Saga with my Landlord

By Gabs
@gabs8513 (48686)
United Kingdom
October 17, 2010 5:57am CST
Well things are not any better I have been to the Council and even though I am disabled and the predicament of the Landlord being taken to Court for possible repossession of this Flat I live in, they will not help me as such I have been to Citizen Advise Bureau and they told me all my rights and they where very Helpful , after spending 3 hours there on Friday I came home tired and drained, to find a Letter from the so called Agency that disappeared and now has appeared again, telling me as I did not pay the rent this Month he wants me out by November 1st Well I wrote an Email to this "Agency" telling her that I know my rights as for with holding the rent I have every right to as I have had repairs done that he should have done, I also informed her that I have been lied to from Day 1, I am now sitting in a cold Flat, with severe Lung Pains ( still have not heard from my Consultant, will phone tomorrow) The Electric Heaters are wasting Electricity as they do nothing at all, the Gas Fire needs servicing so is not working to good and a few more things I added in there, then I also told her that I will move out of here when I have found somewhere new and not before Apparently he is only going to court to negotiate Payments so he can keep the Flat, the thing is how will he be able to keep up Payments if I am moving out, People round here have said if they see anyone viewing they will tell them what he did to me After I sent the Email, I broke down, yes I know my rights but it is getting so much to handle and deal with The Council where on about temporary Accommodation, I pointed out to them about my Illness and what are they all trying to do Kill me? I am just so tired drained and worn out now, I made this Flat into my home by decorating the Place as it was handed to me with filthy walls ripped of Wall Paper black walls basically disgusting it did cost me quite a bit but well I never saw this coming Also the Bond Money I had to pay is suppose to be in a Government Deposit scheme, the CAB gave me the 3 Companies Websites that do this where I can check if it is there and none of the 3 showed it so he has not put it in there So I might yet have to take him to court if I am strong enough to do this which at the moment I do not feel I am but I know if that is what it takes to get justice I will do it Would you ????
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30 responses
• United States
17 Oct 10
I would most definitely take him to court. Here in America we have local "Legal Aid" offices which help seniors and disabled people get legal help in such situations. Do you not have such help available in the UK?
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• Canada
19 Oct 10
We have legal aid here in Canada too for people who are disabled, seniors, lower income families and/or for people who just can't afford to pay for a hot shot lawyer!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Oct 10
Hi there both of you Yes we do have that here but right now I have orders to calm down as my breathing problem and Pains are down to stress and Anxiety So I don't know yet what I am going to do I am tired, drained and well just trying to get back on my feet really and stop crying Hugs to you both
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• Pamplona, Spain
18 Oct 10
Hi Gabs, If you are well enough and if you are not maybe you can find a Lawyer to support your Case as you have very good grounds it seems. If you can´t afford a Lawyer there should be one that should help you anyway. So sorry to hear that you are going through this. Yes I would take him to Court if I could as well he deserves it for being so mean. Hope you win through my mate. A big huge hug from me too. You go get a Lawyer and People on your side gal and teach him a Lesson.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi there lovinangelinstead Good to see you again Right now my Nurse is not allowing me to take things further and to be honest I have no strength left to keep going on like this Right now I am looking for somewhere new and hope to get out of here as soon as possible Thank you again for your support and care
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Big warm Hugs to you
• Pamplona, Spain
22 Oct 10
Hiya gabs, Hugs to you too Gabs. So glad someone is supporting you there most of just can´t know what it feels like to have the Door shut in your Nose so to speak what I mean is no one seems willing to help you out. I know what that feels like but no matter that is all one long boring story I choose not to remember. You should be having all the support you need I just can´t believe it but at the same time I can. I see so many People here in that situation and nothing is done here in particular either it´s every Man for himself. Those kind of situations are draining as well on your Health she is right so you give your energy to staying as well as you can and let life take care of the rest of it. Everything falls into place sooner or later but of course what he has done with your Money is not right but you sit tight and let someone find you somewhere better. It sounds like the Nurse will be a good help to you now and in the future. Glad she cares so much. Take care now and don´t think about that meany person sounds like a right Uriah Heep to me yuk.
• United States
18 Oct 10
You can get disability right? That is just wrong if they force you out like that and you are disabled. You need to fight this.
2 people like this
• United States
22 Oct 10
If you can, and if you have it where you live, because my grandmother and cousins are in this situation, try HUD Housing (House and Urban Development), it's for seniors and people with disabilities who can live independently. It's affordable living, you only pay what you can pay, and they can arrange things for you regarding you disability and medical care. I think that your landlord is being a jerk, but here is Option 2 in case your landlord does kick you out.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi Rogue Yes I am on Disability as I am not able to work any more due to my Illness This Landlord will get his come uponce one Day
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
17 Oct 10
Your darn tooting I would
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Oct 10
I don't know if I have the strength they are on about putting me on Tranquilizers but I have not been as bad today so I am forcing myself to try and calm but it is so hard
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
21 Oct 10
you will survive! and do just what you have to do
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
17 Oct 10
You better believe it! Straight up HELL YEAH!! I'd Sue them in a heartbeat! They know you're sick and the scum bags are using it to their advantage. The thing that they don't know is, you're a strong person inside and you're not afraid to fight back. Keep calm so you can breathe however, stay strong and firm with these no counts. They have a big lesson to learn and you're about to teach them. You go girl!
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Oct 10
Hi Cats and Hatley I have been advised by Nurse not to extend myself to that as at the Moment I need to get better, I am suffering with severe Anxiety and Stress which is putting pressure on my Lungs which can cause them to Collapse and if I am no calmer by the end of the week they are talking about putting me on Tranquilizers as I need to get the pressure of the Lungs, I need to try and breathe properly but I can't, I need to try and sleep at Night My Children can't fight it for me they live to far away I just want to find a new Place and settle down again Thank you both for your Love and Concern Love to you both
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@CatsandDogs (13963)
• United States
17 Oct 10
I agree with you Hatley but haven't said anything because I'm not sure how much family she has other than her two children and if they could help her any. I hope they can and do because gabs does need help in fighting with these low lifes.
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Oct 10
Cats should not Gabs ask a family member or close friend to help her out here as she is not feeling all that great, she needs someone to help her sue the pants off this landlord. I know she is a really strong woman inside but I worry about her illness.
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• United States
17 Oct 10
Good morning Gabs, again i am so sorry u are having to go through this crap w/that jerk. I don't understand how people like him can get by w/treating good folks like u that way. I would fight him tooth & toe nail till the bitter end if that's what it took. I hope your friends & neighbors will rally around & help u. hugs,
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Oct 10
Hi Jo They are all being brilliant and are really helping me, I am so lucky to have these Friends here and appreciate them As for the Jerk, he will get his come uponce one Day I hope you are feeling better Big Hugs to you
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• United States
21 Oct 10
Good morning Gabs, good friends are sure a blessing. Thanks for the well wishes. Hope u have a great day.
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@AmbiePam (90724)
• United States
17 Oct 10
You're stronger than I am. You have a fighting spirit. I know you're down, and I wish I could help some way.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Oct 10
Hi Ambie, you are all helping me by being here with me honest you are I will be fine and I hope that your Dad is doing ok to, you have so much on your Plate there to and I wish I could give you a big Hug
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@royal52gens (5488)
• United States
18 Oct 10
I know you have a lot to deal with, my friend. Concentrate on finding a new safe place to live. Move as soon as possible. If it is possible, get a lawyer and sue the landlord for breach of contract. Mawke him show or prove where the money is at. That money should be where it should be and not in his hands. He made promises and he did not keep his word. Keep track of every person and agency that harasses you and then sue them for doing so. Take them all down with one real good lawyer. Call the press and publicize what is going on so none of them can hide from the public. Get the word out to all in your community. There are things you can do to protect others from falling into the trap you have found yourself in. Contact all of the healthcare people you know and have them make reports or assessments of the flat conditions (heater equipment, no heat, etc.) and then present those reports to your lawyer, the Council, the newspaper, etc. Those are my ideas for the day. Hope it helps.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi Royal Right now all I want is to find somewhere new and settle down I am drained and tired and my Nurse wants me to try and calm down or they will put me on Tranquilizers to stop the Anxiety attacks as they are having an affect on my Lungs I can't stop them though I just want to be warm and get away from this Flat I cry for no reason, I am constantly on guard I am in pain when I breathe Once I am settled somewhere and calmed down I will look at my Options Big hugs to you
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
17 Oct 10
oh gabs here iN the US we have the same problmes landlords who will not repair things and once we had water trickling down from the b athroon in the apt above us. It made big blisters in the paint and finally we went to the housing authority who sent their own plumber to fix the problem and they billed the owner o f the apartment complex. so he retailiated by making the manager evict us. why are these owners and managers so mean and evil hearted? I hate what they have done to you.Gabs is there any of your family who can sort of act as your agent so you do not have to handle this crap all bu your sick self? I do worry so about you and Gissie too.We have been through living in apartments with bad things like a gas furnace that when turned on sounded like a locomative in our apartment. the gas repair man said he woujld report it and also turn it off as its dangerous. so we just used space heaters.This manager you have sounds like a real ninny. why cannot he see what is going on a nd be helpful instead of mean. I would feel better if you had an able relative to help you take this person to court.Do get some family memembers to help or good friends as this sounds really wearing for you? Do take good care of self and my little man in the doggie suit, Giss give him a hug from hatley and heres three for you.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Oct 10
Hi Sweetheart I will not have the Strength to take him to court, my Nurse has advised me against it, I am not strong enough They even now delayed my visit to the Consultant as there is no way he would do anything at the moment with the state I am in Sweet Love you dearly big Hugs also from your little Man in the Doggie Suit
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@richiem (3644)
• Philippines
18 Oct 10
This is a really complicated case.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi richiem Yes it is very complicated believe me
@savypat (20216)
• United States
17 Oct 10
I would do it if I had the energy and could afford it. At some time it becomes evident that all you can do is cut your looses and move on. I am not nearly as strong about righting the wrongs done to me as I once was.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Oct 10
Hi Pat I would not have to pay for it but to be honest my Strength is not there right now, and really is not worth making myself even more sick over it then I am right now It could take years and I do not want this to carry on and on His Day will come
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@paula27661 (15811)
• Australia
18 Oct 10
I would take the matter to court Gabs but if I was feeling sick and exhausted I would seriously consider if justice would worth my health and cut my losses and move on. If I was you I would get as much rest as possible and see how I felt in time and decide what to do. I will send some prayers your way Gabs, I know you don’t deserve any more hassles but hang in there my friend, things will be okay in the end, you’ve got to believe that... Hugs to you...
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi Paula My Nurse advised me not to I am not strong enough I am right now having severe Anxiety attacks which is affecting my Lungs badly and if I can not start trying to stay calm they will put me on Tranquilizers to calm me down and get some sleep Big Hugs to you
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
17 Oct 10
Hi sweetie. Don't these people ever give up? What are they, bloodhounds? I really wish you can get away from all that crap. One can only take so much, before you snap. Have they ever seen you angry, sweetie? I think it is time to show them who they are dealing with. PS: Tell them i said they are all a bunch of idiots, okay. Luck. TATA.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
20 Oct 10
Hi there Sweet Well he will get his turn believe me he will He thinks he can scare me but those Days are over, I am getting legal advise on all this and I am not scared one bit But it is making me sicker but well I will pick up again
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@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
20 Oct 10
Hi sweetie. Please just take care of yourself, okay. I don't mind you giving them some good grief, but just take care.
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• Ireland
18 Oct 10
i read a lot of unscrupulous land lords will let you move in to a dive of an apartment and once you put your money into doing it up they come along and throw you out and sell it on to someone else. you would think there would be some sort of laws protecting people like you from gits like this. I take it you don't know and burly bouncer type guys that could pick him up and shake him till he complies no??
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi Ronan I wish I did know someone I really do right now lol I guess he will get his Come uponce one Day I am trying to find somewhere else to live and just get out of here Welcome to mylot
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
18 Oct 10
Sock it to him Gabs, that man is wrong. I feel so sorry that you are going thru this crap. its not fair, its so wrong. This stress is not good for you, but then you already know that. good luck, I wish you all the best.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi Polly No I know it isn't my Nurse is talking about putting me on Tranquilizers if I do not calm down as it is affecting my Lungs I just want peace I want out of here and live in peace
@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
18 Oct 10
I would fight. I would pull out all the pictures I had of before and after, I would get a letter from my doctor about the conditions being injurious for my health. I would keep copies of everything I learn, such as the fact he did not put the bond money where he was required. I guess that is like our deposits. Gaby we are all trying to lend you our strength.
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi Gerty I can't fight my Nurse has advised me against, I am not strong enough, all they want now is for me to find a new Place so I can get rid of the Anxiety attacks which is badly affecting my Lungs right now so I am concentrating on getting somewhere new and getting out of here
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@GardenGerty (160242)
• United States
21 Oct 10
Your nurse will know how to tell you the best. Remember, "Living well is the best revenge."
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
21 Oct 10
Gabs i'm getting quite worried about you. I think all this carry on is getting too much for you. I know you are strong but even the best of us have limits as to how much we can handle. You seem so alone and with no-one to help you deal with everything. You need someone to stand up for you and speak for you I feel because you need to take care of yourself and this rubbish is by no means over. Please take care and take all the help you can.
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi MsTickle Well my Nurse has told me for now no more, to try and find somewhere new settle down or they will have to put me on Tranquilizers as I am suffering severe Anxiety attacks which is affecting my Lungs bad So I am hoping that I will have somewhere new very soon I do not want to go into it now as I do not want to jinx it but I have applied for a Place and it is only in the other Block from mine but I will see if I get it Don't worry, yes I am at the end of my Strength right now but I am holding up Big Hugs to you How things going with your Dad xx
• United States
20 Oct 10
Hi gabs,,I am sorry to hear that you are still having all these problems when you are in such bad health,,Yes you should take him to court.He has lied to you and caused you so many problems..I hope you will have the strength to do that as he needs to pay for the way he has treated and lied to you..He needs to pay for your pain and suffering and for all the work you have done on the apartment.. Blessings and love to you..
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi Martha I really hop this finds you feeling a bit better you have me worried At the moment I do not have the strength at all but when I find somewhere to live and get settled and calm down again I shall decided what to do Please get better big Hugs and much Love to you always
• United States
22 Oct 10
Hi..Thank you for thinking of me,but do not worry about me.....I am doing better I think..I worry about you..Please take it easy and take care of yourself so you can get better..The people who are causing you so much trouble will get their comeuppance one day.. Prayers,Blessings and Love to you.
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
18 Oct 10
You attend to your health Gabs first and get back to your landlords case after. You'll be gaining at least more strength and prepared to face the problem. If you can go to relative's place first to avail services of electric heaters or anything that could give you comfort. Disregard problems first for couple of days. Have your mind rested. I'll be praying for you Gabs dear to overcome all of these and have a good health, all the comfort and peace of mind after. Blessings to you, Gabs. Hugs...
@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi there Sweetie I can't stay with Relatives as they are to far away but I will be ok And once I do get out of here I will just settle down and try to gain back my Strength I love you Bing and please do not worry my sweet Friend
@bing28 (3795)
• Philippines
22 Oct 10
Am really worried of you Gabs but am glad you have all the strength to face all of these. Just take things lightly, always prioritize your health. God is good, gabs, He'll guide and protect you. Love you much as well...
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
19 Oct 10
The others have given you the same advice I would have given. Get yourself legal help and fight. Is there anyone who can help you through this mess?
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@gabs8513 (48686)
• United Kingdom
21 Oct 10
Hi Hofferp My Head is spinning, my body is saying no more I am getting the Help that can be given by Friends and my Friend Jean and Karen are always checking on me At the moment I am concentrating on finding somewhere new and I will take it from there
@hofferp (4734)
• United States
21 Oct 10
I'm wishing you the best... I'm glad you have good friends. Take care of yourself.