Why do people always try to tell me, how I should raise my own children?
By cream97
@cream97 (29085)
United States
October 5, 2010 1:45pm CST
I went to a church today to get some free clothing for my three kids and me. The lady that works in the room with the clothing saw my little daughter acting up. My daughter started to throw a temper tantrum. And I did pop my daughter on the hand once for throwing a toy on the floor out of anger. Everyone saw me pop her. I told her not to throw the toy like that. Then as we were about to leave, the lady told my daughter that I needed to beat her. I am not going to beat my daughter. This is not always the best way to deal with a child when they are throwing a temper tantrum. Then when we was outside and my daughter started to whine, my oldest daughter's teacher said out loud that, "that is why she needs to be in school." My daughter is only three years old. Why won't this teacher stop saying about how my daughter needs to be in school? I have already made the decision to let her go to school next year. So why all of the fuss? If I have two of my kids into school, what makes them think that I won't put my youngest daughter into school next year?
I will take care of my job as their mother. I don't need anyone doing it for me!

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14 responses
@thedaddym (1731)
• United States
5 Oct 10
Does not sound like a very hospitable church to me. Sounds like a church full of people who don't know how to mind their own business. I can't believe someone would tell a child they should be beaten, that is pretty aweful, and what is that teacher's agenda? Geez some people, it is stressful enough when kids are acting up and then people think they need to go and say things like that. Crazy.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
5 Oct 10
Hi. thedaddym. That is my main point! I am already stressed out to the max when my child acts up in public. It can be very embarrassing on my part. When others say things about what should and should not be done, it makes me more stressed out!
If they only knew what I had to deal with behind closed doors, they would not even say on word to me!

@beautyqueen26 (16030)
• United States
1 Jan 11
Sometimes a few rotten apples
can make a church seem not so nice.
It's a fact of life that there
will always be some sour people.
The tantrums seem like they are
a fact of life for toddlers and
three year olds.
Putting a kid in school at that
age is no cure.
Wonder why the teacher keeps
harping on that idea.
@IoanaBI (494)
• Romania
5 Oct 10
Hello Cream! I still remember, even after 24 years, that my parents gave me big beat when i was 3 years old. I tell them even today about it and i complain to them that for a simple glass break it was too much. The glass wasn't worhed. I do not think that there is something that priceless, to beat your own child. Or even if it is, it is your child! I think it will be better to punish her, make restrictions, if you think that her behavior needs to be guided on the " right " path.
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@GoldenAsh (290)
• United States
5 Oct 10
A plus rating for the above mentioned response.
"I do not think that there is something that priceless to beat your own child."
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@celticeagle (172458)
• Boise, Idaho
5 Oct 10
I think that this lady you speak of and the cop that had to be called to my apartment the other day need to go to the same place. He told me I could spank my grandson 'as long as I didn't leave marks'. Can you believe it? This comming from a police officer! And this teachs the child what? That being violent is okay? I dont know what this teachers issue is either. Unless they think they see behavioural problems or something that you don't.
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@genevy04 (793)
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
Hi cream,
Tantrums are very natural for kids specially for toddlers like you little girl. I think it's mean for them to even tell you what to do when in fact they aren't even that close to you to tell things like that.. And them, forcing you to send your daughter to school isn't really nice at all.
Your kid is just Three and they manage to tell things like that? I mean don't they have their own minds? Your daughter is still a baby and you can't force her to go to school when you know she wasn't ready yet..
I think those people are ill-minded. They should be the one to understand how toddlers may behave since they were older and it seems to me they are the ones who doesn't understand.
Don't mind them dear, they won't do you, nor your family any good at all.. Mothers still knows best..
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@Pvtplasma123 (4)
• United States
5 Oct 10
people do that to me two and when they do it to tere kids that expect us to do nothing but if we do it their all like you shouldn't do that and making remarks
@Lindalinda (4111)
• Canada
6 Oct 10
I don't think people have the right to tell you to beat your kids. That was very rude.
However, maybe the teacher saw that your little daughter was ready for some socialization such as kindergarten or nursery school.
I suppose your funds are limited so you could look into church funded kindergartens or parenting centres.
Here where I live we have some wonderful parenting centres. They are located in public schools and staffed by an early childhood education worker. The parent or caregiver stays with the child, the child cannot be left by him/self her/self. My daugher in-law took her first child there on a regular basis from the time she was born and now I take the second child who is 6 months old there once a week.
The centre is open 4 days a week from 9-2.00 I am so sad that not many parents take advantage of it. I can always tell if a little child is exposed to early learning. The tantrums are less, the shyness is less and the children ae much more articulate. For instance when the worker reads a story she quotes the author and illustrator. I know at three years of age this means nothing but when the child goes to school these terms are not strange or frightening. They also discuss substitute words such as a frog leaps or jumps. A snake can have many names such as viper, boa etc.
My older grandchild is now in pre-school but she talks like a grown up with a phantastic vocabulary. I credit her exposure to the parenting centre for this.
The centre is free of charge and it also provides literature on health, vaccination, toilet training and more in quite a few languages. The moms, dads or nannies who take their charges there also have the opportunity to make friends and overcome isolation that sets in at times when a parent stays home with children.
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
6 Oct 10
Even the most well-meaning people seem to cross the line at times. In my opinion, if you are doing what you feel in your heart to be the best for you and your children, do not worry about what others say to you. I do not agree that you should "beat" your daughter. I think that you probably handled that scenario suitably and that woman was having a bad day. In my experience, the best way to handle a tantrum with my kids is to walk away. Once they see that I am not responding to their behavior, they usually stop pretty quickly. As far as putting your daughter into school, I think that you, as the mother, know what is best for her. I have three kids myself. My oldest one didn't go to school until he was old enough for Kindergarten. My second child went to pre-school for only a little while, and he was 4. My daughter went to pre-school for a whole year, when she was 4. Fast forward to current times, my oldest enjoys school the most. He is great about getting up and getting ready on time without a fuss, and has always been this way. My second child gives me problems once in a while, but is usually pretty good about going. My daughter, on the other hand, gives me a daily fight about getting up and getting ready to go, she will wait until she is almost late to get out the door. In my case, the longer I waited to put them into school, the better they have responded to going at all. I don't feel that every child needs to go to pre-school, especially not for more than a year before starting Kindergarten. In my opinion, they already have 13 years of school before going to college, why make them go even more if they don't need to.
The way I have always handled those people who have made comments about how I should raise my kids is to tell them that they can raise their kids the way they want and I will do the same with mine. On the same hand, if I ask for advice, I take it with a grain of salt. In other words, when listen to another parent's advice about a situation with my kids and how to handle it, I take the advice into consideration, and only implement it if I feel that it is the best for my kids.
I think that if I were you and someone would have told me that I should beat my 3 year old child, I would have looked at them and asked them if that is why they are so bitter, because they were beaten as a child.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
Well,some people reacts without thinking twice.
I hate the feeling when someone advise me how to discipline my kids.
They are not the one who's looking after my kids anyway,and they never knew each of my kids attitude and behavior,for them to compare to their kids.
If they think they had the best kid in town and they've given the best discipline to their kids,then fine.
But,they have no right to tell me how and what to do with my kids.
I hope those people be considerate enough to others feeling before opening their mouth.
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@natnickeep (2336)
• United States
5 Oct 10
Lots of people think they know everything about children and everything about how to raise yours. But the truth is all children are different. And the people who claim to know the most usually know the least. Just keep doing what you are doing and don't let these people get to you. Sounds like you are doing a good job.
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@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
6 Oct 10
Cool down and don't get mad over those words.
I believe they don't mean to hurt your feeling by saying out
these words.
Sometimes, small children can be crancky for no reason and It did
happen to my son sometimes, I also feel irritating and will scold
him for behaving naughty.When come to worst, I will beat him
slightly on his arm,to remind him to behave well.
Since your daughter is 3 years old now, you may consider to send her
for nursery class to let her have more friends and being socialize with
other kids.
AT least, you can have your own free time for few hours.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
5 Oct 10
You have said a mouthful. I go through this a lot and it can be very frustrating. I can understand that someone people other than us may want the best for our children and may really care about them honestly. However, if I AM THE MOM... who would know what's better for her than her own mom?? (I have a 2 yr old daughter). I would never let anything happen to her... never intentionally hurt her or any of the above. You just want to cuss these people out half the time because it can be so trying. But, I think that you are handling the situation correctly. That is YOUR child and if you are doing what is best for him/her.. who is to tell you any different?? NO ONE.
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@syndic8te (18)
• Philippines
5 Oct 10
These people are on the outside looking in, and most of the time they have no idea what they are talking about. That's not to say you should just ignore what they say. Some can give valuable insights based on their own experiences. Despite saying that, you're definitely more familiar with your own children than other people. As long as you love them, there shouldn't a problem.
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