What makes YOUR religion so "true"??
By LaLa Leo
@mrscallands22 (2851)
United States
October 6, 2010 12:52pm CST
I am an Apostolic Christian... and have been so all my life. I am soo tired of going into certain convenience stores and having someone from the Islamic faith try to "convert" me to their religion. AND OF the random older lady that comes to my house at the crack of dawn on some Saturday mornings discussing the Jehovah Witness faith. ALL OF THAT. BE OPEN MINDED PEOPLE!! Just because someone doesn't necessarily BELIEVE in what YOU believe in... doesn't make them not respectful to your beliefs. Do not try to force your views upon someone because that approach/tactic never works. Discuss what you have to discuss and leave it at that. DO not argue over it.. and once it gets to the point of disagreement.. CHANGE THE SUBJECT!! GEEZ!!
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19 responses
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
Hello Mrscallands
I had the same experience.but that's when they are pushing the doorbell and me looking out, seeing them asking questions about how tired are we in regards to loving God. unfortunately, this isn't about number of believers, it's about faith
there's no way am allowing a Muslim to convert, I have read the Koran already, It's dangerous to read the last part. i can always ignore the person or just leave it before they start being aggressive. 

@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
9 Oct 10
Letranknight, in defense of what you said about the last part being dangerous, well thats meant for people who are Muslims. I am surprised that by already reading the Quran, you have still a lot of negativity towards Islam. However you are right about ignoring the person before they turn agressive. In fact I think you should report him/her.
mrscallands, I thought you said you are going to trash any religion here.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
10 Oct 10
No.... that's not what I said at all. In fact, my words from my response verbatim were "I'm NOT bashing it for them or anyone else. I just could not convert."
As far as what I said in my response, I was only stating the reasons why I could not convert... but more than likely that is the same reason why I couldn't convert to ANY other religion, not just Islam.
Thanks for sharing!!
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I agree that it can be quite aggravating.. especially people coming unannounced to your home. I find that to be annoying. I learned a little about the Islamic faith my junior year of high school when I had taken Advanced World History.. I found it to be uneventful, confusing and hard to adapt to.. especially with the new and different practices.. I don't know. I'm not bashing it for them or anyone else. I just could not convert. I love my religion and my God too much to even think twice.
I agree with you, though.
Thanks for sharing!!

@hvedra (1619)
7 Oct 10
I agree with jaishankarawasthy11 that a lot of conversions are politically motivated. People at the top of religious organisations often wield a lot of power, often in ways that are scary.
I'd also add that a lot of the need for converts is for financial reasons. The more followers you have the more paid clergy you can fund, more buildings and so on. Some people have a very comfortable lifestyle "ministering" (not all, some are genuine good folk but when the minister is living in a McMansion and driving a new Mercedes there's something WRONG somewhere).
If the Jehovah's Witness lady is bothering you, contact the local Kingdom Hall and ask to be put on the list of addresses they don't go to. Usually they will respect this.
Strangely, living in a country with a lot of Muslims, I've never had one try to convert me! I live in a neighbourhood that has quite a few Muslims and one class I took at college was nearly all Muslim women and none tried to push anything on me at all.
Perhaps your local Muslims have picked up bad habits from people trying to convert them!

@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
9 Oct 10
Okay I am not saying that who is trying to convert who is wrong here, this is my experience.
When I was a young woman, a Christian had approached me as well. I found it totally irritating until my friend told me of their intentions. My friend said that they were just trying to save me so there was nothing I should be so agitated about.
That really changed my views about someone trying to tell you of their faith.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I've had people of other faiths try to convert me as well.. it's just that the most vivid examples that I can remember were the Muslim guy and the occasional Jehovah Witness visitors. However, I cannot agree with your last statement... I don't think that that is necessarily always the case. Some people are just people.. they don't have to pick up "bad habits" from anyone of any other faith or anything like that. Some people are just the way that they are. And, I took that as an acceptable excuse and went right along.. that's why I never disrespected him or started a disagreement with him. But, different strokes for different folks!!
Thanks for sharing your views!!
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
12 Oct 10
I can understand... when people speak of their faiths to others.. and there's nothing wrong with that... at all. I have had plenty of pleasant discussions about religion whether it were similar to mine or not and found it most enjoyable to learn about new or different faiths.
HOWEVER... if there is a discussion about religion... and there is someone who is trying to "FORCE" their religion on others (so to speak) by bashing the other person's religion or trying to point out flaws or anything remotely close TO that... I find that to be disrespectful, irritating and unethical. And that is only anyone's behalf from any religion.

@urbandekay (18278)
6 Oct 10
No, I love visits from Jehovah's Witnesses etc shame they have to go so soon. What is different about Apostolic Christians?
all the best urban
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
There is a lot to know about the Apostolic faith in relations to Christianity. And, I am, by no means any expert or leader in the church. I have grown up learning the Apostolic faith and it involves worship in many forms... whether it is praying, shouting out, moving your body. It is not stiff or anything like that. The atmosphere is very welcoming and you do what you feel when you feel the Holy Ghost spirit. We read the King James Version of the Bible and obey it thoroughly. Some religions are cult-like and worship the "man" or "woman" that stands between them and God.. this religion is NOT like that at all. Whatsoever. We conduct the Communion ceremony every Easter per the Bible. There are deacons, elders and ministers who would position in the church. However, the "preacher" or leader, if you will, is called the Apostle. His wife being the First Lady of the Church. The oldest woman in the church being the Mother of the Church. We also have Evangelists come and visit our church and many of those of the Baptist faith, as they are quite similar. We believe in baptism...and tarrying. We believe in repentance for our sins. I do not know the complete history of my religion so don't get me to lying, but we don't have statements of faith that we believe in. And we believe in testimony. I will just say this...
Traditions within the Apostolic Christian Church are said to help encourage believers in their commitment to serving the Lord, help to knit generations together, and provide close harmony among the various congregations..
If you are curious to know more, I'm sure there is more available on the Internet such as Wikipedia or whatnot.
Thanks for commenting!! And for your particular interest in my religion.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I made a typo.
I meant that...
*I do not know the complete history of my religion so don't get me to lying, but we DO have statements of faith that we believe in and recite.
@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
14 Oct 10
I am sikh by religion,I Think When all religion says that God is One, then why do some people Just want to impose thier rigid thinking on others, Today , few hours ago some body sent me a similar message as you were discussing in your discusion,I Dont undetsatnd why people cant just live their own lives and could deal with their own problems and further dare to interfere in others Lives

@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
16 Oct 10
Sikhism is a religion Praticed In india, and its followers are called sikhs.They tie turbans on their head and have mustach and bread,But some are clean shaved like, I am,In India their are four main religion practiced, Hinduism, Sikhism, Muslimism,adn Christianty.I Hope you Understadn now
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
16 Oct 10
What is Sikh, if you don't mind my asking?? I am curious to know.
But, I agree it can be quite frustrating sometimes. People just don't know when and when not to test certain people on certain issues.
Thanks for sharing!!

@bentaboha (27)
• United Arab Emirates
6 Oct 10
I think if anyone believe in everythings written in his/her holy book he/she would not have any doubt about his/her religion.. am Muslim and I know that some poeple have negative thoughts about Islam, but I don't care because I know that my religion is true and I belive in every sigle word written in my holy book.. I respect all the other religions and I believe that everyone have the right to choose his religion... and I liked your words "someone doesn't necessaru believe in what you belive".. I totall agree with u
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
It is great that you feel that way about your faith. I feel like that about my faith, too. Which is how we should exactly feel. I never made this post to bash the Islamic faith or any other faith for that matter. I was just providing an example for an experience that I have been through here recently. I do not feel bad towards the Islamic faith or any other faith.. I just believe what I believe in. But I respect other's beliefs as well. There are SOO many people who don't do this.
Thanks for sharing!!
@bentaboha (27)
• United Arab Emirates
7 Oct 10
It's OK I know that it washust an example, I didn't mean that u have any bad feeling about Islamic faith, I talked in general..
wellcome ^^
@waynegomez (120)
• Philippines
2 Nov 10
My brother is a moslem and same with my other relatives, they say moslem terrorist are not real moslems. Well, same with Christians, people that do things that Jesus did not want them to do are not real Christians, they are called christians by name. Just using the name just to have something to say they are. Jesus didnt force the people of its time to believe in him. But who ever is telling the truth or whatever the true religion is, we will see in the final. I respect all people!
@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Amen to That!! I am not a Christian. At times I have had people look at me in disarray and then try to convert me. I say No Thank You , I'm Jewish and I walk away. I never answer my door, Well to tell the truth I'm not up in the early parts of the morning , so they can Bang the door down , I'm not going to open it! I have never had a child of Islam try to convert me.But I would do the same thing I do with the Christians! It would be so much more of a peaceful existence if people could Just agree to disagree!There are so many paths and not Everyone Will follow the same one!
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Yes that definitely is true... EVERYONE could not possibly all be on the same page.. it's impossible!!
Thanks for sharing!!
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
11 Oct 10
Hi Mrscallands,
Oh I so hate that!! I do not go around talking about my beliefs just randomly to others. I do find religion very fascinating and am very interested in all sorts of belief systems.....to a point. I don't want to go into a convenience store to spend more in order to save some time only to be held up by the clerk trying to push their religious beliefs on me. In fact, I don't like to be approached by anyone about their religion and especially someone that does not even know me. The Jehovah people will tell you that it is part of their mission....they HAVE to knock on doors and try to convert people which is just so rude. I can't even tell you how many times I have been woken up or interupted by those people!! Granted, most of them will go away when you tell them that you aren't interested but that isn't the point. It is just plain RUDE!
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
12 Oct 10
I totally agree!! It is very rude!!
Thanks for sharing your views!!
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Even though I know if it gets to the arguing point you're not going to convince the other person, but since I believe that no one comes to the Father except through Jesus Christ, it's hard to let it go when the other person's eternity is in jeopardy. I have to keep reminding myself that one plants, another waters, but God gives the increase.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
8 Oct 10
When it comes to religion... I always base everything off of this one statement...
"You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink it."
Though we can freely share our religious ideals and views with each other.. if a person is not WILLING to accept it.. then we should respect that and leave it alone. It should never reach the point or argument or disagreement because that will do nothing but make matters worse.. you definitely will have lost a potentional "conversion" then.. I suppose. Because I never took too kindly to disrespect and tend to block out the true message once that point is reached. I just wish that everyone would take the time to step back and just IMAGINE themselves in someone else's shoes, but their own... just sometimes.
Thanks for sharing your views!!
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
7 Oct 10
Faith ... I believe my religion is true, because I have faith. Your religion for you, my religion to myself
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
And that's exactly how it should be!!
Thanks for commenting!!
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
7 Oct 10
It's fun to hear an apostolic christian about forcing beliefs into others. Not talking about you as I don't know you and I don't know if you're like the majority of people who believe in your religion, who seem to live to force others into it. Just stating something that I have seen soooo many times, to my discontent.
Unfortunately people from all religions are so self centered into their own beliefs that they don't accept that other beliefs exist at all, and they will try to convert everyone as if life was a contest. As you said, people should be more open minded.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Yes I am an Apostolic Christian and will tell you and everyone else that I am very proud to be and love my God. However, I do not force my religious views onto others if they are unwilling. And, also I will not sit and argue about which is better or about the differences because I view it as pointless and I don't have time. At the end of the day, I will believe what I want to believe and vice versa.. so it is just wasted time and energy.. not to mention against most religions anyway. Think about it!!
Thanks for commenting!!
@elmare0699 (163)
• South Africa
7 Oct 10
Hi, I belong to one of the Dutch Reformed Churches here in South Africa. I believe one should be open to discussion of different religions as this can only make us wiser. The important thing I believe is that one should know the Bible and use the Bible to guide your action. I also believe that none of our religions are perfect, meaning that many of the rules and church laws that govern how we worship are man made. That doesn't mean that one religion is better than another. I know of people who have changed their churches, reformed to apostolic, not because of faith issue but because of the actions of fellow church members.
Basically I believe that there is only one God and that He has chosen to show Himself in different ways to His children here on earth and He ask one thing from us and that is that we Love Him and when we love him we will worship Him with our whole hearts everyday.
Our different religions are guides that show us how to worship God, so I think it is good to have some knowledge of the different religions.
Is my religion the "true" religion? This is not a concept that is used in our church so I have to ask, what does that mean?
Is my faith in God "true"? Yes, definitely, without a doubt. You see, my faith is not placed in my church but in God and I take my guidance from the Bible.
I am a Christian because I believe that God had sent His Son Jesus to us to pay for our sins and I believe this because the Bible tells me so and the Holy Spirit residing in my heart confirms this.
I like to know what other people believe because it brings enlightenment, broadens the horizons, listen, learn and respect.
Simply said, God encourages us to explore, to accept what is good and discard which is bad.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I never was asking the members of MyLot.. PERSONALLY... what made their religions true.. which is where I think you misinterpreted... That title that I created for this discussion was just the mere thought I perceived when individuals try to "convert" me to their religion. Because even after I have said no, they lacked the respect to understand that. That was MY issue... not the fact of which religion was considered "better" than the other or "more true".
As far as the other aspects go, our religions seem very similar. I had this discussion once before with friends a long time ago.. and I explained how I thought that every religion was just the interpretation based on culture.. in different languages.. with different practices.. I truly believe that...
Thanks for sharing your views!!
@cricket10 (66)
9 Oct 10
Things like this have happened to me with Jehovah's Witnesses. I had 3 Aunts and their families in it and they drove me crazy coming to my door like that. Finally, we just agreed to just be family members and have family love for each other and not bring up religion. We kept it that way, thereafter.
Before that I became upset with them and would not open my door to any of them.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
12 Oct 10
I can definitely understand that. Well.. at least you all came to a conclusion that you all could agree upon!! That is always a good thing.
Thanks for commenting!!
@diana82 (56)
• Indonesia
7 Oct 10
thank ou before, i am muslim since my birth. i strongly disagree when amuslim wants to change one's religion by coercion. islam had great respect for difference.and muslim shoul love one another on fellow human beings. if there amuslim applies not fit the religio believe that he did not for this religion but to desires that are filled whith emotion that is misleading and harmful to all humans.
@momof3kids (1894)
• Singapore
9 Oct 10
It is a pity that you have met such a Muslim. I am a Muslim and I have met Muslims who think that they are above me. Shame on them.
@Anora_Eldorath (6028)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Mrs. Callands-
I was not sure where this discussion would go but I like the way you've summed it up. I feel that everyone's faith and spiritual journey is just as important as my own. I'm pagan currently but grew up Roman Catholic and spent nine years in the Southern Baptist Convention. I feel I've had a very well rounded exposure to various beliefs as I've done a great deal of visiting to other places of worship. I do know what you mean about evangelists though.
When in Arizona I had two Mormon gentlemen that must have visited my home every week. My friend used to tease me saying they must have liked me, but perhaps it was just that I took the time to listen to what they wanted to share. I find that some people just want to talk and share. It does not do me any harm in listening. I find that most of the time I don't even have to agree or disagree, all I have to do is give a listening ear. If invited to a service that I am not comfortable attending I simply politely decline but with the thanks for them thinking of me.
After all we are all part of the Divine spectrum.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I think it's great to be well-rounded in almost everything that you do because it makes you a more experienced and wise person in life. I respect that. I haven't ventured outside of my religion that I have learned to grow, love, learn and accept God into my life.. ALL my life. However, I took several years of Advanced World History and learned about other religions such as Islam, Hinduism, Judaism, Buddhism, Pagan even the older religions that Egyptians and Aztecs and Mayans practiced. It is quite interesting to learn.. and some you may understand the concept... while others you may disagree with completely. This is just how people experience and learn what THEY want to accept in THEIR lives.
I agree with you wholeheartedly about the Divine Spectrum.
As always, thanks for sharing your views!!
1 person likes this
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
3 Nov 10
mrscallands, I fully agree with you. All of us need a crutch because all of are lame. We are unable to walk on the path of righteousness because our one leg is shorter than the other. To trudge along we need a crutch to suit our size and to the extent we limp. Why must anyone ask me to take his crutch, which does not suit me? I am waiting for the day when I would be free from the shackles of religion, and I would be able to live without it.
@Rainbowliselle (498)
• Philippines
7 Oct 10
I can relate with you. I'm a Catholic though. It gets into my nerve when there are some groups who claim that their religion is the true one. Can't we just respect each other's religion. I have close friends who are Muslims, Protestant and I picked one friend to be a godparent of one of my children and he came from another religion (Iglesia ni Kristo - Church of Christ). We all respect each other and we avoid pointing out each other's religion's flaw as all these are teaching us one thing.... and that is to spread LOVE - love one another as we love ourselves. I have high respect on religions who focus only on teaching its members on how to spread love instead of throwing 'mud' on other religions, as if theirs is flawless.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I could not agree more. If people stopped pointing out other's differences, maybe they'd have time enough to focus on themselves. That's just how I feel. I think it's great that you and your friends have such an understanding relationship when it comes to the religion issue. It sounds like you guys have a lot of respect for each other. Keep the faith!!
Thanks for sharing your views!!
@IoanaBI (494)
• Romania
6 Oct 10
Hello Mrscallands! I'm a catholic christian, and because it was my perents religion, i belive it is the "real" religion. For me at least it is and it will be. I do not make a big fuss about religion, because i belive that at the end of my life i will be rewarded or pushed for what i did and how i behaved with respect for the hummans live.
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
If one strongly believes in ANY religion wholeheartedly, it is SUPPOSED to be what they feel is the true and considered "right" religion. I feel that way about my religion just as you do or anyone else would. But, to try and DEMEAN someone else for what they believe or FORCE your beliefs onto someone else who is unwilling.. is just WRONG. I do not agree with that at all. We will all find out soon enough.
Thanks for commenting!!
@mrscallands22 (2851)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Anyone should feel that way about their religion. If they truly believe in it!!
Thanks for commenting!!