Do you think that the year 2010 is passing very quickly ????

October 4, 2010 3:14pm CST
Well this year 2010 is passing very rapidly. I feel that this year may be a lot of great things are happening but it is been the most boring year that i feel.And it is so boring that it is passing very quickly without making much trouble for peoples. May be at the later stage it may bring some happiness from commonwealth games which is being played in India. And one of the important fact of this year is that in this whole year all the holidays and best days are falling in Sundays and even those are coming also falling in the 25 dec., Dashera, Diwali and many more.... Such a boring year so far...
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23 responses
• United States
5 Oct 10
yes i think it has past way to fast for me it feels like it just started.
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• India
5 Oct 10
well then this is same for you. definitely it may be different and we can not do anything about it.
• India
5 Oct 10
so are you from India and if yes then where are you from. I just wanted to know about you and about your any earning options...would you like to help me then.
• United States
5 Oct 10
very true
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
With a job like mine, a call center agent, time really doesn't pass that quickly. If you don't enjoy what you're doing, it seems every hour is a second. And i think vice versa, if you're having fun, time really does fly. It only means that you enjoyed this year. Good for you.
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• India
5 Oct 10
I liked this response from the rest. well said this it depend upon yourself that you are enjoying your work or not otherwise it will be a boring year and we can not enjoy it.
@jugsjugs (12967)
4 Oct 10
Yes i do think that this year has passed really quick,also i can not believe that i am more organised this year than i was last year.In one way i am pleased that this year is nearly over as that way that is another year less to worry about the mortgage.Nothing too much has happened this year to really make it drag along like other years,so i am really pleased.
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• India
5 Oct 10
Yes it is different for different persons. Like it been a good year for you and for me it is a tough year as i have to undergo a lot of exams and it is killing me..
• United States
4 Oct 10
I think that the year 2010 went by very quickly. However, I feel that each year that passes goes by quicker than the previous year.
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• India
5 Oct 10
It may be for you but it been a tough year so far. I have already gone through a lot of rough patches this year. I do not know but6 hope the rest of the days should pass good.
• United States
5 Oct 10
I believe that this year has passed by very quickly as well. Then again, I find myself saying that every year, "Where has the time gone so fast?" LOL! In all seriousness, it seems to me that New Years Day 2010 was just yesterday, and here it is October already.
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• India
5 Oct 10
Yes even it seems me like you felt. It was the yesterday when we celebrated this new year and now another new year is coming so fast. We can not depend upon time.
• United States
4 Oct 10
Yes, 2010 is moving at a rapid pace...I guess it seems that way because the older you are, the busier you become about life and it all seems to be a a child, life is a lot more simple, but it gets more involved as the years go by...
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• India
5 Oct 10
yes it is different for different peoples and age is a very important factor in deciding this. well i am very young and this has not put any effect on me . it is still a very poring year but passing quickly.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
5 Oct 10
Hi Ashutoshs, Well, I think life passes quickly and so I don't think 2010 is passing any quicker than any other time. I haven't found myself bored at all so I guess it is just what you make of it. If you are bored then you should do something about it like add some new interests to your life...change things up to make it a little more interesting. Hope things get better for you soon.
• India
7 Oct 10
yes it is dependent on whether you are going good for your works or not . it is definitely helpded when we are enjoying our work. Otherwise you know what is rest.
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
Maybe as that is what you define your year but as for me, 2010 is another year that was given by God to help others and to live according to His will. It is a year that God has greatly blessed me and my family and I can say that not only 2010 but as years come and go. 2010 is a year that I boosted a lot on my online earning and I am so happy about it. It is the start of my blooming online career and I can say that it helps me and I can help my family. It is a year that i decreased in the number of friends since they have their own life too and I cannot reach them because geographically speaking, they are far and they have forgotten me, but it's okay since I don't depend on that. What else, 2010 is a year for me to wait and wait for our angel to come, baby dust to all who are TTC and wants to be mommy someday.
• India
5 Oct 10
It is great to hear that you are helping your family. Even everybody wan to take care of their family by making good earnings and that can help them in building good relation..
@CJscott (4187)
• Portage La Prairie, Manitoba
5 Oct 10
Try telling that to the people of Haiti. Or the MLMers, that are making it big. I think it is a matter of perception myself, just because things that don't interest you are happening, does not mean things that are interesting to others aren't happening either. Sincerely and With Appreciation.
• India
5 Oct 10
Yes you are right. It depends upon peoples interest and enjoying their work . If they are doing this then time is great for them and for others it is obviously boring.
@shia88 (4571)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 10
Hi, Now is already October and another 2 more months will be the end of year 2010. HOw time flies so fast. Sometimes I do wish one day will hav 48 hours,so that I can have more time to do my things. I never hope for luxury life,but I always hope coming year is a better year for my family and for everyone. Also wish to stay healthy always.
• India
5 Oct 10
great thinking and all the best that you are thinking to do for your family. Yes this year time is travelling so fast that we can not even think, even i have a lot of things to do.
@kodukodu84 (1569)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 10
I'm not sure why, but yes I do feel that 2010 is passing too quick for me. Maybe because I have more goals to achieve this year than all the previous years, and I'm quite depressed that I'm not having enough time to get all the goals done. I guess the more you want to do, the faster the time goes by, the less the slower. I hope next year will pass a bit slower because I'm getting old lol :D
• India
5 Oct 10
yes buddy you are right and it is right that if you are enjoying your works then time will pass quickly otherwise it will slow down..
• India
5 Oct 10
Yes indeed the days are passing away so quickly.I don't know why.I want this year to move slow.But is passing away much more quicker than my expectation.I know there is much struggle life ahead with hell lot of competition and work load with full of tension.Its now like a calm situation before a big storm is yet to come .I am very happy with the tension less and happy life which I am having now.But any ways the show must go on.
• India
7 Oct 10
Well you are right but we can not do anything about it as time never waits for none. Now we are having such an easy life out of tension and burdens but after some days everything will be worse than our expectations.
@onlywan (182)
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
Back in January, I felt like it was very slow but now i think its really fast. i guess it depends on mindset and if you're waiting for something, it would definitely feel slow.
• India
5 Oct 10
yes as i said before it is about peoples work and their interests in their works. If we are enjoying our works then time will go fast and if not then it will slow down.
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
2010 sure passes very quickly, because so many events happened during that time. It is true that 2010 has become a time that all things had changed. It became a turning point for our country when the new president assumed his post in the country. Though his image was tainted with the hostage fiasco in Manila a few months ago, overall I can say is that our country has improved, and it also contributed much in making 2010 seem like one day that passed, because so much has changed.
• India
5 Oct 10
Yes this year we have faced many more situations where we are proud and still many things are coming through common wealth games and it will bring many more success for our country.
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
5 Oct 10
I think that the 2010 is passing by rather quickly. December will soon be here and yet another year will begin. i don't know where this one has gone. It seems like it just began and now it will be ending.
@anurag3786 (6267)
• India
5 Oct 10
Yes I think that every year are passing very quickly. I think time is very fast passing and this time never comes back. So I think time is very important so always utilize your time in good things. And this year 2010 are passing very quickly. And now there are only 2 months to go the next year comes. So I think we should always utilize our time in good works.
• India
5 Oct 10
yes time is very precious and we should utilize in a perfect manner otherwise it will be a waste . so we have to to take measures to utilize our time and then only we can make our time enjoyable.
@lacieice (2060)
• United States
5 Oct 10
Seems to me that the older I get, the faster they go.
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
Yes I agree. I was new in my present job last Sept 2009, and I just realized that I've been here for over a year already. Well, I don't agree that it was boring. This year was a year of new knowledge and skills for me coz this is the year that I started blogging and exploring the income possibilities from the internet. I'm very hopeful that this year will pave the way for more online income opportunities in the coming years :-)
• India
5 Oct 10
as i already said that a year can be good or bad depending upon your work and how you utilize it and it differs from person to person. So it maybe boring for someone or great for someone.thanks
@TonyPluto (171)
• United States
5 Oct 10
Oh yea that was a quick one alright. Between school, work and the gym It's really gone by. 2011 will be a great year :).
@bubuth (1815)
• Philippines
1 Oct 12
I agree that this year is passing so quickly and I feel that everything that happened is just yesterday. In my case, there are lot of things happened to me in the year 2010 and for me year 2010 is the one of the year that I will never forget. Even the year 2011 and this year 2012 I feel that years are going too pass. Every times that I feel it, i realize that life is too short.