Escalating house prices

October 7, 2010 9:01am CST
The price of homes are escalating each and everyday. What is happening? It only needs one company or several companies to bancrupt and all job are gone. Where did all the people get their money to finance their homes? During a house launching, within 2 hours, 150 units were sold. Is there really such great demands and so many rich people? What are these people thinking and the prices of these home are crazily over priced.
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2 responses
@SomeCowgirl (32191)
• United States
7 Oct 10
I am not really sure why anyone would want to get a house if they don't have the money for it. It's one thing to have good enough credit to buy your own place, but even if you qualify and can get it, you still must make enough to see to the bills of the place as well as bills you already have. I am not sure why people feel they need to buy when they don't have the money for it.
• Malaysia
8 Oct 10
Actually there are many reasons to why those individuals finally take up loans to buy the house as in my country for just a simple reference. One of the key factors is because those rentals and available houses for rent has indeed been a problem for most individuals nowadays. To rent a place now is equivalent as to pay up for the house loans. So in order to pay the equivalent as well as the homes you are paying is not yours, they have prompted to take a risk and get the loan. What they have no control is what the economy will do to them when companies closes down, and a sudden lost of job. Another reason is of course to be competitive with peers or pressure from others such as parents, partners which of course definitely a reason to convince them to have a home of their own. What about yours?
@picjim (3002)
• India
7 Oct 10
To own a house is difficult to say the least.But on the flip side here i'm sitting on house plots which are extremely difficult to sell.I suppose in certain areas there is a boom.At the same time the economic climate is not is not amenable in other areas as demonstrated by my example.
• Malaysia
7 Oct 10
I agree with you, even when we buy the property, we could never be sure that the property of the place will boom or otherwise. That is why when consumers are buying their heads off just for an investment, one day they could resell their homes with a higher price, it will benefit them and that was their intention. What I am wondering, before they think of doing the buying and selling, where did they get the money? Aren't they scared that their property won't sell, or they are of of job? The debts? Leave aside those really rich ones, what I saw was normal people like you and me, queuing up for new launches..