Should i return the purse to my MIL?

October 18, 2010 3:11am CST
My MIL had just bought a purse for me.I just loved it as i had the urgent need of it. My sister in law came to visit our house and when she inquired about the purse ,i told her that it was brought by MIL.At this she got very angry with her mother that why she did not bring similar purse for her (She was also given a purse by MIL).She started shouting at her mother in the presence of other relatives who had come to our house. I felt too bad.On earlier two occasions also,she got agitated after seeing the goodies brought by MIL.My MIL said to me that she forgot to tell me that i should tell my sister in law that the purse had been purchased by me.I just found it too distressing and humiliating. Now i am planning to return the bag to MIL so that she can give it to her daughter and i am also going to tell her not to bring anything for me .Am i justified in doing so?I feel badly hurt and insulted. What should i do?
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18 responses
• India
18 Oct 10
Though I don’t know your MIL yet I think she is stranded with a spoilt daughter (your SIL) whom she never taught to adjust or share or appreciate .. in other words, your MIL did not teach your SIL proper manners in childhood. Isn’t it so very annoying just how your SIL just created so much drama over a purse! As a DIL, you have every expectation to receive gifts from your MIL and she too is correct in gifting you and your SIL the same gifts…now if you return the purse, your MIL will feel all the more bad. I don’t think you should feel insulted in any way….after all your SIL never insulted you or your MIL did not gift the purse to insult you. Her daughter is spoilt and ideally she should have slapped her long time back to put her in her senses.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
18 Oct 10
Kirti! Let ME tell you one thing. Keeping quiet and accepting nonsense for the sake of relationship only emboldens the offender.But in this case there is another issue that I shall tell you in my pm.
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• India
18 Oct 10
Ya you are perfectly all right.But my silence is misunderstood by both my SIL and MIL.Instead of showing her the right way my MIL was repeatedly saying that she has purchased it herself. At least she should behave according to her age.I am senior in relationship,though i am younger to her but it is completely intolerable.I am not after gifts but i owe some respect being the DIL. On earlier occasions i did not take it seriously but now she has crossed her limits.Her recent behavior has left an uneasy impression on my mind and yesterday night also i could not sleep and thinking about the whole issue.
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@vandana7 (101256)
• India
19 Oct 10
I agree with you kala. Keeping quiet and accepting nonsense emboldens the offender. :) But I am for destroying credibility of the offender.
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
18 Oct 10
Kirti! Hullo ! How are you? I understand your plight and feel sorry for both you and your mil . Your sister-in-law seems to be slightly odd .I would suggest you talk o your mother-in-law in private [because she said that she had forgotten to tell you this she is aware of what a terror her dear daughter is and put the ball in her court.You tell her that it is not possible for you to lie.If she is a decent lady otherwise, do not tell her that she must not bring you anything in future[not because you want anything but because she may feel hurt].It is for her to handle that shrew of a daughter[thoroughly abominable] For this time--Give away that stupid purse. You are an earning member and you can buy what you want.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
18 Oct 10
From your previous comment [which I read only now] , if you feel your mil is also playing a game then you do not accept it Kirti. Tell her that you do not need gifts. But make a proper assessment of the situation and if your mil is a decent lady otherwise, do not tell her so.Only you can assess this situation. If you are in confusion pm me. I will give you my opinion as an objective third party.
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• India
18 Oct 10
Hi Kala i am fine. By the time i was posting the discussion,i was thinking about you and i was praying that i get a response from you. Ya you have hit the nail on its head.I have never asked any favors from my parents in law.I am earning and can fulfill all my needs and aspirations by myself.But she is so jealous of me.On one occasion she created a scene with me for giving me her favorite color suit.(She was gifted pink and i was given yellow,she fought with her mother that she wanted yellow).on another occasion she scolded her mother for bringing chappals for me.Once she fought for bringing two dresses for my son and now she created a scene before the relatives for bringing a purse for me. I think she must be taught a lesson.I am planning to return the purse to my MIL so that she can give it to her.At least she will come to know that i am not ready to take all that nonsense anymore.
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• India
18 Oct 10
ok i will pm you.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
18 Oct 10
Hi Bamrahkirti, I understand how you feel and I'd probably feel the same way. Your sister in Law sounds like a spoiled rotten rude little brat that has a lot of growing up to do. Oh and jealous and impossible as well. Your Mom in law sounds like a very generous and giving person that has probably given that girl way more than she deserves thus creating the brat that she is. If giving the purse back for your MIL to give to the SIL would make the SIL realize and feel ashamed of her actions then I would say then do it. I'm not sure though. It could make her feel even more confident that she could get whatever she wants and whenever she wants it just by pitching a temper tantrum. It sounds as if you are close to your MIL. Why don't you tell her what you have told us here.
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• India
20 Oct 10
Sid they both are similar.All the qualities in my SIL have been inherited from her mother only. Ya i also wanted to feel her ashamed by returning the purse .But as you said it could make her more confident that she can get whatever she wants. I am in dilemma and had my MIL been understanding she would have scolded her daughter there and then only.Accepting of crime means we are part of it and she has proved it by keeping herself silent. On the contrary she told me to lie to her daughter that i purchased the purse myself.
@la_chique (1498)
18 Oct 10
my brother in law is like this with me. the MIL splashes out on me and my hubby all the time, but not so much on my brother in law. The thing is though that myself and other half take really good care of my MIL. We're always visiting her and doing jobs for her so she treats us better in return. My brother in law isnt anywhere close to being as good to her as we are so this is why she does more for us than for him. If he doesnt like it, he knows how to change it. I think the same is probably true with your in laws. It was your MILs choice to give you that purse. I doubt you twisted her arm behind her back and forced her to get it for you, so you shouldnt feel bad at all.
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• India
18 Oct 10
It was purely her wish to give the purse.I am a working lady so she understands my needs and that is why brought a bigger purse for me. I just want to end this nonsense and trying to figure out how i can stop her lashing at me and her mother in a decent way.At least i do not want to become like her.She is so cunning and shrewd.
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• India
18 Oct 10
I have never ever demanded anything from her. I doubt you twisted her arm behind her back and forced her to get it for you, so you shouldnt feel bad at all.and These words are written in a bad taste and i did not like thenm at all. moreover she did not show me the purse gifted to her daughter,so there was no point making a choice. Anyways thanks for your response.
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@la_chique (1498)
18 Oct 10
I think you have misunderstood me. I was not at all saying that you had demanded anything from her. I was trying to say that you should not feel bad at all as you will have earned your MIL's respect and that would have been why she did such a nice thing and bought you that purse.
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• Canada
18 Oct 10
If you return the purse, you will only hurt your MIL's feelings too. She obviously knows its a sensitive issue with her daughter, or she wouldn't have been concerned you tell her where it came from. Talk to MIL about gifting, and tell her not to buy you things if it will hurt or upset daughter. There tends to be a totem pole issue among women in families, especially when a new one (the in-law) comes along. It's the thought that counts, after all, so obviously your MIL thinks well of you. If giving you gifts causes you distress, tell her in a gentle way, but make sure she understands you appreciate her wanting to do nice things for you. Good luck.
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• India
20 Oct 10
Ya doubledawn you are absolutely right. If MIL's gifts can upset her daughter then she should not bring anything for me.But she does not only gift me,she brings same goodies for my sister in law also ,even then she is not satisfied. I have never felt jealous that why my MIL brings gifts for her daughters.I think her upbringing is very poor and down the line i feel sorry for her that what her children will inherit from her.
• Canada
23 Oct 10
I've been married 16 years, and my husband's sister has had little fits when she feels she is not top dog. You won't win those battles, so keep a level disposition. It's not a reflection on your character, it's hers. You're right about passing on the spoiled syndrome to her kids.
@rinfour (250)
• Philippines
18 Oct 10
Personally, I don't think you did anything wrong. In my culture, it is rude to return the gifts given to you. Just keep the purse, I don't think your sister-in-law will be happy to receive a hand-me-down anyway.
• India
18 Oct 10
But what about the insult and anger she inflicted on me and her mother?Is she justified in doing so?It was not the first time she did this.I think to teach her a lesson i should return the bag.
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@la_chique (1498)
18 Oct 10
She is just jealous of you, and she lashed out to create a scene to make people feel sorry for her. Dont retaliate and then she wont have any satisfaction from her outburst.
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@mimpi1911 (25464)
• India
20 Oct 10
That's a sad thing to happen in a family. Even though I appreciate your mother-in-law buying things for you as a gesture of love and care, she should not hide it from anyone! What's there to be sneaky about and it's her daughter after all. Couldn't she have convinced her!? Anyway, since that's not happening, and since returning the purse would not solve the issue, I think, Kirti you can still keep the gift and tell her that it would be difficult for you to accept any further gift from her in future if the same continues to happen. I can completely understand you dear. You have always fought, have been fighting, and stick to your morale this time as well.
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• India
20 Oct 10
Thanks so much for understanding me. Ya i have also decided the same.Next time when she will be going to her paternal house ,i will tell her not to bring anything for me because it makes her daughter angry. In this way she will also understand that i am not going to take all that nonsense anymore.She may continue getting tortured and humiliated by her own daughter but i am not going to tolerate anymore.What a pity........
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
19 Oct 10
I don't think you should return the purse to your MIL, it will probably only make her feel worse. I think your SIL was being very bratty about the situation, I mean she a purse also. Maybe if you think that you have to make amends for the situation, you can buy or give your MIL something in return.
• India
19 Oct 10
Dear its not about goodies and material things but it has something deeper than this. I also give my SIL gifts as and when i have resources.But she never understands and values this.I also,time and again,give gifts like toys ,clothes,books to her children but she is just plain dumb to understand all this. She is plain jealous of me.I just want to convey this message to my SIL that her behavior hurts me.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
18 Oct 10
it would probably be a good will gesture although it shounds like she doesnt deserve it.
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• India
19 Oct 10
I am not going to gift her anything anymore.I think she does not deserve respect . Thanks for your response.
@shaggin (73852)
• United States
19 Oct 10
If you have a digital cameara you should respond to my discussion and put up a picture of the purse so we all can see wht this awesome purse looks like. I LOVE purses! That is sad that you and your mother in law had to go through that. What a jealous daughter jeez. I never get mad that my mother doesnt get my sister and I the exact same things. She sounds totally spoiled. It is very nice of you to be willing to give it to your sister in law but its not right. It was a gift given to you out of love and caring and giving it back to your mother in law wont make her feel very good. Dont tell her not to bring you things. If she didnt like you she wouldnt bring you things trust me. Be happy that she cares about you enough to bring you gifts and just ignore the sister in law. Next time just say something like A relative gave it to me. If she continues with what relative say why does it matter or something like that to let her know shes being to nosy.
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• India
19 Oct 10
Thanks for your kind words. Ya it is an awesome purse and i am still using it. I just want to teach her a final lesson that her behavior is totally unacceptable.Talking rubbish in front of other relatives is a pure nonsense.She was showing her true self to her relatives.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
18 Oct 10
Hello, No,i can understand you felt bad with your sister in laws behavior,but it's not your fault or your MIL's fault. Your MIL loves you that is why she give you those things,and giving it back will hurt her. Just keep the present and next time be careful not to let your sister in law saw those things. Have a good day always
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• India
19 Oct 10
But this is not a solution.If i keep the things to myself and do not let her see these,it only means that we are accepting her bullishness and misbehavior.I just want to tell her in a decent way that i am not going to tolerate it any more.
• Canada
19 Oct 10
I think that's terrible of your sister in law to act like that. If I was her mother I'd tell to grow up. If I were you I'd keep the bag, you need it right? I don't think it's nice of your sister in law to act like that.
• India
19 Oct 10
Ya i wish i had someone friendly and close to me.Sil is like sister but she has never gives importance to relationship. I feel sorry for her husband.
• United States
18 Oct 10
I don't think you did anything wrong either, especially since she didn't tell you not to say anything. It was a gift, plain and simple. It sounds like your sister in law is really spoiled!
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• India
20 Oct 10
Ya she is. But do not worry i will mend her ways and she will think thousand times before saying anything to me.
• Malaysia
19 Oct 10
Personally, I don't think you should return the pursr to your MIL. In my culture it is very rude to return a gift especially from an elder. In my opinion, you just keep the purse and if next time your MIL bring you something, ask her first what she want ypu to tell your SIL about it. I don't think it is suitable to return to her because:- first, you might hurt a feeling of an elder who loves you like her daughter; second, do you think your SIL will be happy to receive something which is not meant for her at the first place? I personally think what is over let it be, just becareful next time.
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• India
19 Oct 10
I am also thinking the same.Next time when she brings something i tell her to ask her daughter first if she wants it.In this way at least MIl will come to know that her daughter's behavior does hurt me.I am not going to invite humiliation and insult any more. Thanks for your concern. Happy mylotting.
@cream97 (29085)
• United States
8 Jun 11
Hi. bamrahkirti. If your mother-in-law gave this purse to you and you really like it, I think that you should keep it. Your sister-in-law will just have to deal with knowing that you have a purse. Why would she get mad anyway because she was given a purse by her mother too? I feel that your sil is very jealous because she does not want your mother-in-law to give you anything like she has too. She wants to be the only person that can have things from her mom and not you. Your mil may feel hurt if you return the purse back to her though, but if for any reason that you have to return it, just tell her why. I know that she will not think that it is because of her, but because of your sister-in-law.
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@vandana7 (101256)
• India
18 Oct 10
Your sister in law does need to go for repairs to a mental institution. :) I don't see any point in returning the purse. This is because the atmosphere vitiation that had to come has already come. Whatever was spoken and heard cannot be erased. So even if you return the purse, it is not going to make relationships better. What you can do is - buy a nice purse like that for her on her birthday or on festival - and say that hey - we i.e., your mother and me, wanted to surprise you. :)
@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Oct 10
THe first one seems to be a good idea but the latter part is too idealistic and noble Vandana and unless you are sure that this will have a positive effect on the girl , you are only spoiling the brat further.
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@kalav56 (11464)
• India
19 Oct 10
Thank God and I agree. But this also needs a special type of skill Vandana. You are slightly older but I feel it is difficult for Kirti to do it. Subtle tactics do not wash with some people. They are far too thick and they need a straight slap ; unfortunately she is not a position to do this and so the next best thing is to give her a piece of her mind and ask her to stop the nonsense.Sil has had it too good all these days. [we are all behaving so badly, teaching all wrong things.But 'wrong' and 'right' depoends on the context.
@vandana7 (101256)
• India
19 Oct 10
Whoever was doing it to spoil the brat!!!! I ain't Gandhi...I qualify as b*tch as well my dear kala. Sometimes, b*tchiness can be of a different kind. I am just playing smarter. She did it in front of ten people. So if she is proved hasty and nasty in front of the same ten people - next time people wont take what she says or how she behaves - seriously because they will think there is a nice surprise waiting in store for her soon enough.
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
18 Oct 10
Sweetie, next time you get such a nice gift and little tantrum comes along. Slap her and make sure she get the point. She is spoiled and childish and need to be taught how to behave like a grown-up. I don't know how you can put up with this. Just don't give the purse back, okay. That is bad manners and she might be insulted. Luck. TATA.
@vandana7 (101256)
• India
18 Oct 10
Saphy - you will be surprised to know how many people are like that!!! Spoilt rotten!
@saphrina (31551)
• South Africa
18 Oct 10
It's their parents fault then. If you want to spoil someone, make sure they have manners as well. Why do you think i have such good manners and believe me, i am spoiled rotten.
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• India
19 Oct 10
I mean she is not at all bothered about how i feel and give a damn to my emotions. Even one of our relatives said to her that it is her right to get gifts from her MIL as now i am their responsibility.But she did not pay heed to her words.
@Kalyni2011 (3496)
• India
9 Feb 11
Most indian daughters always support their mother and try to find fault with 'bhabi', just envy, it is better you return it or buy one new throw at the face.. thanks for sharing.. kalyani