A testimony ( For all believers and people with faith)

@nicole00 (141)
United States
October 6, 2010 10:04am CST
I thank God for the testimony I am about to share with everyone today. Well I finally got a job! And it has been a ong journey for me. Ive almost been unemployed for year and finally I have a job. Some time last year I was 3 months pregnant and I cop pulled me with my 4 year old in the car I didnt understand why so he turned on his lights when I was right by my home. so I just turned on my blinker to pull in my yard so I wouldnt be on the street with my four year old because he has broncitis and I wanted to get him in the house. Anyway the cop must of thought I was running and turn on his sirene really loud as I oulled in my drive way and he jumped out with his gun and told me to stay in your car. I was scared and my four year old was screaming. Any way to make a long story short I was slammed on the car on top of my stomach and tooken to jail and my four year old saw it all and went with my mom. Anyway they charged me with a flee to elude charge which is a third degree felony. And I had no record or never been in any trouble until then. I tried to fight it but the judge say they saw no evidence that I was wronged. But anyway Its been hard for me to get a place to stay and get a job.I applied to 30 jobs and all turned me down. I had interviews and all turned me down. I applied to an apartment assistance and they turned me down for my record. And its been hard having two kids and going through. BUT GOD! So I continued to apply to jobs and finally a job contacted me and said they liked me and check my record and that mess poped up. I was like man forget it. But the manager told me to write a letter explaining in my own words what happen and guess what? It worked!! I have orientation Friday and than I start work at a retail store. And I thank God. Im just here to tell everyone you are an overcomer by your testimony and I pray my testimony lets someone know in spite of what is thrown at you, you can make it you can achieve and come up like a beautiful butterfly. And I thank God and I expect great things!. By faith we can move mountains!!
4 responses
• Indonesia
1 Mar 11
Hi Nicole00, It's been 5 months since you posted this. How did your job work? Do you still have time for mylotting here? Hope you're all okay and everything's going fine. Most important thing is, you still keep your faith till now. And by the way, it's a nice testimony you have. GBU.
@luna1980 (53)
• Thailand
10 Oct 10
Congratulations :) Hope you doing good with your new job and life is always change by destiny :) Take care and God bless you and your family :)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
Congratulations with your new job. Faith does move mountains. And He never let you go through out those agonies. Keep moving in Faith. GodBless.
• Mumbai, India
6 Oct 10
Hello Nicole :) Read your story, Its really sad that you had to go through that agony. I wonder how can the cops be so careless to catch anybody and put behind the bars using 3rd degree on anybody :O. Its really good that you kept faith in god and never left your efforts and hardwork :), Yess By faith we can move mountains and you proved it :), A hearty congratulations to you for getting a job and showing such a bold and never give up attitude :). I wish you all good luck for your future and a hearty thanks for giving every body here a motivation by sharing your story :), I hope many of the readers here would be motivated by this and never leave their faith and efforts :) Have a happy time mylotting :)