Eating Icecream Makes You Vulnerable To Disease?

October 22, 2010 10:54am CST
Recently i read that eating icecream makes you vulnerable to disease. Icecream has high sugar content which supress the activity of your white blood cells for about 2 hrs. So you will be more vulnerable to disease at this time. This is the reason for catching cold and other deceases when eating icecream or cold drinks. Do you think this is true?
4 responses
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
25 Oct 10
Well your view is true to an extent. Anything that has sugar in it and you eat constantly will weaken your immune system not just icecream.I have read somewhere and was told that over 9 teaspoons of sugar shuts down your immune system for the day I dont know if it is true but if it is sugary stuff is horrid to eat often. Not just icecream.
1 person likes this
• India
26 Oct 10
Ya you are right on this. It is sugar which is the problem. Any sugar substance is not good. Artificial sweeteners are more dangerous. The company says it is good for diabetic patients. But the truth is it is bad than the crystal sugar. Our body is not meant to digest this artificial sugar.
@Kirinx (1688)
• United States
26 Oct 10
Yea your right sadly tho people that I know dont believe me when I speak about the bad effects of artifical sweetners. They think I am over exaggerating ..
• Philippines
31 Oct 10
well i didnt know that thanks for the information.all i know is that ice cream and all cold food and drinks are bad when it is winter or cold season because we will get cold and cough.that is what i know,i will check it out on the net.thanks.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
28 Oct 10
hi on the net you can read anything from truth to science fiction and false hood. I think this statement is a bunch of crap from a person who has as much scientific training as a mouse or as I do.What makes us vulnerabe to disease is a lowered immune system and virus and bacteris that we by touching our hands to our faces upset ou r own inmune systems by not washing our hands frequently and long emough. Icecream eating does not make u s sick unless we eat a gallon at one sittign.
• Philippines
22 Oct 10
the only thing i know you might get from eating too much ice cream is an upset stomach. and the high sugar content isn't good for the body too. it makes you sluggish.