What to do?

October 12, 2010 1:59pm CST
What will you do if you hate someone but you are not able to tell him that you hate him? How will you handle such a situation?
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7 responses
@AgentDas (97)
• India
12 Oct 10
You can let him see that you avoid him and dont talk to him so much, that he relize that you ignore him.
• India
12 Oct 10
thnx for the response.. :)
• India
13 Oct 10
welcome my friend
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
13 Oct 10
If I hate a person I will avoid him by all possible means and try to keep my temper in control so that I do not express that directly to that person. I will try to express indirectly my disapproval or dislike of that person.
@sk66rc (4250)
• United States
12 Oct 10
I usually try not to hate people because hate is a very strong word. But I do understand sometimes we can't avoid feeling this way. If that was me, I would just flat out tell him I hate him. Why be around the bush & play games? If you tell him you hate him, may be he will leave you alone. And isn't that what you want anyway? For him to leave you alone because you hate him?
@fannitia (2167)
• Bulgaria
12 Oct 10
If I hate somebody I would try to minimize my contacts with him. If this person is my coworker I can't let my feelings be an obstacle to the work. In this case I would try to hide them.
@GoldenAsh (290)
• United States
12 Oct 10
Good question, Avoid him at all places, if he comes to you and tries to talk do not respond easily. As a psychologists I would like to ask you to talk to him assertively, and tell him that you do not want to talk to him. if he tries to talk to you forcefully than you can ask for help of your friends.
@luna1980 (53)
• Thailand
13 Oct 10
Patient... :) because if you able to tell him that you hate him..I don't think that everything will be better..maybe can makes him sad or upset. Don't keep that hate in your mind too long, it is always kill people mind day by day :)Keep away from him then.. trying to make yourself happy, take care! ^^
• Belgium
12 Oct 10
Try to avoid the person and if you really do need to say it, just get straight to it. Don't really say you hate him but show you dislike him. Greetings