what are the signs that a person is not inlove with you at all??

October 4, 2010 9:44pm CST
any one ????? well for me you will only knew that a person is not inlove with you at all when you make all tha efforts for him/her and yet he/she doesnt notice it at all ..
5 responses
• United States
5 Oct 10
well i think when they are more concerned with them self than you, and they always have time for people but not you.
• India
5 Oct 10
Hi, Well, the first sign of 'not being in love' is indifference. If your partner is showing lack of empathy in your affairs, especially your troubles, then it's time for break up. Sometimes your girlfriend may ignore certain things because she knows you well, and because she knows that you are doing all this merely to get her attention. But however she always gives you the necessary attention. If your partner is abnormally obsessive about you and is not respectful to your parents and siblings, then she is definitely not in love with you. Two persons can come close together either because they attract each other or they are seriously in love with each other. One has to learn to differentiate between love and lust. Only then can one judge from an indifferent standpoint. Thanks. God bless you.
@misheli (552)
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
If there's no more respect and he doesn't care for you anymore I think that is a sign. Or maybe if the person acts differently and always in a hurry not even saying I love you when leaving it's also a sign. If you are experiencing those signs that means he's doesn't love you anymore.
@amelialsc (162)
• Malaysia
5 Oct 10
Is time to move on. I think if the person feels that something is wrong with the relationship, definitely it is wrong. A person that loves you will assure you that they do. Efforts need to be made to keep the relationship going. But being appreciative is what is needed back. If they think that the person needs to keep on giving and giving, one day he/she will wear out too.
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
A person is not in love with you when he moves away from you, tries to get away from you and ignores you. You would really know whether or not a person likes you. You can tell by the way he's not looking at you and by the short responses, if he even talks to you. If you get that feeling, you're most probably right.