America's Downward spiral: Real or imagined?
By deecee2010
@deecee2010 (29)
October 12, 2010 7:20am CST
Recently, I read of a study that showed that for the first time in American history, the upcoming generation will be LESS educated than their parents. More and more of our children are not even graduating from high school, let alone college. We once led in graduates, and now are 12 out of 36 of the top countries for formal education. This depressed me. As I looked further into what else we lagged in, I found that we have one of the worst infant mortality rates out of all first world countries. We also came in 76th in real GDP % of growth. China was number 5. And the list goes on and on. But we did come in as number one for highest budget expenditures, at OVER 3 TRILLION AND HALF in expenditures (the next highest was Japan at just under 2 Trillion). And we came in number one in prison population. Hurray! And we were second highest in the amount being expended on healthcare in the world (meanwhile, companies that were providing excellent healthcare for their employees are going to be taxed an additional 40% if they don't comply with Obamacare, while the AMA, frivolous lawsuits, and pharmaceutical companies will continue to do business as usual; the very source of why healthcare is so costly in our country). My husband's company, to comply with Obamacare, has seen such an increase in their costs that what was once given to employees for free will now cost us. Not only do we not make a ton of money because that was the trade off for having such great benefits, now we don't even have such great benefits.
When I've mentioned this to my friends, they all say it's sad. But no one does anything about it. They are more concerned about who will be booted from Dancing with the Stars, or who the Bachelor will choose. Have we really become so complacent? Are we so apathetic that we will allow our politicians to lead us around by the nose, just so long as we still have our toys?
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