What to do with my spoiled son?
By niairen01
@niairen01 (1018)
October 13, 2010 7:40am CST
My 3 yrs old son is becoming really hard to handle these days. He is so active and always willing to explore different kind of things. But as a mother, i know that there is already something wrong about his attitude.
He doesn't listen when you ask him to do something, he'll say "you do it mom" in a very cute way when I ask him to put his toys in the box. Sometimes, I would tell him that I would help him and he would go for it but after just returning his 2-3 toys on his box he'll stop and just play again. in the end, i'll be the one who'll return everything.
He doesn't like strangers. (well, strangers for him but I'm referring to our neighbors) When our neighbor greet him, he'll yell at them "I DON'T LIKE!" and would stick his tongue out at them. I tried to be the first one to greet our neighbors just to show him that it's nice to greet nice people but still it doesn't work for him.
He don't know how to share his toys, and would end up grabbing his toys out of a kids(borrower) hands.
What am I doing wrong?! I'm so depressed because of this, because I know it's my fault also why he is becoming like this. how can i fix his attitude without resulting to yelling and arguing.
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13 responses
@pastigger (612)
• United States
13 Oct 10
Sharing is a hard thing for some children to learn. If possible it would be good to have him with a group of other children more often. You might look into preschool or some playgroups for him. This may help but it will still take some time. Sharing is really hard with toddler because they are still learning that other have feeling too. Right now it really is all about them. With practice he will get better with sharing. I would ask him why he doesn't like the neighbors that is a little weird but he may just be confused about something. With the cleaning up after himself he knows that you will cave and do it. I have told my daughter who is also 3 that if she doesn't want to clean up her toys that I can get rid of them. I know it seems a little harsh but I want her to learn if she wants things she has to take care of them. It takes some time and you have to continue to stand your ground and make him pick up his toys. If not it is not an argument you collect up the toys and maybe put them away for a few days and when he gets better a cleaning he gets some back.
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@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
13 Oct 10
I have also the fear of letting him play with other kids, because when he is mad he tends to hurt them. although it varies with his mood. sometimes he is very friendly but most of the time he is just so terrible!
I've also done that, I use to grab a garbage bag and put all his toys inside it. well, as a mom you tend to be softhearted when your child is crying, but I'm really trying my best to ignore his cries up until he clean up his toys.
I also tried out to reason out with him, get him to look at me straight n the eye and tell him his wrong doings. But he would just ask something out of the blue to avoid my confrontation, I'll ask him, Are you listening? then he would change the subject again.. I would ask him again if he understand me and what i'm pointing out to him he would be irritated and say "yes, yes i already said yes" which i think is very insincere.
I'm really hopeless. it's really driving me nuts!!
@ree_yah (462)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
kids are different to other kids in many ways.. but i can say that boys really like rough play than girls so its normal for them to always be very active and very naughty... ur son is just 3 yrs old.. the thing u just have to do is to stop giving everything he wants.. let him knoe always that he cant have everything. even if its available in the house... make him cry a lot.. thats actually an exercise for the vocal chords.. :) if he cries and u give him whatever he wants, then hell always cry to get what he wants!! thats also the same for tantrums... if u just try to ignore them, ull see, theyll stop what theire doin if they know that it wont make them get what they want eheh
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@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
Yes, I agree with you. Boys are much much more handle to handle than girls. Triple the naughtiness, hardheadedness and super activeness. They run around like they never get tried.
My son is my only child and as I'm reflecting.. yes, I think I'm giving him almost everything he wants, but I think I also says no to what I think won't be necessary for him to have. although, there's more giving than saying no i guess.
Well, I tried to ignore him when he cries, one time i did that he cried his lung out! and when the morning came his all out off voice. and that made us went to the doctor he got sick because of it. So, whenever I did that kind of technique I made it sure that he is sorry for what he's done before going to him and making him stop crying, sometimes if he really wants something he would be the first one to approach me to say sorry.
Do you have a child? it's really hard and depressing when they are already pulling your hair. Once you are a mother, it's hard to just watch him grow like this cause I know it will be very difficult when he grows up already.
@coolblu (53)
• United States
14 Oct 10
There are a few things you can do for him to pick up his toys.. Explain to him that if he doesn't pick up his toys then you'll set a timer for 5 minutes for him to pick them up and once it runs out he needs to sit down on the couch or chair while up pick the rest of the toys up and put them away for a while until he learn. I do that with my daughter and she is 5 years old. When he shows disrespect to your company then sit him in time out for 3 minute so he'll learn then have him explain why he was sitting in time out to you. While sitting in time out don't let him watch tv or play with anything..
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@genki_7 (138)
• Canada
18 Oct 10
Just keep putting him back to the place you have designated as a "time out spot". Even if he runs to you 100 times, put him back - 100 times!
Please do use the timer - but make it fun, I say! If he thinks clean up is fun, he'll want to do it! Set the timer for 30 seconds and make it a race to beat the clock. My kindergartens / grade one students LOVE this!
@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
i tried the time out thing just a few months ago. and he keeps running back to me. how do you implement this with this kind of situation? thanks!
i'm really want to try the time out thing because it's less arguing. thanks again.

@bellis716 (4799)
• United States
15 Oct 10
A generation ago it would have been OK to discipline your son with a few well placed swats on his backside. It will be a little more difficult how, but he must be disciplined. Don't delay. His behavior with the neighbor is completely unacceptable. You must decide how to discipline him and do it NOW. Make the punishment fit the crime. For instance, being rude to your neighbor might call for a day without TV. Whatever you decide his punishment should be, stick to it. Don't give in for one minute, no matter what he says or how he acts. If he misbehaves because of the punishment, that should call for additional punishment. Do not give him any extra attention because he is unhappy about being punished. Remember that YOU are the parent. He is the child. It is your job to teach him to respect you and others. I expect that you will have a battle royal for a while, but you must not give up. Don't yell or scream, either. When you tell him to do something, get in his face and make him look at you while you tell him. That way he can't say that he didn't hear you. He is young enough that any discipline must be done immediately. At that age, one can't discipline him today for something he did yesterday. That will come as he gets older and more mature. Remember, whatever type of punishment you use, it is punishment for misdeeds. It's not supposed to be fun. For instance, sending a child to his room where he has a room full of toys would probably defeat the purpose.
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@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
thanks for the response bellis.
it's really tiring when you get to agrue with a kid. they seem to have so many reasons. although, I do try not to yell and scream at him. right now i'm trying the timeout style, since i don't want to spank him most of the time. (he has really high endurance when it comes to being hurt... I mean when he falls down or get hurt by stumbling down while running, he just get up and dust himself off. not unless it got blood).
you are all a very great help! thanks again.
@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
15 Oct 10
Hello welcome to mylot
Remember he is just three years young, many babies behave like that, let me tell you, the babies who are naughty when young, are the most gentle and well behaved when grown up, this i am telling from my experience, lol..
Thanks for sharing. Cheers.
Professor. .

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@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
hello Professor! ^.^
I believe so too. My brother is also like this when he was young (i also took care of him.. 12years gap). but then he grew up to be the silent type guy. Although my son doubled his uncles naughtiness.
But then I don't want to rely on that much. eheheh! i'm scared to just let my son be as he is right now... it's totally unacceptable!!
so, I'd take that you were a very naughty boy before... lol! ^.^ thanks for the response!
@cinjhoxmyltc (334)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
It's difficult to control when we cannot longer control or discipline in our way. For me, I started to teach them since they are small and monitor when they grew up. You have to tell them when they are wrong in nice way and the reasons why they should not do that things. If you're not getting attention to the bad attitudes they're showing since birth, they think that they are doing the right thing.
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@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
I agree with you, it's difficult to discipline kids right now but it'll be much, much more difficult when they grow older. thanks for your response!
@gifappel1 (8)
• South Africa
14 Oct 10
Hi Niaren
Shame it is frustrating, but no need to be depressed. Your son is still learning to be a person and he is still shaping his attitude. My son was exactly the same - he is also 3, but whenever he does something that is not acceptable I go down to his level an make my voice thick and tell him that that behaviour is not tolerated at all. I have learned that reverse schycology works on kids, my son is highly intellegent and we are at that stage where if he does not listen, I just tell him remember later when you want mommy's attention I am not going to listen to you because you don't listen to me and I just ignore him it works I promise. Obviously it won't work right away but be patient. I give my son what he gives me and I have made very certain he understands this. There has been many very bad tantrums, but I just walk away. He had to learn. Every noiw and then a smack on the bum is a good thing. When he doesn't want to pack up his own tois, I will throw them away (not really) but he thaught so. Talk to your son constantly and keep praising for good things, it will come right. Good luck
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@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
how do you exactly do the reverse psychology thing? i did that twice or thrice i told him, "oh, you aren't listening to me, ok fine. later i won't listen to you either." then cold treatment... is this the same for you? yes, it works sometime and it would lead to him saying sorry to me, but then would ask me to help him pick up his toys then the drama would return over again. (dawdling while picking up his toys and then playing with them, forgetting to clean it up and in the end it's me who'll clean up his mess). gah!
I'll try to improve the reverse psychology thing. thanks for the advice!

@ChampagneGiggles (699)
• United States
22 Oct 10
Welcome to the wonderful world of toddlers! Where everything is his way all the time, no other options. The good thing is, he'll grow out of most of it. The bad thing is, you have to have an infinite amount of patience and energy to get him (and you!) through it. So when you tell him to pick up his toys, praise him for picking up the 3 toys, then guide him to where the rest are. Let him know that ALL the toys need to be picked up. And keep on him. And when he yells that he doesn't like someone or something, calmly tell him that he cannot say that because it hurts people's feelings. And you'll have to keep telling him. With a lot of persistence and a calm demeanor, he'll be fine. After all, from what you're saying he's a good kid. He's just at the age where he realizes he has ideas and desires of his own and he doesn't quite understand that he can't get what he wants all the time. But what he DOES know is that you're his mommy and he doesn't want to make you unhappy. Seems to be working for me so far (I have an almost 4 year old and a 2 year old both going through it). lol good luck. And I recommend keeping a supply of chocolate and Merlot on hand.
@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
14 Oct 10
DOn't be stress over this issue...
I believe your son is having Terrible 3's at his toddler stage and
probably because he has no friend to play with him all the time,that is why
he has this selfish feeling and don't like stranger.
Since he is 3 years old, you can consider to put him under childcare centre for
half day, let him have chance to explore the outside world more and mixed
around with some new friends which was about his age. Let him learn more things
out there. It is not good to always keep our child indoor,at least once a week,bring him out for a walk to playground or some outdoor activities or simply
go window shopping.
Always bring your son along when you visit your friend/relative, let him know
them well.At first, he will feel shy and may not want to greet them,that's
fine....but slowly he will try to adapt himself and he will enjoy and having fun.
When my son was young before 3 years old, he is spending most of his times at home and sometimes when he saw stranger,he tend to be scared and don't like to greet people,so I entered him to childcare centre for half day and now he is doing well.
He can mix around with some other kids at school and he learnt alot good things
from school.
Don't yell or argue with your son when he gets naughty.just try to stay calm and
patience to handle your son.
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@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
Me and my husband is thinking to enter him at daycare next year. this scares me. lol. I'm nervous and excited about it. but he is an intelligent kid I've got no problem about academics, it's the socialization i'm scared of. he might be the "call mommy" type. due to his behavior. lol!
funny thing is, he is nice to people whom he sees everyday. like close relatives and my closest friends, but when it come to neighbor he tends to shout at them whenever he is greeted. I always tell him "hey, that's mary! Mary is a good person, please greet her back" but he'll just pout his lips and would look the other way.
I'm also trying not to yell at him just to teach him at yelling is bad. but, arguing is that hardest thing to do avoid with him... he is such a debater! I don't know where he is getting all of his reasons (mind you it always a good one!) we never end a single day without arguing! sigh*
@afarrell1 (258)
• United States
13 Oct 10
When he doesn't put his toys away, take them. Tell him you will put them away - very far away because he does not value them enough to take care of them then someone else will have them who will. I did this with my children once each and they both learned very quickly that if they want to keep it, they have to put it away when they are done. Then the toy's reappeared. You may also want to try only letting him have two or three toys at a time instead of a whole bunch.
I didn't push my kid's to accept people, they eventually grew out of the 'shyness' when it comes to people. it is to easy for child predators to play on the you have to be nice to people that we try to teach children, they don't understand the differences between good people and people who might want to hurt them. maybe just teaching him that yelling at people is wrong would be better?
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@genki_7 (138)
• Canada
18 Oct 10
Hi there,
Believe it or not, you might unknowingly be encouraging his behaviour (I'm not calling you a bad parent - this happens to all of us at some point)! He could be reading your subtle body language, or you may be taking an ineffective approach to discipline (you are doing the best you know how, I know that because you're so concerned).
I'm a teacher. I deal with 16 kindergarten students at a time, as well as 30 grade 7 /8 students sometimes. One thing that stands true no matter what age you're working with is that you MUST follow through if you have given your child a consequence. I.e., "If you don't put away your toys, I will give them to somebody else who appreciates them!" And then actually take them away if he doesn't do what you told him to do. Tell him he can earn them back by giving a nice greeting to the neighbours every day, etc.
Something that may work with regards to putting toys away is to get an egg timer, set it to 30 seconds, and tell him that he has to beat the timer when he puts his toys away. Kids LOVE this! It's such a fun game! Music also works - put on a short song and tell him he has to put all the toys away before the song stops. He'll be looking forward to clean-up time. (^_^)
As far as sharing his toys goes - you are not alone!!!! This is a battle with almost every toddler/young child! I think that you shouldn't try to worry about it so much right now. By all means, try to encourage sharing, but when he gets to kindergarten and has to learn how to interact in a group, he'll get the idea eventually. If it's really getting out of hand, take him away from the other kids and make him have a 3 minute time out. He'll get the hint when he has to stand there and watch the other kids play with the toys. Make sure that you give him one warning: "I am only going to tell you once. Share the toys, or you will have a time out!" And follow through.
@oldchem1 (8132)
14 Oct 10
Your son is trying to prove who's the boss, and at the moment he's winning!
You HAVE to discipline him now before he gets too used to having all his own way.
If he refuses to put his toys away put them in a bin sack and put them by the bin (you won't really be throwing them away but he will think you are)he'll soon learn to put them away then.
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@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
i already tried that... he tends to pick up a toy or two (while dawdling) then would be distracted on the fourth toy and would play again. already forgetting what i'm telling him to do. I would then remind him, and he would start whining. it's really irritating especially when it happens everyday! I'm just telling myself that if i back down now then what would happen to him when he grows up just to keep me through out the day.
@ree_yah (462)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
hey pre schoolers need a more strict disciplining.. because in thi stage they already know that they can do what they want.. they feel that they can be in charge..
but of course they are not.
soooo what to do??? always tell him what is right and what is wrong... what he can do and what he cannot.. an well u have to stick to it..
like for example he will paly with tthe cd player... ifd u say no u can play with that today... then that will be a forever NO NO.. if he will be hard headed then u will have to spank him at times just to let him know that he should not play with it. hey u really have to stick with ur yes and no... and right and wrong.. because if u say no today and yes tomorrow then he will be confused ok...
well i have two kids and i have been reading a lot about disciplining. well its the hardest part uknow. kids are just so cute to spank them. but they needed that sometimes.. to straighten their attitude/..
i have a niece that was treated just like how u treated ur kid... wel her mom had a big problem.. the spoiled attitued was gbrought by the kid until she was in her teeange years... uknow what happened??? the kid runaway because she wants a car... but shes just 15 yrs old! hah! i just hated that kid for doing it.. well i cant balme her.. it was her moms fault.. the bigger problem is that teenagers are more difficult to discipline compared to preschoolers.. teens cant be disciplined by spanking... they are also normally very hard headed.. so we have to start from the toodller years for the disciplining part..
hey good luck!! its all worth it... just cry ur heart out if u spank ur kid ehehe just dont make them see ur crying
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@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
whoah! what happened to your niece is the thing I'm really scared of. this is why i'm doing my best to discipline my child as early as today! You see, I have a cousin too, she's the only child and when she's grown up she is very loving towards her mom. she talks back at my aunt like she has no gratitude.
My son is a strong headed kid. He is very confident in everything I know if I guide him wrongly in the end he would make me cry. But he is also a good kid (to those he knows, like close relatives) and very sweet! this is the kind of attitude i want him have even when he grows up.
I agree with you that disciplining is the hardest Job any people could make in this world... it involves physical as well as emotional aspects plus... you are the mother! so both anger and love AND PITY (when your cute little child is crying his eyes out) get mix up. it's very hard but I know it can be very rewarding too. thanks for the response!
@sjhaeki (795)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
well, you're doing well, and its good that you have noticed that there is something wrong with your son's attitude. showing good examples to him is a nice way but probably you haven't explained to him what is good and bad and if what he did is wrong. i'm not sure since you haven't said anything about it.
there are ways to fix his attitude without resulting to yelling or even physical discipline.
you could may try, explaining things. your son's in an age that they want to be the one in control so maybe that's why he is acting like that. you could try bargaining, give him options or choices . say you will help him keep his things(or ask him to keep his toys) and if he doesn't he will not play with his toys (for a certain duration) you shouldn't be afraid to be a tinsy bit strict with him, just don't use a strong forceful voice as that tend to scare them.
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@niairen01 (1018)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
hey thanks. you boost my fighting spirit when you said i'm doing well. bacause i was thnking i'm really am a bad mom and think i'm already hopeless.
I also done that option thing. I would ask him... would you like mama to help you keep up your toy or would rather do it himself. at first he said yes, please help me... it was like that for about a week. but then after that he would just tell me.. mama you do the cleaning. when I demand that he should clean up to, he'll just dawdle while picking up his toys.