Beyond "Believe it or Not"
By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
October 23, 2010 3:26pm CST
In September, 2001, the unthinkable, the unbelievable, the unimaginable happened. Simultaneous and deadly air attacks were committed against the United States of America in Pennsylvania, Washington, D.C, and New York City.
Thousands of innocent people died a horrible death in the "safest" country in the world.
To many who watched the horror it was, indeed, unbelievable, not reality, but, maybe the contrived imaginings of a Hollywood movie.
Fast forward to 2010.
The richest nation in the world is almost bankrupted.
The safest nation in the world is no longer safe.
The freedoms of its citizens are fast evaporating.
The Department of "Justice" refuses to prosecute Black Panther terrorists who denied Americans their RIGHT TO VOTE IN THEIR ONCE-FREE COUNTRY.
And more....
Those who live in "the land of the free and the home of the brave" now live in fear.
They are no longer "free" and many are not "brave". Most have not even a nodding acquaintance with truth.
If they dare to even speak the truth of the 2001 atrocities, they are targeted, like EVEN liberal, Juan Williams, not just us conservative thinkers who refuse to bow down to liberal tyranny, political correctness (aka "cultural Marxism" which is thought and speech reform for political gain over a perceived enemy), deception (aka taqiyya, to allow "permissible" lying to an enemy for the same reason and to disarm and distract one from truth), bullying, name-calling, race-baiting, threats and intimidation, character assassination, and a host of other horrors. (see 10/23/10 column by Rich Galen "On Juan Williams")
In FACT, "The Emperor Has No Clothes", yet a majority still march "lockstep" as with all dictators and as sheep to slaughter. Orwellian double-think and double-talk remains in play, as truth is no longer an option. The stealth and dark agendas of radicals, Marxist/Socialists, Communists ,Islam, NWO elites, evil forces all, hold the once free and "glorious under God" nation captive to their own apathy, complacency, lethargy, greed, loss of a unifying morality, rebellion, and defiance.
Divide and conquer; the UNITED States is no longer united, by their design to decieve, confuse, and confound in order to decimate and destroy.
The capacity of these collective forces to do harm dwarfs even that of Hitler. It's just too easy now to control through, not just force, but technology. As one union leader recently remarked, a la Saul Alinsky,: If they are not coerced by the persuasion of power, then it will have to be by the power of persuasion.
In 2010:
A Muslim usurper rules in the WH. He exists mostly in darkness, but enough evidence exists to prove he is not who he claims to be. (see citations at end of discussion)
Our "government" calls terrorists "enemy combatants" and our military and dissenting citizens "domestic terrorists".
Our "government" sues Arizona for protecting our citizens.
Our "government" refuses to do its defined duty to protect our citizens.
Our "government" confers civil rights on our enemies, aids and abets them financially and elsewise, while removing our civil rights and our hard-earned dollars in order to finance our enemies.
Our "government" demeans and debases our sovereignty at the foot of the corrupt UN.
A brave and heroic Army officer sits in jail awaiting courts martial for doing what is right, honorable, and duty-bound in standing for the truth and knowledge of just who the Commander-in-Chief of this country and our military is, while a "self-confessed" dual-national (by his own mouth and the State Department's recent admission), CLEARLY NOT ELIGIBLE AND CLEARLY NOT OUR LEGAL COMMANDER- IN -CHIEF
sits arrogantly, haughtily, and illegally in the WH, committing his stealthy part in the same jihad as occurred in 2001 and continues to date, surely and deliberately destroying from within, minute by minute, day by day. This enemy within has given us two years of he--, while he should not have sat in the WH for even one second.
Yet fear and intimidation rule and paralyze our Congress, courts, media, and unsuspecting citizens. None dare speak the truth for FEAR of reprisal.
Juan Williams was not the only one muzzled. And our freedom of speech and expression is essentially gone, facilitated by this monstrous figurehead, the lynchpin in the evil alliance of America- haters, who continues in jihad to aid and abet our enemies, sacrificing our money, freedom, protections and very lives through his corrupt mission; this is the coup de grace.
To say, "What's wrong with this picture?" trivializes the danger and the horror and the loss.
2010 IS in fact 9/11/01 in force and in form (Ground Zero Mosque! Outrageous violation and Muslim symbol of the vanquishing of an enemy, "in your face" debasement and dishonoring !), subtly hiding in stealth, in the way of Islam, waiting to strike, maim, disembowel, and behead, like a cancer waiting to erupt at the surface.
It is infinitely and disturbingly beyond "Believe it or Not". It is mind-boggling. It is the FACT and the maxim "Truth is stranger than fiction", fully realized and disarmingly, dangerously, infinitely REAL.
It is not confined to a museum (Ripley's Believe it or Not, NYC and Hollywood -fitting,huh?, NO ENDORSEMENT here, never been there, never want to go), but to the length and width and height and depth and breadth of the universe as we know it.
It is palpable and you can "cut it with a knife", but few dare to acknowledge it.
See and hear: Fife-the-first-time-I-heard-of Barack
www. Tom Fife Interview
and more......
See and hear: Gary Stearman interview with Avi Lipkin,7-27-10
and more......
3 responses
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
23 Oct 10
Sorry, you feel that way, trruk. Time will tell and truth will out. And it isn't going to be pretty.
I gave you my opinion, yes, but also facts and citations. I assume you either did not read them or deemed them unworthy.
All one can do is warn of impending harm and danger; it is up to those warned to recieve the warning and/or the consequences, as in, "don't put your hand in that fire...."

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Believe me, I'm WIDE awake. I just can't believe the paranoia that's overtaken some people in this country. Un-freaking-believable! Decadent, deadly, VOTER FRAUD (although there is NO evidence of such a thing!), illegal alien, treason...are there any other false accusations you can think of real quick?
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
28 Oct 10
Sorry, Annie, but it's your right to be wrong. I hope you and millions of others will wake up and smell the coffee before it's too late.
This coming election could tell the tale; democrats are so decadent and deadly that voter fraud is already in play.
After all they installed an illegal alien, foreign and domestic enemy into the WH, committing treason in order to win an election in 2008.
See dedicated democrat Gigi Gaston's documentary "We will not be silent", re how thug Obama stole the nomination from Hillary.
I AM NOT A REPUBLICAN either. I just hope we can save our country from the ruination the jihadist in the WH has planned and almost accomplished in these United States.

@djbtol (5493)
• United States
23 Oct 10
For the most part, everything you have said is true and has been documented in multiple places. The truth about such corrupt leadership is shocking, but someday people will look back, scratch their heads, and try to figure out why about half the country just went along with it. They will struggle to come up with an answer, and that answer will be blinded or stupid.
For those who can understand the truth about this current government, the challenge is how to process it. On the one hand we are not so far down the road that nothing can be done to improve our government. On the other hand if we rest on our laurels, we will find that others have been successful in changing the very core of this country.
Somehow we have to continue to mix cold hard facts about government and politics with day to day life in a real world. And the politicians that get elected will need to take a mega-dose of reality when they get to Washington. Time for pretending is over.
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
23 Oct 10
djbtol, Thank God for your understanding and wisdom. I just hope and PRAY that there will be time and a way of "turning back" from what appears to be imminent destruction.
I do pray that God will "make a way where there is no way."