does your bf/gf cry when you have a big arguement? ^^
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
October 1, 2010 12:33pm CST
hi guys^^ does your bf/gf cry when you have a big arguement?^^ i think is cute if a boy cries after an arguement with his gf :) it just means he really care for her and didnt want to hurt her^^ is a sign that she is important to him^^ what about you guys?^^ does your bf/gf cry?^^ please share^^ 

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15 responses
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
2 Oct 10
aw thats good that you avoid to make her cry^^ i know you really love your gf so much^^ i wish my bf loved me so much too. but did you cry before bcs of her?^^ i think you cried bcs you always seem so romantic and sweet to her^^ like you do everything to be with her ^^ thats very sweety and all guys should learn with you^^ to take good care of their gfs^^ thanks for your sweety answer^^ have a very happy day^^ 

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
3 Oct 10
aw you cried bcs of her? sorry for it. but what happened? what did she do? she wanted to break up? :( also since how long are you with her?^^ you really love her so much^^ but it seems you love her more than what she loves you. for the way you talk it seems is always you that cares the most. i just wish that she loves you too much too bcs you deserve it^^

@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
There were times in the past that my bf, now my husband, often cried during the argument. I don't know why he did cry but I guess, he realized he was wrong and that it frustrates him that I'd seem not to forgive him. Out of too much emotions, frustrations or helplessness, maybe. His last resort was to cry.
I did not find it cute but, i did not take it against him, either. I was too emotionally stressed, too, that i didn't bother to evaluate why he cried.
Now, its is always me who cries whenever we are fighting. Not because I care so much but because of frustrations and pains...Him? oh, he just keeps his silence and do his thing as if he doesn't give a damn...

@eurekafemme (5874)
• Philippines
15 Oct 10
We have passed that phase in our relationship, Sweetloveforeve.... I am not expecting him to be the man who used to comfort me because it is useless to expect now...
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
3 Oct 10
aw is great that he used to cry it just meant that he really loved you so much^^ and is good that you forgave him and things were ok^^ anyway im sorry that now when you argue he doesnt say nothing :( he should talk with you in a calm way and ask you what is wrong and talk about it. doesnt make sense that you cry and he doesnt do nothing. he should at least go and hug you and say sorry. and then both talk about it. if you are not happy talk to him ^^

@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
3 Oct 10
aw i see^^ so if is a very serious one your gf starts to cry?^^ well thats normal in girls^^ we always cry easy^^ even not with bfs^^ i cry with all^^ sadly im too sensitive but is ok^^ i dont mind actually^^ anyway do you also cry bcs your gf?^^ thats cute if you do bcs a boy when loves a girl really cries bcs of her^^ i totally believe in that.
@deriellevc73 (982)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
hello sweetloveforeve!
i used to believe that it's sweet for a guy to cry after an argument or when he has to go somewhere else for sometime and you'll be separated for a while. That was before i discovered that the same guy turned out to be a two-timer, lol. He wanted to have me and another woman at the same time, he wanted the best of both worlds.
anyway, it's rare for a guy to cry after an argument that's why we regard it as sweet. But now, i value a sincere apology more than a guy's tears, lol. that is what matters to me now, i won't let myself be fooled for some crocodile tears anymore. sorry for being so cynical but i was simply very hurt by his betrayal.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
3 Oct 10
i understand you^^ yes im sorry that his tears were fake bcs he wanted you and other woman. instead of being honest and say he was confused no he was with both. what a pig really. sorry for it :( you deserve better than that guy and no is ok^^ someone expressions can say much so we can see if someone says only sorry and mean it^^ and about cry well it depends of the boy personality^^ those that play cool if suddenly cry bcs of a girl is bcs loves her for sure^^
@kodukodu84 (1567)
• Malaysia
2 Oct 10
My bf and I really love each other, but when we argue about something we really disagree about, we won't stop until one of us gives up and cry. I always will be the first to cry and stop talking to him. We get really upset because we could never agree at each other for whatever we are arguing about. So when I start crying, he will keep quite and just watch me. But few times I caught him crying too while watching me crying. When I ask why, he said, he felt bad for pursuing the argument till it made me cry and that he knows he supposed to look after me. Then we will hug each other, tell each other how painful the argument was, then we promise to never talk about the thing again. We will just leave the argument without solving it after that and move on.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
3 Oct 10
what a cute bf^^ he says sorry for make you cry, cry also and even goes hug you and talk about it and forget it^^ thats the best ^^ me and my bf we argued yesterday and him instead of stay just turnt his back to me :( and now im waiting him while im here and nothing :( dont see him. maybe he wont appear. i think that if he cared enough he would :(
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
3 Oct 10
you never had an arguement before? really?^^ well thats good that he really loves you and dont want to hurt you^^ but is normal that couples argue^^ it just means that both love each other and disagree in something^^ so if you argue with your bf is ok^^ is normal to argue^^ dont argue never if you are with him since too long is not good. arguements and happiness is love^^
@princess8881 (1294)
• South Korea
1 Oct 10
Well most of the time I do cry sometimes I feel like he is so insensitive like he doesnt even caRE.. but he always say sorry..its just that sometimes I just cant help but to cry.,, weve been together for 4 years now..I just saw him cry once.. it is when I told him that I had enough and I dont wanna continue being with him anymore..then he cried and he beg...(the truth is oh gosh what I am telling now..maybe I just wanna test him) thats the first time. (I can decribe him as a very tough guy.. .. sometimes he acts 101% being a guy..he even dont wanna bring my bag before he said it looks ga y..haha but I made him changed his
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
2 Oct 10
aww so he is those cute guys that play cool but is so cute inside^^ i like those too ahah^^ seems like movies heroes in korean series ahah^^ im very happy that he cares for you^^ and he beg for you dont leave him? thats too cute^^ i mean sure is sad but at least like that you knew he really loved you^^ so i wish it continues forever like that^^ you are too lucky to have a guy like this^^ ahah he said it looks gay?^^ ahah but he carries it anyway for you right?^^ ahah deep deep he likes that bag ahah ^^ thanks for share your sweety story with me and welcome to answer my discussions^^
@edwardjoy2000 (2386)
• United Arab Emirates
1 Oct 10
I know it does not look good if a guy cries. But i do cry sometimes after the arguement as i dont like to see my wife hurt. I feel that she needs to be taken care off and needs to be understood. I feel moved when i see her in pain and tears automatically flow.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
2 Oct 10
aw no is not bad to see a guy crying^^ is cute actually bcs it shows he really loves the girl^^ so cute that you care so much for your wife and cry when you see her sad and hurt. it means you really didnt mean to hurt her but sure is normal to argue sometimes. i just hate when guys just go and dont listen to girls. i wish all guys were like you. caring to their gfs.
@Skade24 (749)
• Romania
1 Oct 10
Sometimes it happend to argue pretty bad and we all start to yell at each other and then we feel sorry for the way we reacted, and we apologize to each other, and i cry , and he cannot see me upset or crying, because he starts to cry with me too, and when i am happy, he is happy too.
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
2 Oct 10
aw is normal that both argue and yell sometimes. this happens in all relationships^^ anyway is great that you always apologise and hug each other and is cute that he cries too when see you crying^^ it means he cant stand to see you hurt. it means you mean too too much to him. and he cant be without you. you have a great relationship^^ im very happy for it^^ thanks for share with me about your sweety bf^^ i wish mine also loves me like that.
@lady_di1210 (263)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
i saw my bf cry one time when we had a big argument and i quit responding to him for a while.. he was holding my hand saying he was really sorry... when i started to speak, i saw big tears falling down on his cheeks.. he turned back and wiped it away... i felt terrible when i saw him cry... i never wanted to see him cry, but i guess i struck his ego when i was silent.. when i saw him cry, i also broke into tears and was sorry for making him feel bad..
i was hurt on the first place that's why i kept my mouth shut for a while.. i never knew that his apology was sincere until he cried.. in the end we both cried and said sorry for each other.. that's the cute happy part.. it's best to confront and share each others' weaknesses and strengths..
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
2 Oct 10
aww so cute that he cried^^ yes when we see a boy cry is bcs he really cares for us. and is normal you were quiet in the beginning bcs we want to listen the word sorry and explaining right?^^ and when he cried you saw he was being honest and not just saying to avoid more arguements^^ is great that you then cried too and all was fine again^^ im happy you have a sweety bf^^ he really cares for you and is cute he was holding your hand and said sorry^^ thanks for your cutie answer^^
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
2 Oct 10
im happy that you think like me too^^ for sure when they cry is a sign they loves us bcs is rarely see boys crying^^ so if they do we be like aw he really loves me^^ is not a weakness sign when boys cry but is a very cute thing bcs that moment we are sure we are loved by them^^ i wish someday my bf cries also to show he really loves me^^ sure not to hurt him but for me to be sure im with the right guy^^ i feel insecure sometimes.
@jmayangcoF (279)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
I think no?? cause ever since i didn't saw my bf crying,,,,,,
but i don't know in his own if he will cry,,,,, but in one day his sister told me that he cry because of me,,and i think he just cry in his own that i cant see him.../
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
3 Oct 10
you never saw him but his sister said he cried?^^ thats cute^^ that means he really loves you^^ thats a good thing^^ and yes guys dont usually like to show they are crying bcs of us ahah^^ i dont know if my bf cried^^ he said he cried one time^^ we were not lovers yet^^ i made a video to him and he said when he watched he started to cry ahah^^ too cute right?^^
@infatuatedbby (94912)
• United States
1 Oct 10
Good morning!
My boyfriend does not cry when we get into big arguments but I do generally. I do not really think it is cute if a guy cries... well not to me. However, I think it is important if he apologizes or does something cute to help cheer me up from the argument- in which he does thankfully. :)
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
2 Oct 10
aw im sorry that you cry when you argue. is normal bcs we girls are more sensitive. but yes sure is important to say sorry and something cute^^ im happy your bf does that it just means he really loves and cares for you^^ and thats very important to have a good relationship. im so happy for you^^ i wish it can last forever^^ have a happy day and thanks for share it with me^^
@mustafarox (452)
• India
2 Oct 10
well in my case I cry first then my girlfriend starts crying and then we both sit and sought it out that why we did this and we will be back to normal I would say that if a girl cry's for a boy she loves him but if a guy cry's for a girl no one can love that girl more than that guy...
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
3 Oct 10
aw i see^^ you are the one crying first?^^ thats cute. yes i agree with you. girls cry easy even not for love. but if a guy cries bcs of his gf is bcs he really loves her^^ i totally agree^^ thats why i want my bf cries to see if he really love me^^ maybe is too stupid and silly ahah^^ but we live far away so if i had a proof that he loves me would be great^^
@aevans (254)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 10
my friend always cry when she have a big argument with her boyfriend. guess that her boyfriend really love her, because most of the time when she cry, he will stop arguing and apologize. guys just can't fight when a girl crying right? i don't think is cute to see a boy crying. you might right because he cares for his girlfriend, but most of the girls don't like boy who cry. they suppose to be tough...anyway i think it is sweet to see when a couple is fighting, the girl cry and the boy is trying to cheer her up...