many people think is impossible to fall in love you?^^

cute love^^ - boy and girl are buying things together^^
October 4, 2010 10:48am CST
hi guys^^ there are some people that say that is impossible to fall in love online. about me i believe it bcs also happened to me^^ i believe that love can happen through many ways^^ meeting someone in the street, in a cafe, in the beach, in a garden, in school, in work, by net... so many ways^^ many people think is impossible bcs we dont know what that person does when doesnt talk with us but if we trust the person is ok. also we can see and speak to the person only thing we cant do is touch and go out together but can find ways to be in love anyway^^ at least i really love my bf and im working hard to go see him^^ anyway guys what is your opinion?^^ please share^^
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20 responses
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
I was not a believer in this idea of falling in love online. I have always thought that these kinds of relationship would never work. But I was proven wrong. I had a classmate in college who met a guy online. They were boyfriend and girlfriend for about a year. We told her that it was most likely a fraud. The guy was good looking, and, well, she didn't really have a lot to boast about. But then the guy was so loyal and sweet. Even though they lived oceans apart, the guy found a way to send her a cake during their anniversary. About a month after that, the guy and his mother came all the way from New York to the Philippines. Believe it or not, the guy was half-British and half-Cuban who was the same age as we were. He and his mom stayed in the hotel near the my classmates' place. She went with them around the country even when we were busy completing our requirements for graduation. She didn't care because she was so in love. The guy walked her to the hospital and we saw that he really loved her. We graduated on April, a month after that, we heard news that our classmate was missing. We made jokes that she probably was kidnapped or something. Those were mean jokes but still. Anyway, her mom was calling her close friends asking them if they have heard from our classmate but they haven't. She had deleted her facebook account and was never online on Yahoo. We were baffled. Her family went crazy looking for her, fearing for the worst. Months after that, we received news about her. We found out that she got married to the same guy she met online. She never told her family that she went to New York because she knew they were against the relationship she had with the guy. Her family were doubting the guy's motives. She still hasn't come back to the Philippines. She's happy, I guess. The guy and his mom love her and are taking good care of her. The guy is well-off, my classmate is from a well-off family as well. I never believed that this would happen before. But now I do.
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
aw thats cute that your friend left her family behind just to marry boy she loved^^ and sure if he went meet your friend in phillipines with his mother is bcs he really loved your friend^^ sure everyone thought maybe she was kidnapped thats normal^^ but im happy that she wasnt and that the guy really loves her so much^^ is great that she is happy and that he is taking good care of her^^ my bf is filipino too^^ and im portuguese^^ ahah and he said he would come to meet me next year^^ so im too happy^^
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
wow,what a nice love story i can say,your friend has. but to make her family paranoid searching for her? not a good idea. though if i am also in her shoe,i think i would also do the same thing. just to be with the man that i long to be with.
• Portugal
6 Oct 10
lyn yes is so cute he did that for her^^ sure is bcs he loves her^^ and yes i wish my bf does that for me soon^^ he said baby dont come for me i go for you ahah^^ about missing ahah i wont ^^ but i wish i could stay in pinas with him^^ and live with him^^ annavi yes is too cute story^^ but sure poor her family but they didnt want her to be with the guy so she had to do that to be happy^^ i would also do same just like you would also^^
• United States
5 Oct 10
It's risky, but sometimes it is worth it. Here's my story: When i was 11 (Not a typo, I was eleven years old!), I met this guy in an AOL chat room. He was an online tutor, so to speak; he helped me with my science homework. Well, late April of this year we started being more affectionate. After six years of talking to him online and via phone, I decided to go to Memphis to see him and his family for my 18th birthday. I understand that this could have been the riskiest thing I had ever done; however, I wasn't afraid. I figured I knew him well enough that he was exactly who he said he was. I was right! ^^ I stayed at his mom's apartment for two weeks, came home (leaving him was very hard, and I spent most of the ride home crying), and I am currently 13 weeks pregnant with his kid. We are saving up money like crazy so that I can move down there and live with him. That's actually why I'm on MyLot - to get the extra money I need in order to be with him again. :)
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Wow well that is a really amazing story ElaineSpencer. Talking to the same person for 8 years made you very close to him and over the course of that long you probably would have caught him in many slip ups if he was lying. So I'm sure since you didnt catch him changing is story all the time after he told you one thing I'm sure you felt you could trust him and knew him almost as well as if you were with him in person instead of chatting online. That is very scary to me to meet someone offline. I've done it once but he only lived about 30 minutes from me. Still I was kind of scared anyway I mean you just never know. Congrats on the baby! Kudos to you sitting here on mylot trying to earn money to move out there with him. I know other sites that are legit if you want any information if you have time to do like paid surveys and things like that I could use a referral and I would only tell you he ones that I've been paid from. Private message me if your interested. I promise I'm not a spammer. Mylot takes along time for the money to add up some sites are like that but some are faster to earn like the paid survey sites etc.
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
elaine thats too cute^^ your story is more or less like mine^^ i met my bf one year ago^^ and i never could be more than friends with him. but he wanted be with me^^ so he waited for me all that time till i choose him^^ and now we are together^^ anyway me too im working so so hard here in mylot to see my bf^^ i really am^^ i dont care if i have to work day and night just to see him^^ just we didnt meet face to face yet^^ is very expensive for now^^ i live in europe and he lives in asia so you can imagine how much is the trip^^ anyway he said for me to dont go to him that he comes to me next year^^ so im too happy^^
1 person likes this
• India
5 Oct 10
Gr8 story.. Well, its not all infatuation, at least on the face of it, becoz you both managed to strike a relationship.. Well, Was he handsome? Did you disregard his looks, because he were nice to you and yep, how old was he and just how was it basically? Well, I'm just curious to know your story..Hope you don't mind taking us further on the journey down your memory lane.. btw, what site does he work for?
@RRYaco_C (23)
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
yes your right.... its impossible to love other ways..... but only i dont believe that you will throughly inlove person through online.. will i dont know....
1 person likes this
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
i believe is possible bcs i met my bf online and i totally love him^^ i dont mind to work day and night just to see him^^ he is all that matters to me^^ i dont care if we cant do things like normal couples can as long as we love each other^^ and soon we will meet^^ we are fighting for it^^ he is all i need and want^^ i really love him^^ so much^^
• Puerto Rico
5 Oct 10
I found my girlfriend online and we have 1 year and 7 months. She is a teacher and incredible woman and mother and I admire her for that!! Love you sweety!!!until we get older without tee :)
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
aw so cute^^ you also found her online^^ im so happy that is already 1 year and 7 monthes^^ i see that you admire her and love her so much^^ is great to see a boy talking like this about his gf^^ and yes love her forever till get older ahah ^^ you meant without teeth? ahah ^^anyway is ok even if you lose your teeth she will love you anyway^^
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
ahah yes ^^ thats funny^^ but is good that you love each other soo much that want to be together even when are old ahah^^ and im happy that you found love online^^ is a good way to know people deeper^^ sometimes if we meet someone near we dont get as close as in internet^^ but sure we cant touch and kiss while dont meet near so is not the best way of relationship but im happy with my bf^^
• Puerto Rico
5 Oct 10
yea, we always laughs when we mention "without teeth" : ) but is possible to find love in the internet.
@paige4evr (118)
• Estonia
4 Oct 10
Yes, you don't know all about this person you are talking to. Maybe if you talk via video and so you get a better idea of them even if you haven't met them, then it's possible that you'll fall for them. But just writing I don't think it's possible at all and I have some experience.
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• Portugal
5 Oct 10
yes i saw him in video^^ and yes we fell for each other^^ about typing you can fall but is complicated bcs you dont even know if the person says is a boy and maybe is girl. without see face is complicated^^ anyway i saw my bfs face and he is so sweet^^ he is so caring^^ and he has a different personality that i really love^^ i dont think i can live without him anymore^^
• Australia
5 Oct 10
Meeting in person should give out the highest amount of success
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• Portugal
5 Oct 10
yes i really want to meet him in person^^ thats all i want in my life^^ but we both dont have money for now^^ so if i want to meet him i need to work hard for it like i am doing right now^^ i will do everything just to meet him^^ he is the most important thing i have^^ i really cant lose him^^ i know he loves me and if i lose him i would be totally heartbroken.
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
5 Oct 10
Well I hope things work out for you. Its hard when you fall in love and it doesnt work out. I dont know how an internet relationship will work but I hope it develops into true love for you both. Meeting in person is definitly a must though! I almost fell for someone on line because he was so kind to me but I woke up and realized like this is weird and ended it. He only lived like ten miles from me and I had met him before though so I dont think its the same thing you are talking about.
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Living that far apart as yo and your boyfriend do I could never start a relationship. The reason I ended things with the guy was because I dont think he was as serious about things as I was and it was during a time that my ex and I had split and I didnt want to do anything with anyone else an risk the chance of my ex and I getting back together. I wanted to know for myself that if I didnt want my ex back that it was because I didnt love him not because I became interested in someone else as soon as we were apart.
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
oh so why you ended that if he lived so near to you? if he was so kind you shouldnt had end that^^ if he lived just on the corner^^ about me and my bf yes is different bcs i live in europe and he lives in asia ahah so you can imagine how far we live^^ trip to see each other is too expensive^^ i need maybe 2000 euros to go see him^^ that if i can find a job there^^ bcs if not i need like 3000 euros to come back^^ anyway i just want be with him forever^^
• Portugal
9 Oct 10
yes i understand you^^ you need to feel the person care and love near^^ so you be sure the person is honest^^ anyway i accepted my bf bcs for more than a year he talked with me. i liked other guys and he always waited me to love him^^ also his sister knows about us and talk with me too^^ she is good to me^^ sorry that things with that guy didnt work but yes is right that you should be away from your ex if didnt love him anymore and not bcs of a guy^^
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Wow why do you only have a 7 in your star? I always enjoy your posts and leave you positive ratings just as I did with this discussion you started :) I just happened to notice you write ^ that instead of using a space. Does your space bar not work? I am just curious.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
i guess not everyone here do rate each of other member's post. and if they do,they would only rate such posts with big impacts. most people here i know don't have the urge to rate others posts. it's really up to you to make your post more powerful and big impact to. i think she keeps on typing the ^ because of smiling eyes...since she was very happy in her topic or posts. i don't know...^_^
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
4 Oct 10
People can fall in love anywhere. It is just as possible to fall in love on line as anywhere else. The relationship is what you make of it.
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
yes ^^ i think like you^^ can happen in many ways^^ what matters is the feelings that both people have for each other^^ if they are pure or not^^ i really love my bf and he loves me too^^ i know that he will always be there for me. i just want be with him near^^ i wish we both were rich and he could come to see me this year^^ thats all i dream with^^
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
i think it would be possible,since i have read some stories here in your discussion. though,sometimes i know it depends on both parties to realize what really are intentions some may get there. for me,i think i can be close to some mylotters here who i haven't known personally,though i am still taking careof my wordings here sometimes. if you really feel they loved you,or you loved each other,time will come that you'll prove that to each other someday... just be careful with some people you meet on the net cause not all of them have good intentions... i have read that your boyfriend is a filipino? and you are going to meet himnext year? well,that's great! most filipino men are romantic and sincere,though i don't know all of them are such. you still have to know yourself and find out when you meet. goodluck on that!
@shaggin (73975)
• United States
7 Oct 10
You are absolutely right annavi23! Trust is everything in a relationship. It can bond or break a relationship. If you are with someone you love you have to trust that they are telling you the truth. If you cant trust them then you shouldnt be with them. I have a very hard time trusting people.
@annavi23 (6521)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
oh,that's the main problem when it comes to long distance relationships. you just have to trust your man if he truly loves you,he'll make sure he won't get tempted by some girls around. it's all part of long distance must wait until you have been together personally before you'll be able to do what you want to do physically. have a great lovelife...
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• Portugal
6 Oct 10
annavi you are right^^ is hard to know people intentions by net ^^ but i know my bf loves me ^^ and yes we will meet next year^^ but there is a girl that i think is trying to come to close to my bf and im afraid :( im afraid he falls for her bcs she is in pinas and im here so far :( he promised he wont leave me but im so afraid. he cant see me everyday but see her he can also he cant kiss me or touch me :( im so afraid.
@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
4 Oct 10
Well Love errputs in you when some body strikes your mind and attracts you. some times its physical beauty of the person and some times its intellectual beauty.Some times its money and sometimes its style.So On net u can strike any bodys mind directly and can get love easily for instance. have a a nice day
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
yes i see^^ bcs we know person deeply by net right?^^ yes i guess we can bcs people in net talk easier^^ anyway i really love my bf bcs he is very honest and is too sweet and caring to me^^ he says he loves me always and makes me too happy^^ he is everything that i want^^ also me and his sister talk and she also knows he loves me^^ she even advised me today^^
5 Oct 10
online many people lie about many things. People say that true love can't be found on the internet. To me that is wrong. You can get genuine people on there. If you met a stranger in a pub and you were attracted to one another the only difference there is the fact that you have seen what they look like. Compared to over the internet even with a picture there it still may not be them. Yet a stranger in a pub could lie about many things, just as you can online, it comes down to if you feel you can trust that person online, if you are both eager to meet then do it in a public place, that way if any of you lied about anything it is easy to walk away, not everyone out there online are bad people. Im looking for the right woman, whether online or in person while out and about. I just want honesty. You don't always get that online, or in person so what is the difference between the 2? Not much really
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
yes i agree with you^^ i think like that^^ is true in a pub you also dont know if person is married or what and in net is the same^^ you see the person also online if you want to^^ with a cam^^ only think you cant do is touch and kiss person^^ but the rest you can^^ what matters is that if you feel something for person and person feels too can be born a true love^^ and im happy you think like this^^ im sure you will find a great person online or not^^ you deserve that^^ thanks for your answer^^ is sweet the way you think^^
5 Oct 10
love your response, see, now if you were single then id be interested as we are online and im open and honest. best way to be. But to be interested has to be a 2 way thing.
• Portugal
6 Oct 10
aw thanks so much for being sweet to me^^ but you will find a girl even better than me^^ you will find the best girl^^ is like you say you are open and honest^^ so any girl loves a boy like that^^ you will find one very soon just wait and see^^ maybe she is near you and you didnt notice yet^^ who knows^^ sometimes we like wrong people and cant see the right one^^
• United States
5 Oct 10
I don't think so because you're falling for an 'image', you can be whatever and whoever you want to be...the best love is 'known' love... My strategy for entering a meaningful relationship is to be that person's can I love someone I can't see or interact with? I mean, we can email each other all day long, but what about dates? Get together's? Who are they? What and how are their parents? These are things that I feel are critical in a relationship, and quite frankly, emails, blogs, etc. aren't enough... Are you in love? Or are you in love with the idea of being in love? I have to admit, it is a cool feeling! I've been married for 17+ years and I still feel the same way I met my wife in high school!!
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
im in love with him^^ i can see him, i can speak with him^^ about dates we can watch a movie together, eat together^^ we can do all if we want to^^ i know that my bf loves me and there are many people that met online and are together now^^ so i wont give up on my bf just bcs i cant see him near^^ i trust his feelings and he knows he can trust in mines too.
• Portugal
6 Oct 10
thanks for wish me good luck but i dont need it. i know his love for me is pure and true. and distance doesnt matter at all. he will come see me or i go see him and we will be too happy. it can work like any other relationship too. what matters is that i love him and he loves me too. the rest doesnt matter at all. so i will wait him and fight for him^^
• United States
6 Oct 10
Okay, good're gonna need it
• United States
5 Oct 10
nope the person i love more than anyone i feel in love with her over the phone thought it took a long time of talking for hours everyday. lol we only called each other to fight at first and then we ran out of things fight about and we kept talking we got use to each other and just didn't stop lol. its not like that now though but we love each other more than ever even though we don't have time to talk much
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
over the phone?^^ so you and your best friend just talk on the phone?^^ but didnt you know her near you? i thought^^ anyway is ok that you talk so much with each other and fell in love^^ is ok if you guys fight sometimes thats normal to fight^^ and is so good that you love each other more than ever so why arent you bf and gf? why just best friends?^^
• Portugal
6 Oct 10
so you never met her near? only in phone?^^ well thats cute but still would be good you saw her face^^ so you dont know how she looks like yet. anyway i understand that she prefers be your gf when you are near^^ but is good that you know that she loves you like you love her^^ so you can wait for her^^ thats too cute^^ so keep waiting and i wish you see her soon^^
• United States
5 Oct 10
lol at first we only called to fight with each other cause no one else could keep up. and yes it was over the phone. and she was close but she moved for school to a different state and we are only friends cause she doesn't want to do long distance thing
• United States
7 Oct 10
I absolutely believe it is possible to fall in love online as I did so myself. The major problem, though, is that it is an extremely fragile situation. Love in and of itself is highly fallible and new love can often be very hard to distinguish from infatuation. Adding the element of the internet as the primary medium of communication only makes the whole thing that much more uncertain. While I do not agree that people online are inherently untrustworthy, I do know that understanding the full scope of someone's personality through text and conversation alone is very, very difficult. Oftentimes, things that sound very appealing in theory may end up being very strange or annoying in reality. Or little personality quirks or habits that are completely unforeseeable through conversation alone could be intolerable. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying they're impossible or even uncommon, just infinitely more tricky and difficult. Like I said, I myself fell in love online. I came across his profile entirely by accident one night and fell completely in love that very instant. We've been together 7 years now and we've been married over 2 years.
• Portugal
9 Oct 10
ahah you fell in love the moment you saw his profile? ahah thats too cute^^ is awesome that you are together since 7 years and are married since 2^^ i understand what you mean. you mean that sometimes people are one thing online and near are different^^ and sure we are a bit different^^ i mean sometimes we smile in a way when say something and other person cant see it unless we have cam open. is more complicated sure. and need to love person really for it to work^^ im happy for you^^ wish it last more^^
@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
Yes i believe you that love can fee and see in every way not only by means of touch but by all means. Like falling inlove through internet it happen and i have a proof because my friends got her husband bec of net. They begin as chatmate and later they develop and feel in love then later they found out the same way and at he end they got married. Now they have kids and still happy and much in love. Love can prove in any way not only by personal but on how the two person carry their life and how they understand the two way on the other line. As I know heart speaks and works within the two person who are inlove and they have the way to fulfill it. Have a happy day!
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
aw^^ im very happy for your friend that she found her hubby online^^ thats so cute^^ im happy that you believe me^^ i just wish that my bf can also meet me soon^^ we are too far and i just wish he come soon to see me or i go see him^^ we are both trying to save money^^ i wanted go to his country in january but i dont have money for now so maybe i cant. anyway i wont give up on him^^
@anurag3786 (6265)
• India
5 Oct 10
I am disagreeing with this that it is impossible to fall in love with someone online. I think there are many people who are fall in love with a boy/girl by internet. I have also one of my friends who have a girlfriend which he meets to her online. And now both are going for marrying. So I think it is not impossible but if you really make trust in your relationship and always tell everything true to your partner. Then you can get someone special by online. So I always believed that if there is trust between both persons then they can make their relationship strong's.
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
im happy that you trust love online^^ is good to know that someone believes in that^^ im happy for your friend that he met his gf and will marry^^ and you are right as long as we are honest with the person for sure it can work^^ im honest with my bf and he knows i love him^^ i really want to go meet him soon^^ i dont want live without him^^
@jet2r0cks (190)
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
It's definitely possible. Love happens in different places, times, to different people, etc. I think the real question is if love that is born from an online relationship will last. I'm sure it's a lot harder to maintain. First of all, when you meet someone online, it's harder to figure out what type of person he or she is cause you can't see him or her face to face. It's very easy to pretend as someone you're not when you're online, after all. Because of those factors, it's hard to build trust, and trust is one of the most important foundations in a relationship. However, I've seen it happen. I've seen relationships that started out as online relationship last. It just depends on the party involved ^_^
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
is true what you say^^ is very easy to pretend to be someone we are not online^^ but if you see the person face, and their reactions and all you can see if he is honest or not^^ my bf i saw him and he is so sweet ^^ i can see his expressions when we talk^^ i really want be with him^^ thats why i work here so hard just to see him^^ i dont mind if have to type all day and night just to see him^^
• China
5 Oct 10
Ha ha,the topic is so interesting for me. I want to share my experience with you.I felt in love with a man online in the winter of 2005. And now, the man is my husband and our son is 16 months old.So I must say that,everything is possible.
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
aww im so happy for you^^ you now are married with him and have a son^^ thanks for share it with me^^ gives me more strength to believe that my relationship can also work^^ but we both dont have a fix job^^ thats why is so complicated to meet but im working much here^^ trying to save as much as possible so i can go see my bf soon^^ he is all i need to be happy^^
• India
4 Oct 10
We fall in love happened with me once.people say that you cant fall in love without meeting the person.but you know one thing,love is blid.and love happens anytime,anywhere and with anyone.i saw people fall in love at the first sight.i used to think its just a stupid attraction but then i realized that its love.because attraction remains for only some time but love remains for long long time. And i observed long distance relationships are sometimes very strong. so let people say that you cant fall in love online.but people like you and me know that it does happen.Am i Right?
• Portugal
5 Oct 10
yes people can say anything^^ and is like you say we know it happens^^ i really love my bf so much^^ he is everything i want^^ i feel that if i lose him then i wont find a boy that loves me as much as he does. he is so important to me that i never imagined it was possible^^ im just afraid he gets tired of me bcs im too too caring^^ but he loves me the way i am so i wish he doesnt mind and love me even more^^