Sanchez gets fired yet Beck still has a job

@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
October 2, 2010 8:59am CST
Surely by now you have read that CNN's Rick Sanchez got fired for calling The Daily Show's John Stewart a bigot. Hopefully you also remember Fox News Channel's Glenn Beck while on Fox and Friends opining that Obama was a racist. Beck remains employed yet Sanchez joins the unemployed ranks. What is the difference?
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14 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
2 Oct 10
He didn't get fired for calling Stewart a bigot...he got fired for making a nasty comment about him being jewish.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Still not much difference between what Sanchez said and what Beck said.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Funny how the truth comes out isn't it? I knew there had to be more to the story than Gewcew was claiming.
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
2 Oct 10
He suggested that "CNN, and perhaps the media industry more broadly, is run by Jews and elitists who look down on Hispanics"
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
2 Oct 10
It's too bad Sanchez got fired for making anti-semitic remarks because now that is all anyone will remember about him, and some people will even contend that he got fired for calling Jon Stewart a bigot. The real truth is that he should have been fired a long time ago for being uninformed, insulting and unintelligent. He has made so many factually incorrect statements and broadcast his uninformed assumptions as fact, he had no business being broadcast nationally. Well, he's a bigot who thinks someone else is a bigot, that's not unusual. What's amazing is that he has not been fired before for his inane and inappropriate lies.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Sanchez was a schmuck so is Beck though.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Oct 10
Rick Sanchez was the guy who argued on the air that it was too cold in Iceland to have a volcano, even as one erupted. He once asked an Arizona congressman "What's your beef with illegal immigration?" as if the word "illegal" wasn't enough to clue him in. He broadcast as fact, phony quotes that he reported were said by Rush Limbaugh - another thing he had to apologize for. As far as I know, the only factual correction Beck has ever been called on was when he said he held George Washington's speech in his hands, when in fact, no one is allowed to touch it per museum rules. Other than that, he can't have reported anything completely false because, let's face it, if he had the media would have been all over him for it. Rick Sanchez is a tiny mind sitting on shoulders that are carrying huge chips. The weird thing is that CNN didn't fire him a long time ago.
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Well, they both told the truth. The difference is that Rick Sanchez must answer to the ever-intolerant liberals, whereas Glenn Beck can put his finger in their face. Yea Glenn Beck!
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
4 Oct 10
Interesting comment, but I pick out the nuggets of truth from the mountain of lies as best I can. Have a nice day.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Djbtol I don't think you would be about to pick out the truth if the truth was in a line up with a sign that read, pick me I'm the truth.
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• United States
3 Oct 10
On a more serious note, I'm not that much of a Beck fan. It's something about that conspiracy-toned stuff that just doesn't do it for me - unless, of course, it's supposed to be a conspiracy show, like Fact or Faked or UFO Hunters. Then I'm game, because I understand it. But in general about Glenn Beck calling President Obama a racist: why was that such a big deal? I can understand some ubersupporters and their initial outrage, but most of them give it more often than receiving it at least tenfold. Millions upon millions of people in America have to put up with being labeled as racists and terrorists and fanatics time and time again. Obama's better than everyone else? I'm sure nobody chose to abide that standard when Bush was in there. (Yes, I brought Bush into it. I'll go directly to bed without supper! ) People still want Beck's head for saying it about Obama, but don't want anyone else's for saying it about the entire Tea Party and, in some broader cases, the entire opposition to Obama? The simple fact is that it's not the "racist" claim that got some people's panties in a knot. It's the fact that Obama's "black" and that's the first thing they see and instantly put on their "OMG" face. In the culture of American social justice, victims can't be victimizers. The logic doesn't work logically. It's a one-way street. If it was only about the "racist" claim, then people would want house cleaned across the board and not simply Beck's clock.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Oct 10
It seems to kind of be the general consensus that the difference is with the networks. Most meant it as a compliment towards Fox News. I think you know I'm not very generous with my praise for Fox but I tend to agree with the majority to a point. I don't mean it as either praise or criticism against either network but I think CNN tends to want to avoid controversy while Fox thrives on it. I guess both know which side their bread's buttered on, right? Of course, the fact that Sanchez said what he did about the powers that be a CNN probably didn't help his case either. Annie
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
3 Oct 10
I imagine it does appear that CNN wants to avoid controversy. It is because they believe there is only one side to any issue - the liberal side, and they dish it up 24 hours per day.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
3 Oct 10
the liberal side, and they dish it up 24 hours per day, yeah opposed to FNC which is the conservative side and they dish it up 24 hours per day. Annie your right the difference is the network. If Beck had made had called Obama a racist on Headline news he would have been fired.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Oct 10
Rick Sanchez called Obama the "cotton-pickin' president of the United States" and didn't get fired for it. He didn't get fired until he said CNN was run by Jews who hate Hispanics. Go figure.
@ethereal (106)
• Egypt
2 Oct 10
This is a little off topic but Jon Stewart is one of the few people in this world who can make me laugh, besides hitting the nail on the head on a lot of issues. Senchez gets no symptahy from me.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Nothing better to watch than the Daily show and the Colbert Report before I go to bed.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Rick Sanchez has long been a MSM shill for the liberal, radical, socialist insanity being forced on us "regular" honest, hardworking Americans by a corrupt and illegal government. He has mouthed-off regularly while making lots of money for bad reporting and "journalism". But, even from his position of privilege and the kind of economic reward few of us experience, he had too much hubris and continually chose to whine about nonsense. He very much reminds me of the usurper, arrogant, but empty. He did himself in, not for noble reasons, but for "biting the hand that feeds him" and for both having an ungrateful spirit re the platform and money he was given and for being complicit in the defrauding of the American people by not reporting truth and being part of a responsible investigative media which is supposed to function as a government watchdog. Compare and contrast him with former fellow journalist Lou Dobbs, a longstanding journalist and actual investigative reporter who actually did what reporters are supposed to do and sacrificed his huge salary for accurate, truthful investigative reporting. When he took a position against illegal immigration, he was labeled a "racist"(cause that's what racist liberals do, name call in face of dissent and search for truth in face of lawlessness). Mind you, Dobbs is married to a hispanic woman, so he has no axe to grind: the issue is LAWLESSNESS that is committed by those entering our country illegally while so many wait on line legally. When Dobbs DARED to say on CNN that it would be good for O to produce his BC, he literally was removed from his own show and replaced by Kitty Pilgrim that night, and the public was told he was "sick" and couldn't do the show. Pilgrim is a flaming O worshipper and slanted Dobbs' show that way. Then Dobbs was suddenly gone, mysterious gunshots rang out near his wife at their home, and a longstanding "true grit" reporter and investigative journalist and CNN "parted company". In these two examples it was "pride vs. principle", compromise vs. character. Re Beck, I believe the only thing he has going for him is his attempt to restore America to the status of a God honoring republic. I do not respect the fact that neither he nor anyone else at Fox will dare to report on the eligibility issue as Dobbs only "incidentally" mentioned it an lost his job and a large part of his livelihood. In November of 2008, a gag order was put on the MSM by the FCC, powers -that- be and other thugs in high places. They were not allowed to report on the eligibility issue, or risk loss of job, station license, or other threats against family and livelihood. This was reported in Canada Free Press, in an article detailing a meeting of 4 anchors and "the brass", station heads, etc, including a secretary also present to record the minutes. As to Fox, in particular, since it is 14% Arab owned, the anchors are allowed only so much reporting on "dissent" against the usurper, but may also not dare touch the eligibility issue. Anything but "fair and balanced" re reporting the TRUTH. So much for cowards like O'Reilly, Geraldo, who turns out to be of little character and a liberal racist, rather than the seeker of truth and justice I thought he'd grow up to be, even Hannity, and, of course, Beck. I guess they are faced with the difficult choice of being able to speak out about anything at all or losing a voice for telling the truth, the same blackmail and threats our Congress and Courts have faced and capitulated to. Then, of course, there are the money and power factors for all of them. As for Beck, the one piece of truth he has spoken is that Obama is a racist. BECAUSE of the usurper-in-thief and the "lovely" "America is a mean country" Michelle(while herself living off the fat of the land), America has become more "racially" divided than ever. Obama hates whites, Americans, Jews, and Christians among others. The whole gambit of Soros, Arabs, Russians, and Oprah, among other nefarious types, was to get a person elected BECAUSE of his COLOR, and not his character, as was so well articulated by Alan Keyes, who warned of this BEFORE the fake illegal "election", Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Rev. James David Manning, and others who just happen to be black, but are men of CHARACTER who would never play that race card to gain power over foolish Americans. It was the perfect storm created by Soros et al, evil and diabolical America haters as is O, to totally prevent dissent by labeling all dissent against the putative "president" as racist, thus subjugating us and our every freedom to fear, guilt, labeling, and ostracizing if we spoke out against deception and sought truth. So, here we are, on the cusp of destruction.
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• Belgium
3 Oct 10
Or what about Brian Kilmeade? His "pure genes" statement made me cringe: He apologized for it, but what does that tell you about him and Fox?
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
2 Oct 10
One told the truth and the other did not???
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
2 Oct 10
What are you talking about?
• Belgium
3 Oct 10
Well, it's clear that Obama hated the people that raised him.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Not as simple as that. Rick made comments about his employer...and obviously his employer didn't appreciate them.
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Oct 10
I haven't heard about Rick Sanchez and don't know who he is. But I remember when Mr. Beck said Obama was a racist and also remember that he apologized shortly afterward and has done so many times since--the latest on Bill O'Reilly last night, a nationally broadcast program. I don't think Stewart is a bigot, how would anyone get that idea? (I don't think Mr. Obama is a racist, either.) Granted, I don't watch the program but I do see excerpts from it and he's quite funny. He does good interviews, too.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
2 Oct 10
What Jon Stewart is is an "equal opportunity comic" and a very funny one at that. Sanchez said and did somethings a good comedian who does political satire couldn't ignore so it seems to me that he doesn't like being the butt of jokes so he felt the need to attack the messenger. Unfortunately for him, he felt the need to go even further and attack his own employer and the news business in general! Annie
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
2 Oct 10
I like equal opportunity comics. Stewart seems to be one, poking fun at everyone no matter what their party or philosophy. I stopped watching SNL because it's pretty one sided--they bashed Bush for 8 years and now it looks as if they're going to bash Obama for 4 years. Just bashing isn't funny to me, you have to give everyone the opportunity to be laughed at. As far as Sanchez, I'll probably look him up. I have some issues with the news business myself--they're very biased, both the left and right leaning networks. We never get the whole story so we often don't make informed decisions.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
3 Oct 10
Who knows maybe Stewart will do an interview with Sanchez, maybe Sanchez would agree to it to say he is sorry then Stewart can turn the whole situation into something to laugh about.
• United States
4 Oct 10
I know who Glenn Beck is, but who is Sanchez?
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
3 Oct 10
The difference is where they work; also, Beck is ranked number one on cable news networks in his time slot where Sanchez is ranked second by quite a margin in his.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
2 Oct 10
The difference? The employer.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
3 Oct 10
And that's the point, one allows comment like that one does not.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
3 Oct 10
CNN allowed it when Sanchez said of Obama: "he's the cotton-pickin' president of the United States". He later apologized, saying he was a moron -- no wait, I mean, he said he was sorry for his choice of words.
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• United States
3 Oct 10
Well, I definitely do view the networks as different. But I also view what the two men said as different. Accusing someone of being a racist is cruddy. Accusing someone of being a bigot while smearing an entire people citing some Nazi Jew conspiracy while insulting your employer is about 60 steps beyond. I don't think anyone at Fox has gone that far for a proper gauge. Maybe check MSNBC for an equivalent.
@K46620 (1986)
• United States
5 Oct 10
I don't know but sanchez was a moron at times. Glenn beck can be too. It's up to their network bosses
@iowachap (100)
• United States
2 Oct 10
FoxNews would not fire someone for such a stupid reason that Sanchez was fired for. However maybe we are missing a part of the puzzle? Was he only fired for what he said, or was it that what he admited to himself was that the Daily Show host points out his on air mistakes, maybe CNN fired him for his mistakes and his comments. I do not get it, if you make mistakes why would you call someone out and say they are being racist for calling you out on mistakes you make, why not own up to your mistakes, make it a point to get better and not make them over and over.. If we basing this on just what we can see and know, I do not think FoxNews would have fired Sanchez, so there ya go, lesson learned, dont work for a left wing news nut job station. Saying that, yes I am being a little overboard, as I do not mind CNN news.. however I prefer FoxNews myself, but I can watch CNN, I do not like msnbc news at all.. or CBS news.. I do not think Sanchez should have been fired, but Beck works for a different station and as noted, do not think they would have fired Sanchez for the comments.
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
3 Oct 10
We both agree that FNC would not have fired Sanchez. Maybe Sanchez can land a job over there like Don Imus did.