It takes two people to create a baby, not only one person!

@cream97 (29087)
United States
October 5, 2010 5:07pm CST
As far as having a natural birth, it takes two individuals to create a baby. This makes me so mad when people will tell me not to have anymore kids. I wonder why they can't say this to the man as well. Since it takes my egg to combine with his sperm, this then creates a fetus in the woman's embryo. My serious question is why don't people focus more on the male more? If I should not have anymore children then the male should be told this too. He should be told this, since he is responsible for helping to create a baby as well. The stress should not be placed solely on a woman only. If it is, it is very unfair.
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20 responses
• United States
6 Oct 10
Sadly we as Women always bare the burden of criticism when it comes to reproductive issues. We are the ones they make birth control for! It's not fair it never has been fair but that's how things work even with womens lib.
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@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
Hi, Cream.:) What's with this baby making issue, dear? I can tell that somebody is making an issue about it.... Yup, I absolutely agree with you on this one. It is not the woman sole responsibility to stop or not to in making babies. It is not like cooking that it takes only pair of hands to accomplish a dish.... Other people are seem expecting us to be fully in control with this but what they don't understand is it is difficult especially when you are also being a wife to your husband and no matter how you tried to control the birth rates in your family, sometimes "accidents" could happened. We women have no choice when a baby comes but to accept it whole heartedly.And if we have a choice, we wouldn't want to bear kids anymore than what we already have ,that is, if we are already content with them.Just imagine the pain of bearing a child.... The world i sexist , Cream, and sadly, it is in favor of men.... But, don't let what others think about having more kids, just enjoy parenthood and life. Have a great day, dear Cream.:)
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• Grand Junction, Colorado
6 Oct 10
Well in my opinion it would be because birth control is made for women, the only birth control that is made for a man is condems, and those should be used unless in a monogamous relationship. Otherwise they make all kinds of different birth controls for women, not men, that is why society always points the finger at the women. We are ultimately in control of that situation for the most part. Yes there are problems with certain birth control on being effective, but if used properly most birth control is 99% effective. Just my 2 cents worth.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
6 Oct 10
Don't forget about vasectomy - for men only!
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@jugsjugs (12967)
5 Oct 10
Hi, I have 6 children,however i never planned all of them,like you say it take two,lol.I think that as long as you can cope,aswell as ensure a child is cared for and that you are well enough,then why should you stop having children.My husband had the snip and after 8 months i ended up having a hysterectomy,so we will not be having any more that is for sure.Just ignore what others say,as it is you and your body,not theirs.I think people expect us women to take precautions not to get pregnant,rather than the male.
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@hushi22 (4928)
5 Oct 10
right! right! right!
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@aurel83 (102)
• United States
6 Oct 10
well it is true that creating baby need two individual, woman and man. in case of marriage life, there is no imbalance. it is balance in roles. mom and dad have their own roles. as mother who give birth it doesnt mean that man or father is under estimated. man is as important as woman. man is the main role in family. he is a core bro...
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@cream97 (29087)
• United States
6 Oct 10
Hi. aurel83. Yes. It is true, but a female is always acknowledged more than a male is. That is just the way that it is, and the way that it will forever be.
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
9 Oct 10
These days some couples manage to have a baby boy and then a few years later a baby girl. Many people find that their birth control fails to work and they end up having another child that they didn't plan for. People tend to focus on the mother-to-be and not the father-to-be. It takes two to make a baby but a lady can have her baby's birth alone. She can choose to be a single mother. If a lady is told from a medical point of view that she shouldn't have any more pregnancies the man should be told too. He is responsible for making the baby as well. The stress should be placed on the lady and the man, not just the lady. In my home country a lady chooses what happens to her baby and if she wants to abort the man doesn't have any say. I think that every baby should be able to live. The couple should both be responsible and try not to conceive if it would be risky for the ladies health. The man should be as responsible as the lady.
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@mods196621 (3652)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
Yes it takes two people to have a baby inside the woman's womb and men are needed to give their sperm to meet by the eggs to form a fetus. Like on talking about the family planning these includes very important matter of planning a baby a number if child's and spacing if ever. The participation of a man is important but if they said that they don't like to have a baby and then the woman want more it was too unfair to us because they cannot participate. Because we cannot be pregnant without them so if they don't like we have nothing to do but to wait for their turn in the right time. Only the wrong time for us is if we are in the stage of menopause. This is the stopping of menstrual cycle of a woman. We will not be pregnant if our cycle stop already.
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@bodhisatya (2384)
• India
6 Oct 10
Certainly it needs two to tango, cream! One cannot be insisting on you not have babies anymore. Hmmm I am curious to know if the people who came to you with this suggestion were male or women?
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@shibham (16977)
• India
6 Oct 10
i think you have been asked that question by some females. i think and i believe that yyour hubby is also facing those questions by his friends, i mean male friends. i suggest you to ask him that is he also suffering from that type of question. i believe he too. take care.
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@sender621 (14894)
• United States
6 Oct 10
It does take two peoplee to make the miracle of birth happen. unfortunately, only one person can have the total experience.
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@shivam95 (42)
• India
6 Oct 10
Oh so sad of you but the truth is that this dicrimination does prevail in our society
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@shivam95 (42)
• India
6 Oct 10
Oh that does prevail in our sad of you...
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6 Oct 10
I agree strong with you. Men never get the blamed. And yes it takes two people to mingle so both should take te responsibility to bring up that baby..
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@djbtol (5493)
• United States
6 Oct 10
I am trying to understand why you feel all the pressure. In many marriages the couple will decide enough children, and then the husband will have a vasectomy. Is he opposed to that. You may have people who are boldly expressing to you that you have enough children; maybe a mother, family or friends. They would be more likely to talk to you than your husband. Does the 'male' want more children, do you? You two being in agreement is the important thing. I hope you find some peace on this issue. djbtol
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@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
2 Jan 11
I know a lady that got a surprise pregnancy and had a baby son. Then she planned a pregnancy and that baby boy took ages to come along. Then she got pregnant with a baby girl and another baby girl followed her. So out of four children she had only planned one of them. The others have been happy surprises. The male was responsible. Yes, the woman and the man create a baby. You should have as many kids as you like. It is not the business of other people. People should focus on the male more.
• United States
1 Jan 11
There's a very simple reason that someone would tell a woman not to have a baby and not tell the man. For one thing, they are afraid of getting their front teeth punched down their throats by the man. Most guys associate the ability to sire offspring with their manhood and won't tolerate interference from the outside of the family. A woman might be seen as an easier target for a meddling neighbor or family member who wants to put pressure on the family situation. The best solution is to ignore the person and tell them to mind their own business and then go do what you want. If you have the money to support your kids then have as many as you want.
@celticeagle (164229)
• Boise, Idaho
6 Oct 10
It is unfair but the woman does get the most of the responsibility and alot of the instinct. Men can be very good at helping and being there as suuport too. They do have alot of portential but it is really up to them whether they take the ball and run with it. Alot of them don't.
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
6 Oct 10
i am with you cream~ if only they can say that to the other party.
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6 Oct 10
In our world exists discrimination as it is with you... Hopefully, the more you suffer, the more you will gain...
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