Is it all God's Fault???? You Bet!!!!
By bird123
@bird123 (10658)
United States
October 15, 2010 11:36pm CST
Many people over the world are angry at God for all their troubles in life. Some even refuse to believe God exists for this reason. Is it really all God's fault?? You bet!!
God has the ability to take all the problems away. In fact, this is part of the unconditional love we will experience after death. Since God has the ability to remove our troubles, then it's God's fault that we have themRight??
A Being capable of creating universes has to be very smart. Could trouble really be a smart move on God's part?? Let's take a few steps back and look beyond the surface and the hurt of our troubles and problems. If there were no troubles or challenges, we would soon become like couch potatoes. Why would we have any will to do anything?? Why take the effort?? Sure, it would feel great, but for how long?? Try doing nothing. At what point will the joy turn to sorrow??
Troubles and adversity hurt, but so much more lives under the surface. Faced with a problem or challenge, we have to solve it, simply because we all want that trouble free life. Suddenly, we have to think, study, analyze, plan, and grow in so many ways along the journey to solve it.
Sometimes our troubles change others. Medical disease creates the study of biology and genetics. You help the world simply by being sick. Natural disasters generate knowledge not only in the science of nature but much is learned in rescue and survival.
No matter what happens, we are eternal. God made sure we were safe ahead of time. Death is no more than a change.
With every problem or trouble, there is learning by someone. It's by you or someone around you. Adversity is truly the mother of invention. In time, we will acquire great wisdom. The problems will get harder. Once solved, the old problems are no longer a challenge.
If the problems in your life are getting to you, remember, God knows your capabilities. He won't give you any more than you can handle. You are much more capable than you realize. If you absolutely need help, it will show up from somewhere. I have seen this several times in my life.
Let's pick ourselves up. Dust ourselves off. Look in your past. Didn't all those pesky problems that you worried so much about work themselves out somehow??
Let's show God what we can do!! By the time we concentrate on blaming, moaning, and complaining, we could of had that problem solved. All the blaming and stuff just makes you feel bad anyway. We can choose the better route.
So is God to blame for all my troubles?? You Bet!! Thanks God!! I won't stop solving my challenges until I become so smart that God will have the problemtrying to find a problem for me.
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8 responses
@goldenteardrops (747)
• United States
16 Oct 10
man was given a choice , man has to decide whom to serve. man has not because they ask not. no not God's fault but man's fault. a spirtual battle , a seeking and knowing, and serving choice .. it states plainly seek first the kingdom and the rest would follow. God knows YES . God will provide IF ONLY ONE WOULD CHOOSE AND ASK IN FAITH BELIEVEING. Man made idols , man made this and that never last. No man has brought alot on themselves thinking it is wise and did not seek for more wisdom in God's way. There is a spirtual battle going on that some cannot see..there is a devil also and believe me he will try all he can to cause one to blame God. The devil has a job and will destroy, steal and do all he can to confuse one but ONLY if you let him.......blame the devil and ask God for help. in Jesus name. be sure to use that name.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Isn't the devil just one more someone to blame??? God will help all His children regardless of whether they believe or not. Wouldn't you help your children regardless of anything???? It's called Unconditional Love. There might be a spiritual battle going on but it would be with oneself. Sometimes people choose evil when deep down they know better. Consequences will show them the way. For those who really understand, evil is not a choice they could make. Thanks for all your comments!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Oct 10
People only choose evil simply because they do not understand what evil really is. Our choices tell God and the world just what lessons we need to learn. The devil doesn't exist. No one makes you do anything you don't already want to do. You can't blame anyone for your bad choices except yourself. God reads minds. You don't have to ask God for anything. He will still help in guiding you in the direction you need to go. God isn't like mankind. He doesn't have an ego that needs to be asked before He will take action. Thanks for all your comments!!
@goldenteardrops (747)
• United States
16 Oct 10
first the devil is not a someone, but a bad angel or spirtual speaking an unclean spirt that bothers people and makes them decide to the worst but they will not do unless they choose to do. People can resist but some do not they choose the way as accepting thinking there is nothing they can do. people in fleshly being who they are think they cannot improve things but they can improve themself only if they want to by knowledge and wanting the truth and seeking to learn more. mostly people hurt because they do not make right decisions. If a bad choice then correct it and do not do it again. You see people let things happen and sit back and watch it happen sometimes and decide this is it let the others do the thinking..but if all worked together for the good then good can only happen . people make wrong choices and bad things do happen. people at times destroy themselfs and others for lack of knowledge to know it does not have to be that way. God helps His children , we have a spirtual Father and He helps for He says you have not because you have not asked. In Word and deed God needs to be first it is a rule to go by. When one thinks or trys to think more than God then he will fail. Family is important and love for one another. We may not like the ways of some but we still love them...
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@narayan2006 (2954)
• India
16 Oct 10
Life is a timeless journey in the infinitely vast expanse of the universe. An event or a situation that a person faces at a particular point of time is very precisely linked to many other events that have happened in the remote past and many other events that are yet to appear in the future,in one's present,past and future life in the universe. Due to our limited and imperfect knowledge in knowing our real selves and our relation with God,we feel hesitant to accept the reality.It is the intellectual ego that leads us to misleading conclusion about ourselves and about God. Thanks.
@wkibaki (28)
• Kenya
19 Oct 10
Bird, first let me say you are at an advanced state, maybe you are approaching or may have reached enlightenment, only you know that. Coming back to the issue of God, only one thing makes me wish or hope people would understand sooner. That is the way most of us regard or understand God. We like to think of God as some entity, spirit or being that is separate from us, somewhere above us, watching us, approving and disproving our actions, smiling and frowning at our activities... well, there may be light at the end of this tunneled view or opinion. However, I like to see or view God as part of us, we are individualization of the universe, the creator, source or God if you will. The moment we realize this then 'problems', 'challenges', or whatever we call our adversities, change and all become lessons. Therefore is no 'struggle' at all when we discover the truth and know how to live in the moment. The illusions of past and future are the bedrock off all that we call 'problems'. Most of them are based on fear. Fear itself being a futuristic thinking, only existing in the mind but soon becomes a reality when allowed to seep into the subconscious. Therefore Bird, I'll repeat by saying all our problems are lessons, and believe me, they'll always be here to help us, nudge us, push us, pull us, in our great journey of self knowledge and discovery...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
20 Oct 10
Fear is a result of the unknown. Knowledge does cure all problems. We are all at different levels of understanding. We all have different pieces of the same puzzle. We all teach each other through our interaction. Who knows, even a lowly homeless person could be carrying the piece of the puzzle I'm missing. That's why we must all be open.We are all spiritual beings just like God. Somehow I think we all do carry a piece of God in us. God is real and can be found. Yes, there is intelligence far far above mankind. One must stretch for God can easily talk over one's head. Perhaps that's why so few do. He doesn't want to confuse the children. Perhaps you will continue to see and understand God's action. So much more is going on beyond the surface of things. Everything about God does add up. Perhaps in time you will be ready. Thanks for the great comments.Wkibaki
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@vandana7 (101396)
• India
16 Oct 10
Hi bird - I am one of those who believed in god, and then came to a level of doubting, and then again to belief. Today, I know god can do anything. A week ago, my mind was full of anger, fear, and some bad words. I prayed to god to control my thinking. Every day I prayed. Though I am not a great one for rituals, I lit those incense sticks. Everytime I came to a level of recalling the injustices, and the foul language coming up - I immediately remembered god, and sort of instantly came out of that negativity. I am telling you all this happened in a week's time. I am far more composed - and can tackle my anger and fear better. I still have one more day of festival to go. By end of the day, my complete anger at the episode would dissipate. I am confident of that. So - I am ok with god. I am not ok with many rituals, but god's just fine, and believable. I mean god, and not my god, or your god, or god or godess. Just the all powerful entity in whichever form.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 10
To be angry is simply a choice one can make. So many times it is simply reacting. I see that you are indeed starting to think. You see that the anger and negativity are useless energy spent. Thinking and choosing are a quicker path to the resolution of the problems. It's all been about God and His children. Religion and rituals really should not come between. You seem to be on a good path!! You are starting to see your capabilities and abilities. You are well able to stand on your own two feet, make great decisions and shape the lives of the people around you as only you can do. Stand strong, always think, then shine your light in their eyes. Thanks Vandana7 for stopping by with your comments!!
@timelord40 (81)
• United States
16 Oct 10
NO It no all his fault . I t just like it you give your son a car is it your fault he get a ticket for speeding. No because if he pass the driving test he is understanding the rules but it he ignores them then what ever happens is his fault.
Our guide is the bible and if we ignore it sound counsel we reap what we sow
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Fault or blame isn't the issue. With the speeding ticket comes lessons for everyone. There were consequences for everyone's actions. There are consequences for all our choices regardless of which holy book we value. It's the education system of God. Thanks for all your comments!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
16 Oct 10
Mistakes destroy our life??????? Don't mistakes teach us what not to do??? Go talk with some of the most successful people you know. Ask them what they do when they make a mistake. Mistakes are the stepping stone to success but only if you do not allow them to stop you on your journey. Thanks for all your comments!!
@Professor2010 (20156)
• India
16 Oct 10
Hi bird
Congrats for this wonderful discussion, i have strong faith in god, i have passed through many ups and downs in life, i never felt depressed or sad, just took life very lightly always, we have to face our karma always.. no need blaming god, what we have sown, we have to reap, there is no way out!!!
Thanks for sharing. Cheers.
Professor. .

@rijovjohn (428)
• India
16 Oct 10
I am with you in this. When problems come to life, our life become exciting. When no problems life will have any thrill. Every thing is going as expected. Then there is no surprises in life.Also by facing challenges only our ability increases.
All troubles are not Gods fault. We are responsible for many of them. We think only about the present situation only. God knows our future and he may think that this problem is necessary for our good future.So face the challenges with courage