lottery bad luck story ahah please read this^^ it has a funny side^^

money in form of heart^^ - heart made from money^^
October 16, 2010 5:13pm CST
hi guys^^ just monthes ago a guy here in my country went to a bank and took many many money and went to jail. next day, he found out that he was the winner of a lottery that days ago he tried to play. so when the results appear they saw that he was the winner. isnt it funny? is like is destiny teasing with the guy right? if i was the guy i would be really furious and think that it was a tease with me ahah^^ can you imagine this? ahah^^ he could had wait more days, win much much money and wouldnt need at all to take money from a bank and wouldnt go to jail. really bad luck this guy had right?^^ ahah
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7 responses
17 Oct 10
it is bad luck, but justice is served. I do see the funny side to this.
• Portugal
17 Oct 10
yes craigy ahah is kinda funny^^ the guy went to bank to take a lot of money and days later found out he was the winner of the lottery ahah^^ thats really bad luck anyway in few years he will enjoy that money and us that are not thieves never won nothing can you see the bad luck we have craigy? ahah even a thief is more lucky than us^^
• Portugal
17 Oct 10
ahah yes craigy^^ could even give us a bit and would continue rich ahah^^ i dont know how many millions he won but at least 15 million it was^^ so can you imagine? ahah that money can help many many people really^^ i just wish that when he leaves jail he learn to be more generous and share that money with those that need it also^^ and dont keep only for him^^
17 Oct 10
very true. So much money to gain once he is out of prison.
@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
17 Oct 10
The guy had greed on his mind and took money that wasn't his. He went to jail for his crime. Then it was so funny when he won to lottery. It was like teasing the man. I guess that the man should have just sat back and waited for his result to happen. It was such a shame did take all that money from the bank. That is a very amusing story and it shows having such greed is not the right thing to do.
• Philippines
17 Oct 10
I wonder what will he do if he uses that money. What? Deposit it in the Bank that he robbed. because even if he goes to other banks they might recognized him and refused to give him an account to have his money saved in the bank. i wonder, why did he have to win if he can't even work first.
• Portugal
17 Oct 10
letran well im sure any bank would like to have his money there^^ bcs he wouldnt risk to take money any longer from banks bcs the money he would have was big also so why need more? they would want it bcs banks always want more and more money so for sure they wouldnt refuse it. anyway you never heard that good people are the ones that suffer the most? so he won and not a sweety person. world is like that.
• Portugal
17 Oct 10
yes maxima ahah is really funny ^^ when my mum told me i was like wow ahah if he waited a bit longer could had won big money and enjoy it instead of being in a dirty jail anyway the truth is in few years he will enjoy that money and people like me and you maxima didnt have that luck i guess i deserved that money more than a thief ahah
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
17 Oct 10
Yes, that is a good story. This guy needed to learn a lesson anyway. If he had discovered he won the lottery,he would never have robbed the bank and his lesson could not have been learned. He'll learn the lesson and have the lottery money when he gets out. I guess the old saying is right. What a difference a day can make.
• Portugal
17 Oct 10
ahah yes in his case few days would make a huge difference^^ when my mum told me that story i was like what? ahah really surprised^^ anyway is like you say in some years he will enjoy that money^^ and yes he learnt a lesson. and im sure he wont do that again bcs with the money he won he doesnt need to take money from banks to be millionaire^^
• Philippines
17 Oct 10
well, at least he got the chance to win the lottery. i have been betting almost every day and i never won a single cent. as for this man, he'd better find a way to keep being a millionaire. because if he spends all that money, he will go back into looking for a job. and companies don't like going for employees that has criminal record. they won't accept him. if he's careful that is.
• Portugal
17 Oct 10
letran is ok dont worry^^ for sure he wont try to have a job bcs here in my country lottery is a lot of money and only crazy people will work with that^^ the minimum you win here with this lottery is 15 million euros so why you need to work? ahah for sure he will just enjoy that money^^ everyone would do that^^ and no one would keep working and sacrificing with so much money^^ and with the chance to have the life of our dreams^^
• Philippines
17 Oct 10
That is what you call KARMA. What goes around comes around. He was being punished by the time because of what he did. So sad. :(
• Portugal
17 Oct 10
ahah yes^^ maybe if he didnt rob the bank would be other person winning the prize did you think that? ahah yes is like you say is karma^^ he didnt think about others when robbed the bank so he got punished. anyway in few years all will be ok with him bcs he will enjoy that money and have a great life. anyway im sure that being in jail these years wont be good at all so after all enjoy that money will be good. unless he is really a bad guy and didnt regret what he did. but if he regret deserve a bit of happiness.
@grubder23 (271)
• Philippines
17 Oct 10
cool story =) oh the irony of life. well anyway, he can still get the money. i think .=P
• Portugal
17 Oct 10
ahah yes is really ironic^^ yes he can get the money sure^^ in this lottery they give you the money in three monthes after you win it^^ so sure^^ when he gets out of jail i guess he will have that money bcs he won it^^ but if he didnt go to that bank he could be enjoying that money right now^^ and instead is in a stupid jail unhappy. is like destiny teased him.
• United States
17 Oct 10
It is sad but sort of destiny that we should continue to be patient as sometimes we precipitate things when good things were in store for us, if only we had waited.
• Portugal
17 Oct 10
yes you are right^^ if he had waited a bit more he would have won more than what he took from bank for sure^^ and that way he lost what he won and what he got from the bank. we must always wait for good things to happen and dont act in desperate ways or we can lose a lot. like that guy that now is in jail and lost much money that he could be enjoying.