do you care much for how you look like when you go on a date?^^

funny cartoon^^ - girl is too worried with her looks ahah^^
October 11, 2010 7:36am CST
hi guys^^ do you care much how you look like when you go on a date?^^ i think that we should care to look beautiful so we feel good and confident with ourselves^^ also the other person will be happy to see that we cared to look good for the date^^ i think is important even more if you go out with your bf/gf^^ but even when we go out in general we must also take good care of ourselves to feel good ^^ but sure on dates we should look more cute and more sweet for that person^^ dont you guys agree?^^ please share^^
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16 responses
@Karunvig (714)
• India
12 Oct 10
Yes I do care.. once i was sitting in CCD wid ma gf she was uch more interestd in da guy who was sitting on other table as for sure he was well dressed as compared to me :P So i usually take care now :D
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
sorry that one day you were sitting with your gf and she was paying more attention to other guy. well no maybe he wasnt dressing better than you but maybe she thought he was an attractive guy^^ anyway sorry for this situation :( but at least now you always try to look good and handsome^^ so one good thing came out of that bad situation^^
• Portugal
14 Oct 10
ahah thats good that you also looked to his gf^^ ahah that way was well done to your gf bcs she didnt stop look to that guy ahah so you did same thing^^ anyway is all ok if you took things so easy^^ but if was my bf seeing me checking out other guy in front of him he would be so angry my god ahah^^ i cant imagine really. or would yell at the guy or at me ahah^^
@Karunvig (714)
• India
12 Oct 10
no issues :P nt very imp situatin of my life BUT there was a good thing in tht... her gf was also very beautiful.. i didnt miss the chance ;) lol I enjoyed tht moment as well :)
@jagjit273 (1754)
• India
12 Oct 10
Well Everybody cares for that, for looking good on his/her date,and tries to look his/her best on his date.Though to which ever age,He or she belongs.I agree with you sweet heart. In My last last response to your discusion On "I let him Go Off"
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
sorry i guess i didnt see your answer yet^^ i will answer when i see it^^ in that same post^^ im happy that you like to look good on dates and i guess everyone likes to^^ sure^^ anyway i think that in all ages we should try to feel good with ourselves and look good on dates anyway^^ so we feel happy^^ thats how i see things^^ but about my bf he didnt say nothing yet :(
@swissheart (6482)
• Romania
12 Oct 10
of course I do...i try to dress some clothes that I like, but I need also to feel good in them. but I general i try to look the best I can not only on a date. I developed my own style that makes me feel good about myself. I try to take care of my hair so that i wouldn;t look like a total disaster ( it usually looks like that if I don;t straighten it ), and put on some make-up. looking good makes you feel more confident and this impresses the other person in a good way
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
yes is great that whenever you go out you like to look good^^ that way you feel good with yourself^^ is great that you have your own style^^ me also^^ and sure put a bit of make up always looks good^^ we need to feel beautiful, confident and comfortable^^ not worrying if the clothes look good, or if our face has something wrong ahah^^
@Paper_Doll (2373)
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
You are definitely right. I always see to it to look good every time I go to work from Monday to Friday. How you look is also important in dealing with clients and other people that we transact with everyday. And of course, more effort if its a date or special occasion. Before the actual date, I wear my clothes to see if it really fits me.
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
yes sure^^ if we have a job we must always look good^^ we need to take more care of our face^^ and clothes we are wearing^^ and sure on dates or some special day we must be more careful too^^ and im happy that you try clothes on before the date so you can see what clothes look better on you^^ so you go happy on your date^^ and feel good^^
@marifel86 (111)
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
yes,i really care what i look like when i go out on dates. Especially for people who are in relationships,it is still crucial to go out looking your best,so that your partner would still continue to find you attractive.Giving extra effort to look good also means that you care for yourself and how your partner perceives who you are.
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
you do right thing^^ we must care for how we look like even more on dates^^ and yes you are right when we are in a relationship even more or guy can start to look to other girls. and sure is true also that if we care more is bcs we are caring more for ourselves too^^ we all should have a good self esteem so we can be happier^^ i agree with you^^
@pecito (303)
• Bulgaria
11 Oct 10
I definitely put foundation on my face to cover my bumps coz they pesistently pierce my chin.And a cherry gloss to make my lips shimy and delicious.And I spray perfume all over my body,and put vanilla lotion also:)
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
aw thats cute^^ i see that you like to look very pretty on dates ahah^^ cherry gloss? thats too sweet^^ thats cute that you always go pretty for dates^^ and vanilla lotion? :) well i like strawberry parfum^^ i used to use it when go out^^ not on dates but when just went out^^ is great that you like to look pretty on dates^^ you do right thing^^
• United States
11 Oct 10
I've almost never been on a date, so I can't really say for sure. But overall I tend to dress for the environment as a general rule. If I'm going to a nice place or a formal function then I'll dress my best and so on.
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
aw i see^^ you dress like the occasion^^ for dates you dress up better^^ yes you do right thing^^ we dont need to always dress up^^ we can dress simple also sometimes^^ what matters the most is feeling good with ourselves^^ and be fine and comfortable on a date^^ so the guy can see that we like him^^ and feel happy^^ is ok if you didnt go to many dates^^ at least you met the right guy^^
• Philippines
11 Oct 10
Totally, what you are in the outside would also reflect on the inside. When you look good on what you wear it will also feel good. Its a natural thing to do when we go to a date, anybody can do that whether your a guy or a lady its innate already that you would create some kind of impression to someone you date with.
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
yes thats true^^ if we feel good with our looks our self esteem will grow more^^ and we will feel confident and better^^ and sure we should make a good impression^^ noone wants to date someone that goes like doesnt care at all for the date ahah^^ we need to look cute and sweet^^ ahah so the guy will want to date us again right?^^ at least thats what i think^^
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
11 Oct 10
A first date is where you make a lasting impression. The dates after that help you decide whether or not a relationship is possible. i think it is important that you feel and look your best on a date. you want the one you are with to feel as special as you do.
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
yes is true^^ a first date is very important to see if we feel good with that person or not^^ and if we can have a serious relationship^^ sure we should feel we look good and beautiful so the guy can see we take care of ourselves^^ and cared to look sweet for them ahah^^ and for sure they will feel very special^^ thanks for your answer^^ have a happy day with many dates ahah^^
@puccagirl (7294)
• Israel
11 Oct 10
Well, now I do not really go on dates anymore, since I am in a relationship for several years already. But when I did, then it was important to me. It makes you feel better and more confident for sure when you know you look good!
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
yes you are in a relationship^^ but sometimes you go on dates with your hubby right? ahah^^ romantic dates only you and him^^ and you dress cute and sweet for him dont you?^^ and sure im happy that you felt confident^^ and better and that you felt you looked good^^ we must always feel good with ourselves^^ thats a must^^ and that way the date is better also and more relaxing^^
@kodukodu84 (1567)
• Malaysia
11 Oct 10
I definitely make sure myself look cute and confident when I go for a date with my bf. But I'm with my bf for so long so I always make sure I look tidy and good even without make-up at home when I'm with him. I also keep myself clean in front of him. He does the same thing too. When we go out for dinner or when we go to cinema, I always try to do the best to look good in natural way so he also will be happy walking next to me. I too am happy that he also make sure I'm confident going out with him.
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
thats cute that you always try to look cute ^^ and also confident^^ and that you always try to look natural and clean to your boyfriend and that he does the same for you^^ thats too cute^^ is sweet that you go out together many times^^ and im sure you feel too confident when you go out with him bcs he seems a sweet guy^^ and you both deserve to be happy^^
@laion10 (46)
• Mexico
11 Oct 10
Yes, I do. I think first impressions are really good. On other dates you can get to know each other better.
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
yes thats true^^ is important to show a good first impression^^ i agree with you^^ sometimes if we dont like what we see maybe we wont want a second date and maybe we are wrong about the person. and sure in other dates you can meet the person better^^ but sure we must always feel beautiful and cute so we go more confident^^ i agree ^^ have a happy day and a week with many dates^^
• India
11 Oct 10
Well my dressing sense is really bad so I tell my bro to select cloths for me and show me how to dress up as my brother is far more good looking than me and has a perfect dressing sense so he makes me look perfect for anyone....
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
ahah you are lucky to have a brother that helps you^^ he knows how to dress well and is sweet that he shares that with you^^ but right now after he always tells you how to dress you know already more or less what clothes you should wear to impress girls right? ahah^^ anyway i think that your gf would like you anyway even if you dressed badly ahah^^
• Philippines
11 Oct 10
Hi, I agree with that. Our date would appreciate us if we exert extra effort to look good. He wont stop praising you and telling you how you look and that he is so excited to be with you. Also it will avoid your date to look to another girl during the date because he is so much interested in you.Aside from looking good on your date, be yourself and be confident too.
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
yes sure^^ is important that he sees that we look beautiful and that we are sweet and cute^^ and sure is like you say wont look to other girls in the date ahah would be too stupid anyway if looked to others while on date with us dont you think? is a bit disrespecting^^ and sure we need to look confident and sure be natural^^ and honest^^
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
11 Oct 10
I try my best to look good whenever I go out on a date or meeting friends for a night out not to impress other people but mainly to feel good about myself. I really feel confident when I'm at my best and that added confidence helps me exude beauty in a very attractive way. My confidence radiates the beauty within me and that's what makes me want to look more prettier on special occasions. There are times when simplicity radiates beauty too. This is true when you were able to rest well and just a few days after your period. Try to check, usually you bloom a few days after having your period.
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
aw really? ahah thats cute^^ i sometimes notice that my face seems a bit different but i didnt think was bcs of period^^ anyway i think you do right thing dressing up when you go out with friends and on dates^^ for sure that way you show you trust yourself and they will see that^^ we need to feel pretty^^ and sure there are people that look pretty also if dress simple or without make up^^
@nikramos (698)
• Philippines
11 Oct 10
i always make it a point to look good on dates but it depends on the preferences of the guy im steadily going out to date with. mine now appreciates me getting made up sometimes but he's more of the type who wants someone who can be like one of the guys and who is not so vain about her looks. when you are together with your partner for quite some time, looking good on dates all the time won't be a requirement anymore. i oftentimes find it more cute to find my boyfriend in plain shirt and shorts when we go out or when i go out with him with my hair up and looks a bit messy. but being in a formal date can be different but in as much as i can, i try not to overdo it because it overpowers my personality. i would normally prefer to be natural and not force looking good for a date.
• Portugal
12 Oct 10
im happy that you dont worry much about dressing up all the time^^ is true that you dont need to do that always bcs your bf knows you already^^ also if you say he likes that you go more like one of the guys is bcs he prefers you be more simple and dress up only sometimes^^ but sure in special dates is normal that you dress up more^^ you are totally right about dont dress up always^^ we have to be natural and show our personality and not all girls always are dressing up every time that go out^^