Have you ever met with an accident.
By kartiknaiduk
@kartiknaiduk (275)
October 19, 2010 4:09am CST
I think almost everyone has an accident for at least more than once in his life time. I am 25 years old and I have had an accident thrice till now.
The last accident which occurred was due a street dog which came under the front wheel of my bike in the night time. I was returning from my friend's home, I was not above 60 kmph, But it was dark. The lights of my bike were good enough, but the breadth of the road was very less i.e. the road was small. The dog came out of the bush suddenly giving me no time to control my bike. The dog was hit and it ran away, and I was injured. I got a ligament fracture in my right leg. I feel so painful even when I am thinking about it, and as I am writing. But it is past now.
The first time I met with accident and the reason was dog. The next time tough it wasn't dog. I am usually afraid of two things on the road one is obviously dog and the other is dirt on the plain road.
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17 responses
@Krizz420canada (531)
• Canada
19 Oct 10
Yes like you I think I have been involved in 3 or maybe more accidents. All my accidents where because of my own stupidity like one night when I was 17 I was riding my dirt bike back from this party a town over from mine with no lights and so on, well when I got to some railroad tracks something happen and the last thing I remembered was flying through the air before hitting a telephone pole. Needless to say I laid there for a few minutes in a daze not knowing if I was dreaming of dying but then I decided I better get up.
I was riding with other people who where way behind me but because I had no lights nobody knew I was in the ditch. So I got up and brushed myself off and seen nothing was broken on me and started to climb out on the road. After about 30 minutes my friends came back looking for me and found me looking for my bike which had disappeared.
After looking for about 15 minutes we finally found the dirt bike about a kilometer down the tracks. Front tire had caught the track when I went over, caused the wheel to turn sharp and followed the track down after it kicked me over the front handle bars. It was in bad shape but I was still far from home and out in the dark not knowing what the extent of my injuries where. So I had no choice but to get the bike up and ride it home. I was surprised the engine fired right up and got me home no problem.
When I finally got into the light I had seen what I had done to myself and the bike. The dirt bikes front forks where bent almost back touching the engine and my body from top to bottom was covered in road rash. I forgot to mention I was only wearing a T-shirt and shorts when I crashed.
Moral of my story is to wear proper equipment, make sure your machine has all working parts and don't drink and drive it really is a killer.
@sona22 (1430)
• India
19 Oct 10
You are right lotter. Almost all in our life face accident. I have faced two times. One was life threatening and another was not so dangerous. The second was happened in the year 1997. We, my husband and me, were in bike and the speed of the bike was 70 to 80 kms. That was single road but number of vehicles on the route were very very few. We saw a truck is coming and my husband decided to leave the road for the truck and he pass the truck on the grass, side of the road. Tat was about 5.00 pm and sunny day. He left the road and the bike jumped, he managed it but we fall. There was a drain covered with grass. I was under the bike, my husbands right leg under the bike. Surprisingly we observed that the truck drivers and other two are rushing towards us and rescued us. The driver told us that when he saw that we leave the road he stopped the truck as he knew we must fall. He inform us that from that point to 2 kms there were so many drain and advised us not to leave the road.
The 1st mentioned accident was occured in the year 1999. I was on the coming down from 1st floor and fall on the stairs and stooped at ground floor. I had injury in my head, shoulder, elbow and leg. Laid on bed for 35 days. God saved me.
@sudiptacallingu (10879)
• India
20 Oct 10
No, I have not met with an accident till now and I’m in my late 30’s. in fact, I don’t remember anybody I know of in my family or friends circle who’s ever met with a serious accident. Only my Dad once got badly hurt on his hand…he was driving his scooter and a private bus was overtaking from the left side…a thin strip of aluminum was sticking out and it lashed the back of my Dad’s hand…of course he was bleeding profusely but luckily there was a hospital just on the opposite road so he got treated very fast, otherwise maybe his left hand would have been compromised.
@Lore2009 (7378)
• United States
19 Oct 10
Wow, that is scary! I haven't been in a major accident yet (knock on wood!) but I've had a near miss... I once lost control of my car and my car went right across the freeway in ongoing traffic. I landed on the other side and it was a miracle that I missed the cars. I just remember how scary it was and all the cars in front of me that I nearly missed. I've in other accidents but I was a passenger in those. I hate vehicles.
@sumanadep (1228)
• India
19 Oct 10
Yes I have met with an accident but it was a minor injury and I recovered from it very soon... It happened some 10 years back when I was riding my bicycle along with my friend..
@nishant_doshi65 (4)
19 Oct 10
Dude everyone have faced it ,but the thing is all faced it in vry diffrent manner and injury ........any ways we can get read off it or not.
@katie0 (5203)
• Japan
20 Oct 10
Yes, not something very traumatic cause I believe we are eternal beings so we just change forms.
I didn't realise how the waves were high at morning and got into the sea, I almost drowned. The other time a driver just turn on the car and came running backwards, it almost hit me and I can tell you a miracle happened in there.
Now when it's the right time, I know nothing is gonna stop :D
@AjaySinghBaghel (5506)
• India
19 Oct 10
I had once when I was coming back from my Bank and a kid just walked in on the road, so to save him I had to use disk break and that caused accident. It was a sudden break so could not balance the bike and clueless as to where do I divert my bike as road was full after signam became green. It was not a major one but I was afraid about internal fractures which was not there after scan.
Most of the time accident happens because of others and both the parties or the one without fault has to suffer.
@iamjesca (185)
• Philippines
19 Oct 10
Yes I have already met an accident. I just dont keep track of it. When I was young like I am still a toddler my forehead got hit at the edge of a wall. My dad said it was really bleeding profusely. They had to rush me to the hospital. But lucky I didnt get a stitch. The head really bleeds even if you get just small cuts. I had also accidents with my bike. But only some scratches and bruises. Nothing serious about it though. I met an accident also in the pool and I was drowning. Mom knows how to swim and she saved me. I dont have any clear picture of what happened that time. I was still young when that happened. I never knew how to swim till this time that I am older. I guess I had trauma when that drowning incident happened. But I was real lucky enough.
@diana82 (56)
• Indonesia
19 Oct 10
i had accident when you came from work. driving a car hit me, and i had broken right legbone. instead of helping the driver to flee instead. really painful accident in cause i have to rest for 3 months. from here i can take the lesson that a driver should be responsible for the accident that we do either intentionally or unintentionally. and i understand that i must be responsible for whatever i do, including accidents that i do.
@bhanu3008 (26)
19 Oct 10
hii karthik
every one in their lives will meet with an accident it may be small or big dosent matter and coming to me i too met with an accident in my child hood i got my leg under an auto and my leg got severly injured gods grace i got cured soon......
@mkvalenton (58)
19 Oct 10
yes, i also experience I think more than 3 times. I am just thankful that I am still here and experiencing a good life with my little angel :)
@huydiet71 (87)
• Thailand
19 Oct 10
the last accident is on rainy day. It rained and because of myopia, I can't see clearly. Suddenly, there was a car rush out, I can't control steering wheel. I fell and my head beat down the road. but it's lucky I still fine. my car had to repair.
@c_grovino_d (74)
• Philippines
19 Oct 10
Yes, I've already encounter an accident. As what i remember it was august 22,2009 at exactly 8:26p.m. I was not so damage in that time but the motorcycle I've use was almost totally damage and it was because of the dog I've encounter.
@nishant_doshi65 (4)
19 Oct 10
But my friend i would like to tell you that its our mistake that we meet with an accident .If we take care for all the stunts we do in our daily life we can get read of it as we have 75% chances to escape accidents and remaing depends upon our luck.
@funkyguy009 (138)
• India
19 Oct 10
I have met with many accidents till date. But the most painful was when I broke my right leg and had to be bed ridden for 1 month. And the worst part was that I was the pillion rider in the bike and the guy who was driving escaped unhurt. Those days were the most painful as I was not able to move leave alone going somewhere.
@achilles2010 (3051)
• India
19 Oct 10
Yes, I did have accident twice. It was more than 30 years ago. I was accompanying my friend who had bought a brand new Bajaj Scooter. He was doing the driving while I was seated on the pillion. The scooter slipped on the gravel path by the side of the tar road because he made passage for a state transport bus to pass. We both fell. Our knees were badly scraped. Besides, that nothing happened.
Second accident took place about 10 years ago. I was driving during night. I was doing 100 kmph and I fell of to sleep. I woke up in time and was able to avoid a dash against a electric pole but the care swerved and rolled on the slope. It overturned four times and stood upright. I came out of the windshield with not even a scratch on my body but complete car was gutted. I had first party insurance on the car. I received 90% payment and with that money I bought another better car.
@raviteja_ravi84 (2619)
• India
19 Oct 10
Yes being a student and a lover of a few bikes i have had my share of accidents. A couple here near home and i had more than half a dozen outside my place. I spend a lot of time outside. Only 3 were some major ones where i broke my leg twice and during the third i lost some blood but other than that i am completely well and fine.
I have got used to such accidents anywhere so i guess it's quite normal for me now. But still one has to be careful because i can say that i was only lucky that's all!