Sarah Palin's own TV show
By gewcew23
@gewcew23 (8007)
United States
October 15, 2010 4:52pm CST
Beginning November 14 TLC will air Sarah Palin's Alaska an eight week long look into Sarah's life in Alaska. Funny I wasn't even sure that she still lived in Alaska. She will be hiking, kayaking, and driving a dog sled. My link which will be provide below offers the trail for this show. You going to watch.;_ylt=Auuo1x0ZIZXPZHS7_Vca7.us0NUE;_ylu=X3oDMTU0ZTg3NGE5BGFzc2V0A3libG9nX3Vwc2hvdC8yMDEwMTAxNS9jb21pbmctc29vbi10by1hLXR2LW5lYXIteW91LXNhcmFoLXBhbGluLXJlYWxpdHktc3RhcgRjY29kZQNtb3N0cG9wdWxhcgRjcG9zAzEwBHBvcwM3BHB0A2hvbWVfY29rZQRzZWMDeW5faGVhZGxpbmVfbGlzdARzbGsDcGFsaW5yZWFsaXR5
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9 responses

@Yestheypayme2dothis (7874)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Millions of Sarah's fans will be watching with out question. Men will love it beings it is the greater out door,hunting and the awesome fishing,seeing the breath taking beauty of Alaska in general. The hateful liberals have made Sarah a very rich lady,hope they keep up the good job makes her even richer then she already is thanks to the left and mean hateful females. Good for Sarah she loves what she is doing and she is loving life.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 Oct 10
I would definitely consider that to be more entertaining. I don't care much for the cold...that's why I live where cold doesn't normally go.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 Oct 10
This is an eerily familiar claim that certainly makes no sense. Palin's conservative base have been the ones spending their money on her book, buying tickets to her speaking engagements around the country and purchasing whatever else it is she's been hawking...and it will be they who will watch her how have the "hateful liberals" made her a rich woman? I'm sure she does love making money, and no one would begrudge her taking full advantage of the fame and notoriety she has attained in a Paris Hilton kind of way.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Nope, I won't be watching. I know this disappoints the diehard Palin fans who have to believe that EVERYONE will be watching...for whatever reason. The first couple of episodes will probably get decent ratings for curiosity's sake. After that it's anyone's guess. Maybe it will be a big hit and Palin will get out of the political speaker game.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
16 Oct 10
I think that the "I won't watch" statement from liberals is going to be about as true as the "I don't care what she does" or the "she's not a political threat" statements we hear so often from those who are not her fans. Still, they talk about her constantly and spend a lot of time taking polls to try to reassure themselves that she definitely won't become president one day. They will try not to watch, the same way they really try not to write and talk about her, and in the same way, they will fail.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 Oct 10
LOL! For all of her tough talk I'll betcha she's not far from a heated building, trailer or vehicle for very long when it's cold.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Oct 10
As much as I'd LOVE to be able to watch, I'm afraid I have too many other things to do - like watching the leaves fall off the trees and playing with my cats. I saw a trailer for the show on TV and heard her say how much she "flippin loves this" and how she loves it out there, it's so much better than being cooped up in an office.
I say sounds good to me, let her stay out in the wilderness! Did you hear her extra shrieky put-down of Michele Obama the other day?
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 Oct 10
I don't know about anyone else but I missed that, too...along with the Vanity Fair thing. Palin might want to fire that publicist....
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@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
16 Oct 10
I'm kinda a fan of outdoor/travel shows so I'll probably check it out. If it's any good I'll keep watching it, if it isn't, I won't Don't care about the fact that it's a "republican" show (is that stupid letter next to someones name REALLY that important now?) If Obama had a good outdoor show I'd likely watch it too. (because it's just a stupid letter and is meaningless in an outdoor/travel show).
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
15 Oct 10
Oh yeah I all about that! I can't wait, I think we'll make it family event. It will be a great teaching tool for my children.
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@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
15 Oct 10
LOL I was thinking more along the lines of how not to behave. You know like always be yourself, know what you're talking about while speaking in public and don't write notes on your arms.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
16 Oct 10
I've never seen so many folks making a statement that they won't be watching something. I guess it's because of the whole statement that "I won't be watching it" that still draws in the crowds...
I might watch. I'm not sure. But I like those kind of shows, by and large. I doubt it's going to be a Kate Plus 8 look into the life of Palin. From what I understand, it's more about Alaska and just using Palin to sell it.
I'm not much on Oprah but I still watched Life.
And if I weren't going to watch it, I probably wouldn't go out of my way to say how much it sucks before it even airs and that I'll be doing anything but watching. Or who knows... I guess it would depend on how much I hated the person.
To a question I seen up top: That's why it's so hard to believe.

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
17 Oct 10
Spall, it's just a waste of time to argue with some people. I mean, to Sarah's fans - which I still have a problem describing supporters of a political figure as "fans", that in itself indicates celebrity, which is a dirty word among the far right - anyone who doesn't adore her or who DARES to criticize anything she says or does must "hate" her and it must be because they're "jealous" or "afraid" of her.
On the other hand, to those who don't like President Obama - and sadly "hate" is the correct word for some of them - anyone who dares to express support for anything he does or to defend him against the most outrageous allegations must be "minions" or "blinded by their love" for him.
I'm getting tired of defending myself on both fronts!
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
17 Oct 10
Same here Annie. What we're seeing is nothing more than the regurgitation of what the bloggers are saying and, really, how can you discuss things with those who don't have original thoughts of their own? Anyone who would put someone like Palin in the highest office in the land isn't thinking about the good of the country but about their own agenda.
My 19 year old daughter made a point earlier when a promo for Palin's show came on which started a discussion between the two of us about her. The first observation that my daughter made about the claims of hating her and being jealous is that this is so high school. And, she's right. Both her and I can recall some ditz in high school...usually pretty...prom queen or court material...who had her share of bff's who thought she was just "all that". Anyone who didn't like her, who thought she was shallow and not very intelligent or nice were accused of being jealous of her by her loyal minions.
There was a piece on the news earlier about everyone who is stumping for everyone else right now....Bill Clinton, Rudy G, Obama and Palin. The comment was made that some Republican candidates don't want Palin's assistance because she's "kryptonite", driving away the moderates and the Independents. While the sanctimonious far right can call me a RINO, the fact is that the far right and the far left are the minority. It's the moderates and the independents who can make or break a campaign and Palin is incapable of bringing either one in.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
17 Oct 10
Well, Mr. Fish, the question asked by the OP was if you were going to watch the show and you know that mylot insists that responses contain more than "yes" or "no" answers and suggests that they be as descriptive as possible. I don't believe that anyone went out of their way to say how much it sucks...I believe responses to the negative related more to Palin herself than to the show. I'm not a's pretty simple.
Do you have any emotions other than love and hate, by the way? Maybe that's the problem here...that some folks are limited emotionally. I don't "hate" Palin...that's a ridiculous claim to make simply because I don't believe that she's capable of being the president of this country and that I believe her priorities are elsewhere. I don't have confidence in her abilities in many areas. Those are valid opinions that have nothing to do with love or hate.
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@stealthy (8181)
• United States
15 Oct 10
I don't get TLC so I won't be watching. However, it does sound interesting and that she is not just a politician like so many others.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
15 Oct 10
Oh, I will definitely watch because as we know from the Vanity Fair article, Palin doesn't know how to do any of those things. The author quoted one of those reliable anonymous sources, you know, the nameless ones you really trust. It should be interesting just to see how well she pretends to know how to do these things.
If people are interested in the Alaskan scenery and wildlife, they should watch. If they are liberals and hate Sarah Palin, they will be glued to their sets and then posting about important things like how dumb her hat looked or something. A pennies bonanza!

@spalladino (17891)
• United States
16 Oct 10
You mean I missed the Vanity Fair article?
I thought I heard that some claim somewhere was that she didn't really shoot some moose somewhere...was that one of the things you're referring to? I certainly hope there won't be any moose killing going on but, if there is, rest assured, I won't be there to watch it.

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