Where does the God live actually...?
By chayapathys
@chayapathys (2111)
October 22, 2010 4:52am CST
Most of us believe in the existence of God.Therefore He must be there somewhere.Where can we find him or at least feel Him.Does live in Heaven and look after us His children from Heaven.Many say He lives in the hearts of human beings.Some say they have experienced God but not seen Him visually.But if you are sure of his existence how do you say He is there.What is your experience..?
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17 responses
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Hi chayapathys, God is not in the form of a person in the sense that we have a human body. God is spirit and is within us, in fact within all living things. We are therefore one with God and one with each other. This shows that the life energy that is us is also God, meaning literally that we are God just as a wave is one with or part of the ocean.God than is everywhere and there cannot be a place where he is not. Blessings.
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@chayapathys (2111)
• India
24 Oct 10
Pose 123 has excellently explained the concept of God.As I see that is what the 'advyatha' school of thought of Hinduism explains which means there is only one and there nothing two.Yourself is a drop in the ocean and there is no separate existence for ocean and the drop of water in the ocean.It is a very abstract explanation which is very difficult to understand...
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
23 Oct 10
Very good. You are starting on a journey to discovery. If God exists, then He can be found. Just where does one find God??? Like with all knowledge, it's a test of intelligence. When you have figured it out then you will be ready. Start by looking around you. When you can see and understand God's actions, it will open the doors of more ideas. This is a journey. How will you know it's God???? Ways far beyond the capabilities of mankind. Hold onto your hat!!
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@chayapathys (2111)
• India
24 Oct 10
When you start experiencing you will definitely experience.Did you do that?.Without making any trials and efforts how can you say God is not there. There are many in this world who have experienced Him.But He is not visible to human eye.So many things which we can not see but believe in their existence like electricity.But as we can definitely experience electricity so also you you can experience God...
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
23 Oct 10
Thank you. But you mean I don't understand.What is ..all the best for me...?Please tell us where the God actually lives according to you.We are interested in knowing your view.Instead of wishing me I would be happy to know what you think of God...
@urbandekay (18278)
23 Oct 10
God lives everywhere and beyond. All the best means that I wish you all the best things you might wish for yourself
all the best urban
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
24 Oct 10
Thank you for your good wishes. Very glad that you believe in the existence of God and that He lives every where.He is among us only.We try to realize God and many people have succeeded but we can not see Him with human eyes.Therefore I too wish you all the best...

@chayapathys (2111)
• India
23 Oct 10
Sorry. I don't understand what you are saying.Please be more descriptive.How can I understand what is in your mind.Here the discussion is as to where the God actually lives if you believe in His existence.Kindly tell us as to Where the God actually lives according to you.....
@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
22 Oct 10
When I was small I read it in a book. It impressed me a lot. After reading it I try my level best to obey it. We should see the Good in the smile of the poor. This means we should do something to the poor and we can see God when the poor smile because of our help. Except this I used to see God in the beauty of the nature. Specially in children.
Once I watch a film about Jesus Christ. Normally at the end of the film all films show Jesus goes upwards to the heven after his incarnation. But in this film Jesus didn't vanish upwords. He vanished sidewards , came bace quickly with normal jeans and T-shirt and playing with some children. (The same actor) What does this means? God live with us as our parents, children, friends,relatives, neighbours...

@johnpillai (2082)
• Germany
23 Oct 10
I am a christian. The words, which impressed me a lot, (We should see the good in the smile of the poor), I read them from a Hindu book.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
24 Oct 10
You have excellent attitude towards life and religion.It is always good and that gives you real happiness and peace of mind.We should see God in fellow human beings and "service to man is service to God ". Therefore let us serve co human beings and make them happy...
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
23 Oct 10
Therefore you find God in the human beings only and not outside.you are correct.According to you "service to man is service to God"That is correct attitude.Where else can we find God except in the fellow human beings.As rightly depicted in the film you saw Jesus is among us only.God does not live some where in heaven. We can feel Him here and among us.....

@timelord40 (81)
• United States
24 Oct 10
He live for beyond the reach of mortal man and the earth is his foot stool
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
25 Oct 10
So you accept the existence of God but He lives beyond the reach of mortal man.We cannot see Him.But we can experience Him.Many have done it.Just like electricity we can feel but cannot see.He is always there to look after His children.What we have to do is pray and He comes closer to you and ready to help you.faith can do wonders
@owlwings (43907)
• Cambridge, England
22 Oct 10
I can only tell you what I believe, which is based on my own experience and knowledge, rather than what I have been told or read.
I think that it is difficult, perhaps impossible, for humans to understand God. We are aware of ourselves as living from moment to moment in a specific time and place. At this second, I am sitting in my room at a particular place on Earth typing this response. My mind, however, is not necessarily bound to one spot or even one time. I can be wondering, for example, what it is like in India, where you live, or I can be thinking about or reliving what I wrote yesterday or last week on the same subject or how I felt on just such a day as this 30 years ago. Mind, memory and imagination are not so much constrained by where we are at a particular place and time.
God is invisible and far, far greater than us, or so we believe. He has no physical being, in the way that we do, so we conclude that He must be something of the same nature as our minds. That means that, either He exists in all places and all times or, as some would say, He does not exist at all. Because I trust my senses to a certain extent, I believe that I have had a personal experience of God and that He does exist. I can't pass that experience on to you (or anyone), I can only hope that you might trust my experience by having confidence in the kind of person I am (and that would imply that YOUR experience of me led you to believe that I was someone to be trusted - something that I cannot take for granted!)
If we accept the concept of God as the Creator of everything (which by no means all people do), then we should also acknowledge that Creation is not a one-off process: it happens all the time and has done since the beginning of things. Matter, scientists tell us, is Energy and energy is constantly required to keep it in place.
It seems to me that one aspect of God is therefore this creative energy which sustains and powers everything in the Universe. In that respect, God is in and pervades all things and lives within us just as He lives within the atoms of my house, the trees, the rocks, the air, the stars and the dark dust of interstellar space.
Because I have had certain experiences - direct communication with a mind that is not my own - which I would call 'spiritual', it seems to me, that this God is also sentient, as I am, and can and does communicate as an intelligence with each and every one of us. In that sense, therefore, he lives within us, both in our physical being and in our mental and spiritual lives.
There is, of course, much more to be said but that is the bones of it.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
23 Oct 10
Excellent elucidation of God.Each man has his own individual experience of God.We cannot realize the God from the experience of others.Every one should try to experience God for himself.He is there every where and for every one.God is a creative energy .Many have experienced God but has seen Him with physical eyes.Thank you very much for sharing.....God bless you...
@browneyedgirl (1264)
• United States
23 Oct 10
God is everywhere. His glory fills the earth. He lives within our hearts; and in the Bible, Jesus said that He and the Father would come in an make their home with anyone who would believe and obey Him. God bless!
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
24 Oct 10
I also believe that He lives everywhere and there is particular place of residence for Him.He is our creator and where can He live except among us.He is among us.Those who want to experience Him they can.But the pity is none us except a few try but out of them a very negligible percentage really experience.I have heard people saying they have experience Him but not visible to human eye...
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
24 Oct 10
According to you there are two Gods... one lives in this earth controlling the system here..there is an Almighty who is all powerful lives in Heaven.Good.Therefore God is there every here.Even in Hinduism we worship so many Gods even though we believe there is only one God.We attribute different forms according His virtues.Have faith in God and enjoy His blessings and favors which comes in many forms...
@mohondang (46)
• India
23 Oct 10
no one is sure where god lives. It depends on your believe n faith.As for me, God is everywhere.He is in your heart,head,...he is everywhere you go if have the faith.
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
24 Oct 10
you are perfectly right. God is every where. There is no place where He is not there.As human beings we can experience Him amongst us.Science cannot explain everything.When you go on arguing you will reach point for which there is no scientific explanation.He has created so many things in this word.If you look at them closely you will find so much regularity and methodology in their working.Who does all these things except God...
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
23 Oct 10
According to you God lives in human hearts.Ok.Then why people offer prayers and worship Him as entity outside us.If you find god within you why not pray for the God within you.He is helping you in case you need help and how does He staying within you.Does He communicate within yourself.I also feel that God in the hearts of human beings only and not outside...
@captinjack (788)
• China
23 Oct 10
shoot ! I should be here . I am an atheist ,totally .Since i bump into the post ,i will say something .To my mind ,according to christianity ,God is everywhere so as to save anyone who stuck in any trouble .But i am not sure about that . Have a nice day .
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
24 Oct 10
You are atheist.OK. Were you born atheist or became atheist later.At what point of time you came an atheist.Is it due to your experience or on here say. Since He has not saved every one who is stuck in trouble you became an atheist.Personal experiences differ from person to person.Many people tried to convince others that God is not there.But still people believe in the existence of God.Think it over and try to see reason in their belief and faith in God...
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
24 Oct 10
As you rightly say God is everywhere.He is ominipresent .He is at your beck and call. Only we ,the human being , should believe and have faith.How does miracles happen without Him.You can also experience Him and few have done but He is invisible to human eye.Faith is most important...
@chayapathys (2111)
• India
24 Oct 10
Yes God is everywhere and a living force unseen by human eye.But we definitely experience Him if we make sincere and honest efforts.Many have done it and succeeded. It is not easy. but possible. We should have proper guidance without which we cannot.May God bless you....
@flowerchilde (12529)
• United States
22 Oct 10
I had been researching world religions, studying astrology and practicing meditation, when one day I was sitting in the mnountains on the side of a hill and it seemed as though I could see a thought drift quickly across the very blue sky and hit me in the head, yes hit me in the head! And what this thought said was "you've been learning about the different forces at work in the universe, what about the force that created" (designed) "the universe, and what if that force has consciousness?"
- Immediately it was like a light bulb turning on and I said (and felt) "God!" That was totally life changing. Shortly after came across a tract title "God's Great Plan of Salvation". Must have read it four times before understanding it, prayed four times and finally said "can this be true for me? Can we truly start over and be filled up with God?" Then the sun setting over the mountains in the west, refracted through one inch curtain gap and streamed across the room and filled the off television screen with a perfect eight rayed star which just happened to have been my meditation symbol (for concentration) for meditation.. Ever since then, 31 years ago, my life and self changed.
- Once when my (baby) sister had contracted leukemia years ago, I prayed and prayed for help! And then as I stood in my kitchen where there is a painting my mom painted of "Jesus and His Sheep" peacefully drifting 'down' to me was a very clear thought (almost audible, but not quite) which said "see that little lamb I am holding in my arms in that painting? that is your sister." To this day my sister is alive and well.. saved and met her true love and is very happy..
- I've had many such experiences and haven't even touched upon things I've learned about truth and destiny/ultimate reality/truth (the bible) which have totally knocked my socks off.. and I am by no means smart enough to come up with these ideas (or dream these truths) on my own..
@rautrahul (267)
• India
23 Oct 10
God lives everywhere. He is in heaven and earth all at once. He is omnipresent. Some may think he he live in hell to punish. More accurately, hell is charaterized by eternal seperation from God, which wood indicate that it's the only place where he is not.
@formidexo (1351)
• Canada
22 Oct 10
Jesus taught us to pray, "Our Father who are in heaven...." So He lives in heaven. We can only imagine what heaven is and where it is as we do not know since we are physical beings. Heaven is not a physical place but on a spiritual dimension. We know very little at this time.