A Huge Disappointment
By sulsisels
@sulsisels (1685)
United States
October 7, 2010 11:43pm CST
This summer and especially the last 6 weeks, my poor dogs have been suffering terribly with fleas and ticks. Living in Florida, I think we have it a little worse than most, as we have this problem year round and its at its worse in late summer. I have two dogs and one dog carried each problem. My bigon was troubled with ticks while my Irish Setter, the fleas. I have tried every home remedy under the sun, all to no avail. I tried daily baths (much to my dogs misery I might add) and nothing. With money being a huge issue, I have been trying to avoid the "miracle" treatment, or so I thought, of Frontline and/or Advantage, due to the extremely budget breaking cost. After trying everything, short of witch craft, I finally broke down and purchased Frontline with great expectations. Well, need I say more? Much to my surprise, the product did not work. I don't even want to tell you what I paid for it because I paid about 20.00 more than I needed to as I was in the high end pet store looking for something else (food), it was there, I had the money and just thought, I'm getting it..I don't care about the price, just as long as they get some relief. Well, my Irish Setter seemed to be better for about 1 week and now she's right back to where she was, scratching day and night. My Bigon, same thing, no ticks all last week and then I found two tonight after our walk..This is so exasperating..What Now? Does anyone else have this problem. I mean if the "Miracle" products don't work, what does? Do you think Advantage is any better? I'm at the end of my rope with these annoying pests and don't know what way to go now..Any help out there? It would be appreciated..Thanks
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6 responses
@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
8 Oct 10
Oh no, sulsisels, I am so sorry. I am one who told you about the lavender which I am finding doesn't work either..Or at least in September when they are the worse. Of course you being in Florida, the climate is different. I confess that I did invest in a 3 month supply of frontline, (Got it for 15.00 on Ebay) and now I regret it after reading this. This is because I think I finally got them under control..How? Now I am not saying this works, it worked on our dalmatian because of her short hair. I am experimenting with this product now, having both long hair and short hair dogs and I don't want to say it works, (though it did for my dal) for another year. But it might be something for you to look into. It also is not natural, but I feel better than the chemicals, and that is "Avon's Skin So Soft Oil" (I also heard the lotion works as well, but never tried it)
Because of Ciara's long hair, like your Irish Setter, is difficult to get the oil onto her skin. I use it straight from the bottle and rub it in. I started using it yesterday and today I picked off fewer fleas, but it could be that they are getting ready to recycle again. I only bought the frontline because I was told it was the best, but if the skin so soft works, I won't use it. (I am not expecting it in the mail for at least 2-3 weeks) Also, since they do have the fleas now, if you do try the skin so soft, I suggest you check them twice and day and when you see fleas, recoat them. With my dal I only use it occasionally, but that was because she didn't have fleas, my girls do and so I am applying it more often until they are free from the fleas..
You can also put a little oil in the bath water if they have a lot of fleas, this way you can get rid of the majority before treating them..
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
9 Oct 10
Hi Carm..Oh My Gosh!!! Thanks so much for reminding me of the Skin So Soft!! Years ago I used to use this and it worked great. I can't believe that I forgot all about it. I used to bath them in it as well and in addition to being flea free, my dashound (who was a real low rider and had a terrible problem with fleas) smelled wonderful all the time!!! The only downside and a small downside at that was that it tended to make his coat oily and all my furniture smelled like Skin So Soft, but not such a bad thing as i can think of a lot worse smells from flea products. I shall call my Avon girl tomorrow and order some and again. THANKS!! I'll let you know how it works on these dogs but I'm already optimistic cause I had such good results years ago..The frontline might work for you, but it didn't for me, at all and I paid 65.00 for it..(UGH) At least 15.00 isn't as disasterous if it dosen't work for you. If you can return it however, I hate to say do it because all dogs are different, but I might be inclined to advise it anyway!! Sul
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@carmelanirel (20942)
• United States
10 Oct 10
Thanks for the BR..I hope it works, though it may take some time to really get them all, considering the eggs and their quick life cycle. Also don't forget, the more you vacuum, the better. In fact after I vacuum, I store the vacuum on our enclosed back porch so that the fleas in the bag are not able to get into my house or onto the dogs again. I also should invest in the scented crystals that people put in the bags to make the room smell good. I will choose either lavender or citrus, leaning more towards citrus..
This may be a little off topic, but I have great success using citrus scent to repel spiders. This was proven years ago when a spider I never saw kept putting a web on the lamp next to me. Since I never saw the spider to kill it, I was told they don't like citrus, so I got some scented air freshener and sure enough, after cleaning that web off and spraying the citrus, I never had a problem there again. Then I ran out this summer and sure enough, I noticed spiders getting in as the weather is getting cooler, so I finally got some citrus essential oil and mixed it in my cleaner. It has been 2 weeks now and guess what? No spiders, all those pesky pests are no longer anywhere I clean. I mention this because I wonder if fleas may not like citrus, though I'd be careful putting on dogs, I just use it in the house. Here is a list of safe oils for dogs, as you can see, citrus is flea repelling, but not real safe for dogs.http://www.natural-dog-health-remedies.com/essential-oils-for-dogs.html
@alex8288 (290)
• Philippines
9 Oct 10
I had the problem once and it makes me smile to read your story because i did what you did...and yeah i didn't work. even if you kill the ticks and flies on your dogs when they will roam around your backyard they will again catch flies and ticks there. so you need to buy some insecticide, a cage, and tick and flies remover for your dog. first put your dog in a cage make sure its secure. then spray the insecticide on your house especially on your backyard. then wash your dogs with flies and tick remover. and presto you've no more tick and flies...hope this help
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
9 Oct 10
Hi alex..Thanks for the suggestions but I'm afraid the problem is a little harder to fix than that. I wish it was that easy, believe me! I have however just yesterday contracted an exterminator to spray my yard and house once a month. Time will tell whether or not this helps..I hope so because both me and my dogs are at the end of our rope!!
@elmiko (6630)
• United States
8 Oct 10
do you put your dogs outside after applying the flea medicine? your suppose to put the dogs outside for a while so the fleas can jump off of them. fleas naturally jump off the dogs after applying the flea medicine. if not your just leaving the fleas inside the house for them to latch back on to your dogs.
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
9 Oct 10
Hi elmiko..Actually, sometimes and sometimes not. The frontline is supposed to kill the fleas however and its supposed to start working in 3 minutes according to the directions. I don't know if putting them out would do anything or not. I suppose its worth a try. God knows I've tried everything else..It is so exasperating..Thanks for your suggestion..
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
8 Oct 10
sorry for it :( i see you really care much for your dogs^^ well the best you can do maybe is put vinegar in their bodies. maybe is crazy but someone told me before that it puts wasps away so maybe will put also those bad "little animals" go away from your dogs^^ just try and see if they disappear^^ i wish so^^ if not try to go to a vet and ask what you can do to help your dogs^^ im sure a vet can help you ^^ and maybe you dont need a consultation^^ maybe he tells you for free :)
@mgambongF (53)
• Philippines
8 Oct 10
i think there was a sort of collar used to control the ticks and fleas, it's a bit expensive but it really works.here in our country, i used these collars to protect my dogs from fleas,and it is effective.
@shiellamaenies (169)
• United States
9 Oct 10
we have same problem but last 3 weeks i found the answer..when me and my husband went to the store i seen "adams shampoo"($10.00).me and my husband tried to use it to our dogs.i give my 3 dogs a bath thrice a week using "adams shampoo" and my huband vacuum the carpet and there beds while im giving them a bath in their bathroom.now my dogs is getin relax,no more fleas and ticks!try to do this same thing.use adams shampoo to your dogs 3 times a week,vacuum the carpets or the places where they sleep everytime u given them a bath and dont let them stay outside long.3-5 mins is enough for them to go to bathroom outside.