what makes you a good listener?

@Sheeny (173)
October 19, 2010 3:31am CST
A good listener is always be a good speaker. yes, i believe on that sense, because personally you can't always be a speaker all the time and talk and talk without even listening...
3 responses
20 Oct 10
well in my opinion a good listener is the one who nodes his head very time the speaker speaks and the listener just says "yes you are right..."
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
For me a good listener is someone who can listen even if what the other person is saying doesn't really interest you. You also have to give others a chance to speak their mind. Sometimes we are really tempted to say something while the other person is talking but we have to hold it in and be quiet for a moment. It takes a great amount of respect to listen especially if the other person bores you. Most importantly, listening is different from hearing so it's not enough that you herd what the other person is saying but you have to put his word in mind and really understand.
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
You should also show your empathy to the speaker. When a speaker catches his audiences attention, you are eager to listen.