please help me to erase my trauma T_T
By annawen86
@annawen86 (545)
October 19, 2010 7:25pm CST
3 years ago, my exboyfren left me because his mother threaten him, that she will suicide if he continue his relation with me, and his mother reason to dislike me is because my father has difference religion from me and my exboy family. my exboy's mother is a little bit maniac and arrogant because she is rich. and the other reason is my father has affair with another woman and have 3 sons. i'm really depressed and live in feeling of fear to lose my right now boy. eventhough my right now boyfren is my first love from elementary school, and eventhough he has made his promise in church that he will never cheating on me, but i still affraid. every day, i have a picture that he will cheating on me, and lie to me. eventhough he never do that. how to erase this trauma and made me normal again. help me please. i dont know what to do anymore
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12 responses
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
You know my friend, that case is very easy.
What you need to do is to erase first your anger with your father, if it has. Then accept the things which happen to your father, is a kind of human weakness. Consider thing that we are all human and not avoid to commit mistake sometimes.
Always pray to ease your anxiety. Be broaden your mind and not think that all people or man is like your father. We have different instinct in life. If the case was done by peter it's be apply to john..remember that?
Consider also that life is filled with many miseries in life and that the case of your father is included to that misery...
Believe in yourself first before believe to others. Respect yourself first before respecting others...
We have all the right to choose what we want in life. But the most important thing you consider is the help of God...
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 10
the important thing is i dont know how to respect myself. i try to forget him, but then my exboyfren left me because of him too. i try to raise, but he dropped me again. i almost marry my ex. dont you know how hard to erase the pain of those 2 men?i try to forgive them, but every night i had a nightmare. infact my dad told my sister that he was cheating on another woman because my mother give birth to me.
affraid that my boyfren will leave me too like them.
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 10
you misunderstood, my fren, rdm 001 :)my exboyfren mother's never blame me, but she blame my father. and i'm not imbecile or paranoid. dont worry, i will never do such thing like that :)

@monsterfishlover (222)
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
You know what this is very common. When you have this kind of situation with the family of your partner you only have two choices: 1st, you leave your partner and move on; 2nd, you fight whatever happens and accept anything that is in your way.
You might be saying to me now, it's not an easy choice or not an easy situation. But guess what do you think right now you're still in a good situation? You're in a "do or die" or a "take it or leave" situation.
Let me explain shortly the 2 choices. The 1st one, you will leave your partner not because you don't love her. Simpy because you're just thinking the right decision, avoiding much more conflicts, avoiding much more fighting, who knows you're father might get angry when he find this out and might get involve also. By leaving your partner you forget the problems and look forward for a new beginning. The 2nd choice, it's a more complicated choice. You will fight for you relationship, to whoever disagree, to whoever comes the way and this will lead to a much more heart breaking situations. There can be a lot of things that can happen in here. You might end up separated with your partner as well.
They say "sometimes love is like a street fight, once the fight started there will only be 2 persons on the center, both will do anything just to win and the winner gets to have the glory and honor" so if you think you're brave and prepared enough for battle then go fight for it but if you think you're not then stop and leave or you might get knocked out.
Good luck.

@monsterfishlover (222)
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
No problem my friend! I'm always here if you need anything.
@monsterfishlover (222)
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
That's a good thing to hear from you. Move on, Forget the bad things happened and look forward for a new beginning.
Good luck my friend!

@Leixa003 (867)
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
Hi there. There are ways to cure that. And by expressing your thoughts here is a great start. There are things to do that may require a bigger space and I am planning to write something about this if I have time. I think you can start by as simple as relaxation techniques or better do enroll in a yoga class to help you relax. You can do breathing by the stomach and closing you eyes and not thinking of anything for 5 minutes. Do deep breaths and do not think of anything just do counting. If your mind starts to wonder just bring it back to breathing. You can do this everyday to help you feel calm. It is also advisable to do some walks in the park with a friend. Physical activity can help. If you want you may also visit a professional doctor so that he can device a better treatment for you. Taking baby steps is the best. Think of the god things that you have rather than the bad things that happened.

@Leixa003 (867)
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
I saw your profile and we are on a different country. I do bikram yoga but still a newbie. I quite like the feeling of relaxation it gives me. I also suffer a phobia, a different kind thou and still on the way to recovery. You may start by doing breathing exercises. At first I thought it would not help but then it did. Just try to do it everyday. Even if it's not yoga, a meditation class perhaps. Do not be ashamed to consult a doctor if you want to, even stars in Holliwood go to see doctors. Even a player in NBA, thanked his doctor for his advice on how to relax during the championship. Try talking to a friend about it and always think of the positive things.
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
21 Oct 10
yoga. hmm i think i interested to do that. but i dont find any yoga class here. so you are doing yoga?and a writer? i think i have to learn from you. maybe that could help me to face every difficult situation in my life
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@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
22 Oct 10
i never heard about bikram. but i will try to gain more information about that. do you know about reiki?there are someone who teach reiki here
@bingskee (5234)
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
i believe what is important in your relationship is the fact that he is with you until this time, and i am guessing from this post that he has not cheated on you in any way, or in any time that you both are in the relationship.
the people around you and him are just audiences. what is important is about how both of you should make the relationship stronger.
make it a point to let him know your fears. talk to him about it. there has to be an assurance from him, too, that no matter what, he will stay in your relationship.
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
21 Oct 10
i really hope so. do you believe in a true love that will never fadeaway?
i hope so that my boyfriend will be my husband later.and that he will never cheat on me.
@free_man (7330)
• United States
20 Oct 10
Hi Anna and welcome to my lot. In the first place it says in the bible to honor thy father and mother, even if the honor is just for creating you. Your fathers sins are not your sins. You don't need to try and pay for his sins. Maybe you have this fear of your new boyfriend of cheating on you because all you can see is what your father did. Not all men cheat some men are really faithful and you can trust them. Ask God to remove this fear from you and give you decrement so that you can see the light of the love this new boyfriend is offering you. Ask God to guide you daily in your life and to remove all the fears you have. The worst fear you can have is the thought of fear itself. Now that all being said you can order all evil and it is evil to fear the unknown. It says Luke 10:19 That God gives us power over all evil in Jesus name. So do yourself a favor and order this evil from your life in Jesus name and soon you will see if you let God be your guide that this will all just be a bad dream like. Pray that is the best thing I can tell you!
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 10
thank you for the advice. i think i have to let God arrange my life and be thankful of what God did to me. i hope what had happenned from the past could help me to be a strongest person no matter what people said about my father.
thank you free are very wise.
i think i have to move on, because all of you, have given me so warm suggestion to make me move forward.
i will spend more time to pray. God bless U
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@free_man (7330)
• United States
20 Oct 10
Hi Anna. You are quite welcome. Only God can help you through this tough time the way that will really help you. Your a good person no matter what others say or do you are the way God wanted you to be. So your prefect in Gods eyes. Don't let this thing destroy your life. Just in the future it will help you to make better decisions . Use the bad as a learning tool and thank God for all HIS blessing daily. Your business is your business if anyone says things about your past tell them to offer their past too, cause if they are going to judge you then you have the right to know their dirty little secrets too! None of us is prefect we all have bad things in our past and only God has the right to judge us for what we have done and not asked forgiveness for! If someone tries to make you feel bad look at them and order them to go away in Jesus name and they will have to flee from you because you have God on your side!
@sweetloveforeve (13118)
• Portugal
23 Oct 10
sweetie im sorry that your ex bf left you bcs his stupid mother
all those reasons you told were not a reason for her to hate you. and if your bf really loved you he wouldnt accept his mother's threat and would fight for you. just he didnt love you as much as you loved him. about your new bf dont think he will cheat on you^^ he loves you and he promised he would be faithful^^ listen your ex left you bcs didnt love you enough but this boy loves you^^ you need to trust him^^ he didnt give you reasons to think he is cheating so believe him^^
also dont blame yourself. is normal that you are afraid bcs what happened before but you have to see that not all guys are the same^^ and this boy really loves you^^ so trust him^^ and if you need to talk im here to listen and advise you ok?^^ 

@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
25 Oct 10
thank you for your support, sweetloveforeve.
maybe you are right, my boyfriend is different from my ex. he always try to make me happy, eventhough he is younger than my ex. and always give me surprised. do you see the picture profile of me. it is his art. he turn my photo into tht art :)ithink i should look forward and not look for the past :)
thank you. you are younger than me, but you are a great advicer :)
@sajujohn (1004)
• India
20 Oct 10
Hi Anna,
After reading your post,I am now remebering the famous saying by Romeo "I will remeber her not the one who broke my heart, but the who taught me live with a broken heart".
Any way I remember you that these kind of situations can occur in life.The one who is able to overcome these can only move on....So keep moving....After all these all are happening as a part of life,In future these will give a good memory for you if you are able to cope with the situations....
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
21 Oct 10
well, at least, i dont die like romeo and juliet :)
i'm trying to prepare my heart if someday i will meet his mother and him again. i hope i can face them with smile and no revenge. i dont feel the broken heart anymore. but the memory of being hurted by men is the things that i really want to move on from my brain :) i hope now wil be the right time to start
@ryheanne (222)
• South Korea
20 Oct 10
Well just trust your boyfriend. Throw that negative vibes in the trash bin they will not help you. Take a deep breath and let the air bring all your trauma away. Most important thing to do submit yourself to God, tell Him your worries and pray for the best. For sure you are going to breath widely. Always remember live a happily life and always be positive. Look at future, those things are called memories because they're part of yesterday. Close that page of your life, open a new one. It is not your fault that your father has other family. Don't mind other people just be yourself if they can't cope it is not your fault anymore. ^_^
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
21 Oct 10
do you think that there are man who will be faithful to us, woman? if i give all my love, will it end hapilly?
@mlhervas (482)
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
It is normal to be afraid and to feel insecure sometimes in a relationship.
But you must conquer your fear or you'll end up loosing the one you love. Be confident on who you are and what you have.
It can also be helpful if you talk with someone you trust the most about your problem.
In a relationship it is important to have trust and communication with the other person. Try to communicate more openly with your boyfriend. Slowly tell him about your fears. If he really respects and loves you, he would listen to you and assure you.
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 10
i've already talk to him about everything. and he accept it, but this few months, i live in another city, and that fear haunting me again. fear of losing someone that i love
@starrose_ara (784)
• Philippines
20 Oct 10
Only you can decide on what's best for you. Leave some love for yourself too. Because a healthy kind of loving is not obsessing over the one you love. What you are undergoing is really a hard trauma to a young heart so much in love. It is all in the past now as you say so leave it at that and moved on or lose your head. When you are older and wiser you will just remember this experience as something that you have learn upon as part of loving. Pray to God because only He, can calm you soul and heal you wherever it hurts.
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 10
i know i have to love my self. and obsessing is not the best way. i just wish i can be a diferent person, and moving forward and not trapped by the past. thank you for your suggestion, sis
@namdaemun (283)
• Indonesia
20 Oct 10
hi annawen. Erasing trauma is a bit hard, especially when it has been kept locked inside you for a long time.
1. To remove that, you just have to concentrate in your thing, such as house work, hobbies, etc. Anything that diverts you from your trauma.
2. Never ever, ever think about your trauma. just think about something funny or something exciting
3. Just believe your current boyfriend that he won't do something your ex-boyfriend has done to you.
4. Pray everyday
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
21 Oct 10
well, the truth, i get my magister right now. school too high in a young age. just not to thinking about my bad memory. but the difficulty that i feel is how to trust other man in my life, after those things happen. i really hope my boyfriend will be faithful to me. but feeling of being left someday is really hard to be removed from my thought
@Pinkie2011 (64)
• United States
20 Oct 10
I believe you are blaming yourself for the situation.First,you have to forgive yourself.Then maybe you can forgive him and her.Maybe if you forgive them,things will be better for you.
@annawen86 (545)
• Indonesia
21 Oct 10
i forgive them, pinkie. i dont have feeling to revenge them, or hate them. no. i dont feel like that. i just feel so sad and dissapointed, and want to remove this feeling of being left by them. it just made me stop my step to move forward because of feeling affraid to hope for a happy ending story