Sarah Palin Attacks the First Lady
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
October 18, 2010 8:34pm CST
If you haven't already heard this, just imagine Sarah Palin, at her most high-pitched, annoyingly shrieking voice ever, saying the following:
"You know, when I hear people say, or had said during the campaign that they've never been proud of America, haven't they met anybody in uniform yet?"
This was said during Palin's remarks at a Liberty and Freedom Foundation forum in San Jose, California last week.
Come on, Sarah, you're attacking the First Lady for something she said that was taken grossly out of context over two years ago. You're attacking a woman who is now more popular and has much higher approval ratings than her husband - OR YOU!!
I think this is just going too far. I didn't support George W. Bush but I NEVER said anything disparaging about Laura Bush and I wouldn't have liked it and I CERTAINLY wouldn't have applauded if someone else did.
Those of you who have up until now believe Sarah Palin had never done anything wrong, had never, EVER crossed the line, are you going to defend her even now? I KNOW she had the RIGHT to say what she said, but was it "RIGHT" for her to say it? I think not.
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14 responses
@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
19 Oct 10
Sarah doing her part to gin up the outrage. It's precious how the she can evoke the men and women of the military when ever she wants too. It's a classic conservative trick to stir up the pot. Conservatives love the military and they already think that no one else does. So here she is speaking to a conservative audience and she makes this statement and everyone instantaneously thinks about how liberal and progressives like the Obama have a dislike for the military. Basicly put Sarah is saying that Michelle is not proud of the US military personnel which is ridiculous.
If you or any one else went after Laura conservative would have been all outraged but they do not look at Michelle the same way that they look at Laura. Michelle is the new Hillary.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
20 Oct 10
You're right, gewcew, she's a true pit-bull, isn't she? That's one of the main reasons I never want her anywhere NEAR the White House. She's one of the most divisive people I've ever known!
All though Bush's Presidency it made me so angry when people would accuse me and anyone else who wasn't a Republican and didn't agree with the war in Iraq of not supporting our troops. I had two nephews in Afghanistan last year, how could you say I don't support them? I didn't and don't want them to be sent to die, especially when we were in Iraq on false pretenses. However, they come home it won't be in "shame and defeat" but I've been waiting for nearly a decade for a definition of "victory".
@ZephyrSun (7381)
• United States
19 Oct 10
I've liked all of the presidents wives dating back to Reagan, I never cared for his wife, she never seemed friendly.
Palin has nothing left to talk about everyone has heard her one speech more times that they can recite it with her.
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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 Oct 10
If you hit your knee in exactly the right spot on the corner of the coffee table you can....

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@spalladino (17891)
• United States
19 Oct 10
I feel pretty much the same way Zeph does about what comes out of Palin's mouth. When you're limited in the area of original thoughts...and everyone has heard you regurgitate the same rhetoric for two have to dig up something else. The fact that she wasn't exactly accurate in her remarks are just oh so Palin. 

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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
19 Oct 10
Well you knew it was going to happen when the first lady came out stumping for the November election. The dems put her out she is going to get attacked. Do I like it? No. But I knew it was going to happen.
The reason she has a great approval rating right now is because she has pretty well kept a low profile during her time in office.We really have not seen her much.Only for PR things. She has stayed out the fights and BS that has been going on.She has pretty well stayed out of the politics of what has been going on. Now she has jumped into it. Which means she is now "fair game". Unforunately.
I know the democratic party put her out there to campaign for them BECAUSE of her approval numbers...but honestly I think it was a bad move. As long as she stayed out of it people would have pretty much left her alone....but now that she is endorsing and campaigning for puts her on a equal level with everyone else endorsing and campaigning for candidates...which means it opens her up to attacks.
No I don't approve of what Palin said. No I don't think it was right. But I also don't think the first lady was smart to jump into this election.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Oct 10
I'm sorry, Hon, but I really respectfully disagree with you on this. The way I see it "people" - meaning most decent people - ARE leaving her alone. I honestly don't theink whether she did or didn't stump for Democratic candidates had anything to do with Palin's usual classless act. Someone may have given her a heads-up so she can use it as an excuse if she's called out on it publicly, but it's really irrelevant.
@artistry (4151)
• United States
19 Oct 10
...Hi annie, hope that you are well. By now you know my inner feelings about this woman. When I heard that she was Obama's tenth cousin I wanted to barf. "o) Seriously enough already, Cheney was too much now she is a family tree member somewhere way out there in space. Give me a break. Anyhow, there are no boundaries for a woman who cannot really think, expect her to say anything that sounds as if she will have someone clapping for her lightweight brain. Did you hear the people in her audience booing her and sounding like she went a bit too far? She is out to lunch and won't be back anytime soon. I love it that Michelle did not say a word about it. Let Sarahlee wallow in the mud by herself.
I wanted to comment on your RINO discussion but couldn't find it. Take it easy.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Oct 10
I hadn't taken notice but I'm glad to hear there were some boos scatteredamong the cheers!
I just heard Sarah tweeted that "PA needs Raese"; the only problem is Raese is running in West Virginia! I guess it's fitting that a twit like her is addicted to Twitter but you'd think she'd pay some attention to FACTS before hitting send.
@interactivelearning (451)
• United States
11 Jan 11
Geez Sarah Palin is the LAST Person who should criticize anyone, I know this thread is 3 months old so lots changed since then.
I personally cant stand Sarah Palin or Her oldest Daughter, I couldn't believe it when I heard she might run for 2012 Election. I don't think shes nearly as qualified and I will leave it at that.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
19 Oct 10
There is really no comparing Laura Bush and Michelle Obama. Michelle said something really horrible about her country and she has never taken responsibility for it. None of us can change that. Laura Bush was quite mild compared to Michelle Obama.
If you think back to the beginning of obama's campaign (it has actually never stopped) you will remember that Michelle used to be out front speaking quite a bit. The dems soon learned that she had a temper worse than her husbands, so then they pulled her back and tried to give her more of a 'mother' image.
She hasn't changed. Even some of her recent comments make it sound like she is once again on a religious conquest to set the people free.
Yes, it is totally right for Sarah Palin to remind everyone of how MO feels about this country.
Let's not forget when she told the first lady of (France or Italy?) that she hates being First Lady. How can she complain when her and her kids are living off the people, experiencing everything they want. Isn't that the goal of a democrat?

@djbtol (5493)
• United States
19 Oct 10
Yes, I do feel really bad for Michelle Obama. How could anyone who has lived with such pain and misery all her life now be expected to suffer in the Whitehouse? But she has a huge heart and was even willing to sacrifice her own time to travel with hubby to receive his Nobel Prize. Not many would have been willing to sacrifice like that.
Another area of sacrifice involves vacataions for her and the kids. How could you ever keep track of eight or nine vacations for yourself, two kids and about 60 support staff. Sometimes hubby goes along, if there are no sporting activities planned for the weekend.
Have to stop now. Weeping from the depths of my gut and flooding my keyboard!
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
19 Oct 10
Well, I agree there's no comparing Laura Bush with Michelle Obama. They're two different women from different backgrounds and generations.
Michelle never said anything "horrible" about her country and she certainly DID clarify her words that were taken out of context. I thought this was ancient history, but I guess not. I keep forgetting that only conservative Republicans are allowed to misspeak or even make a poor choice of words. They can say something so perfectly clear as to leave no doubt what they meant and they'll still be defended into infinity by their loyal supporters.
I'm not familiar with Michelle's alleged words to another first lady but I'll bet that was something else taken out of context, if it wasn't totally made up. Whatever she may have said, let's face it, we don't know what it's like to live in a fish bowl like she does. Absolutely, there are loads of wonderful advantages but there are also drawbacks. If she made an off-hand remark to another woman who would understand where she was coming from, all the power to her. Have you ever said you hate your job?
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
19 Oct 10
FYI...Laura Bush hated being first lady too. So did Jackie Kennedy and other first ladies. Neither liked or wanted the spotlight or to live in the fish bowl that is the white house...They wanted a more normal life.
So I don't see what Michelle Obama said as being bad. I am sure it not a day at the park to try and raise kids and be the first lady. No privacy. NO freedom to move around and go out when you want. Everything you say, do and wear is criticized and second guesses by everyone. YOu don't have a normal life. But then you also don't have the power like the president does. Face it...the first lady gets to put up with a lot of the head aches of the office without most of the perks.
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@nzinky (822)
• United States
27 Oct 10
If the first Lady can't take the heat then she should get out of the kitchen.....When she puts herself out on the front lines she's fair game....Hey I didn't like that comment by Mrs Obama......
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Oct 10
To this day I can't understand what was taken out of context. She said that for the first time in her adult life she was proud of her country. I've both heard and read the whole thing several times. It is what it is no matter how anyone tries to dress it up.
As for Sarah Palin, she's just doing what politicians do. Michelle Obama is an adult who is out their stumping for stumping for political candidates so her words and actions shouldn't be ignored anymore than Sarah Palin's. Besides Annie, you said Bristol Palin was fair game as soon as she became a spokesperson for abstinence and she was only 18 and not stumping for any candidates.
The "over two years ago" bit is a bit comical to me as you're the one who doesn't mind attacking republicans for things they've said or done, and in some cases lies about things they did NOT say or do several decades ago. You were the one who attacked McCain for a rape joke he never told and attacked Rand Paul for that tabloid crap from GQ referencing something they claim happened decades ago.
"I think this is just going too far."
Right, but saying republicans want people to die quickly and calling a female adviser to Ben Bernanke a wh0re, are the acts of a person you think is a great congressman. I'm glad we're clear on that.
"was it "RIGHT" for her to say it?"
THIS is precisely why the democrats are using her Annie. Everyone knows Obama is fair game and his ratings are heading down the toilet. Attacking the first lady, regardless of what she says or does, is extremely rare so they know they can demonize anyone who does. Of course it's equally rare for a First Lady to be used as a tool to help get other democrats elected so we're largely dealing with uncharted territory here.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
19 Oct 10
To this day I can't understand what was taken out of context. She said that for the first time in her adult life she was proud of her country. I've both heard and read the whole thing several times. It is what it is no matter how anyone tries to dress it up.
As for Sarah Palin, she's just doing what politicians do. Michelle Obama is an adult who is out their stumping for stumping for political candidates so her words and actions shouldn't be ignored anymore than Sarah Palin's. Besides Annie, you said Bristol Palin was fair game as soon as she became a spokesperson for abstinence and she was only 18 and not stumping for any candidates.
The "over two years ago" bit is a bit comical to me as you're the one who doesn't mind attacking republicans for things they've said or done, and in some cases lies about things they did NOT say or do several decades ago. You were the one who attacked McCain for a rape joke he never told and attacked Rand Paul for that tabloid crap from GQ referencing something they claim happened decades ago.
"I think this is just going too far."
Right, but saying republicans want people to die quickly and calling a female adviser to Ben Bernanke a wh0re, are the acts of a person you think is a great congressman. I'm glad we're clear on that.
"was it "RIGHT" for her to say it?"
THIS is precisely why the democrats are using her Annie. Everyone knows Obama is fair game and his ratings are heading down the toilet. Attacking the first lady, regardless of what she says or does, is extremely rare so they know they can demonize anyone who does. Of course it's equally rare for a First Lady to be used as a tool to help get other democrats elected so we're largely dealing with uncharted territory here.
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@irishidid (8687)
• United States
19 Oct 10
Well at least she didn't mention Michelle's big butt. LOL
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
20 Oct 10
Why was it wrong for her to repeat what the First Lady said? Sarah Palin loves her country, warts and all. Mrs Obama had never been proud of her country until her husband became the Democrat nominee for President. One has to wonder, if Obama loses the next Presidential election, will Mrs Obama lose her pride in the United States again?

@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
21 Oct 10
It's comical the charges you levy against Sarah Palin. What exactly is her crime, reminding the people that Mrs. Obama has no pride in her country except if her husband is in power? I read your response to Taskr36. You and Michelle can spin her statement all you want, but everyone knows exactly what she was saying, "… not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change."
Who did Mrs. Obama think she was fooling with that "What I was clearly talking about is that I am proud in how Americans are engaging in the political process." She might as well have said, "I'm pleased because the blacks finally have someone who looks like them to vote for." Americans, black and white and any other color eligible to vote, have been engaging in the political process since before she was born. Too bad she didn't have enough pride in her country to already know that.
Annie, you really are funny. You condemn Sarah Palin for making an accurate statement about Michelle Obama, but you give Mrs. Obama, who, by her statement, is obviously raciest, a pass.

@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
23 Oct 10
bestboy and djbtol, I must wholeheartedly agree with you. How sad that so many persist in calling good evil and evil good.
Thank you, thank you for your wisdom and for your love of country and truth.
Remember, too, that Mrs. O is on youtube telling the world that her husband's home country is Kenya.
But, you see, just as her husband, she plays the race card to disarm dissent and speaks lies to truth.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
21 Oct 10
So, Annie, I categorically disagree with you, especially with what seems to be your definition of "right". It's not right to commit treason in order to win an election.
The putative "first lady" and the imposter- in- thief belong in jail for what they are doing.
One of the first clues for the clueless was the fact that mean spirited Michelle, using the race/class war gambit of mentor, money-man Soros, said that America was a "mean" country. She who played the affirmative action card to a $317,000 job for doing nothing, lost her law license (still covers up the reason), is guilty of a horrid abuse of poor blacks in her healthcare fraud scheme at U. of Chicago, along with David Axelrod and Valerie Jarrett.
Just ask Dontae Adams and (his mother Angela, who came in with his lip bitten off by a pit bull. The Obama gang gave him tylenol, a shot and sent him off with his mother ON THE BUS to go get surgery!
see Story by Tim Novak and Chris Fusco, August 23, 2008 20, 2010 Article by David Catron, March 02, 2009 The Obamacare Horror Story You Won't Hear June 19,2009
You still refuse to recognize the type of lowlife criminals we are dealing with.
How foolish.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
23 Oct 10
djbtol, Thanks so much for your confirmation. It's so "not fun" to be a "voice in the wilderness". If only more people had eyes to see and ears to hear and the ability to discern truth......
I just hope it's not too late for our country.
Did you see my new discussion Beyond "Believe it or Not"?
What most people don't understand is that it's not a matter of polemics or wanting to be right, but of truth and wanting to be safe.