IMy Cat Has To Go To The Vet To Get His Nails Clipped He Won't Let Me Do Them

@Cherryd41 (1119)
United States
October 10, 2010 10:10am CST
I would really like to be able to clip my cats nails but he just won't let me do it so I just take him to the groomers or sometimes to the vet and get it done there I guess its for the best because I don't want to clip to low or have him move and then I end up damaging any sensative skin there I saw that Pet Grooming Tool on tv but he wouldn't sit still for that I just know it so why bother Its an extra expense but hes worth it I usually take him to the groomers 3 times a year to get nails and bath ,and ears cleaned they give him the works, or if he has a vet appt. I let them do it there
4 responses
@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
10 Oct 10
I can do most of my cats, but the dogs... well, that's another matter, I let the vets do them.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
11 Oct 10
Hi Elic I guess it depends on the what your pets personality is a coworker of mine says she can clip her cats nails just like you said with no problem and I can relate about your dog not wanting you to do their nails when I used try to do any kind of grooming with my dog other than give her a bath she just wouldn't go for it most times I had to bribe her with treats just to give her a bath
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@ElicBxn (63798)
• United States
11 Oct 10
it helps to have the roomie hold them while I trim, but the feral cats can just keep their long nails - at least until they develop problems, Star's were really long when she went to the vet last summer... now... the roomie's dogs do baths not to badly, but my dog had never even been inside a house, much less gotten a bath, before he was 5 years old, and he's 10ish now... he just freaks when he gets a bath, I might have to take him to a groomer to get him a bath, that means making sure I have his records so they can see he's up on his shots. Luckily he's a smallish dog with short hair...
@Keepee (67)
• United States
11 Oct 10
I clip the nails of my animals myself. I started them as babies and while they may not like it, they sit relatively still and deal with it :). It would really add up to take my guys all to the vet's office or to a groomer to have it done for me.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
13 Oct 10
Hi Keep I didn't have Jinx as a kitten I got him from Petsmart when he was about 2 years old although its kind of hard getting him into his cage to go to the groomers or vets its necessary in order for him not to scratch up the carpeting or furniture
• United States
10 Oct 10
have you tryed to do his nails when he is sleep?when he is relaxed he will be more cooperative.and kudos for not getting him declawed!there is no waythere is ever an excuse for that.
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
11 Oct 10
Hi Punkgurl Nah that little bugger sleeps with one eye open he sleeps really light and a soon as you touch him he'll know somethings up cats are very smart besides I don't want to scare him away from me then he won't let us pick him up if we do that right now he doesn't mind being picked up at all and he's very loving and affectionate and I don't want that to change thats why I leave him alone and let the vet or groomers do it
• United States
10 Oct 10
That's great that you aren't stressing your cat out. It's also great that you aren't having him declawed! I think declawing a cat is completely cruel. They actually cut a bone off when they do that. For a human, it would be like removing the first joint of your fingers. So that's wonderful you take the extra time and expense to take him to a groomers. You could look into those little claw covers they make, though in my experience, they never seemed to work. The cat would always get them off somehow and it's probably just one more thing to annoy kitty with. I don't trim my cat's nails, they're sharp but they don't seem to hurt anything. And just so you know, if he ever has fleas, orginal Dawn dishsoap works just as well at removing them. I've given my kitten a few baths in it to get rid of fleas and haven't had a problem since. =)
@Cherryd41 (1119)
• United States
11 Oct 10
Hi Chucksbaby Thanks for the comment and the info on how to get rid of fleas my Jinx is an indoor cat so I haven't had a problem with fleas or tics yet but its nice to know that I take care of it a lot cheaper by using Dawn but I'm just wondering is it safe to use then again I guess it is thats what they used to give the birds and other animals baths in when they had the oil spill