yup, family will always be family.No matter how flawed they are we still love them.
@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
Ha ha ha! Welcome to my world. I have an uncle who is like that and worse, a husband, too.:( It seems that they've closed their minds to other opinions and what they believe, understand is the right thing and the most appropriate ones...Worse, they would always think that other opinions are wrong and that people should think the way they do.... Duh... I'm tired telling my husband to be respectful of other's opinions, views and beliefs. I told him often that what is good for Juan doesn't necessarily mean it is good for Peter, too...
• United States
4 Oct 10
Maybe someday somehow he will learn how to have a real Conversation, whre in there is a speaker and a listener.
@kodukodu84 (1567)
• Malaysia
2 Oct 10
Oh yeah, I had encountered one man in life few years ago that was exactly like that. And how unbelievable that he can also tell I was a lost person to other people. Hmmm... how did he know me that well, when I've only met him like 5 minutes ago that time. And it was annoying that it seemed like he was the only one who was right on every judgement about people around. hrrrr....I wasn't just the one who went away from him, most of friends who were sitting around him gone in second too. just for you information, he was younger than me, a lot younger lol
• United States
4 Oct 10
haha. maybe if you need to disperse a group of people you can invite him and he will do a good job. :). It reminds me of the story of a bird and a cow. They are friends they always talk and walk together but 1 day the bird accidentally landed on cow's back and from that moment the bird feels that he is superior...
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
That kind of person is the hardest man to talk with. I encountered same person during my college years and he is from other religion. He talks a lot for you to listen and be convinced without listening to your side sharing your response on the topics that he started. It seems that this kind of people is programmed to talk only and not to listen to others' position and opinion. It seems that it a one-sided or one-way communication has been installed. It seems that we are just wasting our time to talk with this kind of people. After that experience, I wish that I will not be able to talk this people again and again. It is waste of time and energy. It's useless.
• United States
4 Oct 10
It's hard to listen to him right?Maybe they are so blinded and deaf that is why they only hear their own words. and only believes what they want to believe. Talking to those person rip off the meaning of conversation...
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
i hate thous people like that because every thing that they say is just for the glory of him self or in short boastful, he think he is the always right person that he don't want to wrong, if someone resist him he he will never admit, i mean he want to be the center of all, i hate it!!........ ........i encounter thous person an, i really hate him i try to show it to him that i don't like him, but still he always approach and threat me as a friend, so i adjust my self treat him in a nice way,, the thing that i really hate him is boastfulness, that's it.
• United States
4 Oct 10
Though he is like that he still have a good point or characteristic. Maybe you can still be good friends... Just pray someday he will lessen or forgets how to boast and glorify himself. :)
@emarie (5441)
• United States
2 Oct 10
I like the fact that you use HIM...haha. I think my husband fits that category. He thinks he's a genius and always admits it. He thinks he's always right and I've never head him say (in our entire relationship) that he was wrong, even though he was proven wrong. Now this goes from major discussions to minor trivial facts. If I have it right and he's wrong, he'll just change the subject or stop talking and pout about it. Now, if you're dealing with someone older, my mother always told me to grin and take it all. Just don't say anything and keep nodding. They're old, they've had experience. Although the person she was talking about was my grandfather and I was 10 then and didn't understand why my grandfather rambles so much. But it's something we'll have to deal with from everyone. I'm sure ever person in this world has come across or lives with someone like that. It's just their personality.
@hestylim (1209)
• Indonesia
2 Oct 10
I meet a lot of this kind of person in my life. And it is really TIRING.
• South Korea
1 Oct 10
Haha your right I met that kind of person too..sometimes my man is acting like that too..and I just simply tells him your so good seems like oyou know everything.. or sometimes I just simply tell him..ok let me finish what I am saying first ok..just hear me out.. but it your situation its quite different coz his the father of you husband.. maybe just avoid talking to him or just smile and nod to everything that he is saying.. anyway goodluck hope youll find your solution soon
• United States
1 Oct 10
thanks. yup I am not talking to him anymore. I only responds when he asks question. as much as possible I escape his discussion. But sometimes I feel gulity and disrespectful. I don't want to cause gap between my husnabd and my mother in law who is very nice to me.
2 Oct 10
I know what you mean. My boyfriend is that way sometimes. When he starts i just speak up and tell him. He really is a very nice person. But as the old saying goes.Once a marine always a marine....lol
@laion10 (46)
• Mexico
1 Oct 10
yeah, i know what you mean. I don't like those persons either.. I used to have a friend like that, and now we're like strangers..
• Thailand
1 Oct 10
My boyfriend also said that he know everything. He is thinking that they are better than everyone. Because of that thought that he could not do something well, working sometime he had also quit because he thinks better than the boss. I'm really worried
@emblaze (23)
2 Oct 10
I know i met someone like that a long time ago. That person feels that he is the center of the world. He knows everything just like you said. He may hear what you said, but doesn't give a minute to listen. He is very close minded. In my case, even if i have the proof it doesn't matter because he is older than me and he has experience more in life. Nobody can contradict what he says. Solution, i avoided having a conversation with that person. I talked only when i'm asked. That made me a happy person because i don't have to waste my time hearing the same stories and ending with the same bored feelings.