The experience with Proton ?

@aeiou78 (3445)
October 2, 2010 11:02am CST
Proton is the first National car in Malaysia. Since the first day I started my career, I owned few models of Proton. It was really a bad experience to own Proton cars. Of course, we can not expect so much of the new brand car in the market. Similar to Hyundai and Kia, there were many problems too when both of them just started in the market. However, after the long development of the Research and Development, we must expect the positive feedback from the end users. This is what the Hyundai and Kia achieved. What about Proton? In my impression, it is an economic car in term of the pricing. But it is not economic to maintain the car (too many problems). Anyhow, the new model of Proton Saga has changed their image. This is exactly the Malaysians' hopes. Someday, Proton should make all of the Malaysians proud.
3 responses
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 10
I don't think the new model Proton Saga have much improvement, my brother in law bought the car, and problem keep coming out within a month, 1st the gear handle spring broken and you can hear sound like something knocking when driving. Later, the brake dish started to have noise when you press the brake. The worst one was when we go up to Genting Highland, the clutch plate spoiled and broken into cloth like material (normally it is in a plate form) that cost us $1K plus. Local car? Not my choice if I have more money. There are still a lot more they need to improve. Let give them another 10 years, or maybe longer..?
@yspmyl (3435)
• Malaysia
1 Nov 10
Yes, this is true that National car are most of the time low quality, no wonder they still need the government support after so many year...
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
4 Oct 10
So bad! Was it under warranty when it broke down? An earlier batch of Saga was having a problem with the valve. The legs of the valves bent and sounded very bad. My sister sent back for replacing the new valves which were modified. Luckily, it was under warranty. If not, the cost of replacement will be around RM300.00 . Until now, there isn't any more problem. It is really depended on your luck.
• Malaysia
1 Nov 10
So..sad. I had experience the same. Summary as below : 1. Hydrolic failure 2. Plug cable 3. Auto Window 4. Etc.. And all of this cost me a lot of money.. :(
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 10
Other than the attitude of certain personnel we must not forget that Proton was under an agreement with another car manufacturer in producing the Saga, Wira, and Waja. The Savvy is a joint venture with another car manufacturer. This is the downside of being a lesser partner. The separate agreements bound Proton in what they can or cannot do. Do you know what Dr. Mahathir, the man behind the Proton project, wanted the price of the Saga to be? His suggestion was rejected, most probably because the previous partner wanted to rake in more profits. The Gen 2 and Persona are truly Malaysian cars, and we can see the difference between the two and the rest of the Proton stable.
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
3 Oct 10
After some many years of manufacturing the Proton, the Malaysian still fail to work independently in this field. I just hope proton will not disappoint and ashamed the Malaysian in the next few years.
@rosdimy (3926)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 10
Actually this has a lot to do with attitude, and political manoeuvres. Sad to say many workers have no real commitment and sense of responsibility. They prefer blaming it for something or somebody else when something goes wrong. I did an 8 month stint in a factory, and met this general attitude. Strangely enough they can perform well when required to do so. Have you ever owned or driven a Proton built for other countries? There is a large gap in quality, where cars meant for overseas market are at least on par with foreign cars sold in Malaysia. Keep your ears open for cancelled shipments. On the political side there are people who want to see anything connected to the present government destroyed. Remember what happened to MAS when a person close to the Opposition was put at the helm? This person instituted changes which profited him while making MAS going in the red. I would not be surprised if there are behind the scene actions which are intended to bring down Proton, and later on used as proof that the present government is no longer capable to rule the country. In the last general election one young man admitted to changing his vote after receiving RM300 from a party. He could not care less who would eventually get into power. In the process he did not realise the implications. His name had been given for further investigation. The ability to produce the CAMPRO engine shows that Proton is a capable company. As long as there are worms in the organisation it will face certain problems.
@amelialsc (162)
• Malaysia
2 Oct 10
I can believe your plight in regards to your discussion in this so called Malaysian cars confidence and admiration for this national car. I do not believe they have not the technology nor the skills. It is just the attitude of the management which creates these emotion and flow to the downlines. I suffered personally with the awe full experience when my Savvy car which broke down, as in regards to the AMT failure describe brake failure when the electronic parts inside the car will turn to neutral, the car return to neutral condition suddenly. It not only put me in danger but also the possibility of getting me killed. Well for them to warranty, they have me waited for 2 months in agony, and upon they decision to give me a warranty, they gave me terms and condition which in my case, I was at fault for not servicing 100% in their proton workshop. Therefore with this violation of terms and condition that was stated, I dont deserve the warranty but a 30% discount from the cost of rm 13k. What a joke. I was devastated, but luckily we continued our life .. definitely it was a tiring, frustrating experience, they bully people like us who cannot afford to file them a lawsuit because they are national makers of Malaysian cars. Not only did they rectify the problem of this 100% failure in all AMT proton Savvy cars, they blame us ...
@aeiou78 (3445)
• Malaysia
2 Oct 10
Very bad to hear that. All the while, I was lucky enough. I just have small problem at the beginning. Most of the small problems were the automatic window couldn't wind up after parking under the hot sun, bearing's faulty created the odd sound when turning and so on. But after 7 to 8 years of driving, many problems appeared. At that time, the few problems came out at the same time. After fixing them for a short period, another few problems came out. It was not cheap to maintain those problems. The most critical was rusting at the roof of the Wira, rusting at the hook and side doors of the Iswara. Brake pump was faulty too. I heard a complaint from a lady too. Her car waja would stop half way when she intended to drive up the slope near to her home. As Malaysian, we are always hoping to be proud of our National Car.