Is There Proof that God Exists????
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
October 1, 2010 11:24pm CST
First,let me say that burden of proof always falls on the one who seeks knowledge. If you don't seek knowledge, then you don't seek proof. Example: mankind would never have discovered how to fly if there had been no will to discover.
So let's explore together whether God exists or simple evolution and random chance is the truth. Let's start by looking at our world today. Can you see God and God's work behind it all or do you feel the cold mechanical clockwork of an unfeeling system??
Today, we have a great diversity of people. There are modern,high tech, highly intelligent people. There are poor people with low intelligence, barely surviving. Of course, there are the rest of us in the middle.
With advancements in science, mankind has been able to control birth rates. The most modern countries are having one or two children per couple. The developing countries are breeding ten to twelve children per couple. How is this changing the world??
Evolution is clear. It's survival of the fittest. It is a system that guaranties our survival by allowing the most fit to survive. If the less intelligent people are having more kids, how can the world be getting smarter as a whole??
As with everything dealing with God, the knowledge, depth, and complexity of things can hide from us if we just view the surface of things. Sure, evolution is a part of the unfolding of the universe but there is a goal beyond survival of the fittest. Do you know what that goal is?? Can you see God yet??
Life is the education of God's children. The world will always move forward in knowledge and education. Sure it seems slow at times but forward it will go. God controls which souls and what challenges are on this world. Beyond the cold calculating of survival of the fittest, children of God carry humanity with them. One doesn't have to be the smartest or the fittest to survive today. One will, however learn and grow with life through adversities and challenges along with the interaction with those in and around us.
The more intelligent we become; the closer to God we get and the more depth we will realize. In time, we can't help but bump into God. Our path will always be toward that goal. Hey, if you still don't believe in God, Great! As you should be able to see by now, the system is not about believing. It's about learning, growing, and knowing. In time, we all, as God's children will get there.
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11 responses
@anuragmittal (8)
• India
2 Oct 10
Hi All
What I am saying here is 100% truth whether you agree or not.
God exist.
Now you will say that whether I see God or not?
God exist in every living and non living creature.
God is in the heart of every hument being.
Can you ever seen your heart.
If no this does not mean that there is no heart.
Similarly if you dont see the God this does not mean there is no God.
The moment you believe in God ,God gives you the power to see him.
Many say that Seeing is believing but I say that believing is Seeing.
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@ejedronsrequiebam (19)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
Yes, God exists in a way not often understood by most of us, especially me. I have been doubting for years if He exists, but now I do believe in His existence. He is there indeed when the world has turned against us, or when we were left alone. He is our only companion when we are not ourselves. And He will do wonders at times unexpected; everyone can feel His presence but they still need proofs. It's enough that Jesus has said in John 20:29, "Blessed are those who believe even when they didn't see."
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@Galena (9110)
2 Oct 10
with this question people always seem to answer that the fact the world exists is proof, but they can't see the flaw in that argument.
if our existance proves God, how do you then work out which one?
it's just as much proof of my Gods as their God.
however if they don't think that all these things can have come about naturally, they're underestimating nature.
I don't think that there is any proof for any God. we can all only go by personal experience. there's no need to try and prove it to anyone else.
@Galena (9110)
3 Oct 10
if there had to be someone to decide the goal, it's just as likely to be my Gods as it is likely to be your God.
IF you beleive that there is a goal, which I don't, and if you believe that in order for there to be a goal someone must have set it, how do you determine which deity it is.
existance doesn't prove that any deities exist, but if it did, it's just as much proof of my Gods as it is of yours.
and it's really not as simple as walking. especially when you are emaciated, and whatever crop you scratch a living out of needs you there to care for it or there's no food at all. and they often have large families through active discouragement of contraception, as well as the fact that another mouth to feed will also, if they live long enough, be another set of hands trying to make a living.
they aren't unintelligent. just unlucky. we are all fortunate to be born somewhere without famine.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Oct 10
If things come naturally, who decided on the goal??? As far as people in developing countries lacking intelligence, there are many issues with this. I'm sure there are smart people there as well. You must ask yourself some questions though. If you were starving where you live, wouldn't you walk somewhere else?? Even if you walked toward an ocean, you would find more food. Next, would you choose to have children knowing they most likely would starve??? I know I wouldn't. I admit I was general with alot of what I said but how much room do I have to get specific. Thanks for all your comments!!

@Onions (49)
• Singapore
3 Oct 10
First, why would this world has a must to get smarter as a whole? It's bound by time and we know that things bound by time has an end. This world will end someday so there's no reason why the world must get smarter!
Second, it's not intelligence that brings us closer to God. Instead, it may even be an obstacle between us and God. With intellect, pride arose and so does our ego. We'll tend to "feel" we're smart in all ways and only believe in ourselves. That draws us away from God. However, it is the heart the faith the believe the trust the relationship that we continuously build towards God that bond us closer with God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Don't you see?? It's the lack of knowledge that is creating all the problems. Feeling, believing are just patches that cover what isn't known yet. In the big scheme of things, once you know your math. one plus one equals two and there is only one answer. Just like this world and everything in it. If you could understand and see the big picture, there is only one answer we are all being taught.Do you know what that answer is???????????? UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Thanks for stopping by with your comments.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Oct 10
How can one explain miracles???? One must first define one. If you were to fly an airplane during the middle ages, they would think it was a miracle. It's just lack of knowledge. With greater knowledge comes greater capabilities. All the secrets of the universe surround us all. In time mankind will discover it all. Yes, God's knowledge is vast but He is a great teacher plus we do have eternity to learn it all.Theories aren't always right but science does correct them whenever they prove to be wrong. Isn't that the way most people learn as well???
@Onions (49)
• Singapore
3 Oct 10
Well, knowledge is just a means of survival in this world. For a problem, the answer is one, but there are many solutions to it. God's wisdom is too vast for us to even comprehend fully. Just like how the world even begun is still a question for those who tried to prove. What conclusion have they reach but solutions that are still flawed in theories. Not all things in this world can be explained nor proof. Proving is only a way for us to understand some things but not all things. How can one even explain miracles when there is one?
2 cents.

@specialtutor4u (13)
• Philippines
3 Oct 10
I never questioned God's existence, seek for proofs that He indeed exists, nor do I question different religions around the world. It's a way of life. It's a common belief since time immemorial. Even Einstein, at the end of his career, conceded that there is "an unmoved mover". As long as we are all living in peace, and respect each others' faith to the Almighty One, and what we have is a wonderful but quite imperfecr world, proof that God really exists is never an issue. :)
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Oct 10
You are right. Proof of God isn't the important thing for we will all bump into God in time. By giving the world so many views, God guaranties mankind a larger view than any one person can have. Interaction is key to learning. Where there is interaction, there is often drama.Learning and growing isn't always about peace. The desire for peace drives us all to learn, grow and solve the problem. Without the problem,we might have peace but accomplish nothing. Thanks for your comments
@cheeseanarchy (5)
• United States
2 Oct 10
I truly do hope you did your research, but I do disagree.
First of all, God is "in" control of all things pertaining to the universe. However, to say that He is controlling every aspect of the universe seems rather unsound. What of the poor individuals who die in those freak earthquake incidents? Was He the one who sent their poor unfortunate souls to hell? That can't be right.
Second of all, "survival of the fittest" makes absolutely no sense for human beings. Out of the entire kingdom of living organisms, human beings are the MOST unfit of all. The only we human beings have been able to survive as a whole was through collective effort. In fact, there wouldn't be the "poor.. barely surviving" people if human beings were not selfish with their resources. Greed kills people, and greed is central to human nature.
Third, carry on. Einstein would agree. :D
@cheeseanarchy (5)
• United States
2 Oct 10
never mind, I do agree. Terribly sorry for contratdicting myself. lol
@zionsphere (673)
• United States
2 Oct 10
LOL! you do that too?
I think it's possible that God does control everything. I think he just pays more attention to those of us who pay more attention to him. As for sending people to hell.. I've been exposed to many different types of Christianity, and have found that hell has a different meaning to different people.
But that is why we are supposed to have a personal relationship with our Lord. Only he can tell us what his word means correctly.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Religion places so much value on believing because without believers, they could not exist. Beliefs are just a patch to cover the unknown. If the world valued discovery over beliefs, this would be a much different world.Of course, discovery takes much more work than simple believing. Thanks incus99 for your comments!!
@cinjhoxmyltc (334)
• Philippines
2 Oct 10
Based on our visual ability and our normal understanding, there no way we can prove that GOD is really exist.There's no way you can prove HIS existence. As human being is deemed to believe on what we see, then there's no way we can see GOD, then there's no way GOD is exist. But with the help of the grace of GOD, some can see HIM. We can only prove that GOD is exist based on observation. Based on logical reasoning,there's always the source of everything. Let's take the example of unmoved mover reasoning. Nothing is exist without something or someone did it. For example, if you're experimenting the 3 toy cars (1st toy car, 2nd toy car, 3rd toy car, and you). You pushed or move the 3rd which nearest from you. Then the second moves on as you pushed the 3rd. Then again, the 1st moves through comes from the 2nd and which comes from the 3rd. The point is that the three toy cars will not moved unless it is been moved by the first mover which is you. And the first mover which is you is not moved by someone or something just to move the three toy cars. It means that you are independent source to move those toy cars. The same through with GOD. GOD is the an independent source of power to move things and HE is the unmoved mover to all these things. Well, I hope I share you one piece of evidence to prove that GOD is really exist.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Oct 10
We base so much of reality on the physical laws of this universe. God is not bound by these laws. Discovering on this bases will be hard. Perhaps that forces each of us to discover our own proof. Who can discover proof? Who wants to discover proof? I have my proof with contact. Proof which is hard to show others. Actions can not be hidden from view even in God. Just like the toy cars, if one is really watching, one can see. Perhaps when we finally see, we can gather enough courage to knock on God's door. Thanks for stopping by with all your comments!!
@jrestradaC (47)
2 Oct 10
i believe that God really exist, why? there is a proof. the bible told us the whole story, for this is the book of all books. if God don't really exist why there are different kinds of religions, and sometimes why there miracles, why there is life and why we exist this world, i think it all because of God.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Oct 10
Perhaps there is another reason religions exist. Deep down, we all know God. Religion is man's attempt to understand God. Of course, religion gets to be a problem when people use it to control others. Yes, there are a million lessons to learn around religion. None of them are about God. Science isn't close to explaining it all but that's OK! They are headed in the right direction. There is a wonderful thing they do that religions won't. They correct for their errors. It's just a matter of time before scientists discover God. Of course, it's going to be some time before that actually happens.Thanks everyone for all your comments!!
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@Jagokonte (123)
• Greece
2 Oct 10
I deeply believe in god but since we approach the matter scientifically and since I am in the field of evolutionary biology I assure you that there is no proof that God exists especially they way it is defined by most religions. In the end it not about proving his existence but it is about the effect in your life if you believe or not. Some people are positively benefited by the belief of God and some aren't unfortunately this is true. If anyone feels that he/she belongs in the second group I would be the first encouraging him/her to stop believing, but I have seen in my life that the benefits of believing in God are many. Believing in something good is scientifically proven that helps. Think of the placebo effect. When a patient feels ill and a doctor gives him an imaginary pill then the patient in many cases gets better and restores full health. Therefore believe is a powerful tool of the human mind and we should direct it constructively. My friend... until you prove scientifically that god DOESN'T exist then you cannot be sure about anything.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
3 Oct 10
I can know God exists through contact. After all, today I have discovered you exist. I like your comment about beliefs. I am not one who values belief. It is just the point which starts me to search for the truth. What a person believes is often what they become. I can see where beliefs might help someone sick or even depressed into seeing a different view. I make it a point to analyze just what I choose to value. That's why I will always be happy. I value it much more than any troubles that could come my way. Thanks for all your comments!!
@GVMystic (1)
• United States
2 Oct 10
Things of a spiritual nature require spiritual sight. Things of a temporal nature require temporal sight. Spiritual sight may be gained by anyone who seeks it with honesty, openess, & willingness. (The eyes of the head vs. the eyes of the heart).
In the temporal world things change. Change does not occur in the spiritual realm. Anything that changes cannot be perfect and therefore is not reality. That which does not change is perfect and reality. The former state describes the temporal while the latter describes the spiritual.
Perfection is a concept that is foreign to mankind because it cannot be achived. The desire to purse perfection is the voice of God calling to mankind; reaching out to those who seek. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opended.
Within the heart of every human resides a divine spark that transcends all religion. It can be described as love and it is without condition.
How can God a spiritual concept be proven in a temporal world? It can't!?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
2 Oct 10
Yes, you are interesting indeed. Seems you have discovered the real reason for this physical world. I must agree with your comment about a divine spark. That's is the evidence which clearly shows that more is at play than simple evolution. Even God's actions can be seen in this physical world. It is the only proof available other than direct contact. Thanks for all your interesting comments!