Where would you go?

United States
October 17, 2010 8:56pm CST
If you have the unlimited time and money to travel wherever you want, where would you go? You can only choose one place. Please explain why. Well I would choose Japan. The culture there is very interesting and not to mention the presence of anime attracts me. The malls, the shops, the culture, the food. Shrines.. bullet trains.. etc. It would be awesome to visit. Now where would you go?
9 responses
• Philippines
18 Oct 10
yeah japan would be nice :) but id go for california. my friends are there, nice place, climate and mmmm beautiful landscapes! i love it!
• United States
19 Oct 10
I've always wanted to go to California too! Though I don't know anyone there. Man isn't traveling great?
@greenline (14838)
• Canada
18 Oct 10
I have been dreaming about going to Mongolia. I have been to a number of countries in the Far East, but have not been to Central Asia countries. I have seen very nice pictures of Mongolia, very impressive natural landscapes. Hope I can make it some day !
• United States
19 Oct 10
Ah yes, I've heard of Mongolia? Yah I looked up the pictures of Mogolia, and hey, you were right. Yet another interesting place to consider!
@kukueye (1759)
• Malaysia
19 Oct 10
Holiday should be relaxing and carefree. - holiday should be good for the mind and body.
i am not sure myself,somewhere where i can live in high apartment building with a nice view of natural , seas , some mountains and nice dose of fresh air with nice weather mixture of rain,show,tropika weather and yet not too warm..Then downstair it is very convenient with shops to buy foods and good public transport for travelling.Where the people are smiling and mind their own business.That will be nice country to be.
• Canada
18 Oct 10
Japan would be a nice place to visit but the only thing I don't like is all the people. It just seems to busy and congested. If I could pick one spot to visit it would be Amsterdam and I probably never come back. I have my reasons why I like the area so much but the biggest is the care free attitude the people seem to have there. A friend of mine went to Amsterdam when he was a teenager and he loved it. He told me to him there was no place on the planet that was quite the same.
• United States
19 Oct 10
I can agree with you on that. It's like visiting New York City or Los Angeles. But the bustle and everything isn't much of a bother since I wont' live there. Amsterdam really? Sounds interesting. It's good to know that country express that type of attitude. Now you're making me interested in going there. (:
• United States
19 Oct 10
If I personally had unlimited time and money I would definitely love to go to Europe, France to be exactly. I have always wanted to go to France ever since I was little. My husband was born in France and since he was a child he has yet to return to his native country. So this is something we are committed to do, we are hoping that within a few years, we can have the trip of our life time. I am hoping that for our 15th year anniversary we are able to do make our dream a reality.
@doggydimon (1369)
• Philippines
7 Jan 11
If I have unlimited time and money in my hands, I would definitely travel the world. Here are the stops that I will make for my world tour. First, I will go to Japan. I will visit Mount Fuji, Osaka, Nagoya, Fukuoka and that little known place which is home to the samurais. While I am there, I will eat all the sushi and Kobe beef that I can take. hehehe... Next, I will go to Fiji Island. I will stay there for a week to experience a resort experience like no other at the Poseidon Undersea Resort. Next stop, I will go to Australia. I will visit Sydney for their Opera House. I will try to watch a play or musical while I'm there. I will also visit the rock monoliths at the central part of Australia. Next stop would be in Chile. I will go on a road trip and discover the country for 2 or 3 weeks. Next stop will be in Peru. I will visit the famous Machu Picchu. Next will be in Brazil. I am a fan of the Seven Wonders of the World so I am thinking of visiting the Christ the Redeemer statue. And while I am there, I might as well check out the night life in Sao Paulo and Rio de Janiero and their beaches. Next on the list will be the British Isles. Famous for its London Bridge, The Big Ben and Stone Hedge, definitely I will go. Next will be Athens. Here I will take a month or so just to visit every single city in this country. And while I am in the region, I will visit Jordan, Turkey and Egypt, the center of human civilization. I will visit all the great historical sites, and all the museums that they have to offer. After that, I will go to Africa for some Safari Adventure. I will try to pass by Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, Angola and South Africa. After that, will try to have some relaxation at Madagascar, Mauritius and Seychelles. Then a visit to Dubai will be great. I want to see Burj Khalifa and stay at the Burj Al Arab and the Atlantis City. Next, I will go island hopping in the Maldives. Then proceed to Sri Lanka and India to see the Taj Mahal. At the last leg of my trip I want to stop by in Nepal. Hopefully, I get to witness the process on how they choose and replace their only living goddess. Also, I want to try their nature treks and take a peak at Mount Everest. After that, a relaxing trip to Bhutan would be nice. I will enjoy their mountainscape for 2 or 3 weeks. And for my last stop, it would be Laos and Myanmar. I am fascinated with these 2 countries. Will try to go to as many temples as I can. There you have it. MY WORLD TOUR!
@maximax8 (31047)
• United Kingdom
18 Oct 10
If I get unlimited time and lots of money I would travel to South America. I would also visit three of the countries in Central America. I would begin in Brazil looking at the beautiful city of Rio De Janeiro. Then I would go to see my friend that lives in Chile. On my way over there I would see a lovely looking waterfall that is on the border of Brazil and Argentina. Then I would travel up to Peru with my friend and she would show me Machu Picchu. After that I would continue up to see the Galapagos Islands. Then I would see Cartagena De Indies in Colombia. I would take a boat from there over to Panama view the San Blas Islands. Then I would see the nature in Costa Rica. I would end my trip in the Corn Islands off the coast of Nicaragua. That would be an exciting trip and I would come home with some costume dolls for my collection.
@bokal2703 (802)
• Philippines
18 Oct 10
Japan is also on my wishlist of places to visit. Just like you I want to explore that place because I think they have rich culture...Japanese food is also my favorite cuisine, so I think it is nice to try authentic Japanese cuisine...but I also love to see Paris, I think it is a very romantic place. I am also interested in Korea. I want to see the places that I have only seen in Korean movies/series. Their weather, culture and tradition are things about Korea that rise my curiosity...
• Philippines
18 Oct 10
I wanted to go to Disneyland. But i dont want to go alone. I wanted to go there with my son and my husband. I wanted to spend quality time with them. I wanted to experience riding in an international plane, visit Cinderella's Castle. Be with my favorite cartoon characters. Mickey and Minnie Mouse, Goofy, Buzz Lightyear and more. Ive heard that fireworks there is really amazing.