How far we know our religion
By khad2000
@khad2000 (183)
October 14, 2010 5:20am CST
We read/read comics, novels, books on computers, books of science, and books on history ….…..All sort of books .If we count I think this number may cross thousands .But did we ever read our religious scripture.
Muslims read their quran as parrots without understanding a word from it, Christians read their bible randomly without pondering about it and Hindus …..GOD…. they even don’t know how many scriptures they have and what are they.
Yet the religion and GOD holds a very important place in our life .we encounter a problem the first word that come from our heart and our mouth is “GOD please help”.We dont even think twice to spend our hard earn money .
For example ,one of my friend build a new house and some swamiji told him there is a VASTU problem and he should modify it otherwise he will face some serious problem .So as per his advice my friend re-modified the house .see we never think twice to spend or religion
result …..Mullahs, peers, Sufi saints, pujaris, pundits, swamisjis, priests, father of church and other SO CALLED RELIGIOUS PEOPLE delude us in live day light.
just ponder, we are very knowledgeable people but we are ignorant and illiterate with regards to religious knowledge and some stupid so called pious people cheat us .
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6 responses

@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
24 Oct 10
Khad, when fear knocks at the door it is the faith that answers only to find no one is there.
@Gordano (795)
• United States
15 Oct 10
Hello khad2000,
A real Muslim is recommended to use his mind and not to read the Qura'n as a parrot, hundreds of times it is mentioned in the Quran that it is a message for those who think.
[004:082] Will they not then ponder on the Qur'an ? If it had been from other than Allah they would have found therein much incongruity.
the Prophet Muhammad Peace Be Upon Him said:
"An hour of meditation (tafakur) is better than a year of worship."
and those so-called pious people don't cheat us for free, we can easily know it, if they are the richest among us something is wrong, because religions are not about money and profit margins.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
15 Oct 10
Hi Gordano, I think you used pickthal's translation .Any way you are correct ,if some one would have wrote quran then there might be lot of discrepancies in it .
Do you know the first word that was revealed in quran , it was "iqra" meaning "Read"
More over , there is a famous hadith(tawatur) of prophet mohammed (pbuh) "seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim"
so as per this hadith a Muslim is one who is knowledgeable .
i don't agree with you in the last part of your response ,when every Muslim is bound to gain knowledge then where is the question of going to some so called religious leader in Islam .If we put it in other way , no one will call himself a Muslim religious leader unless he is a impostor and no Muslim will ever go to so called religious leader unless he is not a Muslim or in other words he is ignorant Muslim.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
15 Oct 10
Hello Fahmi, i really wonder how religion becomes a personal affair.
when temple are for public,when churches are for public ,when masjids are for public then how come religions are not public and how they become a personal affair
when dewali is a public festival ,when Idd is a public festival , when Christmas is a public festival, then how come religion become a personal affair
this clearly shows you religious knowledge .we live with religion yet we don't know what religion is all about and we don't want to know about religions as well .but we spend without thinking twice on religion yet religions don't profit us .So i am talking about expenditure and not about income
@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
14 Oct 10
I have read these things before. I don't think you would find a Jew remodeling their house because some religious person told him to. Secular Jews do not spend too much time reading the Torah, but Religious Jews do. A Religious Jew studies Torah and and other Religious Books daily. They also say certain prayers daily.
There is more to it than just that however. A Jew does not just have the 10 commandments to follow. In the Torah are 613 Mitzvot or Commandments to follow. Some are no longer possible to follow because there is no longer a Temple and some cannot be followed outside of Israel, but there are still a considerable number.
There also is not Hierarchy in Judaism like there is in other religions. Jews pray as one people.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
15 Oct 10
I am really happy to see a Jew here .this is because Jews are we reluctant people as far as religious changes are concerned . They never accept any change in their religion .They can compromise on any thing except religion .Immaterial of truth or false .this is evident from the fact that ,they even don't believe in Jesus and his miraculous birth, and their non acceptance of Mohammad (pbuh) as their final prophet .But we Muslims believe in Jesus miraculous birth as well Moses .Btw we also pray in group and get united in every salah .yet there is lot ignorance in our religion yet we are united as far as religion is concerned
@Graceekwenx (3160)
• Philippines
14 Oct 10
Hmmm... I am a catholic and we were made to believe that the reason why we are here is because we are to know, to love and to serve God. How can one possibly say one loves his God and he doesnt even know Him? I do agree with you though that when it comes to religious knowledge that we are quite lacking. This is one reason why some people shift from one religion to another hoping that they would soon find a meaning in their lives.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
15 Oct 10
hi Gracee, there are two things in religion , one believing in GOD only and other thinking GOD believe is superstitious.if some one believe in one GOD , then for him there is no problem but the problem is with the latter .if we think GOD believe is superstitious then we try to correct our hard times with spirituality .this comes only to the people who don't have knowledge about the religion .For example , in chennnai i see lot of spirituality clinic opened by pastors who challenge the people that will get ride their problems .tell me know ,Gracee,can any one able to do that .This clearly shows that so called religious people want to en cash on people's ignorance thereby deluding them .
@lendmhe (372)
• Philippines
15 Oct 10
It's because some religious leader never use the Bible, for Christian, wisely or in good ways. Instead, they were misleading just for their own benefits by using the scripture as their medium to deceive the simples. Religion is good if they are practicing true God's doctrine, but religion will led you to kill if the legislative force are from people not from God. I said that because I know one religion in our region who kill people that opposed them, even the roman catholic admit that they killed more than 300,000 peoples and it was published in the paper.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
15 Oct 10
Its is News to Lend , will please provide me with source that RC people killed 300.000 people .Btw i agree with when you religious people mislead for their own benefits but the fault is ours because it is we who treat then as next to god or god .they never tell any one that they can do things which god do .it is we who believe that they can do
@jp29524 (3)
• United States
15 Oct 10
Religion was made by man, and written by man. Sometimes man doesn't know how to explain things well and may write in parables or stories. This confuses ordinary people, which is why many of us who have tried to read scripture make no sense out of it. This doesn't mean we should give up completely. This just means we need to learn how to read it and understand it...or have someone interpret for us.
@khad2000 (183)
• India
15 Oct 10
hi Jp , this what i am talking about ,this clearly shows you have no knowledge about religion and never ever ponder about religions or their scriptures ,because if you had done that ,then you would have been very clear with the issue that ALL RELIGION ARE GOD MADE and it was men who altered their scripture according to their wimps and fancies .Only pseudo intellectual persons who don't have the religious knowledge say like .but if you study religion then you will find GOD is the realty and GOD is a realty like your son or father or you mother