Our mind is like monkey

monkey is smoking  - A monkey is smoking a cigarette thrown on street
October 16, 2010 6:11am CST
Friends, our mind is like a monkey. And that mind, if allowed to be uncontrolled, steals away one’s intelligence. One is no longer able to distinguish between illusion and reality. When one's mind becomes like a monkey one should feed it with the knowledge about God, spirituality. In this way one will be able to regain complete control over his mind and will have the clear vision to distinguish reality from illusion. Am I right? Please comment and share your views.Professor
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10 responses
@derek_a (10873)
17 Oct 10
Oh yes, I can see exactly what you are saying here. In my (Zen) meditation the discipline is to just sit and witness the mind in the here and now, because in reality, that is all we have, what is here and what is now. However, the here and now is immediately passes and any thinking about it, is not actually the here and now, but the thoughts about the here and now. This phenomenon is actually showing us that time is not real, but an illusion that the monkey-mind tells us is real. When we focused on the here-now, the mind will not like it, because it is not its domain. It's domain is planning for a future by going over the past constantly, so that when I sit in meditation and focus on only the breath, the mind resists me strongly, but each time I am successful in being present, fully in the now, my mind's influence weakens, whilst self awareness grows stronger. That is feel, is true intelligence, the domain of "no-mind"... _Derek
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@derek_a (10873)
19 Oct 10
Hello my friend. In Zen meditation, where we are only focusing on the in-breath and out-breath to still the mind, there are often times when the mind is over-powering and keeps distracting us into trivial thoughts of the past or of the future, when there is only now. This is because our world values "education" in the collection of possessions, positions, facts and figures and we identify strongly with these. The more intellectual we become, the more difficult it can be to develop no-mind. So, we need to see this paradox and connect with it. We practice the art of "mind watching". Just witnessing the antics of the "monkey-mind". We all have this, even sages have had to learn to transcend this. The key-word here is "transcend" which means to "rise above" and not "conquer" this mind. It cannot be conquered. We cannot demand that enlightenment or transcendence comes to us. It will visit us, when we have done our work by stilling the mind with no-thought. Until then, we are fighting monkey-mind with monkey-mind that has split itself into many parts, and it needs to be 100% OK to do this. Paradox! In the here-now we observe our mind and slowly, very slowly, we begin to drop our thinking. The practice is not only in our meditation, but in daily life also. To keep reminding ourselves that there is only now and give our 100% attention to each experience we are having. Washing the dishes, focus on just each dish, knife, fork, spoon, the movements of our hands and body, as we wash them. There is the story of an student of Zen who goes to his master and asks, "Master, how can I become enlightened?" The Master answers, "Carry water, chop sticks... Enlightenment". The message here is that we are all enlightened, it is just that our worldly conditioning is clouding our Being-ness with past or future, alternating from one to the other. Even wanting enlightenment is casting the mind to the future for we are already enlightened! We need to be present with every little experience. Dropping judgment of what is better, what is worse. Nothing is better! Nothing is worse! It is just so. Everything is just the way it is! The thousand-year-old tree is equal to the new blade of grass. The beach pebble is equal to Mt. Everest. It is not easy my friend, and there are no guarantees except that by the law of evolution, our mind, body and spirit will grow no matter where we are on the "ladder" towards truth. Thank you for the opportunity o write this post. I have learned something from writing it. _Derek
• India
19 Oct 10
Hello friend, i try to concetrate my mind, but honestly speaking, i can't, i may be reciting a 'mantra' but mind keeps wondering, can you tell, how to avoid this? Thanks for sharing your view and the response. Cheers. Professor. .
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@jennyze (7027)
• Indonesia
18 Oct 10
Professor, in my country when people cannot differentiate between an illusion and a reality, they will be brought to a Mental Hospital.
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• India
19 Oct 10
That's good dear jenny.. Thanks . Cheers. Professor. .
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Oct 10
hi professor yes indeed we have to focuss our mind to keep our brains sharp. We cannot let it jump around like a monkey and lose our ability to distinguish between illusion and actual reality.I believe when one can no longer distinguish between illusion and reality its called senility and who wants that. A mind must be used all the time to keep us able to think in a rational way.
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• India
19 Oct 10
I agree with your thoughts, thanks for sharing. Cheers. Regards Professor. .
@veejay19 (3589)
• India
17 Oct 10
Yes, the mind is like a monkey and keeps jumping from one thought to another at the speed of light. A person once went to the Guru to learn meditation. The Guru agreed and taught him the techniques of meditation. Finally he told the disciple that he should not think of the monkey. The disciple agreed and went away. After a few days the disciple came with a troubled face and the Guru asked him what the matter was. The disciple said that he had followed all the instructions to the letter but he was not able to let go of the monkey which kept on appearing everytime he tried to meditate. The Guru smiled and told him that from now on the monkey would never trouble him again.Controlling the restless mind is not easy and our ancient seers and sages have spent years in trying to do so. If one practices Pranayam, the Yogic technique of breath control, then it is possible to reach a state when gradually the thoughts stop appearing and one reaches the state of Shunya Awastha or the thoughtless state.This then leads to the state of Nirvikalpa Samadhi which is very higly exalted state of Bliss in which the mind turns into the 'nomind'.If this state persists then one achieves Mukti or Liberation and then there will be no more the endless cycle of births and deaths.
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• India
19 Oct 10
Thanks for sharing your views Veejay, nut it is very difficult to achieve liberation. Cheers. Professor. .
@ankit_620 (496)
• India
16 Oct 10
hey professor2010 i agree that our mind is like monkey but in another way.i guess because our mind is a never resting place. we are always moving on from one thing to another one desire to an other just like monkeys from one branch to another. We wish some things, somethings we can't get hold of that is when our mind gets a little nasty and drive us towards bad means to get that stuff like monkeys do, they steal stuff they want. Our mind is surely like a monkey.
• India
19 Oct 10
Our mind is never dull, it keeps wondering always.. Thanks for sharing. Cheers. Professor. .
• India
16 Oct 10
hello friends, i bought a new car swift before 1 year. Now, my mind is going to buy the volkswagon. Like this only our mind is changing seconds by seconds.The mind is not jumped, then we can not live in this world. Now our world is working fast, we go that much level. So, not bad mind can jumped like a monkey.
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• India
19 Oct 10
Welcome to mylot and my discussions.. Thanks for sharing your views. Cheers. Professor. .
@zandi458 (28102)
• Malaysia
16 Oct 10
I heard that we originated from the apes and what we see ourselves now is an upgraded version of the apes/monkeys/orangutans. So it isn't surprising that we inherited some of our forefathers mind? No matter how man try to behave, they have thoughts of hate or passion or immorality or temptation. Visions of what they would like to do pass through their minds. And they are troubled because they think that the thought which passed through their minds has made them guilty of the sin about which they thought. But God is helping us to resist temptation in ways we know not. Our mind is like a waiting room where all thoughts may come - invited or uninvited. It is open to thoughts which are not always welcome, sinful and mean.
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• India
19 Oct 10
I agree with what you say, the basic mind inside us is an upgraded version of that of an ape.. Thanks for sharing. Cheers. Professor. .
@ifa225 (14459)
• Indonesia
12 Dec 10
you are absolutely right Prof. only religion could make the wild illusion calm down. the religion also can control our animal thinking and acting
@tigeraunt (6326)
• Philippines
16 Oct 10
dear professor, i had to see the wilkipedia for meaning. and this is what i found - it is a buddhist term "unsettled; restless; capricious; whimsical; fanciful; inconstant; confused; indecisive; uncontrollable". i guess its not same as ours although some similarity because people's mind can be controlled and they are focused meditation are great ways to control the monkey mind. have a nice day. ann
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• India
19 Oct 10
Anny dear Thanks for the research you did and shared here. Cheers. Professor. .
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
16 Oct 10
Monkey see and monkey do - Brain of monkey is simple driven by primal urge.MOnkey see monkey do.
I always thought that monkey is mischevious and naughty creatures.For example my culture sometime will refer to mischevious children as see that monkey jumping up and down and causing a riot just like a monkey.The monkey mind is quite simple , food ,entertainment and lazying aroud.having monkey mind god and spirituality is too much.HAve u hear the verse Monkey See Monkey Do.They are simple minded driven by natural urge and work in groups following the alpha monkey.
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• India
19 Oct 10
When babies behave like monkey, parents scold them, right, but they are honest and clean in mind.. Thanks for sharing. Cheers. Professor. .