2010 WWE Hell in the Cell PPV Sucks!..... Big Time!
@The_Mechanical_Turk (208)
United States
October 5, 2010 4:57am CST
As a WWE fan I was one of the people that is excited to this PPV knowing the reputation of the Hell in the Cell match. But when I watched this latest PPV Im kinda disappointed I think how they view about this match change a lot! I think they lost their touch on how this match is. The only match that I was entertain was the WWE Championship match. thanks to Randy Orton this will be a waste of time watching!
What are your views about this PPV?
1 response
@megamatt (14291)
• United States
6 Oct 10
I did not see the Pay Per View. I had no interest in seeing this Pay Per View. I had no interest in buying it or watching it through...other means even. I think there were a multitude of problems with this Pay Per View. First of all, it was two weeks after the last one. So that was a fail. I have no idea why WWE has the desire to put their Pay Per Views so close together. I think that the thirteen or so shows they have a year are far too many. They should cut back to having four or five, back when each Pay Per View actually meant something. Given the fact that their Pay Per View business is in the toilet, I doubt I'm the only one who thinks that their build is falling flat due to lack of time. Part of it is UFC rising granted, but the other part of it is that the storylines have just not been all engaging. I'll even say that its not even PG, even though that leads to its share of problems.
Which brings me to Hell in a Cell. The classic Hell in a Cell matches that I remember, Shawn Michaels against the Undertaker, Undertaker against Mankind, Triple H against Cactus Jack, Brock Lesnar against the Undertaker, Edge against Undertaker the list goes on and on, those were great matches. They were the culmination of feuds that have gone on for quite some time and needed a Hell in a Cell. I think that as of this year and last year, there is a huge problem of the big matches being Hell in a Cell because that's the theme of the Pay Per View and it did not justify Hell in a Cell. I mean, Randy Orton against Sheamus which I'm sure was a decent match, did not really justify Hell in a Cell. I will grant you that Kane and Undertaker did, but considering that storyline is not quite over yet, it kind of cheapens the value.
Then again, I hate these themed Pay Per Views. There could be this awesome feud that mandates a Hell in a Cell Match in like about May or June but wait, we can't have that, because the Hell in the Cell Pay Per View is in October. That leads to the biggest problem with these shows. These themed shows are just not working and its killing interest, along with two many Pay Per Views. Rumble, Wrestlemania, Summerslam, and Survivor Series, are about the only Pay Per Views I've really cared about, mostly because those are big time shows. Anything else is just there.
This Cena-Nexus thing that came out of this show does appear to have some potential but I just have this fear that we're leading right to another round of John Cena and Randy Orton, with the roles of babyface and heel reversed. But by all means, beat that horse just a bit deader, WWE.
@The_Mechanical_Turk (208)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I agree with you. I'm totally sad that WWE really didn't come now to its name. I really miss the day when its all attitude.