When taking loads of different types of medication

@jugsjugs (12967)
October 7, 2010 5:11pm CST
there are things that they say you can not eat,aswell as must not go near,also what other medications that you can not take with them.I am now on four lots of pills and now getting changed to another type of injection,as things are going from bad to worse.I am on beta blockers,bp pills to lower my bp,as the others were not working,antibiotics as my glands and abceses are causing me trouble,different pain killers that the dr had to get the hospital to give me and new injections for my arthritis,which will help my psoriasis as the other injections had bad side effects and caused yet more problems.I have got to stay away from people with colds,funny everyone has a cold even drs,influenza,chest infections,well every illness really,not allowed to eat dairy foods that are not pasturised,eggs,soft cheeses,the list is endless.So thats £28 of pills to buy,then there is tomorrow when i see vascular surgery,what will they give me to take.As for side effects,well there are loads of them aswell.If i do not take the meds i will be really ill,but if i do i could also be ill.
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20 responses
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
8 Oct 10
Hey JugsJugs, I can understand your point here. I have been on medication for over a decade now and have been under the implied restrictions. I cannot take anything that I want and have to eat in small amounts (not even fill up my stomach at one go). Many a times, I too feel that when these doctors say no to so many good eatables how do they fulfill the nutrients demanded by my body! Here is what I think - These medications just make you more sick by creating an imbalance in the body. However if you do not take the medications, you are going to get sick. So the better alternate is to find more information from the Internet and keep experimenting with what goes into your body. Today, I am taking much more than the docs have prescribed as a diet for me just because I have been using the Internet to find what people can eat if they have Ulcerative Colitis and Rheumatoid Arthritis.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
I have been looking on the lists of the things that i can not have and some of the things that i like are on there,so abit fed up with that,but i have a good nurse who is sending me alternatives, that i am allowed to have also she told me what takes ok and she is going to put a line under the ones that i can have very tiny amounts of.I suffer with high chlorestrol aswell,so there are alot of things that i have cut out to try to get a better result and so far nothing has worked to drop it.At this rate i will be soo full up of pills etc that i will not be that hungry,lol.I got more pills from the hospital today.
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@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
12 Oct 10
A healthy diet or should I say a prescribed diet apart from the long list of medicines is really a pain and if that is for your entire life... I would admit it makes matters worse. I am now sick of eating that prescribed diet and sometimes I do let my taste buds enjoy the BANNED food too. You are lucky that you have a nurse who keeps you informed and takes better care of your health. Here, for me, even the doctor is 1200 kilometers away. Have my visit to him scheduled next month.
• United States
8 Oct 10
Doctors love to medicate people. That's what they have been doing to me, and some of it is medication that I don't want to take. I will take medication for my Asthma and Allergies, and my immune system, but I hate taking psych meds.
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• United States
9 Oct 10
I didn't think that I was depressed at first either, but the more that I looked into it, I was. I was going through so much last Spring and Summer, that it was bound to get me.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
This time when i went to see the dr he asked me if i was also feeling abit low,as he is also in contact with other health people that i see.I explained to him that i was ok and that i do not want anything for what he thinks is depression,as i was more angry about not being able to do all the things that i should be able todo,not i was feeling depressed.
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@GardenGerty (161597)
• United States
8 Oct 10
Jugs, do you get any help making sure they are set up correctly? I hope they are not overmedicating you, and that things get all sorted out right.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
I have hospital doctors that have sent me ots out to see how they can help,also a nurse that keeps checks on me,to ensure that i am not having too many problems on the medication.The drs have told me to get a days of the week container that you can get from health place,so that i know what i am doing with what pill.The hospital checked all my medication today as they gave me more pills.I always double check that they are not giving me more than i need to take,as i hate taking any medication.
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@GardenGerty (161597)
• United States
8 Oct 10
It sounds like they are helping you keep track. I see where you talk about them changing things and that changes your routine.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
8 Oct 10
I'm sorry you're having allthese problems! You can tell me all about the side effects of medicines! I have had a time with urinary tract infections here lately and I also had a time getting adjusted to the antibiotics my doctor prescribe! I had nausea, diarrhea, tingly skin, dizziness, you name it. One of the antibiotics I took was Cipro. I had taken it in the past and didn't have any problems with it but this time I did. I talked to a woman at church here lately who said she can't take antibiotics. I don't know what she does when and if she ever gets a urinary tract infection.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
8 Oct 10
I always finished all of my antibiotics unless they caused any side effects. In that case, I just had to stop them and tell my doctor. I'm just lucky that I didn't have any serious side effects such as trouble breathing.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
9 Oct 10
I went to the beauty shop today and I started getting sick again while I was there! I started having nausea and I had diarrhea one time while was there. I just hope I don't have another UTI. I did have a snack while I was there, though, and hope it was just something I ate. I'm not sure if you're aware of this but you can be nauseated and have diarrhea with a UTI. I didn't know this for a long time, myself.
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
The only antibiotics that i can take are called Clarithromycin,as these are the only ones that do not make me sick.These are the ones that they always give me for urine problems,aswell as abscesses.I get 4 weeks supply of these as the problem of having abscesses is like a urine infection,where as a weeks worth is not long enough to get rid of the complete problem.
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
8 Oct 10
That is a lot of pills and I am sure a great expense. You should be okay as long as your doctor or pharmacist is aware of everything you are on, and you don't have a lot of the side effects. When you read the list of side effects you wonder if it is worth taking it. The side effects can be worse than the reason you are taking them! Sometimes a specialist will put you on something that doesn't interact well with the other things and your primary care doctor isn't aware of it. That can cause big problems. It is hard to keep up with everything you need to take and what to eat and do and what not to do for all the different meds. If it helps you though it will all be worth it.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
I always take a photo copy from my dr to take to the hospital of all the meds aswell as the amounts that i am on, as that way they can not mess up in my eyes.I did question the dr to why i have to take all these pills and also what they are for,also do i really need to take them or can there be something with less side effects that they could give me.I did ask how soon all these pills would take to work,so i see all the benifits,he said that they will not work over night,not very helpful.
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• United States
8 Oct 10
I know what you mean. Some of my medicines say to avoid grapefruit so that means I must be careful even when drinking pop because some soda pops put grapefruit in them. I have to read everything because I take so many medicines and I have to be careful and not take my iron at the same time as my other vitamins because they can interfere with each other. Keeping it all straight can sometimes be a hassle. Sometimes taking the meds causes side effects.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
Oh yes mine says grapefruit aswell,but i hate that any way,mind you there are some things like you say that contain it without you knowing or even tasting it.I was on a medication that i had to take folic acid on and had to remember not to take it when i took other meds.I got into a routine and then they changed the meds and that threw me,as i was not sure what to take with folic and what not to take.
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
8 Oct 10
looks like ya cant win for loseing man oh man . Guess ya need a Doc to live in so he dont get sick so you dont get sik
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
9 Oct 10
ya right blame it on us smokeing
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
I have been given more pills today,aswell as i was told that if i was to quit smoking then they would operate and then they could stop giving me this pill that they gave me today,as i would not need it.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
8 Oct 10
i know what you mean, i take several pills and always worry about them interacting with each other. fortunately we get 80% paid for though.
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
I have just filled in a form with my dr to get my prescripitions free or even for less for the year,as i am on lots of medication that needs upping aswell as changing constantly.I have the macmillan clinic to see at the end of this month about my blood,so no doubt they will be changing my meds or giving me more.
@walijo2008 (4644)
• United States
8 Oct 10
I know, isn't it silly, to have to take all these different pills? Like you said, if you don't take them, then you get sick, but if do take them, theres all these different side effects that could happen, then they just give you another pill to counteract those side effects, and it just goes on and on. I take so many myself, I get tired of it sometimes, but I know they're whats keeping me alive, so what would I rather do? Take them and live, or not take them and probably die or get really sick.
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
I always take copies from my gp of all the meds that i am on,aswell as all the meds that i am about to go on,when ever i go to the hospital, this way they are aware of all the meds that i am on,so that they do not give me more of the same things aswell as they do not give me meds that will interfere with the ones i am already on.They gave me more pills today to take from the hospital from the vascular surgery team.
• United States
8 Oct 10
I am sorry u are having such a hard time. It's the pits to have to take all those meds & still feel bad & have problems.I take alot of meds to so i can relate to what u are saying. Hopeu feel better soon.
• United States
9 Oct 10
I know what u mean. I take 18 pills everyday but guess they keep me going. Hope u feel better & have a happy weekend.
@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Oct 10
Thank you,i hope you have a nice weekend aswell.
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
I went to the hospital today and to my horror they gave me another lot off pills that i need to take,i need to be on these until i see that clinic again in two to three months time.Lets hope some of these work,as i hate taking any meds,aswell as those side effects that you get from the new meds they give you.
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@celticeagle (169959)
• Boise, Idaho
8 Oct 10
Yes, my family knows about these side effects and taking several types of medication. My daughter takes three different meds for bi-polar syndrome. She can't be out in the sun. My grandson takes five different medications for anger, mood disorder, etc. He takes an anit-depressant, one mood stabelizer and melatonin, one new on to help him calm down and make better choices. Ugh! Way too much for a seven year old.
@celticeagle (169959)
• Boise, Idaho
9 Oct 10
Usually the ADHD can be handled quite nicely by having him on a good natural diet. Yes, the side effects are very scarey. I hear this all the time on the tv. Commercials about medications that can cause very serious side effects. They do put on the paper that comes with your meds that the severity of the side effects is to be thought about and how important the med is to you. Bla, Bla, Bla.
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
My son has adhd,what they thought could have been bi polar or that with autism,his meds have now got to be upped as the school have said they are not happy that he is now getting use to the amount that he has been on.All the phone calls aswell that you have and those appointments as my son also has a kidney problem.It is the side effects that people get with the meds that they take.
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@jugsjugs (12967)
9 Oct 10
The meds tell you about all the people that have taken it that have had those sorts of side effects,but they are always finding out later on that there are others that they have not put on there.They took me off the injections that i was having as there were alot of worrying side effects that were not on their paper,now starting me on a new injection,lets hope this injection is ok.My husband was on a weight loss pill from the dr and that has been recalled due to causing alot of people having heart attacks.
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@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
8 Oct 10
I can not relate to your situation. I don't get sick. I believe what it says in the Bible, "by his stripes we are healed." Jesus took our afflictions on himself. I can't see that the medical profession has done you much good. Perhaps you should pray about your health and ask God what would be the best thing for you to do.
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
9 Oct 10
Read James 1: 2-8.
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
I have prayed for health being better in the past and not only my health and so far my health has got alot worse.Even the woman who do go to church has also prayed for me and that did not help.Thankfully there are nice people out there that do help me.
@doormouse (4599)
8 Oct 10
i only take 3 pills a day at the moment,but my mum takes about 15 a day for her illness,she is sick and tired of taking soo many pills as she never knows which one she will react to this time,last time she reacted badly she collapsed and couldn't breath,so had to spend a few days in hospital
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
8 Oct 10
U have a difficult life. I can't imagine myself eating that much of medication on a daily basis. I will go mad. Eating so many of them in different shapes and sizes is more than enough to put me off. I will rather be ill by not taking any of the medication than taking them because i'm ill. Medication seems like taking over my life then. I really want u to recover soon from majority of them, and be enjoying life. Life is simple, and not so complicated like the types of medications u have to eat!
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
They gave me more pills today.I have to take 8 pills in the morning as soon as i get up,aswell as eat breakfast,i am not a person that eats in the morning,so not looking forward to tomorrow at all,thats with out trying to remember what pills i have to take at dinner time,tea time and bedtime.I am on beta blockers,so i must not go without that one,along with all the bp pills.
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@KrauseHome (36447)
• United States
16 Jan 12
I think there are many here that can relate with this issue, and it can become quite frustrating. I think the main issue anymore is finding things that do not counteract with something else you are taking, or help make something else worse to where they have to keep on giving you more pills or doing more medical work when in reality if they could only look at the whole picture, and all of the doctors talk and decide what is Best some of these issues could be resolved. I am going thru the same thing and it is frustrating. Maybe one day somehow for sure?
• United States
8 Oct 10
A very popular site here in American which you may benefit from is to go to http://webmd.com I has so much there.. You could look up your meedications and whatever you are being treated for.. Doctors make up part of that site.
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
Thank you for the link i will have a look over the weekend.I got more pills to take today from another department of the hospital,from the vascular surgery team,along with the usual lecture about smoking.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
14 Oct 10
That's way too many medications to take on a daily basis!! I wont allow myself to ever have to take that much of medicine. Even 3 different types a day is a hassle for me.. hehe I guess u really have to take good care of your own health, and be cutting down on those medications. Too much of it will only do your health more harm than good, especially in the long run
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
it is like i am feeling ill reading all the meds you are taking. i could not say anything other than take care and may you be well. the pills could really make you feel more sick than ever, they all have after effects and some of them have adverse effects.
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
11 Oct 10
I'm quite aware of the fact that there is a reason for the medications that the doctors are giving to you. However, I think that I would probably consult with another doctor about all of the medications to make sure that they are really the best thing for you. You see, I think there are times that doctors don't particularly give you the medications that are the right choice for the individual. That could be wrong, but it is my opinion.
@loneraver (331)
8 Oct 10
Im on some medication at the moment that i cant drive machinery which is a obvious one but i was shocked when i read that one of the meds i take i should not have cranberry juice!?!? I thought this was totally random and have never heard of something like this. Sometimes it seems to me that we just put our lives in the hands of chemicals we know nothing about and are they really doing us any good or would it be better to have natural remedies? at least natural remedies we arent damaging ourselves with all these chemicals that tell us that we cant drive, eat certain foods or drink certain drinks etc. I have in the past looked up what these med are but am just confused all the more as its just more long words and confusing information. i think sometimes i would rather not know but then again i also think i would rather not have to take them and also i wonder how people in history used to cope without? We dont seem to be able to cope without!
@jugsjugs (12967)
8 Oct 10
I know that there are alot of meds out there that are good and that we do not have a choice to take for the sake of our health like beta blockers,but there are still serious side effects to these.I am getting to the stage where as i am asking the dr if there are natural things that i can have.Today i got some more pills from another department of the hospital.