The Amazing Race Asia Season 4 Episode 2
By jaypeesol
@jaypeesol (218)
October 4, 2010 8:34am CST
The 2nd episode was another OK episode. The editing was still a bit confusing. The Roadblock was unique, but I am not sure why they added a time limit to the challenge. If a team doesn’t complete a Roadblock in the specified time limit, they are automatically penalized 4-hours, which is the same penalty as not finishing a Roadblock. I thought it was unfair, but that’s part of the Race. The Detour choices were cool and one option seem easier than the other. The slingshot Detour looks easier, but maybe it’s just that the teams who took it were better than average. There was a hilarious footrace for first place, but the Malaysian married couple Ivan and Hilda won out over the Richars to claim the top spot this week.
My comments on the teams:
1. Ivan & Hilda (Married / Malaysia) – first place this week. I am liking this team more and more. I thought Hilda’s reactions to everything was funny. Them walking to the Pit Stop, then sprinting like people being chased by bulls after seeing Richard and Richard, was one of the most hilarious footrace I’ve ever seen. Who knew Hilda could move so fast!
2. Richard & Richard (Friends / Philippines) – 2nd place again. If the first 2 weeks are any basis, they are a consistent team and hopefully they stay consistent so that they can last all the way to the end and maybe even win it. Of the 2 Philippine teams, I am rooting for these two because they seem more serious about the Race than the other Philippine team, Jess & Lani.
3. Dimple & Sunaina (Travel Buddies / India) – 3rd place this week. They were 4th last week, so that’s 2 weeks in the top 5, which is a pretty good showing for a female team. Most celebrities we know are week but these 2 are deceivingly tough. They are also gorgeous, and therefore easy in the eyes.
4. Sahil & Manas (Cousins / India) – 4th place. They climbed up from last week’s 7th place. That’s a good start for this team. They were able to finish the Roadblock which pushed them ahead. I don’t find them irritating anymore. Hopefully the stress of the Race brings out the “real” them and not the phony acting they showed in the first episode.
5. Ethan & Kairie (Friends / Malaysia) – 5th place. They were chronologically the last team to arrive at the Pit Stop, but since 5 other teams failed to complete the Roadblock and suffered a 4-hour penalty, they were safe and finished in 5th place. Another strong showing for this team. If Ethan didn’t break the key which forced them to re-do the Roadblock, they could have finished in higher. They’re edit is good and we could be looking at the winners of this season.
6. Allan & Wendy (Dating / Hong Kong) – 6th place. They were chronologically the first team to arrive, but because of failing to complete the Roadblock, they waited out the 4 hours of their penalty, which pushed them back to 6th place. This team just doesn’t stand out. The editors wanted to portray them as a bickering couple but they don’t bicker that much, so the editors can’t find a good footage of this team. They’re boring.
7. Claire & Michelle (Rebel Pals / Singapore) – Team number 7. They were 3rd last leg, and would have been 4th if they finished the Roadblock. They also ate the most chicken balls in one of the tasks which earned them a 20-minute head start at the Roadblock. These suggest that they are a strong team and won’t be eliminated any time soon, unless they make a very huge mistake liking missing a flight.
8. Jess & Lani (Party Girls / Philippines) – Team number 8. I was wrong. I thought they weren’t Filipinos. They are, just that they have Australian citizenship. They know Tagalog words, which was a plus sign for me. I won’t be rooting against them anymore, and I just hope they make it further, if only to better the chances of a Philippine team winning the Race.
9. Hussein & Natasha (Father & Daughter / Indonesia) – Team number 9. Last week, they were also in 9th place. They didn’t finish the Roadblock either. They were a good combination, but I just don’t see them lasting throughout the Race. I predict them to be eliminated next week. If not next week, then the week after that.
10. Yani & Nadine (Best Friends / Indonesia) – Last team to arrive. They were one of the more entertaining teams, so I was sad to see them get eliminated. They just weren’t strong enough to compete against the other teams. If not for the 30-minute penalty, they would have stayed and Hussein/Natasha would have been eliminated. I wonder if they were first to arrive in this leg, would they still have a 30-minute penalty, even though they have that 4-hour penalty for the Roadblock?
Next week, I heard they will be visiting the Philippines, so I can’t wait to watch that!
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