Easy, Inexpensive Way to Treat or Cure a Common Wart

Common Wart - Common wart on the finger
October 7, 2010 9:22am CST
These warts are caused by a viral infection, and can be bothersome, sore and can also bleed. There are over the counter remedies, prescriptions and treatments that you can purchase to treat common warts but many are expensive. Did you know that there is a reaally inexpensive way to treat warts and you can purchase it at most dollar stores? Its duct tape! Just cover the wart for five or six days with a piece of duct tape, much like you would use a bandage. This really works! I have also seen someone charm a wart with their wedding ring. This is when they take their wedding band and encircle the wart and turn the ring while muttering some encantations, I don't remember the encantations though! I can't say if this works as I never checked with the person to see if it did. Do yo know of any other home remedies for treating the common wart?
1 response
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
7 Oct 10
Compound W advertizes all the time, but I don't know if it works or not.
1 person likes this
• Canada
7 Oct 10
Yes, I have heard of this as well, not sure if it actually works either, but I know duct tape does, I've used it.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
9 Oct 10
I've heard something like that. The theory, I guess, is anything where you cut off the air to it? Is that it? I've heard putting the milky juice from the cut milkweed works, too. But people with latex allergies have to be careful as that is a natural latex plant.