Have you ever rejected any friend request in mylot

October 21, 2010 10:32am CST
Hey friends today I have this question in my mind because I have seen here we daily get many friend requests from some new users and also from many old users. But always we accept every friend request in this site. Because we know the value of this site and also if we have many friends than we can find many discussions for responding. And if I say about me than I always accept friends request from everyone in this site. And I never rejected any friend requests. So please can you tell me have you ever rejected any friend request.
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10 responses
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
21 Oct 10
Hi anurag, I am just like you, never have I rejected a single friend request so far. I feel that when someone is offering friendship, it would be rude to turn them down especially the new members who are normally vary of joining a new site.I always add all members who request as my friend...all the best anurag and have a nice evening
• India
21 Oct 10
Very good that you are also accept every request on this site. I think its help us to give mostly response to discussions because if we have more friends then we always get more discussions. Anyways thanks for your precious response.
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
21 Oct 10
Most welcome and what you say is very true anurag...
@kiran8 (15348)
• Mangalore, India
23 Oct 10
Thanks a lot for the Br anurag , very much appreciated - have a great weekend
@tkonlinevn (6438)
• Vietnam
23 Oct 10
I'm too. I have never rejected any friend requests. I'm here to share an to make friend, why I must reject?
1 person likes this
• India
23 Oct 10
Thanks for the response..
@blue65packer (11826)
• United States
21 Oct 10
I rejected alot of Mylot friend requests! if the person looks like they are only in the money and are trying to get referrels,they are deleted. If the person has not replied to any discussions or started any discussions they are deleted. If the person has nothing in common,I reject them, too. Since I have been on mYlot I have seen all types of people! I like to selected because of that!
• India
22 Oct 10
Thanks for your precious response.
• Philippines
22 Oct 10
add them - but you get denied
Hello Anurag, I guess i have to be honest on this one, hope no one gets offended.But why? this is my right like all the other lotters out there. YES, i have actually just rejected friends request, at least more than eighty plus of them (80+). But i did it for a lot of reasons, and one of them was i want active people in my friends list. i don't want those who are just for the sake of adding you. some other mylotters that denied my request i still get to respond to their discussions, no big deal. the only benefit for the friends request is the private messages and notification that you get from the users. usually i would only just go to the "new", "hot","top" and "recent" discussions where i can respond to them. Lastly, I don't want spammers, because i have experience this before. Besides, even if you're not in the circle of friends but active i would get any chance i have to respond to your discusions.
1 person likes this
• India
22 Oct 10
Okay friend i appreciate your response.
@_crystal (28)
• China
22 Oct 10
it`s been a month since my first visit to mylot,sad to say that ,but the number of friend requests i`ve received is zero. i am such an inactive member.
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• India
22 Oct 10
Don't be worry friends now you may try to send friend request to person on this sites. Because when you have some good number of friends then you also get many friend requests from other persons. But for this your regularity is also very important on this site.
• Canada
21 Oct 10
Yes I have to admit I do use the reject button after checking out the users profile. If I see that the user has their page plastered with internet money making banners and links then I reject. I do accept if the user has started interesting discussions and is active within the community. I just don't want to accept everyone because you get some users constantly messaging you to join their down line in sites.
1 person likes this
• India
22 Oct 10
Thanks for the response.
@ravinskye (8237)
• United States
21 Oct 10
I didn't use to reject friend requests. When I joined, a experience member told me to friend request everyone and accept all friend requests. But I found that most of my discussions went unanswered by my friends. Usually I got answers from strangers instead. So the last few months I've been more picky I guess. I'll watch their numbers. If they requested me a month ago and their number hasn't changed much or at all, then I know they aren't an active member so I don't bother accepting their request.
1 person likes this
• India
21 Oct 10
Nice to hear that you also accept every friend request. Anyways thanks for the response.
@freymind (1351)
• Philippines
21 Oct 10
i did. actually deleted some. because they keep on sending messages regarding the other paid sites and its kind of annoying since you reply to them to just stop it but its like your talking to a bot cause after a few days you will get another message from them with the same context. i add friends here in my lot because i know we have something in common. that i can interact with you by answering and responding your discussions but not just because i want a lot of friends to buy LOL. i learned my lesson. if i see that you do not have much activity in your page i do not add you.. that's what i do know...
• India
22 Oct 10
Oh means your few friends made you annoyed by sending messages regarding to other paid sites. so you have deleted them. Sometimes i also received some message by few members who want to make some referrals for some paid sites. but i don't get always message from them. So i never feel bad. Anyways thanks for your response.
@hushi22 (4928)
21 Oct 10
so far i havent rejected any friend request here in mylot. i love to make friends.
1 person likes this
• India
22 Oct 10
That's good that you love to make friends..
• United States
21 Oct 10
i dont ignore a friend request yet and i dont plan to ignore some friend request.everytime that i gt friend request i feel happy that someone wants to be my friend and someone wants me to be her/his friend here in mylot.
• India
22 Oct 10
Yes you doing good because when someone send us friends request then it is not good to ignore their requests and this site is for online earning and every peoples wants to some good earning so they want to be more friends for getting more response. Anyways thanks for the response.