Throwing away aluminum cans is a waste of money!(a rant)

United States
October 9, 2010 2:48pm CST
Yes it is! It pisses me off when I see people doing this! I go threw trash cans where I gas my car ! I go dumpster diving at work,at least once a week! All types of ages throw away cans! People can so lazy and they don't think they could save the cans and make money off them! If you recycle often money could be donated to charities,used to help pay for trip for students in college and high school for example! There are alot of others ideas! To numerous to mention! It alos helps the envirement! Come on people! Thnk before throwing away thosre aluminum cans! You are crazy if you do!
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14 responses
@foofermen (500)
10 Oct 10
I live less than a block away from a school and in their parking lot they have a fence enclosure where you can donate cans. The funds go to the school and the various needs they have. That is where I usually put my cans. Before that though, I used to give them to my neighbor. I am always collecting stuff like that. The school also makes money off of certain milk caps and pop can tabs. I can save up quite a bit in the span of a year and it all helps to improve my kids's school. =)
• United States
19 Oct 10
I have heard other people do this,too. I am surprised more schools don't do this! I save tops from milk and OJ bags form the local mini mart where I buy them and give them to a friend who uses them for her kids school. I also do that with box tops from certian cereals and Campell Soup labels for my friend,too.
1 person likes this
19 Oct 10
Right on! The children are the future =)
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
10 Oct 10
I save cans for the roommate's dad, tho I may start saving them for myself, he's such an ungrateful boob
@ElicBxn (63532)
• United States
19 Oct 10
ah, but then I have to find a place to store them, and I don't want to be bothered... hum, need to go out and pack up what I've got already in a big bag
• United States
19 Oct 10
If your roomates dad id ungrateful then you should save them for yourself! Extra money is nothing to sneeze at!LOL
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@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
11 Oct 10
I hate to see anything wasted. I don't bother to rescue aluminum cans from people's trash cans. The price that one can get for them doesn't make it worth the trouble. I have rescued other usable items, such as a cart, dishes, even clothing, from garbage cans. I wash them and take them to our local charity thrift store. It does get my dander up when people throw cans, bottles and other garbage out of their cars. I hate seeing our city dirtied up like that.
• United States
19 Oct 10
I don't expect everyone to save cans but it is nice to hear you do other good things. I see alot of that myself! I did rescue some chairs a few weeks ago that nothnig was wrong with them that someone in my nieghborhood threw out and gave them to charity. I do that with clothes I don't need anymore. I wish more people had forsight on this subject!
• United States
14 Oct 10
I just recently took my aluminum cans to a collection site and made $4.05. It might not seem like a lot of money, but it's not too bad for so little effort.
• United States
19 Oct 10
I made $4.55 on saturday when I recycled cans. Of course it isn't much but everything helps! Everything little thing helps!
@sender621 (14894)
• United States
10 Oct 10
Aluminum cans don't need to be thrown away. They can be recycled. Doing this is something good for the planet and ourselves as well.
• United States
19 Oct 10
You know what I am talking about about!You make some money and it is something good for the plant!
@veganbliss (3895)
• Adelaide, Australia
22 Nov 10
Good perspective! Here in South Australia, the recycling centres all pay ten cents per used drink container. Whether they're glass or plastic bottles, cans or cardboard drink containers, all are legislated to be paid at ten cents each. Scrap metal is also good money for the keen recyclers. Copper pays at about six dollars a kilogram for the top grades & other metals pay a bit less. I've made over $200 a month doing this.
• United States
28 Nov 10
I don't make that much a month recycling aluminum cans,steel cans and other metal. I do make some and it is better then nothing! It save it and it goes into my Christmas clab account to used later!
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
9 Oct 10
here in canada where i live you dont make any money by recycling cans sadly.
• United States
19 Oct 10
Really? That is a very surprising to me! I probaly would recycle the aluminum cans anyway. Just because it is the right thing to do.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
10 Oct 10
I so agree with you on this one , blue! I have a friend that bought a Harley that he's wanted for years by turning in Aluminum cans. I don't have the room any more to save them up for him but I do recycle because I know that the money for them goes to a good cause. It isn't that hard to do. I just keep an extra bag and put my cans in it and drop it the bin that we have out her for cans. If you are not going to save the cans to benefit your own family then the least you can do is recycle them to help others. Also those flip top tabs help with education.
• United States
19 Oct 10
I am not the only family member to recycle! Most of my family does! I put my cans in my hallway in a bag. Same when i get the ones from friends. My brother Mike has a chute that goes down from the kitchen wall to the basement. Put a can in it and it goes down the chute into a big barrel he has in the laundry room! When it gets full,he bags the cans and takes them in! The flip tabs I save also. i geive them to a friend who collects them for the nearest Ronald McDonald house.
@goldeneagle (6745)
• United States
9 Oct 10
I collect cans and take them to a recycling place across town that buys them. I manage to take a load two or three times per year, and I have gotten as much as $100.00 per load for them. It is a good way to keep them out of the trash, and to make some extra money doing it.
• United States
19 Oct 10
I have been making a trip to the recycling center like every other week. I usually take around ten pounds. What ever I make on cans (steel cans,too)goes in my Christmas Club account. I get cans from work,from 3 people I know who collect them for me and from some trash cans and the work dumpsters! We used to recycle cans but we needed to more room for another trash dumpster. So there went the recycling dumpster! Trying to get a new one but it has not happen yet!
@dawnald (85146)
• Shingle Springs, California
20 Oct 10
yeah well I hate litterers too, not just people who throw away cans...
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
10 Oct 10
Not only are you throwing away the cans, but you can make money. You can actually make a nice supplement to your income by recycling cans. Well if you have a good recycling enter nearby, you would make that money. Therefore, we tend to have bags of cans saved, that are not thrown away, that we haul off to the recycle center. I think that every cent helps and collecting cans. Still throwing away cans is pretty much throwing away money. You might as well open up your wallet and dump some cash in the trash while you're at it. People tend to be lazy or they think that it is not worth their time. If they don't need the money, they can save it for later and you might be able to use that money if an emergency comes up. Yet, people have a lack of foresight a lot of the times.
• United States
19 Oct 10
Yes alot of people don't have the foresite on things like this! Fireant,in the respond before yours,seems to be like that! So are college students! I am grateful not everyone is like the FIREANTS in the world!
• United States
10 Oct 10
I save aluminiun can for extra spending money or to put in my saving can of change.
• United States
19 Oct 10
Good for you! You know what I am talking about!
@petersum (4522)
• United States
9 Oct 10
You need a 20 tonne truckload in order to sell them. That is after you have sorted them (taking out the steel cans), washed, crushed and bailed them. THEN, you can make some serious money. Or you could just put the can in the trash! Let your local authority do the recycling for you!
• United States
19 Oct 10
We have to recycle here. Cans,for example,and also cardboard. We have to have it seperated from our trash. When trash gets picked up,(one week the cans, the other week is paper and cardboard),pick up the recyclables and put in the recycle section of the truck. How much is really recycled I don't know. that is why I reclycle aluminum and steel cans on my own.
@fireant (26)
• Poland
10 Oct 10
Most people have better ways to spend their time and better ways to make more money. But enjoy your dumpster diving.
• United States
19 Oct 10
I don't appreciate negative responds to my discussions! Thanks for being a jerk! I hope enjoy not trying to save the world for your kids and grandkids!