What are the facts that attracts you towards mylot?

Bangalore, India
October 23, 2010 12:04am CST
Hi friends, most of us here are attracted towards mylot site by one are the other reasons.. So lets share what is the fact that made us to stay here and enjoy our mylotting.. For me the first thing I got attracted was the User Interface which is very user friendly and beautiful.. and also well featured.. next thing is the discussions here I enjoy them most.. some times even though I dont participate I just enjoy reading some of them.. and Finally the friends here they are just incredible very friendly.. and its very nice to discuss on topics here with them.. So these are the facts that made me attracted and stick on to mylot from past three years.. though some times due to work pressure I cant participate here for couple of months.. that time I really miss the enjoyment of mylotting and my friends too.. Please Share what made you to stay here for and get addicted..
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10 responses
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
23 Oct 10
Hi chaitra, I joined in mylot for earning of course but that priority no longer exists in my mind. I am happy with my friends here, interacting with them through discussions. I too like you sometimes I am not in mood to participate or am lazy to respond then also I am enjoying by reading others topics, responses, comments etc. I am enjoying the funny interactions by other members, silently. I really grateful to mylot for providing such a nice friends from different parts of the world.
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• Bangalore, India
23 Oct 10
Hi Sree, I agree with all your points.. yes friends here are incredible.. I too do like you whenever I am very lazy.. Sree you like me only sometimes? LOL.. Thanks for sharing Dear.. Have a nice day..
@Sreekala (34312)
• India
23 Oct 10
Naughty girl, I meant the word 'like' similar.
• Bangalore, India
23 Oct 10
Sorry Dear I was just kidding you dont mind..
• China
23 Oct 10
i don't know why .but i have two big reasons here. first, i want to earn some money . and i find its hard but safe to earn money on mylot. second. i could learn more things by mylot. and could study more good enlgish words . maybe could know some better friends by mylot.and you ?thank you .
1 person likes this
• Bangalore, India
23 Oct 10
Hi friend, you are right I agree with you that our English improves a lot and we can learn many more things here.. Thanks for sharing.. Happy mylotting..
@obitwo (349)
• Denmark
24 Oct 10
What attracts me towards myLot is the great community! Most forums nowadays are filled up with so called "trolls" and people starting "flame-wars" constantly. It really bugs me that people can't have an ordinary discussion on the internet without it ending up in a flame war. And that is where myLot really differs from everybody else! The community over here is simply AMAZING! No flammers, no spammers (they get banned) and no 9 year old kids trolling (no offense at ALL to young people - don't missunderstand me). Also, the constant float of new information and help you can get here is astonishing.
• Bangalore, India
24 Oct 10
Hi friend, well worded yes there are no flame- wars here and every one are very friendly to each other and very eager to share their knowledge here.. which enhances our knowledge and learning skills.. Thanks for sharing your views.. Happy mylotting..
@shibham (16977)
• India
23 Oct 10
Well chaitra. I am here to make friends worldwide so that whenever i travel a country i have not to face any problem, not to expense money, free launch, dinner, shelter and so on. let them go, it's true that i am here for friendship, to share my feelings and enhance my knowledg. Before joing to mylot, i had no online friend but now i have. I have met a sister and didi too, so thanks to mylot.
• Bangalore, India
28 Oct 10
I liked your response here very much the idea of fun ws very nice so u deserve br.. Those works are really appreciable..
• Bangalore, India
23 Oct 10
Shibham brother I like your Idea Thats right friendship is incredible here.. I too got a brother here and few incredible friends like Sree and Deepak.. So I too will Thanks a lot to this beautiful and wonderful site..
@shibham (16977)
• India
28 Oct 10
Thanks for the br chaitra and for commenting on my photo. Actually i made those works year ago, but now i have not enough time. Yet i tend to create sometimes. Good day.
@monkeylong (3139)
• Guangzhou, China
24 Oct 10
As far as I concerned, I think what attracts me most when I come to mylot is the forum can provide me money to post. But with the time goes by, I find it is a very nice site to communicate with my friends and make friends here. What is more, I can improve my English with the help of mylot. Now a lot of things can attract me to stay in mylot.Have a nice day!
• Bangalore, India
24 Oct 10
Hi friend, Thanks for sharing your opinion.. I agree with your facts.. Happy mylotting..
@keshia2007r (2880)
• United States
23 Oct 10
the fact that mylot is a paying site attracts me towards it. i have to admit, it is completely a lot of work to do go get paid by mylot ............................................................. but as long as we are having fun in the mist. i enjoy mylotting.
• Bangalore, India
24 Oct 10
Hi keshia, Thanks for sharing.. Happy mylotting..
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
When i joined this site of course what attracts me first is the earning. But the moment i started posting discussion and responding to other topics,friends request also is in the row. And the earning mania in me suddenly fade in the picture. What i wanted to do is inter-act with other mylotters and i never care with my earnings and i don't even look at my earnings. And too late for me to find out that i was totally hooked in this site,that i can't sleep without logging in (very true) That even i am too sleepy,i still manage to read topics and post even one respond. Whoa,i don't understand what charisma mylot has ever brought in my life that i can't resist coming back again and again and again
• Bangalore, India
23 Oct 10
Hi jaiho.. Thanks for sharing your experience here.. yes this site is really unresistable.. earning is not at all important for me too.. I just love to participate here.. we can learn so many things that we dont know.. people from all around the world share their views and also the their life style and few other things so day by day we learn new things and gain knowledge here.. and also participating here improves our English as well as typing speed LOL.. Have a nice day.. Happy mylotting..
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@eurekafemme (5877)
• Philippines
23 Oct 10
The first and foremost are the people here. When I first signed in and posted my very first discussion, I was motivated because the first respondents were all so accommodating and welcoming. I felt that I was really a part of the site already and not just a newbie. Then, while browsing, day by day, I realized how user friendly this site is. It needs no further techniques to get the hang of using its system, this is the easiest and best forum site I have ever encountered in WWW. I keep coming back daily (if I can) because this is the site I consider as next to my home. I can pretty vent out anything, cry or laugh here. Share sensible or silly thoughts and what is the best about this site is I am not ignored. There is always someone who is willing to keep you company no matter what time of the day.:)
• Bangalore, India
23 Oct 10
Hi friend, Thanks for sharing.. yes people here are very friendly and they heartly welcome new comers and guide them to learn the mylot rules and guidelines and to enjoy mylotting.. Happy Mylotting..
• Malaysia
23 Oct 10
What is attract me to involve myself so frequent posting in Mylot?? The first thing, of course is purpose of getting paid by posting. I am easy get addicted in posting especially a program which can offer me 2 cents per post or more. I can make 10 post per day for a posting program such as Mylot.
• Bangalore, India
23 Oct 10
Hi Thanks for sharing.. hope you will enjoy mylot more and more along with earning.. Happy mylotting..
• India
23 Oct 10
1) So much of information you can get over here. 2) You can make lot of friends. 3) When in doubt, you can ask for help and you will get so many interesting solutions. 4) You can able to see people arguing or agreeing on the discussion. 5) I can post my own blogs here. 6) Share pictures with others. With all this amazing things you can do and by the end of the day you will be paid for it (sooo sweet)
• Bangalore, India
24 Oct 10
Hi friend, Very nicely listed out the facts.. Thanks for sharing.. Happy Mylotting..