Do you think that man has become more greedy?

October 12, 2010 5:02am CST
Let me qualify my statement. I feel that man has become more greedy (especially for material stuff) as there are many things that he wants and sometimes remain unsatisfied. For example, in having a PC, he may also have a laptop or a netbook. In having a mobile telephone, he may also possess a fixed line, a pager or another iphone. Besides a car, he may also possess a mountain bike and a motorcycle. Besides the numerous possessions he has, there is always the need to gain more or to want more. Besides the TV in the living room, there is another one in the bedroom. Is this a justified statement on my part. Or is this part of modern society, modern living and/or progress. Do share your thoughts on this.
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14 responses
• India
12 Oct 10
I believe that since mankind came into being, a human was having all the characteristics as we have today. Love, faith, greediness, hatred, jealousy,etc. all such characters were there from the beginning itself. If you see history, you can see brothers have killed each other for the thorn. There was a great love story of Romeo and Juliet, also of the great Valentine- the lover. It is not that man has become greedy just now, in the recent past. But one difference we can observe that now a days there are to many things to which one can become greedy as you very well said, from computers to laptop and then to ipods to iphones. The things to which one could get attracted has tremendously increased. This is why you might be feeling that man has become greedy now a days. But you know luxury items slowly becomes your necessity and it does not remain part of being greediness. First we had normal color television but later we switched to LCD TV's and then LED TV's. Now this is not greediness, is it?
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• Singapore
14 Oct 10
hi kartik, definitely greed did not develop overnight. Because Man wants to be in control - this could be manifested in his control over money and the things he buys to attain the level of comfort he desires. More seems therefore better than less. Because of technology advancement and the relative cheaper costs of electronic goods these days, TVs, laptops are well within the reach of the general masses. Keeping socially and technologically networked becomes a norm. But the question of greed where having too much becomes a 'sin' or not giving back to society truly becomes undesirable and can become a social menance in society where selfishness breeds selfishness.
@ggeeta (154)
• India
12 Oct 10
To have a desire for more and to struggle for the same is quite normal with every one. Even i too want more and more of everything, i want to earn more money, want to live more comfortable life, want to explore the world and so on..But there are really some people who are greedy because their needs have not been met. People who can't get enough of everything, money, relationship, success. They want more at someone Else's expense. This I consider as very bad. anyways, we all have two sides of us, selfish and unselfish self. We sometimes measure our happiness in terms of possessions. But as long as am earning all this with my own money, I never feel myself as greedy, greedy are only those people who depend on others for everything in my view.
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• Singapore
14 Oct 10
hi ggeeta, as long as man's basic needs are met, there is this need to go on to the next level of satisfaction and this is best summarised in Maslow's hierarchy of needs. This probably is progress. But greed comes about when man wants more of something perhaps he already has. It is a double-edged sword as the higher one goes, the harder one will also fall. In seeking more, perhaps it is a good reminder also for man to return to society what he gains from it. Perhaps that will balance somewhat the element of give and take.
@maean_19 (4655)
• Philippines
12 Oct 10
Yes, it is true. Men became more greedy nowadays. We became greedy on everything, even with our plans not only on material things. Family relations break because of inheritance, siblings fight because of envy, etc. We have become selfish and self centered with our personal needs not thinking other people.
• Singapore
15 Oct 10
hi maean, and I can't imagine punters losing approx USD76 million at the casinos in their bid for high wins (and high loses too). Yup, and law firms have seen the bitter fights between family members and spouses over large estates and trust accounts. Although there may be instances of disputes over principles but the overriding large sums of monies at stake has a great bearing on the whole case.
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
9 Jan 11
No. I don't think that man has become more greedy. I just think that man has more means to attain things. As civilization grows and technology advances, things are easier to get. Human nature is no different.
@prinzcy (32303)
• Malaysia
12 Oct 10
It's more like we're never satisfied. We just want to achieve more, be in a better position or earn more for a living. I guess it's natural for a human to feel that way. Maybe you're right on being greedy part but won't it be boring if we don't feel a thing as well? I guess it's okay if we feel the need to have more in life, as long as the greedy part where we want all by all means didn't show up.
• Singapore
15 Oct 10
hi prinzcy, i think the concern about the greed is when it usurps our whole being and becomes so much a major focus in our life. A thought can sow a habit. Indeed we have to be mindful and balance up with giving to the poor and needy.
@marguicha (225477)
• Chile
12 Oct 10
I would not say that5 society had progressed but it has changed. Modern society is more centered in having than in being. So most people are worried about having as many material things as they can and unfortunatly forget to acquire other goods, such as wisdom. We came naked to this world and we will leave it naked. It is a pity that so many people toil for a big car, a house with more rooms than they need and so many other things like that. I´m glad that I have tried to hold myself from this crazy race. I make my Christmas gifts with my own hands and I don´t have a TV in the living room or in the dining room. I like to use those rooms to talk to other people and it´s more rewarding than the best show I can see.
• Singapore
15 Oct 10
hi marguicha, i think that is exactly what I had in mind when I posted this topic also. The art of conversation and writing has been compromised! Reading and devouring a book may still be enjoyed by some but not by the general populace. We just have too many distractions.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
12 Oct 10
oh for sure this is why that the term 'jonesing' (aka keeping up with the jones) has become a verb!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Oct 10
carpiediem a friend here stated that man is never satisfied and maybe that is true. I know my son has cellphone, old computer,new monitor and a new note book but still he worked hard to come by those so maybe he is not greedy just normal..Some of this is surely progress as we used to have crank up phones then landline phones, wireless phones and now cellphones.but we must progress we can never stay entirely static.s I do not think all men are more greedy I just think we like to move ahead with new inventions.
@dodo19 (47363)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
12 Oct 10
I do think that there is some truth in what you say. I do think that to some extent, some people have become more greedy. It is somewhat sad to see, because they seem to forget the important things in life, such as good family and friends, and just the simple things in life.
@reckon21 (3477)
• Philippines
13 Oct 10
I think it has to do more with how much you had and how many because if you have lots of funds available at your disposal you will never stop wanting anything. But for those who had no money in their pocket their needs is limited and they settle for what is only they are capable of having.
• United States
12 Oct 10
Some people have and yet want more, Bless all who can have even more. I am learning to concentrate on my basic needs and if I can honestly and earnestly get more I would be okay with it.
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
12 Oct 10
I think your observation is correct. Remember this world is a result of greed. Adam and Eve wanted a fruit that was placed off-limits. They had plenty of fruit trees to eat from. Satan the Devil was not satisfied with serving God but wanted to rule instead of serve. People today have little spiritual life. They think that material things will fill the emptiness they have inside. So they run after material things, never knowing satisfaction and contentment and happiness. That's my observation. What do you think?
@toniganzon (72548)
• Philippines
13 Oct 10
I don't just think but i strongly BELEIVE! No matter how we were raised by our parents, we are greedy by nature. It's just a natural thing and not dangerous if we know how to control it. Greed is a sin when it results to selfishness and wanting more beyond our capacity. It could push us to do crimes and evil deeds.
• Indonesia
13 Oct 10
modern lifestyle does. people lives the era where more and more products made for satisfy their needs and dignity even the utmosts. people looks for heaven on earth by material.