Should we increase taxes or cut services?
By Pose123
@Pose123 (21635)
October 21, 2010 10:51am CST
At a time when most of the world is trying, with a great deal of difficulty, to recover from the latest recession, politicians are having to make some crucial decisions. Many of them are unpopular, like cutting back on the retirement age or laying off thousands of workers. One of the big questions is should we increase taxes or cut services? Should we be laying off people or increasing the amount of taxes that everyone pays? Most people get angry at any mention of increased taxes but would a few more dollars out of your paycheck every week be the end of the world? Let's not get angry over this but give it a little thought and state your opinion and why you've arrived at that conclusion.
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15 responses
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
21 Oct 10
It's not so much a need to cut services, as it is a need to cut spending in general. Were I in charge of a government body the first thing I would do is cut the fat. When I worked at Universal Studios the company hired an independent cost efficiency person to go through the park and every department to see where people could be cut. Now it sure put the fear of god into people, but the fact is, ANY large organization has a lot of useless people and the government is famous for not firing those people.
Since working government jobs I have seen some of the most useless pieces of garbage that just can't be fired for reasons varying from paperwork, to fear of lawsuits, to union rules.
Don't get me wrong, we will have to cut or reduce some services to really cut spending, but that should not be the FIRST thing we do. Cut the useless expenditures first, then move on to the more difficult choices.
The main reason nobody does this is because they like big numbers and fast results. Cutting a program can save millions or billions within a month. Cutting waste systematically may take months and doesn't have a clear dollar amount saved.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Hi taskr, Thanks for commenting and I agree that we need to cut the fat, not the services. Many would be willing to pay a little more taxes if everything was in the open and people knew that their tax dollars were being used as they should be. I know that all governments employ more people than are necessary and if we can't do anything else, we can at least bring in a hiring freeze. I'd also suggest cutting salaries. Blessings.
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@TTCCWW (579)
• United States
21 Oct 10
I think anyone saying you can do one without the other is living in denial.
We can trim a lot of money out of waste and spending but we have been cutting taxes for decades while increasing fees on others and the fact is America has a shrinking working class because of the baby boomer generation.
Last time I looked (a few months back) we were 48th in the world, of indutrial countrys, in what we pay in taxes.
If we changed how we discussed policy changes we might start fixing things that are broken instead of just adjusting how much money they get.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Hi TTCCWW, Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Personally, I feel that it's better for everyone to pay a little more rather than cut services or lay off people who will then be paying no taxes at all but rather taking more money from the system. I agree that we can trim the fat as there is always waste and all governments employ more people than they need. Let's be careful though about cuts and few will miss the few extra dollars they pay in taxes. Blessings.
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@StarBright (2798)
• United States
23 Oct 10
Hi Pose123. Life would be so simple and we could all go home happy if there was a simple answer to your question. But then, I am not sure anyone would listen.
There are so many things that need to be handled on so many levels.
A different tax structure might be more fair to all citizens - for example a flat tax. Of course there are arguments for and against that. Presently, the low to middle income citizens pay a higher rate of tax than the wealthy. That hardly seems fair that those who can least afford it pay more taxes, relatively speaking. There are the pundits who say when the wealthy pay less tax they create jobs. What happened these last eight years? Nevermind. I know.
Are our services being administered as efficiently and effectively as possible? I don't think so. This begs the question, "Do we need to cut services or do we need to streamline them?" Just one example of waste that I see in the school system in my town is how children with physical challenges are transported to school. A full-size school bus is used to transport only one or two children to and from school for the entire school year. A van would serve the same purpose and save gas. Practically every school has at least one bus transporting children with physical challenges. There are more than 100 schools in the county.
Another way of cutting the fat is to reduce salaries at the top. A lot of organizations are top heavy just because people have gotten promoted over the years beyond the level of their competency as a reward for their years of service. This practice helped drive prices up and push many companies out of the competition for market share - especially when competing with international markets.
I burns my you know what to think of raising taxes when I know that our Congress has voted themselves a pay increase every year in spite of the economy. They have had no regard for the people they serve, yet they tell us they need to raise taxes, keep tax cuts for the wealthy and cut entitlements that help the poor. And by the way they pass legislation that helps the special interest groups.
I wish I did have the answer.

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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 10
Hi StarBright, I enjoyed reading your response and I wish that I had all the answers too. I don't feel that we can cut services as we are hurting the most vulnerable but we can cut waste. I don't believe that any politician should have an increase in salary at this time and they should also freeze the salaries of everyone at the top. I feel that it's time for the rich to pay their fair share of taxes as well as the big corporations. Lets close the loopholes that allow people to get away with paying little or no taxes. Now I know all that is fine, but what politician has the guts to do it? They want to get re-elected so what happens, they do what they feel gives them the best chance - and can we really blame them? If we elected some new faces, would anything really change? I agree with you on the bus situation and I see it too. Someone mentioned earlier here that his state was spending $100,000 on a sculpture. Is that sometime that's really necessary at this time? Couldn't this sort of thing wait for better times. Thank you for coming here and sharing. It's been a pleasure. Blessings.
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
23 Oct 10
A few more dollars from a paycheck that's already being cut...Yea, that'd hurt.
We need to repeal the free trade act & start taxing imports again. That would give money back to the government & when importing everything from overseas became less profitable than making them at home companies would start moving back. Then more Americans would start having jobs & paychecks again. Once we entered into the world market & everything started having the ( MADE IN CHINA ) or ( MADE IN MEXICO ) label on it the U.S. was sinking. How can we keep sending out money to other countries when we don't produce anything for them to buy to bring the money back?
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
23 Oct 10
Hi uath, I know any increase in taxes would be rough on the average working man but are the richest people paying their fair share? Some big corporations are paying no taxes at all. There is also a lot of waste in government but I don't believe in cutting services, just managing things better can save millions and perhaps billions. How can anyone compete with a country where workers are making two dollars a day? Thanks for your comments. Blessings.
@Mirita (2668)
• United States
23 Oct 10
I think that we should not increase taxes because we should not put so much burden on middle class families. We need to teach people to be more responsible and to stop having children if they cannot afford them. The funding that we have available should be concentrated on health issues and on family planning.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
23 Oct 10
Hi Mirita, Thank you for your response. I don't think governments should cut services either because we are hurting the most vulnerable. I do believe however that all governments waste money and this is not the time to be spending money on unnecessary things. Let them make better use of the money that they already have. Blessings.
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
24 Oct 10
The world is going through a trying time because governments intrude into areas where they have no business going, like into business, banking, the stock market, the auto industry, and the insurance industry. Government has also made it too easy for people to become irresponsible and for them to become dependent on the government. If you're getting government assistance or a never ending unemployment check, where's the motivation to find a job or go back to work? I'm for cutting taxes and government assistance. We might be surprised how resourceful people could be if they had to be, but I'm not holding my breath. Our government has done such a superb job conditioning welfare recipients to be dependent on assistance that I don't hold out much hope that they'll ever change.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
24 Oct 10
Hi 6presious, While I don't agree with cutting services, there is no doubt some truth in what you are saying here. Let's cut waste before services and there is a lot of fat that can be trimmed. No politician should be getting a raise in pay right now and salaries at the top should be frozen. Better use of the money we already have might mean that there would be no need for either. Thanks for sharing. Blessings.
@djbtol (5493)
• United States
22 Oct 10
It is not that a few more dollars out of my pocket would be the end of the world (close, though). It is that increasing taxes is not going to fix anything. More taxes means more money out of people's hands and more money out of the economy.
More taxes means more money for the government to spend and waste. This government we currently have does not use money wisely, so it is like giving your last dollars to a drunken fool and telling them to use it wisely. All the money the government spends, including that borrowed is going somewhere. Somebody is getting the money, but it is not the people paying the taxes.
There is no doubt, however, to do what is really required (cut spending, reduce debt) is going to be very difficult. I am not totally convinced that any (or maybe many) of our politicians will have the guts to inflict short term pain for long term good. It is obviously a term killer!
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Hi djbtol, Very wisely said, there is far too much waste and a politician's top priority is getting re-elected. I don't want to see services cut but I want to see waste eliminated. Goverments always spend more than they need. Thank you for sharing your views. Blessings.
@laglen (19759)
• United States
22 Oct 10
definitely cutting services. However I would not cut on seniors, more working aged people. I believe that if you REALLY want to work, you can. I have created a lot of work for myself by ingenuity. I have repeatedly worked multiple jobs to support my family. The services now truly, in my opinion reward lazy behavior.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Hi laglen, Thank you for responding and for your thoughts. I'm not really in favor of cutting services, although I know we can trim a lot of fat. I would really like to see things more open. Governments everywhere are known for employing more people than they need and that is something that can be looked at for sure. I don't want to pay more taxes until I see where my tax dollars are going. Blessings.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
21 Oct 10
For me, it's not about paying more out of my paycheck (not entirely), but more of where the money goes.
For instance: should I have to pay more to make sure government-funded (TAXPAYER-funded) jobs are kept or, even worse, that union jobs are kept and the employees' salaries increased?
When unions shake the government down, the government shakes the taxpayer down, and the taxpayer is the one that loses in every single scenario.
Government people seem to have one goal in this day and age - to keep their jobs.
The rest of us would like to do that too, except we can't decide to pay government less. But with the stroke of a pen, they can decide to charge us more.
For what? That's the question I have. What do they need MORE of our money for?
If they would actually stop playing politics and stop kiling one another to get elected, then they could focus on things like cleaning up the billions upon billions of dollars in waste and fraud.
Then we might see some improvement. With more money available for government to spend on important things, fewer dollars have to be contributed by taxpayers. And maybe one day government will realize that they're not responsibile for "creating" jobs. They're best when they move out of the way.
I can only speak for my country here, but I don't see higher taxes as the way to go.
I mean, why would anyone trust someone that has habitually blown the money time and again?
"Oh, sorry about the other 10,000 times, but let us take more of your money and things will get better!"
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Hi matersfifh, Thank you for responding and you make a good point when you speak of waste and fraud. I would not be opposed to paying a little more in taxes if everything was open and I knew where my dollars were going. I too would like to see governments stop playing politics and clean up some of the mess. For one thing, governments should not be allowed to increase their salary whenever they feel like it. There should be an independent committee with guidelines. I'd also suggest that all politicians take a ten per cent cut in pay, with no increases for at least five years. Other government workers making more than sixty thousand a year should also have to take a pay cut. At times like this, even the unions should get on side. Blessings.
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@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
22 Oct 10
They should start cutting out alot of the spending, and start cutting all the services..It is not the Governments job to take care of everyone.....We need to get industry back in this country so people can get back to work. and then we need to cut taxes because with more people working they will get more in the long run.
We could start by getting all the illegal aliens out, and cut out all the entitlements that they are getting. and give back the jobs they are taking back to the Americans that should have them.
Get the people off Welfare..that have been living off it for generations. The more that is given to people the lazier they get. and then they just depend on it instead of going out and taking care of them selves. and put the program back to what it was meant to be a temporary help for people that need help.....for a short time ..not a life time.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Hi dir, Thank you for responding. I don't believe it's necessary to be as harsh as you are recommending here but I do think that all governments are wasting far to much money and need to cut a lot of the fat. It's claimed that the richest people don't pay their fair share of taxes and that leaves a bigger burden on the ordinary working person. I'm not in favour of cutting services because all who use them are not lazy. Blessings.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
22 Oct 10
I think a little of both. In some places services are really not needed or too much is spent on them such as what is given to our governing officials, i.e. secretaries, (do they need 3 or 4?) cars, furniture and more. Here we have low taxes. We pay for our own garbage and recycling this can be done else where as well. As for raising taxes, our government has dug us a hole our great grandkids will be paying for. It will only be paid if the taxes go up. We the people have been screwed.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Hi OpinionatedLady, I agree that there is a lot of waste in governments everywhere and I also agree with trimming the fat, as you say, no one needs three or four secretaries, except perhaps a president or prime minister. I wouldn't cut services except where there is waste. We need more openness where people can see what's happening to their tax dollars. I think that it's possible to give even better services without having to raise taxes at all. However, I wouldn't be opposed to paying more taxes if I could see that the money was being spent as it should. Blessings.
@sender621 (14890)
• United States
22 Oct 10

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@pogi253 (1596)
• Philippines
22 Oct 10
We are paying too much taxes on our salaries and we are paying too much taxes on our groceries. The government is now charging taxes for soda and candy. I think that instead of focusing on charging the taxes from the lower and middle class population, the government should focus on increasing taxes for the rich population.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Hi pogi, That is a very good point and I agree, the richest people don't always pay their fair share of taxes. Big corporations also get too many tax breaks and the average working person has to make up for it. Perhaps everyone could afford a small increase in taxes but I'd like to see some changes before that happened. First, the rich and the corporations should pay a lot more, than government cut some of the fat as all governments waste money. I'm not in favour of cutting services but I think there are ways of saving money. Some expenditures are not necessary, especially in a recession. Blessings.
@asyria51 (2861)
• United States
22 Oct 10
I think that it needs to be a mixture. I was looking at my state's budget and there are some items, like 100,000 for a new sculpture, that at this time needs to be cut from the budget. A small increase to taxes, would be fine by me to insure that things like education are funded. My family recieved all but $200 back from the federal government last year. If they had kept even an $200 it would not have made or broke my families budget. It was nice getting that money back and being able to update appliances, or this past year replace broken furniture.
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@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Hi asyria, I think that is a very reasonable response and thank you for sharing. Most people could handle a small increase in taxes. I don't feel that this is the time to be spending money on a new sculpture either. I don't like the idea of cutting services because we are hurting the most vulnerable in society, however all governments waste money and this is a good time to be watching every dollar. Blessings.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
24 Oct 10
I believe this is a false dichotomy. I don't think we need to do either. I believe we need to be good stewards of the money we have, unlike the wasteful spending that our government believes and engages in.
It's about time that everyone's greed was reigned in, especially that of our government "rulers" who take our hard-earned tax dollars for their own use and power-mongering. Thus, their pockets are deep and ours are empty.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
24 Oct 10
Blessings right back "atcha", Pose. Let's all stand and pray for our country and do our level best to get our criminal career politicians out of "power"; some belong in jail.