Stubborn Kid???
By babyEj
@babyEj (1522)
October 22, 2010 10:52pm CST
My son is just two years old but he is so stubborn most of the time. he likes to do what he wants. Whenever , I discipline him it seems that I am ignored. He doesn't listen to me and think everything was just a play. Yes, he's too young to be treated like I did. But as a mom ,I observed that his behavior isn't a baby anymore.
Do you have sometimes an argument with your baby. Please , to all mothers , or who experienced babysitting,help me.. please share your tips how to handle such playful and stubborn kid.
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15 responses
@stanly012992 (241)
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
Hello babyej,
I think it is not a problem because your son is only 2 years old that is only normal for a child to do what he wants. Just observe him always to avoid the accident because that is the obligation of a parents.I hope that your son will growup as a good child of yours.
Have a nice day.
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@akosikulebs (54)
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
it is normal for his age to be playful and "stubborn" because he is starting to explore things around him. i guess, moms like us often forget that we are dealing with tots and they should not be expected to behave as adults would do. let them be and you will enjoy being a mommy to your son if you let your guards down a little bit.
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
Yes it's normal, but I worry about people talking that I have to teach and control my son ... They were predicting that I will get what i saw from his behavior now... I always tell them that he was acting rightfully because he's still exploring and learning... but people think I'm too loose...=(
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@wiedning (9)
• Indonesia
23 Oct 10
are you a single mother? or working mother? i think ur son just tryin to get ur attention, child on his age it's normal to act like that.
just be patient, don't use to much words or explanation, they learn best from what you do or act.
spend some "quallity" time just by playing with ur son. a simple hug or kiss will do!
hope it can't help
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
Thank you weidning... I am a working mom. I work in the evening and my husband works in the morning. Yeah, he seems looking for much attention from us. But I usually give him more time these days. I am really trying to be patient. He's my first child so I must learn more in being a patient mom.
I always hug him, I think it speaks more than saying "I love you".
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@queenatiuk (81)
• Malaysia
23 Oct 10
It is easy!! First of all, your son has a characteristic of called "hard" and you have to soften it by create some soft element on him.
For watching program, you have to select some sort of cartoon with gentle apparent like lovely animals and cute in action.
For eating deserts, you may select ais cream so as he will be cool down and not in hot temper.
For game, you may bring him to somewhere big of spacious so as he can see birds flying or fishes swiming or bring him to have a rest under a big tree so as he can see the peace and tend to be likely to change his stubborn mindset.
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@rdm001 (69)
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
Isnt all kids like this? Im not a mother, Im a man, but I did babysit all of my younger cousins, I had a lot of fun babysitting them until they were 5, because that's when the terror starts, but 1-3 is okay, they're still funny and all that, silly perhaps. but when they started to age 5, god they are annoying, i stopped babysitting them.
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@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
Pretty sure they are cute and enjoyable but they are also annoying and tiring...It's good to know that you experienced babysitting.. Then you are prepared for the next chapter of your life....the fatherhood.
They are few children who skip this stage....very few then..
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@sundownkid (115)
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
Pain would be a good way to converse your love. Sometimes, respect is earned only after punishment.
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@kerrina (104)
• Canada
23 Oct 10
hi there,
I am a step mom to my boyfriends child. he's extremely stubborn, doesnm't have a healthy diet because he was pretty much brought up snacking on junk food. I do try to feed him good food but his preferences are limited to a grilled cheese, waffles, yogrt/cereal, toast & pancakes. its a horrible diet i know, but his veggies comes from the fruit & veggie juices. Anyways, I watch super nanny a lot. i found her very helpful. it gave me the tips to try and discipline my step son. although he's still stubborn, he listens a lot more. Here are some times that i've came accross in disciplining my child:
- get them on a very built schedule. It's really important they have a schedule and something fun to do. if they are not on a schedule it's hard for them to decide what they are going to do next. They could freak out or be calm the next minute taht comes through their kid. My kids schedule is wake up, get dressed, eat, daycare, home, eat, spend time with daddy and me (colour, watch no more than 1 hour of tv , take a bath and massage go to sleep. Before when he was not in daycare, his thoughts were everywhere and didn't understand structure, following directions/obedience.
- next is when he isnt listening such as hitting, freaking out or whatever. Put him in a chair in a corner far away from any kind of activities he might like. You get down to his level and look at him straight in the eyes and explain to him with a firm voice " it's not good .... what you did. You are going to be in time out. You stay here until i come and get you" Your son may not understand why your putting him in there so he will escape the punishment spot and run away somehwere. as soon as he does, you pick him up again and put him in the same spot as MANY TIMES as it takes for him to understand that you want him to stay in there. Don't show any mercy. The moment he sees that you feel bad for disciplining him, he will take advantage of it and the more he won't listen to you. Inform him everytime he escapes the chair to stay in that spot until you get him - do not scream at him but let him know your boss. Don't worry, he will give in eventually and calm down. Put him in time out one minute per age, so for you, 2 minutes. After he's calm down, you get down to his level and explain to him why you did it and what was wrong with what he did. make sure he understands.. I hope this helps.
Sorry this entry is a little bit long, but disciplining a realy stubborn kid needs lots of details!
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@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
In what manner that your 2 yrs old toddler is stubborn?
For kids at his age,it is a normal behavior to explore new things and doesn't listen to us.
Because it is the stage where a kid wants to learn things.
Observe what he likes to do,his interests and concentrate in that aspect.
Kids at his age wants to wander and know things that made them curious.
They love to see new things also and wants to know what it is,how does it works and why it looks like that.
It's really tiring to take care of kids at that stage,but exciting too.
Enjoy motherhood dear

@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
Thank you jaihoo...
he gives condition on everything that we want him to do...example..Let him eat but we have to play first or eating while playing... He doesn't like to take medicine unless a soda drink is on his hand.... oh..
Yeah I'm pretty enjoying it... lol!
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@shia88 (4570)
• Malaysia
24 Oct 10
Nowadays kids are tend to get active and their behaviour is
tougher too.They tend to be stubborn and want to get their thing they
want to be done,although has been reminded not to do it. It is so
called Terrible 2 stage and every kids are going through it.
As a mother, you must have patience to train your son and let him
know what is right and what is wrong. At first, your son may not
understand and seem don't bother you, never mind, don't give up,
it needs time for him to understand your words and you have to keep
repeating your words and ONE day,the magic will works.
My son has reached toddler stage,he is going to be 4 years old in few months
time and I have been taking care of my son since he was born. Not an
easy task,but I manage to do it too although at first I don't believe I can
be a good mother for my son.
I do believe we must have confidence on ourselves,then everything will go
@tjen_anni (317)
• Indonesia
24 Oct 10
I believe every mother who has two years-old-child will experience the same. I think it's because the development stage of the child that he wants to show his existence. My son is now 4 years-old. When he was 2, I got mad all the time. He was so stubborn. Everytime i said 'No', he would do it. It seemed like talking with the wind. But then i hold to say'no'. When he wanted to do everything that was not allowed, i said ''ll take the risk..don't blame mommy..ok..'
And it works till now. He stopped and said 'no..mommy'.
Sometimes it makes me laugh..what an art to discipline a child.
I hope it works for your son too...Good luck
@hanni711 (243)
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
I understand,being a full time mom is hard to ignore the behavior of our kids. But I think you need to slow down a bit in disciplining your son because he's just 2 years old. I'm not saying that you don't have to correct him for his wrong behavior. There are methods of disciplining our children depending on their age and maturity. There are kids who are more mature than their age and vice versa. As a mother of one boy and girl I saw and observe how their behavior differ from each other especially with my daughter because she has a special need. I learned how to deal with them by observing their behavior and character. I also read books about parenting and until now i don't stop searching from the internet about different topics on parenting. It doesn't just help my kids but my attitude towards them as well. We should always love our children inspite of their behavior because they are gift from GOD. I always start my day praying for my kids and ask GOD for wisdom on how to deal with them.
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@bharbee1126 (85)
• Philippines
30 Oct 10
I think kids at that age are quiet stubborn. It's the stage of being curious in everything around them. But keep reminding them the good values.
@genecgena (34)
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
I think you should relax :) It's normal for a child that young to be playful and you can't really expect them to follow whatever you tell them. Just understand that your child is in a stage that he likes to explore a lot, play a lot and at the same time he's learning a lot. If we keep in mind that that's just the way children that young act it will be easier for us to be patient with them. Your son may sometimes act like an adult but remember that your little toddler is just learning to socialize and he may just be imitating what we adults are doing.It can tiring sometimes I know but take heart, they'll grow out of it. Just keep guiding him and loving him, enjoy this wonderful blessing that we are privileged to have :)
@babyEj (1522)
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
Oh that's is what mom for.. sounded like a mom aren't you?.. I do appreciate your response. Thank you so much. Yeah , I think I have to relax and take all things at heart. I do agree, upon learning how to handle and indulge yourself in this situation, I am learning and knowing my self well. lol!
@genecgena (34)
• Philippines
26 Oct 10
Yes I am a mom of a 6 month old baby. My son is the one in my profile picture :) He is my first baby but I was able to take care of 3 of my younger siblings when they were still a baby until they grew up so I know that that's just the way they are at that stage, although every child is different and others may behave better than others. Just enjoy your little one, being a mom is such a fulfilling experience :)
@doubledawn (69)
• Canada
24 Oct 10
That's why its called the terrible two's! My youngest son is also 2 years old and the last couple months have really tested my patience. He's defiant, he throws things, climbs baby gates, raids the fridge and generally throws himself on the floor in a crying tantrum whenever he doesn't get his own way.
My oldest son, who is now five, didn't go through this. And the two year old, until this phase started was quite a pleasure also. He would pick up toys and put them away, whereas now he just ignores the request. It's trying to say the least.
Kids at this age are developing more emotion and basically, their little brains are growing at such a rapid pace that it's hard for them not to exhibit extreme behaviour. They are experimenting and testing boundaries. They cry, get angry or yes get stubborn because they don't have the controls in place yet to keep on an even keel. The good news is, they go to the same extreme with affections. While I sit at the couch, my two year old with just come up and hug my leg and kiss my knee and tell me he loves me.
One thing that works for me when my son is on a stubborn streak, is I turn his face toward me and we practice taking a few deep breaths. I exaggerate the demonstration for him and he copies what I do. I don't know if it actually calms him or he just forgets the mission he had been on, but it seems to be working. I try to avoid arguing with him about things (you'll never win against a toddler), so instead I look for ways to distract him. The one big benefit of that age is a short attention span.
Good luck and hang in there! You're not alone.
@KellieWilson (98)
• United States
8 Nov 10
It is probably the terrible two's... I am entering those as well with my youngest. I do time outs with her, but no way is she staying for two minutes. With her level of development and lack of ability to reason things out, it makes no sense to fight for that long to keep her there. I set her down in the time out chair and tell her no or that what she did was not okay I tell her to sit until I come get her. I will continue to walk her back if she throws a fit, but once she calms down I tell her again what she did wrong and let her up. It may not stop the behavior right now, but it is setting the tone and giving her the idea of being in trouble when she does not do as she should. But, she is just two so I expect her to be challenging for some time now, and that's okay as long as she is learning in the process. If you let it go completely I fear it will be very difficult to gain control later. I am not an expert just a mom of 2. As you know every mom does things differently, and every child will respond differently, so do what you think is right for your son and things will be okay.
@Rainbowliselle (498)
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
Starting with that age till age 3 and sometimes extending to age 4, kids do things which are against their moms' rules. So it's but normal. They will overgrown such a behavior but just don't give in to their child power. If they start wailing, let them be till they realize that they couldn't manipulate you by wailing. This is the phase where they call these kids as the "terrible 2's or the terrible 3's". I have 3 kids and saw them passed this stage. My youngest now is 10 and is behaving well - so far different from when he was 3 years old. I experienced his being too adamant till age 5. I'm glad he has outgrown it now. whew! tough job indeed to be a mom, especially when you're a working mom.