boyfriend asks to dress more conservative... O_O

love couple^^ - boy and girl hugging each other close^^
October 15, 2010 1:22pm CST
hi guys^^ imagine that your bf asks you to dress more conservative. would you?^^ about me i wouldnt. i like my clothes and i wouldnt want to change who i am bcs he thinks i dress too showing much^^ actually is not the case but i think if a boy loves loves us the way we are and we cant change our style just bcs he wishes so ahah^^ anyway my bf didnt ask me that bcs we dont live near. but if ever asked i wouldnt change. anyway i dont think he will ask bcs he always says he loves me for who i am^^ what about you guys? would you? please share^^
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18 responses
15 Oct 10
if i had a girlfriend that was to tell me what i could or couldn't wear then we would have words, we are who we are and we should not have people changing us, the only time we change us is when we want to do it ourselves.
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes craigy^^ sure she couldnt just start to say change this, change that. if loves you loves all even your style^^ at least me i wouldnt change my bf i love his style and i love him^^ so i also would want him to respect me^^ and he does im happy that he does^^ he always says he loves me for who i am^^ but many people change all bcs lover wants and i dont agree with that^^
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes is true^^ if someone loves us loves us for who we are^^ and not how they want us to be is very true^^ we can make little changes bcs we all change when love someone but not change what makes us be us^^ if we change completely we lose who we are. and no one should suggest that to their lover^^ if we are with that person is bcs we love him for who he is^^
16 Oct 10
best to always be yourself, if someone is to love you hen they love you for who you are, not who they want you to be.
@urbandekay (18278)
15 Oct 10
So, you wouldn't stop doing something if it made you lover uncomfortable? all the best urban
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
urban and vonny if he wanted me to change my hair style or stop wearing one thing only i would^^ but all my clothes? if he loved me for who i am why would i have to change my entire style? i mean is ok to change few things but all? i meant i wouldnt change all. imagine vonny that jim said one day change all your clothes, you dress too naughty i want you use clothes more covering maybe you wouldnt feel comfortable right? we must care for our lover and change some things but not everything right?^^ thats what i meant^^
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@jojo732 (294)
16 Oct 10
Hi Don't change for anyone just be yourself,if he loves you he will accept you just the way you are. jojo732
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
jojo dont worry i wont change^^ also my bf didnt ask me to change^^ he loves me for who i am^^ i think that no one should change who they are just to please other ^^ we cant lie to that person or to ourselves^^ we should show who we really are and wear the clothes we like^^ how could we be happy wearing something that doesnt makes us feel happy?^^ if guy loves us should accept us as we are^^
• United States
17 Oct 10
My decision would depend on his approach, his ability to express himself without offending me, and his reason in the first place. Obviously, if we are together, it means that he was attracted to me in what I usually wear, unless that isn't how we met, but it wouldn't matter to me if he had a good reason for asking me to change that aspect of my personal appearance. It would matter if he was being jealous or irrational, which would either flatter/severely piss me off, or upset/anger me!
• United States
18 Oct 10
I don't think that I have ever had this problem with a lover, but I guess it would be sweet if he was to warn me that a certain outfit of mine wasn't working out!
• Portugal
17 Oct 10
yes^^ you would see his reason first^^ if was bcs you didnt look good on it sure he could say^^ would be actually sweet that he worried^^ but if was for jealous and thinking you were wearing that just for guys look at you that would sure piss any girl off ahah^^ i would wear anyway if that was his reason ahah but sure if i looked bad on that i would appreciate that he tell me^^
• Portugal
18 Oct 10
ahah that didnt happen with me also^^ but if ever i looked ugly in a outfit i would appreciate that my lover tells me ahah^^ i didnt want to look ridiculous ahah anyway yes was sweet if you looked bad and your bf told you ahah but better he doesnt tell bcs it means you always dress beautiful ahah^^ what is great^^
@ravend (658)
• Malta
16 Oct 10
In the past I had a bf who used to suggest to me if I looked like a a trash or horrid. But there's a balance. It is up to me at the end. I wear what I want and I trust that my bf trusts me enough to know what is ok for me to wear. If my partner never told me my clothes look bad, I wouldn't be too pleased.
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes i see what you mean^^ you like that your bf is honest and if think you look bad is sweet of him bcs you know he just doesnt want you to look bad^^ im happy that your ex bf did that to you^^ it shows that he really cared for you^^ and is good that you would change if you saw that he was right^^ but if didnt look bad in your opinion you should use anyway^^
@madteaparty (2748)
• Japan
16 Oct 10
Well, if my boyfriend asked me to dress more conservative I might first laugh in his face, as I would think he's joking. He always tells me that I dress so cool, so it would be really unexpected, and probably just him teasing me. If he resulted on being serious on that, of course I would ignore a request like that, as I am supposed to dress to please myself and not to please others
• Japan
16 Oct 10
Thank you, that is very sweet of you
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
sure^^ i just think that sometimes we want to change ourselves to make that guy happy^^ and we shouldnt forget who we are just for that^^ we can change a bit but not who we are^^ or else we become unhappy and also become other person. we shouldnt forget our identity and be ourselves^^ if guy loves us is bcs loves us the way we are and dress also ahah^^
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
ahah thats cute that he says that you dress in a cool way^^ and sure is great that if he was serious you wouldnt change your clothes^^ we must dress for ourselves and not for others is true^^ so we can feel happy and beautiful^^ anyway im too happy that your bf loves you the way you are^^ and im sure he wouldnt ask you like this^^ wish you the best with him^^
• Philippines
15 Oct 10
Hi, You are right,if he loves you he will accept everything in you.He might not like it but eventually he will accept it.If you are referring to your filipino bf,I am not sure how he would accept it because but we filipinos are conservative unless he is open minded and willing to accept it immediately. Goodluck to both of you:-)
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes is unconditional love^^ love someone no matter what happens^^ i love my bf for who he is^^ his attitude and his heart^^ so i dont want him to change at all. and if something ever happened to him i wouldnt change my feelings^^ i dont care if he got sick, i wish doesnt happen, but if that happened i wouldnt leave his side^^ i love him so much and i really am trying hard to go see him too soon^^ just today was searching online if i can find a place in baguio that need employeers or singers^^ i thought maybe in a call center he could find^^
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes cherry^^ guys will accept us for who we are if really love us^^ my bf says he is conservative ahah but if i dressed a bit like short dress someday maybe he wouldnt mind^^ bcs would be my style^^ anyway he always says he loves me anyway doesnt matter even if i had 100 kilos or looked like a beast he says that a beast is better than nothing and looked serious ahah i couldnt stop laughing actually ahah he says things in serious way and is so cute^^ how i wish he was here online now
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
hi, yes you are right and that is unconditional love.
@youless (112885)
• Guangzhou, China
16 Oct 10
I have a different situation. I am conservative to dress. I don't like to wear sexy dress. I am nervous to it. In the past my husband bought me a sexy dress as a birthday gift for me. At that time I just labored my baby for a few months. So my figure was big and this kind of dress was not suitable for me. Later when my figure becomes to be normal, I still have worries to wear it. However, in order to make my husband happy, I wear it for a few times so that he won't be disappointed to it. I love China
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
thats cute that your hubby offered you a sexy dress^^ that shows that he likes to see you pretty and cute^^ is sweet that you do that for your hubby^^ im sure he is too happy that you dress that for him sometimes^^ also trust yourself^^ if your hubby thinks you look sexy with that dress is bcs you really look^^ he wouldnt offer you something that didnt look good on you bcs he wouldnt want people to say bad about you^^ so trust in yourself more and is ok if you dress more sexy^^ you will feel happier and more confident^^
@piya84 (2580)
• India
16 Oct 10
Well every area has its own standard of dressing.How much showing is normal and how mush inst.If my boyfriend say it to me i would observe myself form neutral point of view and i would examine my way of dressing.If i found what he is say is right i might change.If i sense he telling me these things just to take control of me then it can start trouble.
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes thats a good idea^^ you would see if your dress was good or if was too much^^ if was too much you would change but if not you better wear that^^ we must wear what makes us feel happy^^ and if he loves you he will accept that^^ and sure want to control you would be too bad. controlling people destroy relationships mostly. so i wish you dont find a guy like this^^
@SimpleBB (1329)
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
For me, I won't. First, this is where I am comfortable and beside he knows me in the first place that this is me when he is courting me. If he wanted me to be his gf just to make changes in me, he probably not really love me. May be he just want to show off that he is the superior in your relationship. If this is the situation, well better ask him what his purpose is in having me as his gf.
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes you are right^^ while he is courting you he already knows how you are and how you dress like^^ so asking you that would be a bit selfish of him. we all have the right to dress as we feel better^^ and if he loves you would accept you with everything you have^^ is not bcs we have a bf that have to do all to please him. we also have opinion. and if he loved you he would understand if you didnt want to change your clothes^^
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
16 Oct 10
I ould dress in the way that is pleasing to me. I wouldn;t let anyone else tell me how i should dress unless it had to be a requirement for a special event.
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes^^ we shouldnt change who we are just to please someone. if guy is with us is bcs loves us^^ so should respect our choices^^ and sure if is a special event and you have to use one specific outfit sure we should do that^^ but i was talking in general^^ im happy that you would dress as you want^^ we should also take our own decisions and not always do what our lover wants us to^^
@Sanitary (3968)
• Singapore
16 Oct 10
I would do it if he asks me to do it. There goes to show he cares about me and wants to protect me. I'm sure he wanted to be noticed being out with a sexy gf but not at the expense of showing off my body too much. He wants healthy attraction and not lust. However, my bf is not doing that. He's asking me to dress more sexy! There's a limit to how sexy I can go, but it's only for his eyes while not for the public to ogle and even critise.
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
i see that you would do that for your bf bcs he just wanted to protect you^^ well is ok^^ anyway thats sweet that he asks you to dress more sexy^^ is bcs he wants you to look more pretty for him^^ and sure im happy that you do that for him and not for other guys^^ i see that you respect him too much^^ and im happy that he loves you much also^^
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• Philippines
16 Oct 10
well, its really how you perceive things. If you think and feel that its not good then you should keep your instincts. It will not hurt you. ;)
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes we should do what makes us feel better^^ if we think we should change for bf is ok^^ and if we think we shouldnt then we shouldnt^^ bcs change your style just bcs your bf asked you to and you feel unhappy is bad and sure if he loves you he wont want that^^ we must do what makes us feel happy^^ and if our bf loves us really will accept our decision^^
@ZeXyRech (38)
16 Oct 10
same thing here. My boyfriend usually tells me to dress with clothes or shirts with sleeves. she doesn't want to see me on razor backs or tube tops. But the thing is that I am comfortable of what I am wearing. And also, he met me and started friends with me wearing those type of clothes so accept me as I am. he doesn't need to change that. It's my personality. That's me.
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes zexy is great that you dont change your style bcs of him^^ bcs if he knew how you were already he shouldnt want to change you. so he should accept your clothes and who you are. besides if you are with him is bcs you love him and like to dress well to look pretty and not to get other guys^^ dont change who you are and show you care for him^^ he wont say nothing more^^
@Yada25 (44)
16 Oct 10
Well, I think it depends on how do you dress and also the reason why he wants me to change. I will try my best if I can.
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
i see that you would see the reasons first and try to change what you are dressing^^ but if you felt happy with those clothes you shouldnt change it^^ your bf must love you for who you are and accept how you dress^^ is nothing bad sometimes to use sexy clothes^^ we have the right to choose what we want to dress that makes us feel beautiful^^
@shaggin (74018)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Well if he was willing to buy me the clothes I might be willing to give it a try but as far as me going out and spending my money on clothes that he wanted me to wear that I didnt even like... no way that wouldnt happen. I like the way I dress. I'm comfortable this way. He should like me no matter what I wear.
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
ahah shaggin thats cute that you would try to dress as he wanted anyway^^ thats sweet^^ but sure you would have to use your money in clothes that you dont even want to wear would be too unfair ahah^^ but sure if he loves you should love you as you are and with your style^^ love someone is love everything about that person^^ even things we dont like much ahah^^
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
I am not a really a sexy dresser,but if I am and my boyfriend asks me to dress more conservatively,I wouldn't.I dress for myself.I don't dress for anybody,not even for him.if he loves me,he would accept the way I dresses.
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
yes coco is true^^ you must dress the way you feel happy with yourself^^ and sure if he loves you shouldnt say that and accept how you dress^^ if you are with him is bcs love him and is not bcs you dress more sassy that means that you want to flirt with other guys. just is your style and he has to accept it^^ so im happy that you would stick with your own ideas^^
@swissheart (6482)
• Romania
15 Oct 10
I wouldn't do it...if he likes me , he likes me just the way I am. I'm happy with the way i looke so he needs to accept me like that. and if he doesn't like it than he's free to go
• Portugal
16 Oct 10
ahah swiss you are so funny really^^ im happy that you like the way you look like^^ we must like ourselves and sure he must love you for who you are^^ and if doesnt like sure is free to go and you can find a better one that loves you for who you are^^ we can change few things for lover but not everything^^ mostly our style that is our identity^^
• Australia
28 Oct 10
I wouldnt, if hes not comfortable with me flaunting what I have then hes obviously not for me. I like dressing how I do and it makes me more confident about myself.