How Often Do You Change Your Mind About Something?

United States
October 1, 2010 9:15pm CST
To be honest, I change my mind a lot. I guess it's because I'm still growing and maturing. But this time, I'm changing my mind about my career. I was talking to the school librarian today and I'm thinking maybe it'd be something I'd like to do. I first wanted to be a teacher, but I love books and reading and I only have to deal with the children for a short amount of time. And I love organizing and researching and of course, kids. So, I'm thinking maybe I'll change my major. And I'm all ready in college. I'm still debating it, of course. But anyway, have you ever changed your mind on something big? Did it work out? How often do you change your mind? And...have you worked as a librarian before?
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19 responses
• United States
2 Oct 10
This is quite normal for student to do while attending college, sometimes I chuckle and say they will become professional students. But seriously Steph, this is what it is all about until you find your niche. Explore every option until you are comfortable with your decision, after all it will be what you will be doing for the rest of your life. I have wanted to return to school for a long time and life has thrown at me so many curbs that I have had to put it on the back burnner pretty quickly and well time begins to run out. But now this off time I have had I am seriously considering it again. OH and by the way still stuff pending. Ughhh...
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• United States
2 Oct 10
Having $140K in college loans at the time, it would not be feasible for me to seek out any further loans to invest in a degree per say. I am thinking I would take some web and IT courses which can interchange with my business degree. I know quite a bit of the computing world, just figured perhaps I maybe employable again as these last 9 months I get employers saying that I am way over qualified for so many of the jobs I have applied to. Oh I don't know I may change my mind again.
@RobtheRock (2433)
• United States
2 Oct 10
I barely change my mind about anything. I have not worked as a librarian but I've worked as a student library assistant in two libraries (a public library and a university library.) It is exciting. You learn a lot, see books that most people never see in the stacks area and archives, and see such things as newspapers that you'd never think you'd see in your library. My ex girlfriend worked as a student assistant, then went to school and got her two degrees in library science. With her masters degree she could work in any public library. She ended up being a branch librarian. She had also got her teaching certificate and left the library branch to work as a librarian in a middle school (junior high school.) She went back and got her phd and now works as a director somewhere. Sometimes I wish I had of decided to be a school librarian.
• United States
3 Oct 10
That's cool. I'd love to work as a school librarian! Do you know where she went to school? I'm having a tough time finding a college offering library science!
• United States
3 Oct 10
She got her Batchelors at Wayne State University in Detroit and her Masters at Michigan State.
• United States
3 Oct 10
Thanks for the information. A bit too far away form me though. I'm in New Jersey.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
3 Oct 10
hi stephanieAnnc I wo rked for 23 years as a page in our Tustin library and had I got a Bb in library scienceinstead of a BA in English I wou ld have been able to move u p to research librarian and get paid better but I loved working in the library and filling the shelves with all the media. Ialso helped with the children as assistant to the c hildren's librarain on reading days, it was a lot of fun but work too as she would stuff those little ones with candy and cookies then they had a sugar high and did everything but swing from the raftera and prpbably they would have done that if they had been able to reach them.[
• United States
3 Oct 10
That's neat. I want to be an elementary school librarian. What's the difference between that and a children's librarian? And where did you get your degree in library science? It's so hard to find an ALA accredited college that offers Library Science to undergraduates!
@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Oct 10
I looked into going back to school, but decided it was too much. Other than that, I can't think of anything.
@bounce58 (17385)
• Canada
5 Oct 10
I change my mind all the time! Anyway, a couple of years ago, I pursued a job that I thought I wanted. I went through some rigorous screening, and after a 4 months of deciding and screening I finally reported for work. 6 weeks into this new job I decided I would like to change my mind and go back to my old job. Thankfully I got my old job back.
@aevans (254)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 10
guess we about the same, i change my mind a lot too. last few months i was deciding on which company and which area should i take for my university internship. it's was really bothering me, because i found it's hard to make decision at my own. i guess it's because i lack of experience and knowledge about it. it's too important for me and the decision i made will affect my career in the future. it turn out i have to ask so many friends for advices. different people they have different opinion and that makes me keep changing my mind each time people telling me on something. i hate that happen because each time i change my mind, i feel like i'm lost in somewhere and just following what is been told by others. i hope that won't happen anymore, perhaps i should get more improvement on myself. wish that you won't regret on what you have chosen and good luck ^.^
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
2 Oct 10
It sounds as if you are not so much changing your decision as refining it. In schools you usually have to have a MLS to be a librarian. Public library, if you want to make decent money, you need to have at least a bachelors and then go on later. You could even go more specific and become a children's librarian. I think changing your mind is okay, but stopping all together is a mistake.
@derek_a (10873)
2 Oct 10
Once I have made up my mind, I generally tend to stick to my decisions. However, it wasn't always this way. In my youth I would change my mind quite a lot. One minutes something would seem like a great idea, the next I would feel that it wasn't worth the trouble! I am a Libra, and it seems that I used to have this indecisive quality until I grew older and became more focused on just one thing at a time! _Derek
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
2 Oct 10
It takes me more time to makeup my mind then anything. Once I made a decision I usually stick with it....but like I said it's making the initial decision in the first place! LOL
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
3 Oct 10
I change my mind a lot more than I would like to admit, but normally, my final decision turns out to be the decision in the long run. I remember when I was younger and couldn't decide what I wanted to do when I got older. I wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to own a daycare, and I even wanted to be a doctor at one point. In some ways, I got to do all of those things, but not quite the way I had planned when I was a kid. After I had my first child, I babysat a lot of kids while I was on maternity leave (my daysare center), I eventually got my CNA license and was able to work in healthcare (not quite a doctor, but still in healthcare), and later on, I got my CPR and First Aid Instructor certificate (I was able to teach. Now, I am in business for myself, and plan to not only expand my business, but to also explore other avenues of business. So, although I may have changed my mind about things, I have still been able to experience those things I once thought I wanted to do in some way or another. As far as being a librarian, I can't say that I was actually a librarian, but I remember helping out in the library a lot when I was in school. I got to help put the books back in place and learned a lot about how the system worked, but never actually had the title. The way I see it, you can do and be anything that you want to be, you just have to set your mind to it, and of course, believe in yourself. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be or do multiple things in life, especially in your career choices. You never know, you may find a way to incorporate all of the things that you would like to do into the one perfect career.
• United Arab Emirates
2 Oct 10
I dont change my mind a lot. But my wife does, she has this decidophobia. I have no problems in making decisions. I analyse the situation first and then make a decision. So that i am sure with what i want or what i get.
• China
3 Oct 10
Yeah it is a process to be mature with so any changes in our mind. Let us look back on our childhood, maybe at that time our dreams are beautiful and innocent,without so many facts to be considered. As we are growing older,we have to take so many things into consideration and we have to face with the reality.So our minds will always change to meet new requirements. I think I am a long-lasting person for that I do not easily give up once I made up my mind, but I do have changed a lot compared with my early days.
3 Oct 10
Im always changing my mind. Its an essential thing to do in your life to make sure your always making the best and most updated choices that will keep you happy and your life succcesfull. If situations get bad or are bad or not to your liking would you just stick them just because you made up your mind? if we did then we would never be getting the best out of things. Find things that you like and do the best to maintain them. I used to sit in the Library reading allday and i can tell you that Librarians have a nice peacefull atmosphere to work in and day dream. I thought about it myself for those reasons. Iv never seen one reading a book though! I think thats probably one thing they cannot stand!
@Jagokonte (123)
• Greece
3 Oct 10
The ideal should be to get as faster as you can the best decisions and then change opinion hardly. Most people do they opposite, they take long to make a decision and then they change mind easily..............
@ElicBxn (63792)
• United States
2 Oct 10
I don't know about school libraries, tho in Texas you used to have a teaching certificate as well as a library degree, but most places you have to have a masters to work as a librarian...
@celticeagle (172006)
• Boise, Idaho
2 Oct 10
I have been known to change my mind a lot when I was younger. Not now days. I prtty much have a handle on things. Unless it is something very complex and I go one direction and then get some added input and feel a need to change my mind. And I may make a decision for very valid reasons but then have a real hassle in my head for weeks afterwards.
@sunnycool (12714)
• India
2 Oct 10
Majority of the cases i would start off with a confused mind(it is human nature i guess) --- I would the consider pro's and con's only then i intend to go for them no matter what and how tough they're to achieve.I have been following this... Go ahead and sort it out with presence of mind and bang on the target girl As of being a librarian --- I seldom visited my college library except when i had to lend some books for my semester exams.So you cannot expect me to be a librarian lol...frankly i feel like it is kinda boring to look after the books and renewing them.However,it would damn exciting if you got one job in the National Musuem ... I wouldn't mind spending years together reading those books which throw light on Historical stuff,hidden treasures ^_^...wanna join me in a treasure hunt .great day.
@chanlot (189)
• Indonesia
2 Oct 10
Since I was 20 years, I've not changing anymore about what I would do the job.Since first I was very happy with the electronic world and finally I got a job in the world of electronics is also named as a programmer. I really enjoy my job and it can provide for my life.
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
Yes I always change my mind. Even at the last minute after the final dissension I change my mind.