How would you want to live your life?

October 3, 2010 7:21am CST
We all have missions to be lived in this world. We all have purposes and reasons why we're here. Those purposes are rooted deep within our hearts. I feel that the mission I am suppose to do here is to love and to be loved in return in any form. Aside from my family, I feel like I have a mission to love the society and the community, to offer my service to them. You see, many are saying that I am blessed with a counseling skill. How about you? What are the things you feel you are bound to do by our beloved creator? Have you identified it already?
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3 responses
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
5 Oct 10
My life mission is to make all my family happy. If they are all happy, I'll calm down and whatever happens with me, I'm definitely ready. Right now I'm fighting for them, and hopefully my struggle was not in vain, and I do not give up.
• Philippines
22 Nov 10
Thumbs up my friend!!! That's another mission of mine too... I'm sure your family is happy you're their:)
• India
3 Oct 10
Everyday is a struggle to survive in life. The way we want to live our life is difficult to attain. Only a few lucky successful persons will achieve their dreams. I too want to grow big and want to serve the society but hardly get time to think about it. Days go by and I end up achieving my small goals of day to day survival.
• Philippines
22 Nov 10
Well, the only difference we have between successful people and us is the way we think, think big then you'll surely have the thing you think impossible;)
• India
3 Oct 10
Well I think I am supposed to study hard and get great mark. But that is the only thing I am incapable of doing. well I worked hard Online and I made some extra cash. well that was easy. My parents thing that I rather study harder than make money now.
• Philippines
22 Nov 10
I think you are capable of all things;). Continue believing...