Who are the real most prominent owner or ancestral domain claimants of Israel?

@gjabaigar (2200)
October 6, 2010 3:40am CST
Is it the Jews who mandated by the United Nations after World War II? These are mixed of races that Converted to Jews that came from some part of Europe and Asia Minor. These are like Ashkenazi Jews, Khazar Jewish, famous people like Albert Einstein, Anne Frank, Leonard Bernstein and so on. They are not the descendant of Ishmael or from Abraham or to any lost of tribes of Israel or from the ancestors who witness Moses the "Ten Commandments". Or the Palestine people (who are living before World War II) that was converted in history from Jews into Islam? For my own liberal opinion the real anti-semitic are no other than the people who was converted or use to be like Jews that was then mandated by the United Nations to occupy Israel. But why? for Oil? Biblical? Torah? Talmud? New World Order of a Khazar race of the Rothschild clan? Zionist? Don't know really. Because what the heck is on Israel anyway? Why is so very important? In the Torah or the Christian Bible even the clan of Abraham or even the Palestine are both foreigners also.
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10 responses
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
I don't know. some how, i wonder why it got into you're concern I don't really need to dig past about Israel, but the past is the past. look at them Now, they have support and probably US's biggest Ally in the Middle EAst. probably it's the only country in the middle east that stands against most predominant MUSLIM nations who might one day do something nasty. ALL i know is that Israel is an important Ally,most specially if they(US) are in deep troubled relations with IRAN.
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@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
Because I love conspiracy theories. I like connecting the dots or these theories. I have been researching lately on these kind of matters, but i don't know really why the reasons I doing that, it just came to my being as intrigues and curiosities. And makes me wonder until now. I want to collect some other views, informations here in myLot. Hoping not only going to help me but also maybe with others. As far as I know, you must not ignore these kind of stuffs, you too must have a personal research knowledge about it not just like that what you know right now. Because there are really something out there, they don't want us to know. And they are the real enemy of all human race not just all of the religious group. And they actually the one who control all of us, including our own puppet country. You know what I mean.
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
You should start fearing if US starts intervening other countries like israel. or allowing the wars in the middle east to go on, not to mention if they didn't a damn about conflicts around the world. I am not ignoring these, but US is not either. so, i don't have much TO WORRY as long as US is intervening.
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
correction: if US STOPS intervening
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
6 Oct 10
From my limited knowledg i think the Jewish GOd did ask the jewish not to intermix/marriage with non jewish people, but they disobey and now u see so many types of jewish people and such.However,this conflict has come to a point,they have to give and share lands , one party just cannot ask the other party to jump into the sea and such and hence must share land.However, as we know , many years of blood being spill on the land on both sides and also the other parties with own interests between them has made this one of the most headache conflict in earth history.
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@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
According to the information I have, we all humankind (especially with the real Jews and other real Israelites who original genetically to the ancestral blood of Abraham) have been fooled full of lies. deceits and a full canned of worms. Actually those people who perpetuated the greatest lies of humankind history and civilization are the one who are controlling all of us NOW globally. Most of us don't know about this because THEY keep us all busy, and they constantly feed us all of their false truth information and knowledge to brainwash us thru different kind of visual and audio medias. So, in the first place these should not have reincarnated the so called United Kingdom of Israel. Or should or must not happened at all. Naturally, an almost or approximately more or less 2000 years of humankind history can no longer distinguish the very real original genetic ancestry of a real Jews or Israelites. The Jews was been dispersed (Diaspora) but some has stayed, some came back. Some of those who came back converted to Islam. Other than that, other races converted to Jewish, and some are just using or not real or faking as being a Jewish.
@Aussies2007 (5336)
• Australia
6 Oct 10
Why don't you just go to wiki and read the history of Israel and the Jews. It will be a lot simpler. It is all about religion... again. It is amazing what religion will do to people. The Jews were without a land for almost 2000 years after the Romans chased them from Israel. They approched the UK during WW I to get their land back. And the UK finally gave in after the nazi genocide in WW II, because they feel sorry for them. The Jews believe that GOD gave them Israel and that it belong to them. That is their religion.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
Thank you mate yo! Peace!
• United States
1 Mar 11
Actually, it's amazing what human nature does to people, not just religion. There are good and bad in all groups of people, not just religious. I daresay there are just as many obnoxious atheists as there are obnoxious religious persons. To believe otherwise is simply another prejudice. Yet in these enlightened days to dislike religious and conservative people is deemed acceptable! So what war will follow this then? And it's not religion that makes for war, but politics. Such as between Ireland and England, it's about land and resentments over dominion, not religious issues, such as which day is the sabbath or something. Religion is not the scapegoat. Human nature is. Man is at fault. And from all groups, not just some!
• Australia
2 Mar 11
Flowerchilde, you are partly right. But in most cases it is a mixture of greed about land and religion. Hitler invaded Europe for money and power, but used the opportunity to exterminate the Jews. When you look at the size of the Middle East, it is hard to believe that owning the pissy little land of Israel would make the Arabs much wealthier. It is about religion. They don't want another religion on Arab land. And if Israel was Christian, it probably would not be any different. Except that America would have probably carpet bombed the whole of Palestine by now to protect the Christians.
@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
6 Oct 10
The ones that have the claim to Israel are the descendants of Abraham of the twelve tribes of Israel. And more importantly those who were taken into exile when Nebuchadnezzar captured Jerusalem and took most of the people away. By the way, even though most of the ten tribes had been taken by the Assyrians before that time, there were still some of the ten tribes who went to Judea because they still worshiped the Lord and all the Levites who were driven out by Jeroboam when the Kingdoms were first divided. It also includes anyone who was converted to the Jewish religion and who would have married one of the Israelites even when the people of the exile left to go back to Israel or Palestine as it might have been called then, those Persians who converted to Judiasm. So Israel is in reality the land of the Jews. Now the exceptions. And if a Jew is converted to Islam, he is no longer considered a Jew. But if he decides to obey the laws of Israel and become a citizen he can be as can an Arab who decides to obey the law of Israel and become a citizen. But it would be hard, but in reality, the reason for this after World War Ii was to return the Jews to their ancestral land, not for gold, but because the Arabians and Palestines, Turks, etc. and before that the Romans had driven them from their ancestral land and God was the one who said that they should be there. Not man.
• United States
1 Mar 11
There are groups of people who say the Jewish folks are born of the seeds of the devil. They won't come right out and tell anyone that until sure of their allegiance to their group. According to these ignorant groups, the Jews are responsible for all wars etc. and say things like you've read on these sites. But does this even remotely make sense? Are Mexicans more prone to fighting than Italians? No! Of course not! ALL races of mankind are flawed, fight, rob, kill, etc.. And aLL are to blame for the state of this fallen world, not just some!! There are good and bad apples in every group of people. This one is like the biggest blame game of all. And such is the root of all wars. Not religion as is so popular with some to say. But human nature. No race is inferior. Israel was the Jewish people's ancient homeland. After their return after WW2 they lived peacefully with the Palestinians until huge nations around the tiny sliver of Israel decided they wanted to exterminate Israel, and the Palestinians in support moved out for the carrying out of it. Some don't like it that Israel dares to not bend to that! I say the 'god of this world' is the one who hates Israel for birthing Jesus; and the world under him is joining him in that hatred/blame game. And about this the Bible says those who bless Israel/Jerusalem will be blessed and those who curse them will be cursed. I've actually witnessed this with friends i could not dissuade from this foolish prejudice, til their family fell apart and then their health.. It will surely rot the bones and definitely the spirit. Please beware of any such thing. "God is love" not prejudice, and certainly not hatred (of anyone!)
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@suspenseful (40192)
• Canada
2 Mar 11
Israel belongs to the Jews and the Palestinians who were brought in to destroy Israel have no right to destroy Israel. If that happens the whole Middle east will be Muslim and with the Jidahists who will probably get into power, there will be danger. Since Christ came to EArth and then rose and went to Heaven, so no nations is excluded from hearing the word of God and being converted. So that means that although some nations may be more people in it who do horrible crimes, it does not mean that any person of that evil nation cannot be saved. Before it was just those who were Israelites or who converted to the Jewish religion. So no one can say all Germans will be Nazis, and consequently all AFricans are good, all Chinese are wise, etc. Every nations has flaws, and consequently people of every nation can be saved.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
hello my friend mi madame suspenseful! gracias! God Bless You! The reason I detonated this kind of bomb, because lately I just stumble about an article in this great library of Wikipedia. This article.... "The Invention of the Jewish People (2008)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Invention_of_the_Jewish_People by Shlomo Sand .... then this one ..... "The Thirteenth Tribe (1976)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Thirteenth_Tribe by Arthur Koestler ...... and then also .... The Thirteenth Tribe by Arthur Koestler http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/13trindx.htm Then to these forumboards and other websites. = http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=58712 - http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread423972/pg1 - http://www.luisprada.com/Protected/the_khazar_are_zionist_and_illuminati.htm - http://www.thewatcherfiles.com/edomites.htm (this is so long full of texts and information, and have not started to read yet) - http://www.biblestudysite.com/factsarefacts.htm (this is long also, not yet read also) - others are youtube videos speeches and radios - and much more internet informations, the internet are truly libraries and a lots of information treasures. All of these are accordingly and perpetuated by a zionist fake Jewish of a Khazar race. Khazars are mostly from the mighty barbaric Huns of Asia. Their empire was been situated in the area of the Caspian Sea where they have been just embraced or converted to Jews for their own personal agendas for whatsoever. Not all Jews are Israelites. Especially fake and zionist Jews. And not all Israelites are Jews. If Ashkenazi Jews are primarily Khazar and not Semitic in origin, they would have no historical claim to Israel, nor would they be the subject of God's Biblical promise of Canaan to the Israelites. After the World War II the United Nations put a zionist fake Jews on Israel and not by God, and which are not accordingly by genetically or by ancestry of Abraham but a fake zionist Jew religion. I'm Sorry for all of these...... But I don't really care about it what I care are that there are more than millions lives was lost that has already overtook the lives that was lost on the World War II holocaust genocide. And also give births of terrors and fears across the globe of all mankind. Because of all of these or since the reincarnation of the United Kingdom of Israel of the Jews. Whether they are fake or not.
@1corner (744)
• Canada
8 Oct 10
To start off, let me just say I'm shocked to even hear of such a question/s being asked regarding Israelis/Jews' ancestry. And I simply have never understood the reasons behind Jew-bashing at all, and why it exists to this day. Are the sites you cited above your only sources of information on the Jews/Israel? I for one wouldn't rely on Wikipedia mainly to learn about the origin and history of Jews, or on any subject for that matter. You need to gather various independent documents, preferably from the library, before making conclusions on anything to ensure you filter out the prejudices of some authors. (The link on Schlomo Sand's work is evidently biased against Zionists, who are Jews too, controversial though their stand may be).
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
8 Oct 10
The Ashkenazi Jews are descendants of Abraham just like the Sephardic Jews are. They are not fake Jews. Because of all of the attacks on Jews throughout Jewish history they became scattered throughout the world. This does not make them less Jewish. There are Cohen and Levites among all of them.... The Palestinians are not Jews that converted to islam. They are arabs. They were pagans that converted to islam. There were always Jews in Israel and Palestine even after they were driven out some came back and lived there quietly. It was the only home they knew. In 1917 there were already Jews there and more came. The Arabs lived and worked side by side with the Jews. The Jews taught them many things about finding and trapping water for agriculture. In 1948, the Arab states in the Mid East kicked the Jews out of their countries and Israel absorbed them. The "Palestinians" (Arabs)who left or were forced to leave Israel were not absorbed into any Arab State. Instead, they were put into refugee camps....Why? Three generations have been forced to live in these camps....Why? The Jews built homes for about the same number of "refugees" in their country and went on with life no problem. The problems with the "Palestinians"(Arabs) is an Arab problem not a Jewish problem. It was created by the Arab States.
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
8 Oct 10
oh wow these are all so goods. Gracious thank you very much Adoniah. I am so grateful. I'm just lost exploring your sides and wants to know on the other side of my fences. Please forgive me for what I am saying, asking and what i do believe blindly. I have already read informations and knowledge but I want more directly or a personal freshly clear views and perspectives on this kind of matters. How will we know all Ashkenazi Jews are all genetically from the descendants of Abraham? The male, female and children? Mostly of them are speaking Yiddish. (and Before all events happened) How will we know of more than 10 millions Ashkenazi Jews of mixed Europeans and Asian converts and to the real descendants of Abraham? Like Khazar (from Turks or Huns or Aryan race) Jews convert? Are Khazar Jews genuine Jews? or Real?..... How will we know a real Jews from a fake Jews? Or is there a real fake Jews existing now? How did we know that some of those Palestine Islam are not from a Jews descendants of Abraham? We have this Temple Mount or Mount Moriah, has an Islamic Domed Temple at the center, built in 637 CE after Muslim conquest of Jerusalem. After was been built are we sure we have no Jews was been converted into Islam faith? And who are the Israelites? Is Israel for Jews only and they are should be called as an Israelites only? I have read some informations with the same cases on Jews and just like other Religions has fake counterparts also like Christians or Catholics, Islam, Hindus, Buddhist and so on. They are unitedly one organisms actually, their motives are one and united, and that is to corrupt all Religions until all Religions was been condemned and abolished. Other motives are the abolition of private property, abolition of inheritance, abolition of patriotism, abolition of the family. Until the creation of a one world government. Gee! That's a lot of questions. And more I think. I don't want you to get pressured over this and your not oblige to answer. But if you may wish greatly to answers, I am highly appreciated for all of your efforts and thank you very much. Peace and God Bless you.
• United States
6 Oct 10
this has been a volatile issue for so long that I am not sure rational thought could possible prevail!
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
Yeah I know its a bomb. But let us face everything here. Let's discuss what we all know here. So we can help each other, even the whole human race not only the Palestine, Jews, Israelites, Christians and so on. Because here were all have begun. We have to know, what you have in your knowledge.
@urbandekay (18278)
6 Oct 10
What reasons do people generally give for right to claim land. 1. International recognition; the state of Israel is recognised by most countries 2. Conquest; the area passed into British control following conquest from the Ottoman empire and we gave it as a Jewish homeland 3. Historical precedent; historically the land was theirs 4. Divine command, Jews claim this land was theirs by divine command all the best urban
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
6 Oct 10
thank you my friend urbandekay! Peace yo!
@Drumman (305)
• United States
8 Oct 10
I don't have a lot of knowledge about this subject. I learned a lot from everyone else. Thanks for asking and for everyone's answers. I just wanted to say I think you have an epic avatar. Awesome!
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
8 Oct 10
oh yeah Drumman thank you! Thats my avatar alright! Peace! yo!
• Jamaica
6 Oct 10
if you know you would ask
@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
8 Oct 10
what??? "if you know you would ask" ...... Are you referring to this One?.... (of New International Bible - John 4) http://niv.scripturetext.com/john/4-3.htm and (in King James Version).... http://kingjbible.com/john/4.htm anyway..... thanks! peace! yo!